Xabora said:Ahhhhhhhh!
Loosing 5 vastly important people in my current guild due to AION!![]()
Give them about a month. They will be back. =P
Xabora said:Ahhhhhhhh!
Loosing 5 vastly important people in my current guild due to AION!![]()
VAIL said:Finally, after doing H CoS a bunch of times and either not making it in time or losing the roll...
I was so giddy I just flew around aimless for about an hour on it.[/QUOTE]
I got one of these my first time there, which was also the first place I went when I hit 80. I was so happy flying around, even though they are pretty common.
NameGenerated said:I got one of these my first time there, which was also the first place I went when I hit 80. I was so happy flying around, even though they are pretty common.
VAIL said:I was losing rolls to people that didn't even have the flying to use it, and it also got ninja looted on me once, so as common as it is, still nice to finally have it.
My main gripe atm is WG, I have gotten d/c'ed 4times now during a win and not getting marks because the place lags to hell. What's the point of trying to win if they can't keep it stable enough not to disconnect me?
I always dc in WG when I'm in a siege vehicles cannon. It's fun to wreak havoc but I alway get disconnected then it throws me to the graveyard.VAIL said:I was losing rolls to people that didn't even have the flying to use it, and it also got ninja looted on me once, so as common as it is, still nice to finally have it.
My main gripe atm is WG, I have gotten d/c'ed 4times now during a win and not getting marks because the place lags to hell. What's the point of trying to win if they can't keep it stable enough not to disconnect me?
Okay. But why do I want to use librarian's paper cutter when the mace I linked has more speed, which people say is important for offhand. I mean is there something inherently better about a dagger weapon specifically that isn't reflected in the stats? The way I see it the mace has high damage plus high speed (compared to the LPC dagger at least), so it seems like the best of both worlds, i.e. perfect for both hands.Kyoufu said:As combat spec, you should only offhand a fast dagger, so for entry level raiding, get a librarian's paper cutter from the AH.
For main hands, you want a fist, sword, mace or axe. I personally chose Fist. You can get an epic one from CoS heroic or OS10.
sykoex said:Okay. But why do I want to use librarian's paper cutter when the mace I linked has more speed, which people say is important for offhand. I mean is there something inherently better about a dagger weapon specifically that isn't reflected in the stats? The way I see it the mace has high damage plus high speed (compared to the LPC dagger at least), so it seems like the best of both worlds, i.e. perfect for both hands.
sykoex said:Okay. But why do I want to use librarian's paper cutter when the mace I linked has more speed, which people say is important for offhand. I mean is there something inherently better about a dagger weapon specifically that isn't reflected in the stats? The way I see it the mace has high damage plus high speed (compared to the LPC dagger at least), so it seems like the best of both worlds, i.e. perfect for both hands.
You're kidding me right? I went all the way from 1 through 80 thinking higher speed ratings meant faster. Holy crap.Kyoufu said:I think you're confused. Speed of 2.50 is slower than 1.30
LPC is the best OH you can get until Webbed Death in Naxx.
i apologize but i laughed at this.sykoex said:You're kidding me right? I went all the way from 1 through 80 thinking higher speed ratings meant faster. Holy crap.
sykoex said:You're kidding me right? I went all the way from 1 through 80 thinking higher speed ratings meant faster. Holy crap.
The speed rating refers to the length of time in seconds it takes to swing the weapon. 1.3 means you will swing once every 1.3 seconds, 2.5 means you would swing once every 2.5 seconds.sykoex said:You're kidding me right? I went all the way from 1 through 80 thinking higher speed ratings meant faster. Holy crap.
Especially for combat rogues, your sinister strike (the attack you are spamming all the time) is an instant mainhand attack, so slower weapon means higher sinister strike damage. Fast offhand isn't for poison procs anymore since they changed the poison proc mechanic (as combat you want Wound on MH and Deadly on OH, unless you specced poisons), having a fast OH is for combat potency procs, which procs off your off-hand attacks.Angry Grimace said:The reason you want a weapon of 2.6 for certain specs is because certain moves are calculated based on average weapon damage. (The difference isn't quite as dramatic as it sounds because a lot of attacks are normalized to a certain speed, although it still makes quite a bit of difference.) You generally want fast attacks for specs that gain something from making a lot of attacks; i.e. skills that proc off of critical strikes, or poison application, etc.
ToddG15 said:Warrior tier question I currently have the helm and chest t8 pieces from conquest emblems. Ive got 38 emblems of triumph (now raiding 10 and 25 toc every week, plus the daily heroic) and was planning to replace my shoulders (currently leather from h toc). I was going to buy the tier 9 shoulders (the one that doesnt require a trophy), but a friend said I should just buy the non-tier shoulders with the triumph emblems instead, since on a purely stat basis, they are better. Ill prolly not be running ulduar with this toon (sick of that place from my main), so the only tier/set bonus opportunities Ill have will be from vault and triumph emblems. Knowing that, is he right and I should get the non-tier shoulders with the emblems of triumph or get the tier and be working towards getting the 2 set bonus from tier 9?
kinoki said:snip![]()
sykoex said:I did Sarth 3D 10-man last night. That final battle with the waves of flame was really cool. Sadly I didn't win any loot rolls. I would have loved the 22-slot bag that dropped off the final boss.
sykoex said:I did Sarth 3D 10-man last night. That final battle with the waves of flame was really cool. Sadly I didn't win any loot rolls. I would have loved the 22-slot bag that dropped off the final boss.
sykoex said:I did Sarth 3D 10-man last night. That final battle with the waves of flame was really cool. Sadly I didn't win any loot rolls. I would have loved the 22-slot bag that dropped off the final boss.
funkmastergeneral said:You just hit 80 and did Sarth 3D? Well done.
Yeah we ended up doing it even though me and a couple other guys only had about 1k-1.5k DPS. Once we got to the guy that opens the portals, the raid leader had to call in a guildie with 4k+ DPS for us to continue.funkmastergeneral said:You just hit 80 and did Sarth 3D? Well done.
You killed the drakes before engaging Sarth? That's Sarth +0D. Sarth +3D would mean engaging Sarth and all the drakes at the same time.sykoex said:Yeah we ended up doing it even though me and a couple other guys only had about 1k-1.5k DPS. Once we got to the guy that opens the portals, the raid leader had to call in a guildie with 4k+ DPS for us to continue.
Oh okay, cause I was thinking it really didn't seem that difficult.Evlar said:You killed the drakes before engaging Sarth? That's Sarth +0D. Sarth +3D would mean engaging Sarth and all the drakes at the same time.
Weenerz said:Easiest way for 3D now is just to get 8 dps with 5k+ and zerg him. Nice way to get a stupid drake.
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speedpop said:Oh man.
Got an email earlier today from "wowadminaccount@blizzard.com" asking me to verify my account because I've been suspiciously caught trying to sell my account. A likely story.
So it asks me to list every known detail about my account and reply to them.
Are scammers really this stupid?
Geez I thought me and Blizzard were on a name basis since every email they've ever sent me included my first name at the top.
Yasser said:i got a whisper from "Blizzpromo" while playing today saying that i have been chosen to win reins of the spectral tiger, gave me a code and said to go to http://www.tcg-battle.net.ms and enter it. is this legit at all or just a creative scam?
The Lamonster said:I kind of got scammed in AV when somebody "reported me as AFK" so I had to enter the command:
/AFK cancel
...and you can imagine what happened after that :lol
Yasser said:i got a whisper from "Blizzpromo" while playing today saying that i have been chosen to win reins of the spectral tiger, gave me a code and said to go to http://www.tcg-battle.net.ms and enter it. is this legit at all or just a creative scam?