evlcookie said:Any tips from the DK's out there when it comes to leveling? I'm currently unholy with some points in blood at level 60, Just found some random talent build / guide on a website :lol
It does seem to be going well though. I'm loving the DK class, so much fun.
Gear is still going to matter. It won't be like you can tank in pure dps gear (you won't have the HP for it), and they said nothing about removing block/parry/dodge ratings from gear. Just defense rating, which I approve of because right now it's stupid gearing up a non-druid tank. Items that are clear upgrades in every other area can drop you below the cap unless you completely redo all your gems/enchants in your other gear, compared to other classes being able to replace stuff and function better without having to do that after every incremental upgrade.Retro said:I think so too; as you work deeper into a Tanking talent tree, your Defense stat will go up. I'm pretty sure Blizz has said they are removing Defense from gear, but not entirely from the game. We'll see how it works out, because that might make a major change to druid tanking. We'll have to wait and find out, but I'd much rather be tank worthy by virtue of my talent build than by the gear I've farmed.
firex said:Gear is still going to matter. It won't be like you can tank in pure dps gear (you won't have the HP for it), and they said nothing about removing block/parry/dodge ratings from gear.
evlcookie said:Any tips from the DK's out there when it comes to leveling? I'm currently unholy with some points in blood at level 60, Just found some random talent build / guide on a website :lol
It does seem to be going well though. I'm loving the DK class, so much fun.
Retro said:I feel the complete opposite; watching little numbers go up so you can join a group to get new loot so your little numbers go up so you can join a raid to get new loot so your little numbers go up is monumentally boring.
By making statistics the sole focus of character growth, you run the risk of removing or diminishing player skill and creativity. Right now, to 'do your job right', you need a spreadsheet, loot calculators, and a web browser pointed to such pretentious theorycrafters as EJ.
At the far end of the stat-driven spectrum, victory is determined by having the biggest hammer, not the widest toolbox. WoW has not quite gotten to that point yet, and I am glad Blizzard has at least tried to make an effort to keep their stats under control.
However, if you make mechanics the focus of character growth (what a character does, not how hard they do it), and make the statistics behooven to abilities and simple enough that they can be quickly dealt with, then victory is much more likely to be the result of a player knowing their class, knowing what they're doing, and being able to read and react to changes.
Don't get me wrong, stat-driven games can be great, but there are far more interesting ways to have characters grow than just inflating the numbers that represent them. I'd much rather have absolutely transparent and easy stats and a wide number of interesting things to do. So when you fight a boss or encounter an enemy player, the winner isn't determined by who turns over their card and has the highest number, but who understands the hand they've been dealt, what their opponent is revealing in their strategy, and knowing what to do when.
Play War vs. Poker, and see which one bores you first.
SatelliteOfLove said:We're not actually arguing black and white here, in fact, what you're fearing to come to pass actually is here; many specs ARE stuck in cookie cutter builds and playstyles, and with each new patch the noose draws tighter.
SatelliteOfLove said:There used to be a refining of gameplay, and more wiggle-room around the core talents. Now? Too much worry from the developers about trees getting outta control in the hands of experts, or fear that people can't do 15 minutes of reading to get the jist of their stats. Even something as simple as "Go AP over AGL." "Pick Haste over Crit, but dont let Crit get below 12%", etc. and needs enforced simplification. I'm hopeful for an elegant learning curve this coming go around instead.
Amen to that. I'm glad they are getting rid of all these supplemental stats.Retro said:Right, and I think part of the problem now is that things change so rapidly, and there are so many stats, it's hard to tell what your stat focus should be. MP5? Spirit? Spell Hit? Crit? When you can't look at a character sheet and say "Ah, I want to go for Stat X, Y, Z", and are forced to research your class, then it's no surprise that there are so many 'bads' running around who thought they were buying a game, not a lifestyle.
J-Rzez said:Go for a blood build, as it has the least amount of downtime, aka, Zero. I used that to level to 80, then used a blood tank build and unholy pvp/dps build. Now, still a Blood tank, but I bounce between Blood and Unholy for my DPS needs. Unholy is still better in PVP i believe, due to the more cc you get, plus ignoring armor with magic damage is nice.
