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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You won't even notice how much of your time and energy this game drains away until you're gone. :lol

It's like crack; you can't quit until you find a new drug (a great book series, an offline game, etc.)


Angry Grimace said:
You won't even notice how much of your time and energy this game drains away until you're gone. :lol

It's like crack; you can't quit until you find a new drug (a great book series, an offline game, etc.)

I make it a point to take 3-6 month breaks (usually between content releases) whenever I start to get that treadmill feeling. Usually do it in the fall, since I spend more time outdoors and there's usually a lot of new games coming out to distract me.

Right now I'm kind of breaking the rule, but since I'm playing on an Alt (that I intend to transfer to my brother's account anyways) on a different server than my mains, I'm not too worried. Being unemployed, it's actually providing a nice distraction from the methodical OCD-type cleaning I'd be doing otherwise.

But yeah, it's very very very important to watch how much time you spend playing this beast. Set some limits on how much you'll play and stick to it... and find a damn comfortable chair or you'll be sorry :lol .

Chris R

funkmastergeneral said:
Pretty much ever class has great weapon drops from H ToC 5, and they're adding a dagger in 3.2.2
I've already bitched about this before. My weapon drops from the dude, so it is a 50/50 (lol ya right right now for me its more like 80/20) chance of him even being in the instance to begin with. Then I have to hope the weapon drops from that, and then I win the roll since it seems everyone and their mother needs 2.6 maces now. If the mace dropped from the final boss, I'd have no problem, or if the loot table of the 2nd boss was unified I'd again have no problem.


Lost all credibility.
So I'm lvl 80 now and I'm just wondering, can someone explain to me how rep grinds are supposed to be better now than in the old world? When I wanted a epic saber mount, all i had to was blast through some starting zone quests, pay for some cloth, and I had my mount in the span of a day. Meanwhile in Northrend I can only do rep quests ONCE a day, I have to repeat them over and over, they're usually some convoluted quest where you're controlling some janky vehicle or something, keeping track of what daily quests I've done and haven't done are a pain (god forbid there's an in-game UI for this with lockout countdowns). It just feels like it's gonna take forever and a day to get anything worthwhile. Like I was doing the Frenzyheart dailies, but it took so long to gain any amount of rep with them that I ended up leveling to the point where I could loot an item better than the one I was working towards, so everything I did with them was a complete waste of time. Sorry for whining, I mean I still love the game but some things about it just frustrate me.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm just glad I get bored of the game quickly enough when I hit level cap that I stop playing. However I must admit that before my PC went bust I was strangely enjoying the time when I was leveling fishing and cooking whilst watching through the backlog of Japanese movies I had at the same time.

I have all of these alts stuck at level 30 before Blizzard fixed the experience around and I haven't touched them since. The problem is if I join as that character, I have no idea what the heck I am doing because I've been so far away from that class.

sykoex said:
So I'm lvl 80 now and I'm just wondering, can someone explain to me how rep grinds are supposed to be better now than in the old world? When I wanted a epic saber mount, all i had to was blast through some starting zone quests, pay for some cloth, and I had my mount in the span of a day. Meanwhile in Northrend I can only do rep quests ONCE a day, I have to repeat them over and over, they're usually some convoluted quest where you're controlling some janky vehicle or something, keeping track of what daily quests I've done and haven't done are a pain (god forbid there's an in-game UI for this with lockout countdowns). It just feels like it's gonna take forever and a day to get anything worthwhile. Like I was doing the Frenzyheart dailies, but it took so long to gain any amount of rep with them that I ended up leveling to the point where I could loot an item better than the one I was working towards, so everything I did with them was a complete waste of time. Sorry for whining, I mean I still love the game but some things about it just frustrate me.
I can agree with you. The reputations, for me, are a joke to build up. I think I've only got a handful of factions at Exalted.


All the dungeon factions are pretty easy to build up. Buy a tabard, run instances (which you do anyway if you want to get gear) and get exalted quick.

There's also a lot of daily hubs for most of those factions, although they should add more for each one.


