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World of Warcraft

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Modesty becomes a woman
Yasser said:
no i haven't been to the site, i thought i'd ask first and i'm glad i did now :)

Maybe you should read the MoTD.

Which is right there in big letters when you log in.

Which says do not do this.


So, not that I expect anyone to be following my posts, but lately I've been playing lower level characters (a 70 and a 38, both paladins) in BGs, mostly to see how leveling through PVP is (fantastic when you can run AV, but more on that in a sec). It's also nice to PVP without the obnoxious twinks, which were arguably my least favorite aspect of PVP before max level.

I've discovered that the Horde wins 85% of the time between the hours of 8AM and 4PM. After that time, the quality of the language drops as does the percentage of wins. People start fighting in the middle of WSG, on the roads in AB, and run away from towers they just capped in AV.

Further supporting this theory, I've noticed during the day, I run into a LOT of the same people repeatedly, even across multiple battlegrounds. To the point where I can enter any BG and know where at least 5 people are going to be and what they'll be doing. Blackvice the warlock? He'll be in the backyard of AV recapping towers.

After 4PM, I start seeing less and less of the same people and lots of random, let's say more vocal players. Who all seem to have served in the navy. And don't like it when people ask them not to fail miserably in very predictable ways.

Anyone else notice anything similar? My battle group got hit hard by the old AV Boycott, and it hasn't really been the same since.

TL;DR Version: When the kids get out of school, they bring down the intelligence level of PVP drastically. The horde is composed of unemployed tactical geniuses and elementary school kids, while the alliance is comprised of unemployed dullards and elementary school kids who apparently attend a school where they learn how to play Warcraft all day.


Kintaro said:
Think it's possible to lvl 10-80 in PvP alone? Hmm...

I started a Shaman to try just that, and after leveling to 9 and a few quick RFC loot runs, started off at level 11. Leveling in WSG is fairly slow, I only managed to get to 15 before I got sick to death of it. But it's certainly possible.

From what I've seen, AV is where it's at. Level to 40 the old fashioned way to get decent gear and your Epic Mount (/sigh, I remember when it used to be level 60 for that...) and jump into AV. My Pally went from 63 in Zangamarsh to 70 in about a week.


Kintaro said:
Think it's possible to lvl 10-80 in PvP alone? Hmm...

Someone has already said it, but not really. AV is the exp pinata and its not available until higher levels. The absolute speed of the games and the amount of exp you get, on top of (in the lower brackets anyway) peoples dedication to getting those objectives done so they can get the exp makes it go very fast.

Once you level into the first AV bracket, then you should start trying that IMO.


I had too much of a wait between AV matches on my warrior, but for the 15-20 minutes each AV took, it was about 20% of a level if we won or around 11-12% if we lost.
Anyone know what happens when you report someone who is actually afk? Do they get a notification or not? Does it help if you report them multiple times or not? I hate people who just sit in the AV cave and stay the whole game.

You don't get honor though correct if you reported? They need to expand that to gaining experience as well I think.


Tamanon said:
Extended maintenance this Tuesday, I'm thinking Ony is coming!
Since they said Onyxia was meant for the 5th anniversary of WoW, doesn't that mean we will be waiting at least until early November for the next patch?


Modesty becomes a woman
border said:
Since they said Onyxia was meant for the 5th anniversary of WoW, doesn't that mean we will be waiting at least until early November for the next patch?

It's been on the PTR for a few weeks now, they're not going to keep it there much longer. I also doubt they'll pull down the PTR and wait a month and a half to put it live. I think the ony pet is closer to the anniversary

There's a lot of stuff that needs immediate release in 3.2.2 also, my two set is not working and DK 4 set is also busted.


Damn, I thought I had forever to try out solo'ing Onyxia with my warlock, but now I might have a few days at best - aggggg.

I'm not even sure what spec to try it in, but the only other time I did it (as Affliction) it seemed pretty rough and I couldn't really get through Phase 3 where you have to constantly eat fears.

I hope the maintenance is for something else -- you'd think they wouldn't want to release a possibly buggy patch during a world event that is generally pretty buggy as well (Brewfest).


Water is not wet!
VGChampion said:
Anyone know what happens when you report someone who is actually afk? Do they get a notification or not? Does it help if you report them multiple times or not? I hate people who just sit in the AV cave and stay the whole game.

You don't get honor though correct if you reported? They need to expand that to gaining experience as well I think.

If enough people flag them as afk and they turn Inactive, they do not get honor or marks. Whether this also goes towards xp i dont know.


