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World of Warcraft

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Being thrown in the deep end tonight! applied to a new guild that fits my play times alittle better and my trails tonight in 25man Crusader (no idea if its heroic) :lol Would have preferred Ulduar as I know the encounters but atleast it will be interesting:D

Reckon my Gear will be ok for it?
My hunter
Kinda pisses me off I need Grimtoll just for the hit rating as id rather have Mirror or something oh well..


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, after I hit 200-225 with Fishing and Cooking, I'll get back on the leveling road with a goal of lvl 60 in a couple of weeks. The AH on my server is god awful for equipment though. If I can get my Enginneering up with my mining, I could at least make some guns for myself. =x
There no point in buying anything from the Ah equipment wise as well most of the pre 60 stuff is rubbish, outlands you get more gear then you know what to do with and northrend is well the same and of course it becomes redundant fast and you waste gold youll need for epic/cold flying

Fishing is damn helpful at endgame and it was defiantly worth leveling it up even starting at 80 theres and addon ive got that name escapes me but it allows you to right click to fish which is pretty useful.
This site was also a god send. look for the fishing with cooking guide which is what I followed and its awesome



Worships the porcelain goddess
Johnlenham said:
There no point in buying anything from the Ah equipment wise as well most of the pre 60 stuff is rubbish, outlands you get more gear then you know what to do with and northrend is well the same and of course it becomes redundant fast and you waste gold youll need for epic/cold flying

Fishing is damn helpful at endgame and it was defiantly worth leveling it up even starting at 80 theres and addon ive got that name escapes me but it allows you to right click to fish which is pretty useful.
This site was also a god send. look for the fishing with cooking guide which is what I followed and its awesome


Thanks for the link. So I would be okay with going ahead and getting back to lvling for now and come back to fishing/cooking a bit later?


Kintaro said:
Thanks for the link. So I would be okay with going ahead and getting back to lvling for now and come back to fishing/cooking a bit later?
Fishing and cooking is about the worse thing you could be doing with your time below 80. Getting to max should always be your number one priority. Tradeskills are all infinitely easier once you have access to run speed enchants, epic mounts and the ability to dodge low level mobs.


I dunno, if you get your cooking to 300 by the time you hit Outlands, you can level it up easily as you level. You won't have to spend any extra time whatsoever.


kinoki said:
I think you have it all wrong. We just used Judgement of Light and healing steam totems for Ph3. Remember, everyone (except tanks) needs to be at ~20%ish health constantly to not die from Blistering Cold. Don't top them off or you'll make it impossible to burn down. And make sure everyone, including healers, melee the boss.

[EDIT] The DoT in Ph3 deals damage equal to 20% of your current health and heals the boss for the same amount. Take for instance if you have 10 people with 20k hp and you manage to keep them topped constantly (for the sake of the argument) that means that the boss heals for 40k health every second. That means you need to have 40k dps from the raid, atleast. But, if everyone has 5000 hp the DoT will do 1k damage to everyone in the raid meaning only 10k hps to Anub meaning you'll only need to have over 10k dps to kill him.
Sounds like a job for Discipline priests.


kinoki said:
I think you have it all wrong. We just used Judgement of Light and healing steam totems for Ph3. Remember, everyone (except tanks) needs to be at ~20%ish health constantly to not die from Blistering Cold. Don't top them off or you'll make it impossible to burn down. And make sure everyone, including healers, melee the boss.

[EDIT] The DoT in Ph3 deals damage equal to 20% of your current health and heals the boss for the same amount. Take for instance if you have 10 people with 20k hp and you manage to keep them topped constantly (for the sake of the argument) that means that the boss heals for 40k health every second. That means you need to have 40k dps from the raid, atleast. But, if everyone has 5000 hp the DoT will do 1k damage to everyone in the raid meaning only 10k hps to Anub meaning you'll only need to have over 10k dps to kill him.
I know exactly how it works, and we were losing raid members. With a druid to roll Rejuvs on the raid everyone would automatically stabilize, and Lifeblooms on the Penetrating Cold victims would keep them safe without unnecessarily topping them off. What healers have you done it with?


Macattk15 said:
We just got A Tribute to Mad Skill (10) with 48 attempts left. Unfortunate wipe on Faction Champs and 1 wipe on Anub.