Water is not wet!
i really like the quest chains that make you out to be a moron :lol Like the Hakkar questline in Tanaris, the Myzrael chain in Arathi, and the Drakuru quests in Grizzly hills. You are just this naive simpleton doing tasks for people without question and it turns out you are the cause for some troubles in the world. i wish there were a few more like this.


sykoex said:
So I'm lvl 80 now and I'm just wondering, can someone explain to me how rep grinds are supposed to be better now than in the old world? When I wanted a epic saber mount, all i had to was blast through some starting zone quests, pay for some cloth, and I had my mount in the span of a day.

My guess is that in "old world" you never did any of the endgame reputations beyond your faction's races.


It was not as simple as a few quests and some cloth turn-ins. Brood of Nozdormu and Argent Dawn were huge asswhip grinds that took either a ton of money or a ton of time. Some factions you could not even rep-up with unless you were running in a 20-40-man raid (Hydraxian Waterlords, Zandalar Tribe). Factions like Thorium Brotherhood required you to turn in stuff that only dropped in Molten Core (though I guess you could buy that stuff on the AH as well). Once you reached Neutral with Brood of Nozdormu you lost all your reputation quests and could only rep up by killing the final bosses and getting tokens in AQ40.

Faction reputations are as simple and easy as they ever were. In WotLK, endgame reputations just require you to wear a tabard when you run dungeons (or do some dailies). You can pretty much buy your way to Exalted with Sons of Hodir, if you so chose.


Number 2 said:
i really like the quest chains that make you out to be a moron :lol Like the Hakkar questline in Tanaris, the Myzrael chain in Arathi, and the Drakuru quests in Grizzly hills. You are just this naive simpleton doing tasks for people without question and it turns out you are the cause for some troubles in the world. i wish there were a few more like this.

Yeah they really reused that scenario way to much.

Arthas: "Surprise dude! Youve been helping the Lich King all along!"

Me: "D'oh" /slaps forehead

It happened way to much... that and Arthas is my size when I see him on THIS quest, then when I see him on another quest in THAT zone he is the size of Onyxia.


Subconscious Brolonging
sykoex said:
So I'm lvl 80 now and I'm just wondering, can someone explain to me how rep grinds are supposed to be better now than in the old world? When I wanted a epic saber mount, all i had to was blast through some starting zone quests, pay for some cloth, and I had my mount in the span of a day. Meanwhile in Northrend I can only do rep quests ONCE a day, I have to repeat them over and over, they're usually some convoluted quest where you're controlling some janky vehicle or something, keeping track of what daily quests I've done and haven't done are a pain (god forbid there's an in-game UI for this with lockout countdowns). It just feels like it's gonna take forever and a day to get anything worthwhile. Like I was doing the Frenzyheart dailies, but it took so long to gain any amount of rep with them that I ended up leveling to the point where I could loot an item better than the one I was working towards, so everything I did with them was a complete waste of time. Sorry for whining, I mean I still love the game but some things about it just frustrate me.

You didn't play pre-BC I take it. Back then daily quests didn't even exist, the only way to get rep was to grind mobs. And the amount of rep you got per kill was 10x less than it is today, and I mean that literally. They eventually (with BC I think) bumped up the amount of rep you got per kill by ten times, but before that it took nothing but sheer grinding for weeks/months to get a rep up.


not to mention in the old world you'd get 25-50 rep per turnin for a lot of stuff. Significantly more was given for later factions (Brood of Nozdormu, basically) because Blizzard realized nobody wanted to raid a dungeon for a full year killing trash constantly just to hit exalted, but before patch 2.0 (the patch before TBC), anyone having exalted reputation with any faction meant they either played AV too much or poopsocked to an extreme unheard of by normal people.


Lost all credibility.
You guys are making me feel like it really isn't so bad. I still think rep grinding could be a lot better though, they should make it like regular leveling where you get lots more rewards along the way to keep you going towards that awesome mount/gear/enchant (stuff like the buffs you can buy from Frenzyheart once you're friendly with them is a start).