Solo'ed Onyxia pretty easily just now. I guess I just hadn't spec'ed right the last time, because only once during the whelps did I get below 5K. With Soul Link, Siphon Life and Demon Armor up your regen/mitigation is high enough that it's pretty trivial to keep your health up so long as you remember to Drain Life and Haunt. I'm almost disappointed that it wasn't a more tense fight.

She dropped Vis'kag the Bloodletter, too! Guess I got another couple shots at it before the patch - hopefully I can nab a Nemesis helm before it's too late :)


border said:
Solo'ed Onyxia pretty easily just now. I guess I just hadn't spec'ed right the last time, because only once during the whelps did I get below 5K. With Soul Link, Siphon Life and Demon Armor up your regen/mitigation is high enough that it's pretty trivial to keep your health up so long as you remember to Drain Life and Haunt. I'm almost disappointed that it wasn't a more tense fight.

She dropped Vis'kag the Bloodletter, too! Guess I got another couple shots at it before the patch - hopefully I can nap a Nemesis helm before it's too late :)

Well, then you can just raid and get a Nemesis helm you can actually use at 80:p


Tamanon said:
Well, then you can just raid and get a Nemesis helm you can actually use at 80:p
Well yeah, I just thought it'd be funny to start wearing the level 60 version on Day 1 after the patch, just so people waste time inspecting you before they realize it's an old-school helm. Plus my only chance of getting one is from soloing Onyxia, since there aren't many regular BWL groups running these days.


So, I'm missing a Coren kill and Disturbing the Peace achievement for my proto-drake.
I feel kind of stupid for having bought the brew of the month club membership last year instead of the clothing pieces right now.


No One Remembers
Need brew of the month and Disturbing the Peace for the title >.<

I missed merrymaker last year :\

I got the Kodo this year during my first run in there \m/
border said:
Solo'ed Onyxia pretty easily just now. I guess I just hadn't spec'ed right the last time, because only once during the whelps did I get below 5K. With Soul Link, Siphon Life and Demon Armor up your regen/mitigation is high enough that it's pretty trivial to keep your health up so long as you remember to Drain Life and Haunt. I'm almost disappointed that it wasn't a more tense fight.

She dropped Vis'kag the Bloodletter, too! Guess I got another couple shots at it before the patch - hopefully I can nab a Nemesis helm before it's too late :)

After reading this post I decided to head over to Ony and solo her for the first time, it was surprisingly easy as an enhance shaman. I actually did pretty shitty since I forgot about whelp groups + her flying in the air in phase 2, and the fact she fears in phase 3, but really didn't have too much of a problem. I was expecting it to be harder then it was, considering how I get WTFPWNED by the raptor boss in ZG when I tried to solo him.


I thought that by upgrading the loot from Coren, and bringing him to level 80, he'd be harder than last year, but managed to duo him with the help of a warrior friend who logged on just to help me after quitting for months.
Now I'm only missing the 3 pieces of clothing to go party in Dalaran to get the Proto-Drake (I hope 1 week will be enough to get the last 250 tickets).


Most of ony's big damage is fire which is easy to mitigate at level 80, and then add in being 20 points off the defense cap to tank her and it's pretty easy to survive. Basically any class with self healing can solo her.


So. WoW thread. I was one of the few that had never subscribed to this game. Did two trials over the years. Then recently I did recruit-a-friend and leveled up to 54 in about 2 weeks. Digging it so far.

One thing I find dissapointing is the trouble it takes to find pub groups for a dungeon crawl. I see tons of "looking for group" messages for heroics and level 80 dungeons/raids but man is it difficult to get a group together.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
GriffD17 said:
One thing I find dissapointing is the trouble it takes to find pub groups for a dungeon crawl. I see tons of "looking for group" messages for heroics and level 80 dungeons/raids but man is it difficult to get a group together.

Most people skip over old world instances since it's far more efficient to grind quests when leveling these days. You probably won't see much in the way of people pugging en masse until you hit Northrend.


Mr Nash said:
Most people skip over old world instances since it's far more efficient to grind quests when leveling these days. You probably won't see much in the way of people pugging en masse until you hit Northrend.

What he said.


There's sometimes people who will pug outland instances, but it tends to be hard to find tanks/healers for them in my experience.


I'm wondering, are other people experiencing a bug with the drinking and tossing mug game?
To complete the brewfest quest (hit S.T.O.U.T. 5 times) I had to stand on the npc for it to register, and with the dark iron invasion, the mug never hits unless you stand on them (and well, they bounce you off if you get close, so...).


but ever so delicious
Currently 74 on my DK, should hit 80 by the weekend, in theory.