Puncture said:What in the fuck is their thought process there? A low level guard or two? The hell...
My favorite thing to do after losing Wintergrasp these days is to fly up to the roof and see how many ambitious horde I can thunderstorm back off. Helps let off the steam.Fulleffect said:yeah im away boomkin / ele sha / rogue can topgun them
:lol Weapons are one thing that you can't just get by floating through a Naxx 25. I mean I know people who still run Naxx 25 JUST for Kel'Thuzud and his weapons. The lack of weapons if you aren't running Uld+ content is just insane.keeblerdrow said:Or just get floated through a Naxx25. You'd probably come out the other side with a couple weapons, easy.
rhfb said::lol Weapons are one thing that you can't just get by floating through a Naxx 25. I mean I know people who still run Naxx 25 JUST for Kel'Thuzud and his weapons. The lack of weapons if you aren't running Uld+ content is just insane.
rhfb said:The arena weapons are decent if you can get high enough rating, or you can run HToC every day and HOPE you get the dude instead of the chick and then HOPE your weapon drops (IT NEVER DOES). Damn I'm beginning to hate HToC because I've got exactly 1 upgrade from it for my main spec and I'd say 10 or 11 things for my off spec...
evlcookie said:Are there any tricks to tanking as a dk at low levels? I did some quick reading and i can't see any major difference in spells or even rotations to what im doing right now as i level with blood spec.
I'm guessing i don't need to worry about def cap and so on. But is there anything i should be aware of? I got asked to tank one or two of the instances in the outlands but ignored them for fear i would suck :lol
I think is point was more that you can't get weapons from a group that will carry you through Naxx, because the only reason anyone still runs it is for the KT weapons. For all the other bosses it might be an all-you-can-eat buffet, but once KT goes down you'll be rolling against people who came only for those drops and will argue that you shouldn't be allowed to roll since you got all this other crap off of trash bosses.keeblerdrow said:226s, maybe. But if you need just a couple of 213s to get you by, Naxx floats are good for that.
Mr Nash said:So, have they made it easier to level in Outlands recently? I rolled a dk on a server where some RL friends are the other day, and I've just been ploughing through the levels on this go around.
border said:Is Faction Champions as bad as everyone says it is? Random aggro tables, having to adjust everything on the fly, etc?
TomServo said:I don't think I'm going to make it to Icecrown Citadel.
ToC is just too fucking boring. I'll admit we're still on Northrend Beasts in Heroic 25, had Icehowl down to 6% last night. It's not the wiping that's getting to me. It's that the mechanics of the fight don't change, it just tightens up the dps / healing / cooldown requirements. There's so little motivation for me to progress in H ToC since I've already seen all of the content / encounters.
I actually like that progression is difficult again, but having already seeing everything in the faceroll easy modes has just ruined it for me. Progressing through H ToC all we have to look forward to is the same encounter with bigger incoming damage, more boss health, and enrage timers.
Maybe if I gave a shit about epeen or gear I'd feel different. I dunno. I really want to kill Arthas (and quit), but I'm not sure I'll last that long.
Pretty much summed up my thoughts here. I already got tired of the place in ONE week after running both normal and heroic instances on both 10man and 25, and seeing the same fights again and again and again. And the place feels like such... filler content.TomServo said:I don't think I'm going to make it to Icecrown Citadel.
ToC is just too fucking boring. I'll admit we're still on Northrend Beasts in Heroic 25, had Icehowl down to 6% last night. It's not the wiping that's getting to me. It's that the mechanics of the fight don't change, it just tightens up the dps / healing / cooldown requirements. There's so little motivation for me to progress in H ToC since I've already seen all of the content / encounters.
I actually like that progression is difficult again, but having already seeing everything in the faceroll easy modes has just ruined it for me. Progressing through H ToC all we have to look forward to is the same encounter with bigger incoming damage, more boss health, and enrage timers.