4 Trophies was pretty awesome.

Wow grats. We didn't get to try out hardmode yet as our best geared people never seem to make it on at the same time anymore : /

Are you guys a strict 10man guild? 25man doing 10? What was your raid comp?


Modesty becomes a woman
AceBandage said:
Actually, you'd only need maybe 3 tanks.
One for Emelon and Arch (honestly, neither one hits for shit), one for Kol and one for the adds.
And three top notch healers.

Emelon could be DPS'd down pretty quick, then you'd go for arch, all while having the other tank kite Kol around the center of the entire instance.

It wouldn't be easy, but it's certainly doable.

Ugh, I don't know how people can do 25 man pugs.
Anyway, we found an easy way to do it was just have two locks on Frostsphere and then two tanks on the adds.
We'd kill the first set, then DPS the boss.
The reason we kill the first set is because they get a stacking buff if they are close to eachother.
Then, on phase three, we just use Bloodlust and burn him quickly.

He picks up a tank, remember?


thatbox said:
What was your healer comp for heroic Anub 10? We bashed our heads against it for over 30 attempts last week but P3 got us every time. I think we needed a Resto druid, but I'm not sure what other people have been doing it with.

Resto druid, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman (who might of been elemental and healing in P3). Not sure.

The Priest and Shaman have legendaries.

J-Rzez said:
Wow grats. We didn't get to try out hardmode yet as our best geared people never seem to make it on at the same time anymore : /

Are you guys a strict 10man guild? 25man doing 10? What was your raid comp?

We're a 25 man guild. We're all quite geared. That and our raid comp was VERY VERY heavy melee.

Rogue (me), Feral, Blood DK, Enhance Shaman, Warrior Tank, Prot Pally, Resto Druid, Holy Priest, Resto/Elemental Shaman, Survival Hunter.

Oh and if you notice .... we only lived cause I'm awesome and Evasion tanked Anub while the rest of the raid died and 1 shaman kept me up.


We also killed the Northrend Beasts for the first time on Heroic 25 man last night .... jesus that was tough.
The mail Tier 9 helm for Horde is horrible. It's uninspired and looks like a low level blue item.

Meh. At least the shoulders are kind of cool looking.

Look at that crap



funkmastergeneral said:
The mail Tier 9 helm for Horde is horrible. It's uninspired and looks like a low level blue item.

Meh. At least the shoulders are kind of cool looking.

Look at that crap]

Please let's not talk about the "art" of the recent armor sets. I finally cooled down enough to just laugh at it anymore, don't need to get back into nerd rage status again :lol


funkmastergeneral said:
The mail Tier 9 helm for Horde is horrible. It's uninspired and looks like a low level blue item.

WTB Lord of the Rings Online's Cosmetic Slots and tabs. Of course, then every Paladin would appear in Tier 2, so... maybe not. :lol


In some ways I like paladin t6 more than t2, but those are the best sets for them in appearance at least.

For hunters I still think it's either t3/7 or one of their TBC sets (can't remember which... kind of want to say t4 or t5).

I'm not sure I've ever really liked any warrior set except t3/t7. I don't like the crazy shoulders the other sets have.

As far as shamans go, I think t5 is their best looking set. It just looks awesome no matter what type of shaman you are.
Got one of our priests the Legendary Mace from Ulduar tonight.
Man that was a sucky fight, but we did it.
And now we'll never run Ulduar again.


Lost all credibility.
Just completed my first 25-man raid. It took 3 nights of work, but we finally reached and downed Illidan. It was really an awesome experience.
explodet said:
Bah, it's all about the banana shoulders!


See, the thing about old sets was, even with buttfuckugly ones like this, is that they looked distinctive. You can see it, know what it is, and know what they are by sight. T8 has been one of the few recently that had a class-by-class basis as a whole.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
You know in the end, as my warrior, I walk in Orgrimmar with this set:


Oh those pms :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Kintaro said:
So, regarding cooking and fishing. Are these worth leveling in the long run?
Well, fish feast is a big plus and you get a lot of love for it.


sykoex said:
Just completed my first 25-man raid. It took 3 nights of work, but we finally reached and downed Illidan. It was really an awesome experience.
Downing Illidan for the first time is epic. Well done and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Alot of the Ulduar tier shares the same look as some of the items you get (helm of the furnace master which is ugly as fuck)

Windrunners isnt much better either >_>


I’ve gotten an alt warrior up to 80 and have been running heroics/easy raids trying to gear him up for uld/toc. With the changes from 3.2, I have some questions that I’m hoping a seasoned warrior player can help with, as all the information I’m finding is pre 3.2 so I’m not sure if it’s still accurate.

