SatelliteOfLove said:
Don't imagine that will happen; you're bound to be disappointed and I'd rather not play a game where everything is from a gameplay perspective "revealed" from the get-go. That would be boring as fuck.
I feel the complete opposite; watching little numbers go up so you can join a group to get new loot so your little numbers go up so you can join a raid to get new loot so your little numbers go up is monumentally boring.
By making statistics the sole focus of character growth, you run the risk of removing or diminishing player skill and creativity. Right now, to 'do your job right', you need a spreadsheet, loot calculators, and a web browser pointed to such pretentious theorycrafters as EJ.
At the far end of the stat-driven spectrum, victory is determined by having the biggest hammer, not the widest toolbox. WoW has not quite gotten to that point yet, and I am glad Blizzard has at least tried to make an effort to keep their stats under control.
However, if you make mechanics the focus of character growth (what a character does, not how hard they do it), and make the statistics behooven to abilities and simple enough that they can be quickly dealt with, then victory is much more likely to be the result of a player knowing their class, knowing what they're doing, and being able to read and react to changes.
Don't get me wrong, stat-driven games can be great, but there are far more interesting ways to have characters grow than just inflating the numbers that represent them. I'd much rather have absolutely transparent and easy stats and a wide number of interesting things to do. So when you fight a boss or encounter an enemy player, the winner isn't determined by who turns over their card and has the highest number, but who understands the hand they've been dealt, what their opponent is revealing in their strategy, and knowing what to do when.
Play War vs. Poker, and see which one bores you first.
Tamanon said:
Sounds to me like it'll be mastery.
I think so too; as you work deeper into a Tanking talent tree, your Defense stat will go up. I'm pretty sure Blizz has said they are removing Defense from gear, but not entirely from the game. We'll see how it works out, because that might make a major change to druid tanking. We'll have to wait and find out, but I'd much rather be tank worthy by virtue of my talent build than by the gear I've farmed.