You'd need 6 tanks at the very least for this, plus healers on all of them.
Other than that, I can see the dps running from room to room with most of them in emalons room for the adds, slowly working them all down. 60 seconds is a lot of time to kill them all, you could probably get them to 5/10% and have the tanks kill them when you call it out.
Actually, you'd only need maybe 3 tanks.
One for Emelon and Arch (honestly, neither one hits for shit), one for Kol and one for the adds.
And three top notch healers.
Emelon could be DPS'd down pretty quick, then you'd go for arch, all while having the other tank kite Kol around the center of the entire instance.
It wouldn't be easy, but it's certainly doable.
VaLiancY said:
At least someone downed Anub tonight. I was on Frost Sphere duty and we managed to get him up to 40 percent but to be fair it was a pug.
Oh and by the way -
Ugh, I don't know how people can do 25 man pugs.
Anyway, we found an easy way to do it was just have two locks on Frostsphere and then two tanks on the adds.
We'd kill the first set, then DPS the boss.
The reason we kill the first set is because they get a stacking buff if they are close to eachother.
Then, on phase three, we just use Bloodlust and burn him quickly.