Yeah, I remember when seeing a character riding another race's mount (gnome on nightsaber or whatever) was an occasion to stop and stare.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Evlar said:
Yeah, I remember when seeing a character riding another race's mount (gnome on nightsaber or whatever) was an occasion to stop and stare.

Just think of all the Runecloth they've grinded. I remember the amount of time gnome mages spent in Western Plaguelands, just outside Uther's tomb, farming the undead there as frost for hours every single day. All just because they wanted a Darnassian mount. :)


but ever so delicious
Evlar said:
Yeah, I remember when seeing a character riding another race's mount (gnome on nightsaber or whatever) was an occasion to stop and stare.

That was me! :D . Day 1 on TBC opening, who was that fat dwarf on a draenei mount, that was me! I got so many whispers with WTF and so on.

I also hit rank 11 in pvp just so i could buy all the mounts.

Ah the good ol days

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
You guys are making me feel like it really isn't so bad. I still think rep grinding could be a lot better though, they should make it like regular leveling where you get lots more rewards along the way to keep you going towards that awesome mount/gear/enchant (stuff like the buffs you can buy from Frenzyheart once you're friendly with them is a start).
The fact that it used to be borderline impossible doesn't remove the fact that almost none of the grinds are strictly necessary for any of the game's content and mostly mask the fact that you have to do 30 min. of inherently non-fun work for 28~ days for questionable rewards.

I can't really recommend doing ANY of the rep-grinds beyond the basic level Sons of Hodir to get shoulder enchants, and the championable ones to get the head enchants.

My personal thought is that it's just a barely-disguised way to force you to keep leveling after you've hit max level. And significantly less fun than leveling too, since the rewards hardly match the amount of effort required, and the amount you can do is completely hardcapped.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Okay, we got this guild application yesterday from a prot paladin. He did a really bad job with the BBCode so he managed to break the link to his armory-page. I type his name manually into armory and can't find him. "Hmm, that's odd," I think to myself. Then I go back into his post and fix the broken armory-link. Click it. There he is. "That's odd." Then it strikes me, "Wait a minute, he's on Stormrage-US, not EU." So I decline his application and lock the thread in case certain spamminded individuals in the guild feel like trashing the thread.

I don't think about it that much and I'm reckoning he feels kind of embarrased so I leave the whole situation and forget about it. Today when I log in I see what he's PM'd me saying, Title: "Really?", "so I got denied being on a US server?" And I just don't know what to make of that. I mean, I would laugh out loud if only I wasn't sitting in my workspace. The only reply I could think of was "yes?"

The thing I loved the most about his application was that (since we in the EU ask which country your from) in the "Nationality:" box he had entered "white."


Finally, after doing H CoS a bunch of times and either not making it in time or losing the roll...

I was so giddy I just flew around aimless for about an hour on it

Finally pulling good dps (about 2.5k to 3k) and this is from just random dropped instance gear, my only pvp piece to replace is my helm.

Ore has become an issue on my server, everyone is stripping the land clean got to a point where is was better to vendor trash a stack of Sarsonite bars rather than auction them, and I haven't found any Titanium in a while.
Angry Grimace said:
The fact that it used to be borderline impossible doesn't remove the fact that almost none of the grinds are strictly necessary for any of the game's content and mostly mask the fact that you have to do 30 min. of inherently non-fun work for 28~ days for questionable rewards.

I can't really recommend doing ANY of the rep-grinds beyond the basic level Sons of Hodir to get shoulder enchants, and the championable ones to get the head enchants.

My personal thought is that it's just a barely-disguised way to force you to keep leveling after you've hit max level. And significantly less fun than leveling too, since the rewards hardly match the amount of effort required, and the amount you can do is completely hardcapped.

Some are for daily cash, some are for shits and giggles, others are there literally for the gear one gets at Exalted; it's just the game hypermudflated so freaking fast during Wrath that it has no point now (just wear the tabard while you do your Daily Herioc for the 2nd, not the 3rd).


