hadar said:
Not saying the nerf isnt too fast too furious (horrible goddamn pun I know) but if you play any serious 3s you'll realize beastcleave is rapidly gaining popularity and is the most annoying shit to meet. Hell, it's pretty much uncounterable except for obscure double healer prot warrior teams.
Besides, SK-gaming standings shouldn't be used as the rule when measuring class power, the DK is currently the less popular class in 3s and you dont think they need buffs, do you?
Edit: Just finished reading the patch notes, apparently the talent will increase damage by 10% all the time, not just when BW is up, so in the end it's a kind of buff?
No friend, allow me to explain, a BM hunters dps in an optimal situation is roughly 60% hunter 40% pet give or take, a 10% buff in the hunters personal damage does not equate to anywhere NEAR an actual 10% increase in damage done. So the buff is roughly half of that when you count in the decreased dps from BW uptime within the change, and add an extra 4% total dps output to a BM hunter leaves him hundreds of dps (hundreds and hundreds) below SV and marks STILL and they STILL scale much much worse than those other two specs.
10% is a pretty number to get people who dont play hunters (and thus dont understand them) to think that they will come out ahead, when in essence its a "buff" small enough to ensure that it doesnt make up for the BM nerf in PvP and doesnt make up the ground between it and SV/MM in PvE leaving BM without a home in PvE and now without a home in the small niche PvP that it was JUST starting to establish.
And if you play any serious 3's can you explain how you feel about RMP holding 33% representation against this new and upcoming Beast cleaves 3% riding on the back of its recent popularity and then being surgically destroyed? Remember, this patch didnt just nerf the hunter, the other patch notes are nerfs to Shamans (which is another class that is a part of this new Beast Cleave comp). The shaman nerfs are along the same lines as the BW nerf, to remove that classes ability to counter CC's. They just systematically removed what allowed that comp to be viable. And they have nothing to say for the RMP combo sitting at a whopping 30%+ and GAINING in popularity for over a YEAR.
Theres no justifying this one, you cant really point to this new up and coming and call it justified just because someone somewhere figured out how to take two of the worst PvP represented classes and make them semi work.
Hell, it's pretty much uncounterable except for obscure double healer prot warrior teams.
Its funny that you say this, because until the BM hunter Enh Shaman combination, the RMP mega popular combo was thought to be completely UN-COUNTERABLE except for this particular one. I dont see how these changes can be argued for without some extreme extreme extreme double standards. For crying out loud the actually extended the length of BW back in the day, it used to only be like 15 seconds and they added time to make it 18. Now a roll back to 10, its amazing.
They waited two weeks, then they killed the only composition that was able to defeat the king of the hill.
This is the same cockheaded reasons Disco ate a penance nerf: some hyperskilled arena junkie managed to beast thru melee teams using it in a godly manner, bada boom, bada whathahfugg you see it nerfed because SOMEONE could use it at that rarified air of play.
Blizzard has become very bad this expansion about caring only for the very best and very worst players' time in-game.
I think thats why it eats at me so, that and that I played a hunter up until about a month ago from way back in beta so I obviously still care about the class even though Ive completely given up on PvP and started playing a warlock as my main.
I want to believe that they are better than that. That the changes are genuinely due to them wanting to make BM viable in PvE. But jesus, there are so many quotes from GC along the lines of "BM is lacking in a lot of areas and we know that" and with this timing, its just to perfect.
I mean two weeks after the victory massive nerfs? And not just to one of the 3 classes, but TWO of them SIMULTANEOUSLY in one patch? They couldnt space out the BM hunter and the shaman nerf? Maybe we wouldnt have made the connection if they nerfed shaman a month from now, but holy shit, 2 weeks? Do you know how long people have wanted vanish fixed? Pets fixed from dismounting and having 20% health? Shadowpriests have all kinds of issues, so many bugs and small changes that need addressed, and this shit here managed to shoot to the top of the list within 2 freaking weeks? I just cant ignore that no matter how much of a fan of Blizzard I am. Feels like they are just pissing in the players faces just because they can.