For pve raiding, is arms or fury the typical warrior dps build? I leveled fury (2 bloodied arcanite reapers), then switched to arms when I got lucky in my first h toc with the edge of ruin drop. I got a second edge of ruin last night, so I’ve dual specced into fury. Any links or tips to talent builds that are successful and rotations to go with them?

As far as gemming goes - I’ve read it’s hit cap, expertise cap, armor pentration, in that order. Is this still true? I’ve seen a lot of 80 warriors gemmed for strength (no extra armor pen) and a lot without any expertise at all.

And item stats – is order of importance: armor pen, ap, strength?

Sorry about so many questions, this is my first toon as melee so I feel like I’m pretty clueless when it comes to getting this stuff right.


ToddG15 said:
For pve raiding, is arms or fury the typical warrior dps build? I leveled fury (2 bloodied arcanite reapers), then switched to arms when I got lucky in my first h toc with the edge of ruin drop. I got a second edge of ruin last night, so I’ve dual specced into fury. Any links or tips to talent builds that are successful and rotations to go with them?

As far as gemming goes - I’ve read it’s hit cap, expertise cap, armor pentration, in that order. Is this still true? I’ve seen a lot of 80 warriors gemmed for strength (no extra armor pen) and a lot without any expertise at all.

fury outperforms arms at higher gear lvls in a raid setting

you should never have to gem to reach hit cap imo, there is enough hit on gear that you should be able to reach that 180 or 190 that is required to cap for yellow attacks, you need 26 expertise, although at 24 or 25 expertise you are fine and won't really notice much of a difference, the best case scenario is only having to reach the arp softcap if you have runestone or grim toll, you need like 50% arp to reach the softcap which is pretty easy just from gear at higher item levels, so then gemming for strength is better than arp

but really it depends on your gear, there isnt a defininate answer, and it really depends on what gear is available to you, i would just check out the warrior dps spreadsheet on the elitist jerks warrior forum, and play around with your gear combinations and see what works best for your character


yacobod said:
fury outperforms arms at higher gear lvls in a raid setting

you should never have to gem to reach hit cap imo, there is enough hit on gear that you should be able to reach that 180 or 190 that is required to cap for yellow attacks, you need 26 expertise, although at 24 or 25 expertise you are fine and won't really notice much of a difference, the best case scenario is only having to reach the arp softcap if you have runestone or grim toll, you need like 50% arp to reach the softcap which is pretty easy just from gear at higher item levels, so then gemming for strength is better than arp

but really it depends on your gear, there isnt a defininate answer, and it really depends on what gear is available to you, i would just check out the warrior dps spreadsheet on the elitist jerks warrior forum, and play around with your gear combinations and see what works best for your character
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware of an armor pen soft cap, so that's good to know. And I know a lot of this stuff is highly contingent on what gear you have, so I'm just trying to get the basics concepts (such as the caps) and I'll take it from there.

And I did try to go through elitestjerks, but I wasn't sure if it was updated for 3.2 and I couldn't find basic you want xx until you get to yy and then move on to zz points. It's the one major criticism I have with EJ, they are awesome theorycrafters and really know their stuff but their forums are so poorly organized (imo) that it's really hard to just pull out specific information you're looking for without reading 50 pages of theorycraft first.


ToddG15 said:
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware of an armor pen soft cap, so that's good to know. And I know a lot of this stuff is highly contingent on what gear you have, so I'm just trying to get the basics concepts (such as the caps) and I'll take it from there.

