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World of Warcraft

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The Lamonster said:
I am having so much trouble finding a group to do the brewfest boss. I've yelled out at the Brewfest camp, on general Ally trade channel, stood around BFD entrance, added myself to the LFG channel, NOTHING works.

My guild sucks too so that's not an option. What am I doing wrong? I know, I know, find a better guild but I can't seem to do that either. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Are you a hybrid with only a DPS spec? A lot of people will ignore a Pally that is just ret or a shammy that is just enhance, etc. As a healer, I have no problem starting groups and I'll pass over the single specced hybrid every time if there are any other options.
Wrekt said:
Are you a hybrid with only a DPS spec? A lot of people will ignore a Pally that is just ret or a shammy that is just enhance, etc. As a healer, I have no problem starting groups and I'll pass over the single specced hybrid every time if there are any other options.
I'm a dps hunter. I guess that explains it!


Wrekt said:
Are you a hybrid with only a DPS spec? A lot of people will ignore a Pally that is just ret or a shammy that is just enhance, etc. As a healer, I have no problem starting groups and I'll pass over the single specced hybrid every time if there are any other options.

I can find a group as a Ret Paladin easily. The trick is to use COMMENTS in LFG. Put your stats/dps in there and if it looks good, people will invite you.

And seriously, you only need like 2-3 people to do brewfest lol. Find a new guild!


Junior Member
Faction change imminent.

Raid leader in current guild simply can't stop being a twat. We're not a hardcore guild by any stretch of the imagination (2/5 ToGC25, 4/9 Uld25 hardmodes) but we get yelled at for any tiny mistake. Of course pointing out any mistakes he makes leads to some serious QQ'ing on his part. Haven't enjoyed raiding for a while now.

Number two guild on the server is the opposing faction and slightly behind on progression, but much more low key (or so they say). Would rather wipe with them and laugh it off than listen to some college kid rage at me during my precious time away from work.

Feel bad for the guild leader, he's a good guy but he simply can't get the raid leader under control. Our Val'anyr /gquit this week, and I'm leaving with another one of the top DPS in the guild. I'm sure they'll recover though.
keeblerdrow said:
He's a hunter.

If you're having so much trouble finding a group, Lamonster, make one of your own.
I have tried. "Trouble finding a group" includes whether I'm the party leader or not. Most I could find was one other guy. Does it really make that much difference to players when you say LFM versus LFG?


Whisper: What's your gearscore and DPS?
Me: Who uses gearscore to clear the easiest heroic in the game?

I was placed on ignore after that. :lol With my own guild breaking up its like deja vu so I might take this time to take a break.


Slow news day. MMO champ talking about the dance studio again. I'll believe it when I see it. If they can't get this out by time IC hits, they fail hardcore.


J-Rzez said:
Slow news day. MMO champ talking about the dance studio again. I'll believe it when I see it. If they can't get this out by time IC hits, they fail hardcore.

I don't think Blizzard sees the dance studio as a high priority with all the changes they're doing to the game and neither do I so I can't fault on them on it if it comes late.
TomServo said:
Faction change imminent.

Raid leader in current guild simply can't stop being a twat. We're not a hardcore guild by any stretch of the imagination (2/5 ToGC25, 4/9 Uld25 hardmodes) but we get yelled at for any tiny mistake. Of course pointing out any mistakes he makes leads to some serious QQ'ing on his part. Haven't enjoyed raiding for a while now.

Number two guild on the server is the opposing faction and slightly behind on progression, but much more low key (or so they say). Would rather wipe with them and laugh it off than listen to some college kid rage at me during my precious time away from work.

Feel bad for the guild leader, he's a good guy but he simply can't get the raid leader under control. Our Val'anyr /gquit this week, and I'm leaving with another one of the top DPS in the guild. I'm sure they'll recover though.

I called this kinda crap getting bad back in Ulduar when it happened to us. Luckily it simmered down and didn't turn out that badly. Too much "mitosis" in guild direction nowadays. Much faster and much more often.