Maybe if I gave a shit about epeen or gear I'd feel different. I dunno. I really want to kill Arthas (and quit), but I'm not sure I'll last that long.
Weenerz said:Been banned for a month, so I get to play catch-up with the GAFers. Guild has cleared 10/25 regular ToC, as well as having 44 attempts left on ToC heroic, and we're working on faction champs on 25 (ugh).
Considering my main raider has been only 80 since August 11th (got tired of my warrior, decided I wanted to play my enhancement shaman), I think I've done pretty well for myself.
We should actually get at least mad skill if not insanity this tuesday when the 10 man heroic resets. Fun times.
Insured said:Pretty much summed up my thoughts here. I already got tired of the place in ONE week after running both normal and heroic instances on both 10man and 25, and seeing the same fights again and again and again. And the place feels like such... filler content.
Sure it's filler content, but it's where the highest tier items are now, and thus our guild is raiding mostly that, and I can't stand it, so ya =/funkmastergeneral said:Well...That's what it is. Filler content between Ulduar and Icecrown. I believe there was a blue post stating they didn't want every raid to be huge and epic like Ulduar, maybe every other one. Personally I think it's a pretty neat design and the Faction Champs, while infuriating at times, is a cool fight. The Twins have some interesting mechanics as well. I just wish that Regular ToC was a bit harder, because at the moment it's ridiculously easy to blow through.
I said that too, but it's so refreshing, that if it came out in two weeks I wouldn't even consider coming back.Flib said:I was so burnt out on ToC and Ulduar, quitting the game has been absolutely wonderful. I'll probably start playing again when Icecrown comes around (just because I really want to see it), but I've been enjoying all of my free time.
Flib said:I was so burnt out on ToC and Ulduar, quitting the game has been absolutely wonderful. I'll probably start playing again when Icecrown comes around (just because I really want to see it), but I've been enjoying all of my free time.
Honestly, I think the burnout you're talking about is almost inevitable among the sane; you can't grind away at a game like this for years at a time without experiencing significant burnout.TomServo said:If I could get assurance from my guild leader that I'd be brought back on when Icecrown goes live, I'd quit today.
Even the t9 armor bores me. As a warlock we always had a pretty distinct look compared to priests and mages. Something isn't right about my tier gear being a pallete swap with a holy priest's.
Weenerz said:The regular versions aren't very difficult at all, just make sure you purge/dispell the hots and bloodlust/heroism. Don't even need CC on regular versions since the tank can taunt and hold the painful mobs.
On heroic, it's an entirely different story, the 25 man version, each mob has at least 2.5 million hp, the physical melee dps classes almost 1 shot clothies and will 2 shot anything but the "tanks". All mobs are immune to taunt as well. The mage hits for about 16k per arcane blast and the heals heal for a shit load more. Very painful indeed.
Sai-kun said:I need a (new) weapon.
I've had my ilvl200 crossbow from H UK since..well...since like I first ran H UK. :< But nothing ever drops from the once in a while i get invited to go to Ulduar. Gr.
Angry Grimace said:Honestly, I think the burnout you're talking about is almost inevitable among the sane; you can't grind away at a game like this for years at a time without experiencing significant burnout.
Flib said:I was so burnt out on ToC and Ulduar, quitting the game has been absolutely wonderful. I'll probably start playing again when Icecrown comes around (just because I really want to see it), but I've been enjoying all of my free time.
rhfb said:Damn it would be nice if there were some weapons above the old heroic level that could be purchased with badges :| I mean you can basically get everything else, but the weapons are still from the crappy 200iLvL vendor :|
firex said:I'm kind of glad I keep my weekend warrior approach to the game. if I do play it during the week, I'm just leveling alts or something, but most of the time I don't even raid stuff. I just do heroics or keep leveling alts (well, one alt, my warrior) on weekends. It's a pretty fun game to play at my own pace with a few goals in mind. guess it doesn't hurt that arms warrior is the most fun I've had leveling anyone in awhile.