Yasser said:no i haven't been to the site, i thought i'd ask first and i'm glad i did now![]()
Kintaro said:Think it's possible to lvl 10-80 in PvP alone? Hmm...
Kintaro said:Think it's possible to lvl 10-80 in PvP alone? Hmm...
It's a 3 hour suspension, not a ban. And thats only if they've done it a lot, otherwise it's a warning email or whisper from a gm.funkmastergeneral said:I've heard that's a bannable offense if you report him
Since they said Onyxia was meant for the 5th anniversary of WoW, doesn't that mean we will be waiting at least until early November for the next patch?Tamanon said:Extended maintenance this Tuesday, I'm thinking Ony is coming!
border said:Since they said Onyxia was meant for the 5th anniversary of WoW, doesn't that mean we will be waiting at least until early November for the next patch?
VGChampion said:Anyone know what happens when you report someone who is actually afk? Do they get a notification or not? Does it help if you report them multiple times or not? I hate people who just sit in the AV cave and stay the whole game.
You don't get honor though correct if you reported? They need to expand that to gaining experience as well I think.
border said:Solo'ed Onyxia pretty easily just now. I guess I just hadn't spec'ed right the last time, because only once during the whelps did I get below 5K. With Soul Link, Siphon Life and Demon Armor up your regen/mitigation is high enough that it's pretty trivial to keep your health up so long as you remember to Drain Life and Haunt. I'm almost disappointed that it wasn't a more tense fight.
She dropped Vis'kag the Bloodletter, too! Guess I got another couple shots at it before the patch - hopefully I can nap a Nemesis helm before it's too late![]()
Well yeah, I just thought it'd be funny to start wearing the level 60 version on Day 1 after the patch, just so people waste time inspecting you before they realize it's an old-school helm. Plus my only chance of getting one is from soloing Onyxia, since there aren't many regular BWL groups running these days.Tamanon said:Well, then you can just raid and get a Nemesis helm you can actually use at 80![]()
border said:Solo'ed Onyxia pretty easily just now. I guess I just hadn't spec'ed right the last time, because only once during the whelps did I get below 5K. With Soul Link, Siphon Life and Demon Armor up your regen/mitigation is high enough that it's pretty trivial to keep your health up so long as you remember to Drain Life and Haunt. I'm almost disappointed that it wasn't a more tense fight.
She dropped Vis'kag the Bloodletter, too! Guess I got another couple shots at it before the patch - hopefully I can nab a Nemesis helm before it's too late![]()
GriffD17 said:One thing I find dissapointing is the trouble it takes to find pub groups for a dungeon crawl. I see tons of "looking for group" messages for heroics and level 80 dungeons/raids but man is it difficult to get a group together.
Mr Nash said:Most people skip over old world instances since it's far more efficient to grind quests when leveling these days. You probably won't see much in the way of people pugging en masse until you hit Northrend.
Tanks is easy as you just grab random DK #3123548512 and make them tank it. Healers are hard to find though. I do see plenty of people running Ramps/BF but Zangamarsh is usually dead :lolfirex said:There's sometimes people who will pug outland instances, but it tends to be hard to find tanks/healers for them in my experience.
Grats! I'm looking forward to seeing those around now.dave is ok said:Got the Violet Proto Drake yesterday. Finally
Lain said:I'm wondering, are other people experiencing a bug with the drinking and tossing mug game?
To complete the brewfest quest (hit S.T.O.U.T. 5 times) I had to stand on the npc for it to register, and with the dark iron invasion, the mug never hits unless you stand on them (and well, they bounce you off if you get close, so...).
speedpop said:The Brewfest mounts are drops now? What the heck?
I collected mine back on the first Brewfest.
I am having so much trouble finding a group to do the brewfest boss. I've yelled out at the Brewfest camp, on general Ally trade channel, stood around BFD entrance, added myself to the LFG channel, NOTHING works.mclem said:First brewfest was the 'collect tickets to get a stamp allowing you to buy mounts from a vendor' (and that vendor's still up, and the stamp is still valid; I picked up the 60% mount from him this year to advance my mount total - if you had the original brewfest mount, you might want to cash in on that.). From last year they changed to epic-only dropping from the new Brewfest boss, with also the addition of a low drop chance of the mount from the opposite faction. It seems the same this year.