Chris R

Weenerz said:
Hot, picked up a Tankard O'Terror earlier, and my stupid shaman actually needed it.
I bought one and will buy another if the prices drop. Just a huge upgrade from the 200 iLvl crap I'd been using since I hit 80 :lol


Has problems recognising girls
mclem said:
First brewfest was the 'collect tickets to get a stamp allowing you to buy mounts from a vendor' (and that vendor's still up, and the stamp is still valid; I picked up the 60% mount from him this year to advance my mount total - if you had the original brewfest mount, you might want to cash in on that.). From last year they changed to epic-only dropping from the new Brewfest boss, with also the addition of a low drop chance of the mount from the opposite faction. It seems the same this year.

I'd probably bother trying to get the Kodo mount but my Shaman already has every single one out there that isn't a Brewfest Kodo. Adding another one just seems a bit silly.


J-Rzez said:
Slow news day. MMO champ talking about the dance studio again. I'll believe it when I see it. If they can't get this out by time IC hits, they fail hardcore.

Your obsession with the dance studio is making me begin to think you're a joke character.


Is it possible to upgrade a RAF account with a retail boxed version of WoW? or do I have to purchase through the blizzard website


border said:
Your obsession with the dance studio is making me begin to think you're a joke character.

Companies like this need to be called out. They used it as a selling point for this xpac in trailers to hype it up and then blew it off when people called them out on it. Basically said "Too bad, we own you, we'll get to it down the road, but here's a bunch of stuff not mentioned which you can pay us real monies to do". I can't see why it wasn't in there. It's not like it would've diverted attention away from the art teams. Recycling armor, effects, weapons, mobs like crazy this xpac.

People let companies off the hook too often. I love the gameplay this game brings, it's unmatched, and I put a ton of time into this game. But even I can notice the decline of quality/effort put forth this time. If for some reason it is a "resource" thing, then hire more people. They love flaunting when membership hits a new milestone, and love showing off their money made. They should put more effort into this, and hire some new people with the piles of money they have, instead of blowing it on statues.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
J-Rzez said:
Companies like this need to be called out. They used it as a selling point for this xpac in trailers to hype it up and then blew it off when people called them out on it. Basically said "Too bad, we own you, we'll get to it down the road, but here's a bunch of stuff not mentioned which you can pay us real monies to do". I can't see why it wasn't in there. It's not like it would've diverted attention away from the art teams. Recycling armor, effects, weapons, mobs like crazy this xpac.

People let companies off the hook too often. I love the gameplay this game brings, it's unmatched, and I put a ton of time into this game. But even I can notice the decline of quality/effort put forth this time. If for some reason it is a "resource" thing, then hire more people. They love flaunting when membership hits a new milestone, and love showing off their money made. They should put more effort into this, and hire some new people with the piles of money they have, instead of blowing it on statues.

Why do entertainment companies need to be called out? If it was an insurance or medical company I'd agree with calling them out. This is entertainment and I don't think World of Warcraft is hurt in any way for not having dance studios. Sure, they promised us a dance studio but Ghostcrawler also promised us a pony. I can't even remember the last time I did a /dance and I'm playing a blood elf!


J-Rzez said:
Companies like this need to be called out. They used it as a selling point for this xpac in trailers to hype it up and then blew it off when people called them out on it. Basically said "Too bad, we own you, we'll get to it down the road, but here's a bunch of stuff not mentioned which you can pay us real monies to do". I can't see why it wasn't in there. It's not like it would've diverted attention away from the art teams. Recycling armor, effects, weapons, mobs like crazy this xpac.

People let companies off the hook too often. I love the gameplay this game brings, it's unmatched, and I put a ton of time into this game. But even I can notice the decline of quality/effort put forth this time. If for some reason it is a "resource" thing, then hire more people. They love flaunting when membership hits a new milestone, and love showing off their money made. They should put more effort into this, and hire some new people with the piles of money they have, instead of blowing it on statues.

Can we really fault Blizzard for such a trivial gameplay mechanic? They're making several games right now so its understandable if they recycle armor and mobs, I've seen the same boar in a different skin for years now, it's not game breaking. In retrospect the Tier 9 fiasco was overblown, maybe I'm had too much fun raiding to notice. Maybe Blizzard just wants to work on something til its just right. Compared to the beginning of Wrath with the Death Knights and entry raid encounters til now, I feel Blizzard is understanding what the consumer wants.
I picked up the broken bottle dagger before maintenance. It's actually a really nice main hand dagger for a Rogue. It doesn't compare to the ToC daggers I have but, I'll keep it around just 'cause it looks cool. The mug mace is going for over 2k on the AH. It's kind of weird how they threw in a 226 level weapon in there amongst all the other level 200 stuff.