And I did try to go through elitestjerks, but I wasn't sure if it was updated for 3.2 and I couldn't find basic you want xx until you get to yy and then move on to zz points. It's the one major criticism I have with EJ, they are awesome theorycrafters and really know their stuff but their forums are so poorly organized (imo) that it's really hard to just pull out specific information you're looking for without reading 50 pages of theorycraft first.

the dps spreadsheet is updated for 3.2, it should be on the front page of the warrior class mechanics page, its called landsoul's spreadhsheet

the basic answers u are looking for should be in the stickied thread Simple Questions/Answers at the top of the page


yacobod said:
the dps spreadsheet is updated for 3.2, it should be on the front page of the warrior class mechanics page, its called landsoul's spreadhsheet

the basic answers u are looking for should be in the stickied thread Simple Questions/Answers at the top of the page
Awesome! Thanks again for the help. I’ll check out the spreadsheet and sticky when I get home from work. Evidently I’m just a giant bonehead if it’s as simple as that and I missed it. :)


Water is not wet!
So i came back to the game a week or so ago and im really liking the Argent Tournament stuff. i also finally finished my Loremaster and 3k Quest achievements for my DK main. Nothing like the idea that something might go away to kick me in high gear :lol Currently i am working on Insane and i am making decent progress. Grinding back Bloodsail rep really sucks hah! And it seems like ill get exalted with Zandalar since the arcanums i get for Shen'dralar rep cant be applied via trade any longer. The junkbox part of Insane im not looking forward to.. im going to have to level a rogue just for that. At least ill have the chest and shoulder +xp bonus by the time i get to that point.
ToddG15 said:
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't aware of an armor pen soft cap, so that's good to know. And I know a lot of this stuff is highly contingent on what gear you have, so I'm just trying to get the basics concepts (such as the caps) and I'll take it from there.

And I did try to go through elitestjerks, but I wasn't sure if it was updated for 3.2 and I couldn't find basic you want xx until you get to yy and then move on to zz points. It's the one major criticism I have with EJ, they are awesome theorycrafters and really know their stuff but their forums are so poorly organized (imo) that it's really hard to just pull out specific information you're looking for without reading 50 pages of theorycraft first.

With small, precious nuggets of wisdom and information swallowed up by vast swaths of obfuscating math and posturing. The mods of that place are also like GAF's evil twins.
Puncture said:
I loved the way Giantstalker looked on my Orc Hunter back in the day. Those shoulders :lol.

I fucking loved my hotpants. I liked the silver hotpants more than the purple.

Dragonstalker's original art was fucking awesome. It looked like fucking level 28 vendor armor.

Also EJ sucks and I'm so glad they are simplifying the fuck out of this game in the expansion. Having to depend on a third party to make any sense of your abilities is silly, and even worse when said third party is pretty damn horrible for half the classes.

Anyways I'm totally letting my account expire for now. It's fall, I am gonna get hooked on other games for a while.


Son of Godzilla said:

I fucking loved my hotpants. I liked the silver hotpants more than the purple.

Dragonstalker's original art was fucking awesome. It looked like fucking level 28 vendor armor.

Also EJ sucks and I'm so glad they are simplifying the fuck out of this game in the expansion. Having to depend on a third party to make any sense of your abilities is silly, and even worse when said third party is pretty damn horrible for half the classes.

Anyways I'm totally letting my account expire for now. It's fall, I am gonna get hooked on other games for a while.

I never thought about it but perhaps it is a little absurd. I have a spreadsheet for my hunter and Rawr for my lock and every possible drop has to be ran to find out if its an actual upgrade while taking into consideration items Im likely to get in the near future.

Its a game of chess definitely but perhaps simplifying it a bit would be good.


Son of Godzilla said:
Also EJ sucks and I'm so glad they are simplifying the fuck out of this game in the expansion. Having to depend on a third party to make any sense of your abilities is silly, and even worse when said third party is pretty damn horrible for half the classes.

With the removal of many confusing statistics, the shift from boring stat-boosting talents to Talent Mastery, and the changes we've already seen for Hunters (focus based) and Warlocks (Shard based), it is my hope that Blizzard has finally realized the flaws in their game design. By focusing less on statistics and more on mechanics, they limit the tyranny of numbers and put the focus back on gameplay decisions, player choice, and skill.

The shorthand: instead of turning over cards in War and trying to see who has the bigger number, we'll be playing Poker, where your choices and ability to read each situation and know your strengths plays a bigger part in victory than what shiny number you have over your head.