Really Really Exciting Member!
They should have given every factions in Wrath some interesting stuff at Exalted so that even players in 226+ epic gear can still be interested in them. Like the red drake mount and penguin companion, but that's like only 2 factions. =/

What's the point to get exalted with Ebon Blade, Argent Crusade, Kirin Tor, Alliance Vanguard/Horde Expedition, Oracles/Frenzyheart, when you can get better stuff just by farming heroics or the 5 man TOC? I only do them for the achievements and that's it...
Bisnic said:
They should have given every factions in Wrath some interesting stuff at Exalted so that even players in 226+ epic gear can still be interested in them. Like the red drake mount and penguin companion, but that's like only 2 factions. =/

What's the point to get exalted with Ebon Blade, Argent Crusade, Kirin Tor, Alliance Vanguard/Horde Expedition, Oracles/Frenzyheart, when you can get better stuff just by farming heroics or the 5 man TOC? I only do them for the achievements and that's it...

If you're a jewelcrafter a few of those factions had very good gem cuts. Now with epic gems available...not so much. The only faction cut I can sell decently still is the Runed Scarlet Ruby. Also rep with the oracles lets you buy an egg for a chance at the mount.


oracles/frenzyheart are good to get to revered at least. frenzyheart kind of sucks except that their egg-like thing can give you a fun trinket/reusable item, and it has a good gem cut at revered too. Oracles are obviously about the green proto drake (one of the best looking proto drakes) and not much else besides the gem cut. I maxed all the reps on my paladin before ulduar though. Engineers at least want to max their alliance/horde main faction (horde expedition/alliance color guard banner-twirlers of justice or whatever) for mechano-hog if they're going to build it.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I think a good sized chunk of the factions I've taken to exalted in Wrath have almost been by accident because I forgot I was wearing faction xyz's tabard while farming badges. Most of them I don't even really care about beyond being mildly interested in getting achievements for having tons of exalted reps. :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
funkmastergeneral said:
If you're a jewelcrafter a few of those factions had very good gem cuts. Now with epic gems available...not so much. The only faction cut I can sell decently still is the Runed Scarlet Ruby. Also rep with the oracles lets you buy an egg for a chance at the mount.

You only need revered for the Oracles Egg though. Exalted gives an epic trinket that no one cares about.


I wish you can get tabards for old reps like Keepers of Time or Brood of Nozdormu. I need to run Reg Old Hillsbrad like 20 more times for Keepers of Time rep to finally finish The Burning Crusader achievement.


Has problems recognising girls
We all know that Pengu is only one side of an awesome coin. A person who proceeds to fish without the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole should be ashamed!


border said:

Is there anywhere I can get a better shield than this, outside of raiding? I meant to buy a Northern Barrier some time ago, but now that everyone has moved out of Ulduar25 it rarely pops up on the Auction House.

Um, Skull of Ruin is BoP from Naxx, so... that's actually from Raiding. Completely outdated raiding, at this point, but still raiding just the same. Maybe you linked the wrong item?


Retro said:
Um, Skull of Ruin is BoP from Naxx, so... that's actually from Raiding. Completely outdated raiding, at this point, but still raiding just the same. Maybe you linked the wrong item?
No, I have Skull of Ruin from Naxx 10 runs in the past. I just don't expect to be doing anything beyond that raid-wise. Unless it's a puggable raid or something from badge gear I don't have many options. I think Anub drops a shield in ToC10, but I doubt that a pug is going to get that far in ToC.


Lost all credibility.
When people say it's better for rogues to have a faster off hand weapon, do they mean the "speed" stat or the "DPS" stat? I'm guessing it's the Speed stat but I just wanna make sure.
The heroic daily was UK yesterday. We formed a group, went in, and all the trash was there but none of the bosses (we full cleared for some stupid reason). The gate at the top (near Ingvar) was still there so we had to run back through the entire instance to the entrance. Once outside we dropped and reformed the group. This time the bosses were there. WTF?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
sykoex said:
When people say it's better for rogues to have a faster off hand weapon, do they mean the "speed" stat or the "DPS" stat? I'm guessing it's the Speed stat but I just wanna make sure.