I need like 100 more Brewfest coins to get the clothes now. I hope Blizzard doesn't take away the achievements from people who get the clothes, get the achievement and then return them and get the brew of the month subscription 'cause that's what I'm planning on doing. I don't even know if it would be possible to get enough coins for everything you need. I have a feeling there will be much QQing when people can't get enough to get their drakes.
My guild made it to Heroic Anub 10 man with 43 tries left last night, but after 18 wipes we gave up. The burrowing phase seems to fuck us over every time due to lack of ice.


funkmastergeneral said:
My guild made it to Heroic Anub 10 man with 43 tries left last night, but after 18 wipes we gave up. The burrowing phase seems to fuck us over every time due to lack of ice.

If your DPS is lacking to the point where you can't kill it in one burrowing phase then yeah, its not worth doing. Paladins throwing out BOPs on targeted people helps reduce the amount of ice needed, but my guild only needs one burrow phase because we have good DPS.

The real deal-breaker is phase 3, which sucks so hard :(


Sounds to me like its a mixture of lower dps and a lack of kiting skills for his burrow phase. The people kiting have to keep him moving for a few extra seconds, don't just run straight to a patch and be done with him. As long as you have 1 patch up after the burrow, it should be a win if your dps is good enough to get him to 30% before he burrows again. Our raid usually gets him to about 53% before his first burrow, and that includes us switching to burn his first set of adds. We also have a prot pally tanking them so he can holy wrath stun them when they cast shadow strike.
Weenerz said:
Sounds to me like its a mixture of lower dps and a lack of kiting skills for his burrow phase. The people kiting have to keep him moving for a few extra seconds, don't just run straight to a patch and be done with him. As long as you have 1 patch up after the burrow, it should be a win if your dps is good enough to get him to 30% before he burrows again. Our raid usually gets him to about 53% before his first burrow, and that includes us switching to burn his first set of adds. We also have a prot pally tanking them so he can holy wrath stun them when they cast shadow strike.

Seems like the dps needs to pick it up before the first burrow, we were only getting him down to about 58-61%. We actually got Anub to locust swarm, but he ended up healing himself up passed 30% and more adds spawned =/


Still Tagged Accordingly
J-Rzez said:
I can't see why it wasn't in there. It's not like it would've diverted attention away from the art teams. Recycling armor, effects, weapons, mobs like crazy this xpac.

But even I can notice the decline of quality/effort put forth this time. If for some reason it is a "resource" thing, then hire more people.
i suspect Blizzard are diverting resources from WoW to other projects with a long term plan to scale down WoW development over the coming 5 years. of course as long as WoW is making them lots of money they'll continue to support it, but i imagine Blizzard wants to let it take the sidelines for SC2, D3, and the unannounced MMO.


funkmastergeneral said:
Seems like the dps needs to pick it up before the first burrow, we were only getting him down to about 58-61%. We actually got Anub to locust swarm, but he ended up healing himself up passed 30% and more adds spawned =/

60% is actually what the target is before the burrow. As weenerz said, people have to be smart about kiting.

As for p3, the reason why he healed himself over 30% is most likely because your healers topped players off. The only people in the raid that should be at full health are the tanks, NOBODY ELSE.


Hopefully with 3.2.2 coming tonight, the servers aren't all shitty. I know we're gonna run through Onyxia real quick before doing our normal ToC borefest runs, but still. I'd rather not have tons of lag while doing Onyxia. Though, I'd love it if she dropped some weapons, since mine are so bad.


Oni Link 666 said:
I need like 100 more Brewfest coins to get the clothes now. I hope Blizzard doesn't take away the achievements from people who get the clothes, get the achievement and then return them and get the brew of the month subscription 'cause that's what I'm planning on doing. I don't even know if it would be possible to get enough coins for everything you need. I have a feeling there will be much QQing when people can't get enough to get their drakes.
It is possible, easily.