Wait, warlocks are losing mana? I thought they were just getting soul shards as kind of a supplemental system in addition to mana?

I'm looking forward to rerolling a goblin hunter. I quit my orc hunter a long time ago because he was just boring. I also hope the stat simplifications apply to heirlooms. It probably means a lot of the weapons will get stamina if they didn't have it before, but I don't really mind that. It'll be like learning a new class all over again imo, which should be a lot of fun.


firex said:
Wait, warlocks are losing mana? I thought they were just getting soul shards as kind of a supplemental system in addition to mana?

They're keeping mana, but (at least as I understand it) nearly every single warlock spell now has some shard-based variable, be it instant cast, extra damage, etc. Shards will no longer be something you stock up on and then burn through; from what I gather Locks will manage shards the way Deathknights manage runes; knowing when to use a shard and when to hold off will make or break warlock combat.

It's not replacing mana, but if it is implemented the way people seem to think it will, Warlocks will play different in a very fundamental way.

firex said:
I'm looking forward to rerolling a goblin hunter. I quit my orc hunter a long time ago because he was just boring. I also hope the stat simplifications apply to heirlooms. It probably means a lot of the weapons will get stamina if they didn't have it before, but I don't really mind that. It'll be like learning a new class all over again imo, which should be a lot of fun.

I'm hoping that with the changes to talents, a lot of classes will play differently in very interesting ways. For example, Blizzard has said they are cutting the boring, stat-boosting talents out of the trees in favor of more 'fun' choices. Here's an example I put together really quick;


The talents marked with a bomb are stat-boosting talents, plain and simple. If Blizzard means what they say, all of those talents are gone. The talents with the heartbreak icon have a stat-boosting element, but also have some additional effect. I would expect those talents to change, merge, or go away completely.

I was also pretty generous, a lot of talents (like Improved Blessing of Might, Wisdom, etc). just sit there and modify an ability you already have; hardly what I would call fun, but I don't think Blizzard will be 100% true to their word, and we'll still see a lot of things that tweak other things.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
firex said:
Wait, warlocks are losing mana? I thought they were just getting soul shards as kind of a supplemental system in addition to mana?

I'm looking forward to rerolling a goblin hunter. I quit my orc hunter a long time ago because he was just boring. I also hope the stat simplifications apply to heirlooms. It probably means a lot of the weapons will get stamina if they didn't have it before, but I don't really mind that. It'll be like learning a new class all over again imo, which should be a lot of fun.


Here you go. This is what the new warlock interface will look like. :)


wow, that shard interface actually looks pretty cool. I don't fully expect blizzard to get rid of all the talents that boost spells passively and stuff, but the way I understand it, it sounds like talents that increase crit/expertise/% of stats will be going away. I just wonder what they're going to fill them with. If I had to guess, we'll get more "improved ability" talents, but they might make those talents offer some unique changes. I want to say it's like Ranks and Advantages in Champions Online, but honestly, that system is really poor compared to WoW's talents. But the idea of like spending points to change how base abilities work is kinda similar, I suppose.

The one thing I wonder about is they said all tanks get crit immunity by default for going deep into their tanking tree, so I wonder if that means it'll be a talent or a part of mastery. I guess it remains to be seen how mastery will really work. If they get crazy with it, then having crit immunity as a part of mastery wouldn't be unbalanced, because regular talents would be more about customizing abilities to work in a specific/unique way.
Son of Godzilla said:
I'm so glad they are simplifying the fuck out of this game in the expansion. Having to depend on a third party to make any sense of your abilities is silly, and even worse when said third party is pretty damn horrible for half the classes.

Don't imagine that will happen; you're bound to be disappointed and I'd rather not play a game where everything is from a gameplay perspective "revealed" from the get-go. That would be boring as fuck.