Fast means speed. It works like this:

Abilities like Sinister Strike is dependant on weapon damage so a slower weapon will do more damage. Since it's a spammable ability you can press it every time you have enough energy meaning you'll do considerably less damage per global cooldown if you pick a fast weapon for your mainhand. Combined with an ability like Combat Potency where you restore energy with your offhand attacks having a faster weapon will increase the amount of strikes and thus the amount of energy restored.

So, in short, slow main hand and fast offhand.


Our same group that obtained A Tribute to Mad Skill was able to complete A Tribute to Insanity last night.

Pretty damn sweet awesome cloak dropped, I lost though :( Cloak of Serrated Blades. Our enhancement shaman got completely geared out as we just roll on the trophies and such. He also won the mount that dropped .... the wolf looked QUITE plain and boring. Just a normal brown wolf with some horde symbols on it.

Look at this guy's shaman though ... makes me sick how much gear he has ... least he is a good player. Look up Bodyslam - Trollbane - US (sorry can't navigate to WoW armory at work).
Macattk15 said:
Our same group that obtained A Tribute to Mad Skill was able to complete A Tribute to Insanity last night.

Pretty damn sweet awesome cloak dropped, I lost though :( Cloak of Serrated Blades. Our enhancement shaman got completely geared out as we just roll on the trophies and such. He also won the mount that dropped .... the wolf looked QUITE plain and boring. Just a normal brown wolf with some horde symbols on it.

Look at this guy's shaman though ... makes me sick how much gear he has ... least he is a good player. Look up Bodyslam - Trollbane - US (sorry can't navigate to WoW armory at work).

that is one lucky bastard when it comes to drops. I've cleared ToC and ToC 25 regular 3 times now and only have 3 drops to show for it :(


funkmastergeneral said:
that is one lucky bastard when it comes to drops. I've cleared ToC and ToC 25 regular 3 times now and only have 3 drops to show for it :(

I agree. He sickens me.

I lost the roll on BOTH of the weapons he has which I really wanted as my mainhand. Mainly the Axe. Damn lucky people.


Lost all credibility.
Just got my first 2 lvl 80 heroic 5-man achievements. Utgarde Keep and Drak Tharon. Even though my DPS is about 1k-1.5k, we didn't wipe once on either. I must have been with a really good group.

kinoki said:
Fast means speed. It works like this:

Abilities like Sinister Strike is dependant on weapon damage so a slower weapon will do more damage. Since it's a spammable ability you can press it every time you have enough energy meaning you'll do considerably less damage per global cooldown if you pick a fast weapon for your mainhand. Combined with an ability like Combat Potency where you restore energy with your offhand attacks having a faster weapon will increase the amount of strikes and thus the amount of energy restored.

So, in short, slow main hand and fast offhand.
Thanks a lot for that, that's the clearest I've ever seen it explained.


Weenerz said:
Did they both drop at the same time? Seems kind of greedy to me. Guessing he's an officer, judging from all his ilvl245 loot.

They did not drop at the same time. He is an officer. But we use a DKP system in our 25s and rolls in the 10 mans. He's just been pretty damn lucky with winning his rolls in the 10 mans ... and seeing how the 10 man heroics are ilvl 245 that is where a large portion of it has come from.


sykoex said:
Just got my first 2 lvl 80 heroic 5-man achievements. Utgarde Keep and Drak Tharon. Even though my DPS is about 1k-1.5k, we didn't wipe once on either. I must have been with a really good group.

Thanks a lot for that, that's the clearest I've ever seen it explained.
It should be noted that when people say slower, what they really mean is take the item with the highest damage range. A 1.6 speed dagger with a damage range of 400-500 is a much better choice than a 2.6 speed mace with a damage range of 375-475. There will be a huge ilvl and probably quality (rare vs epic) before a faster item will beat a slower one, but don't just rate items on how slow they are.


Xabora said:

Loosing 5 vastly important people in my current guild due to AION! :(

But with the ability to faction transfer and everything now ... you'll never have a hard time finding a new guild if you're a good player.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
But with the ability to faction transfer and everything now ... you'll never have a hard time finding a new guild if you're a good player.
I know, but I tend to run with a group of people.
Which makes the faction change much harder. :lol
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