I'm thinking about learning lua since i have a vision for my DK UI. However i doubt that will ever happen, im just too damn lazy :lol

Anyone have good addons for a DK? Tank and dps wise.

Chris R

firex said:
There's sometimes people who will pug outland instances, but it tends to be hard to find tanks/healers for them in my experience.
Tanks is easy as you just grab random DK #3123548512 and make them tank it. Healers are hard to find though. I do see plenty of people running Ramps/BF but Zangamarsh is usually dead :lol


I dunno, most DKs I've found drop group if they're asked to tank (probably because they are sissies) and even though you probably don't need to be defense capped to tank leveling instances, it couldn't hurt with the difficulty most outland instances have.

Chris R

Well you aren't running the heroic versions :lol If they brought the level of the outland heroics up to 80 I'd doubt if even 20% of the pugs that run heroics now could even complete half of them :lol HShalls timed? Probably the hardest thing I've done in the game to date.


Outlands instances are cake to tank as a Death Knight, even in DPS spec and just using normal gear. I was a frost dps leveling up and occasionally just tanked because nobody else wanted to, was simple. Especially with Shammy healers.


Subconscious Brolonging
Heroic Shattered Halls is harder to do at 80 than most of the WotLK Heroics, not even joking. And this is after they nerfed it and took out half of the mobs. The original H SHalls was fucking awesome, best 5-man in BC. My friends and I were some of the first on our server to clear the normal version and even that was harder than WotLK heroics.


I've seen warlocks claim that they can solo Attumen as well as the ZG tiger/raptor bosses, but I'm a bit skeptical. Does anyone know if it is possible?

I tried getting to Attumen in Karazahn, but the trash pulls were a bit much. The mobs only have about 45-50K health, but they hit hard enough that it is difficult to have your pet tank. You can get through the early pulls, but once you start taking on 3-4 mobs at a time things get out of hand.


Last night I went to BRD to kill the Brewfest guy with my shaman.

First time playing on three weeks since I don't have the time for it.

I won BOTH the kodo, the ram, and the melee dps trinket on the first drop :lol. I sold the kodo to a pick-up we had in the group for 600gs. We did it other 4 times afterwards and another kodo dropped. Guess who won it? :lol


Nah, my brother told me that the drop rates this year are incredibly higher than 2008's, he and his gf already had em with their mains.

Anyways, I ended up with the kodo, the ram, the trinket and 600gs. Fair enough.


Lain said:
I'm wondering, are other people experiencing a bug with the drinking and tossing mug game?
To complete the brewfest quest (hit S.T.O.U.T. 5 times) I had to stand on the npc for it to register, and with the dark iron invasion, the mug never hits unless you stand on them (and well, they bounce you off if you get close, so...).

It's misleading because it seems that an awful lot of people think it's a standard target-then-throw approach, but that's not the case; the mug throws in the direction you're looking (with a little leeway) and hits the first mob in its path; you don't need to target anything. I had problems at first but when I started treating S.T.O.U.T like Space Invaders and the invasion like (approximately) Missile Command, I got both very easily.


speedpop said:
The Brewfest mounts are drops now? What the heck?

I collected mine back on the first Brewfest.

First brewfest was the 'collect tickets to get a stamp allowing you to buy mounts from a vendor' (and that vendor's still up, and the stamp is still valid; I picked up the 60% mount from him this year to advance my mount total - if you had the original brewfest mount, you might want to cash in on that.). From last year they changed to epic-only dropping from the new Brewfest boss, with also the addition of a low drop chance of the mount from the opposite faction. It seems the same this year.
mclem said:
First brewfest was the 'collect tickets to get a stamp allowing you to buy mounts from a vendor' (and that vendor's still up, and the stamp is still valid; I picked up the 60% mount from him this year to advance my mount total - if you had the original brewfest mount, you might want to cash in on that.). From last year they changed to epic-only dropping from the new Brewfest boss, with also the addition of a low drop chance of the mount from the opposite faction. It seems the same this year.
I am having so much trouble finding a group to do the brewfest boss. I've yelled out at the Brewfest camp, on general Ally trade channel, stood around BFD entrance, added myself to the LFG channel, NOTHING works.

My guild sucks too so that's not an option. What am I doing wrong? I know, I know, find a better guild but I can't seem to do that either. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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