No, hopefully there's a removal of contrived BS, and a return of learning curves, so you don't any longer have "LEARN THIS SIMPLE RIGID COOLDOWN ROTATION TO BEAT NORMAL MODES", then a huuuuuuuuuge jump in work, understanding and excellence to get to the rarified air of HM work with nothing in between. It is very hard to learn on the job now, as it were.
Did Hodir's hard mode on 10 man last night and I gotta say it was one of the most exciting things I've done in WoW in a long time. We wiped like 4 or 5 times, but each time we were burning him fast enough, just folks died stupidly. On the last try a couple people actually died within a minute of the timer expiring and we ultimately beat him with around 10sec to spare :lol

Our hunter surpassed 10k threat a few times which was crazy. The rage starvation I experience during that fight is really a pain, especially when multiple dps are totally nuking the boss ha


firex said:
wow, that shard interface actually looks pretty cool. I don't fully expect blizzard to get rid of all the talents that boost spells passively and stuff, but the way I understand it, it sounds like talents that increase crit/expertise/% of stats will be going away. I just wonder what they're going to fill them with. If I had to guess, we'll get more "improved ability" talents, but they might make those talents offer some unique changes. I want to say it's like Ranks and Advantages in Champions Online, but honestly, that system is really poor compared to WoW's talents. But the idea of like spending points to change how base abilities work is kinda similar, I suppose.

The one thing I wonder about is they said all tanks get crit immunity by default for going deep into their tanking tree, so I wonder if that means it'll be a talent or a part of mastery. I guess it remains to be seen how mastery will really work. If they get crazy with it, then having crit immunity as a part of mastery wouldn't be unbalanced, because regular talents would be more about customizing abilities to work in a specific/unique way.

Sounds to me like it'll be mastery.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Don't imagine that will happen; you're bound to be disappointed and I'd rather not play a game where everything is from a gameplay perspective "revealed" from the get-go. That would be boring as fuck.

I feel the complete opposite; watching little numbers go up so you can join a group to get new loot so your little numbers go up so you can join a raid to get new loot so your little numbers go up is monumentally boring.

By making statistics the sole focus of character growth, you run the risk of removing or diminishing player skill and creativity. Right now, to 'do your job right', you need a spreadsheet, loot calculators, and a web browser pointed to such pretentious theorycrafters as EJ.

At the far end of the stat-driven spectrum, victory is determined by having the biggest hammer, not the widest toolbox. WoW has not quite gotten to that point yet, and I am glad Blizzard has at least tried to make an effort to keep their stats under control.

However, if you make mechanics the focus of character growth (what a character does, not how hard they do it), and make the statistics behooven to abilities and simple enough that they can be quickly dealt with, then victory is much more likely to be the result of a player knowing their class, knowing what they're doing, and being able to read and react to changes.

Don't get me wrong, stat-driven games can be great, but there are far more interesting ways to have characters grow than just inflating the numbers that represent them. I'd much rather have absolutely transparent and easy stats and a wide number of interesting things to do. So when you fight a boss or encounter an enemy player, the winner isn't determined by who turns over their card and has the highest number, but who understands the hand they've been dealt, what their opponent is revealing in their strategy, and knowing what to do when.

Play War vs. Poker, and see which one bores you first.

Tamanon said:
Sounds to me like it'll be mastery.

I think so too; as you work deeper into a Tanking talent tree, your Defense stat will go up. I'm pretty sure Blizz has said they are removing Defense from gear, but not entirely from the game. We'll see how it works out, because that might make a major change to druid tanking. We'll have to wait and find out, but I'd much rather be tank worthy by virtue of my talent build than by the gear I've farmed.


I think it might be mastery for druid/pally/warrior, but I'm not sure how they could do it for Death Knights since every tree is supposedly for tanking. Hell, DKs must be hell on the entire concept of mastery.
Tamanon said:
I think it might be mastery for druid/pally/warrior, but I'm not sure how they could do it for Death Knights since every tree is supposedly for tanking. Hell, DKs must be hell on the entire concept of mastery.

DK's mastery is "awesome"; as they spec into any tree they become more awesome in every way. In response to complaints from other classes, 3 months after it goes live, it will be changed to "gimp"; as they spec into any tree they will become more gimp in ever way. At least, that's what I'd guess given the approach the designers have taken to DKs so far.


Beast Mastery

* The Beast Within: The duration of this talent has been reduced to 10 seconds. In addition, hunters with this talent will do 10% additional damage at all times.
* Bestial Wrath: The duration of this talent has been reduced to 10 seconds.

*kicks a puppy*
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