I don't recall exactly how much you accumulate from the startup quests, so it's easiest to say that I currently have 256 tokens after three days of Brewfest; I'm earning around fifty each day (15 for barking, 10 for fighting off the dark iron invasion, 20 - 30 or so from the delivery job).

For all the achievements, you need 350 brewfest tokens for a full set of clothes, 200 for a Brew of the Month entry form. Oh, and 2 for some hops. That's 552; I'd expect to be there in six days (I don't actually need the entry form, personally, though).

If you wanted to buy a full set of regalia, the goggles, a brew of the month entry form, the pony keg and the Elekk pet - in other words, *all* the novelty items from the holiday - that would be 850 tokens. That would take me twelve days from now, and that's where some people may start having issues doing everything in time.


The clothes are refundable, so buy them first, do the achievement, sell them back to vendor, buy Brew of the Month, get achievement. Then you can buy the novelty shit.


Weenerz said:
The clothes are refundable, so buy them first, do the achievement, sell them back to vendor, buy Brew of the Month, get achievement. Then you can buy the novelty shit.
Well, yes. The person I was responding to was wondering if it was possible if you don't do that.
Kyoufu said:
60% is actually what the target is before the burrow. As weenerz said, people have to be smart about kiting.

As for p3, the reason why he healed himself over 30% is most likely because your healers topped players off. The only people in the raid that should be at full health are the tanks, NOBODY ELSE.

Just to expand on this a little. If you're not a tank and don't have the penetrating cold debuff you should be sitting at the lowest amount of health possible. I always run heroic with a druid so he rejuvs the raid (and that's about it) while I heal the MT/OT (only healing the off-tank when the adds are out). We bring an elemental shaman who heals people with penetrating cold in phase 3.

Figure out how to get to phase 3 with a frost patch up and minimize healing done in phase 3 and it's not that bad (10 man heroic, at least).


1-shot Firefighter last night for our guilds first kill. Pulled our first Algalon as well and got him to 60% or so.


Lost all credibility.
The FoK nerf REALLY sucks, but I don't think it'll stop me from spamming it in substitute of sinister strike when we're fighting multiple enemies at once in an instance.

Actually, what would have been pretty cool is if in exchange for the lower damage, they made if so Fan of Knives built combo points like SS. Although for that to really balance out they'd probably have to lower the FoK damage even more.
At least it will stop people from bugging me about getting the talent. People think it's some magic win button. I'm more worried about the armor penetration nerf. I'm not gemming for it but, I do have a few pieces with it and it's on a bunch of the ToC gear.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Armor penetration is going to be no more once Cataclysm is out, you people shouldn't worry too much about a dying stat. Unless they somehow include it in Strength or Agility, kinda like Spell power with Intellect...


Oni Link 666 said:
At least it will stop people from bugging me about getting the talent. People think it's some magic win button. I'm more worried about the armor penetration nerf. I'm not gemming for it but, I do have a few pieces with it and it's on a bunch of the ToC gear.

Yeah I'm pretty much straight gemmed for it now ... at soft cap with Mjolnir. Will probably go back to AGI I guess ... even though I dropped my 4pc T8 and no longer Rupture at all.
So, I'm probably going to buy the WoW Battlechest somewhere this week.

Being a first timer, I should probably start on a PvE server, but in the end I can see a PvP server being more fun.

How bad is the ganking while questing/leveling on a PvP server?
I'm not worried about arp in Cataclysm. I'm all for getting rid of all the filler stats. I'm worried about arp now. They're nerfing a stat that's on my gear. My DPS is going to go down.

Macattk15 said:
Yeah I'm pretty much straight gemmed for it now ... at soft cap with Mjolnir. Will probably go back to AGI I guess ... even though I dropped my 4pc T8 and no longer Rupture at all.

Speaking of T9, I got 2 piece now and that shit sucks. Trading the 4 piece T8 bonus for 2 piece T9 is like a 100 DPS decrease.


GasProblem said:
So, I'm probably going to buy the WoW Battlechest somewhere this week.

Being a first timer, I should probably start on a PvE server, but in the end I can see a PvP server being more fun.

How bad is the ganking while questing/leveling on a PvP server?
Don't buy a battlechest. Have a fellow gaffer send you a RAF invite. PM me your e-mail address and I'll be happy to help you out.


GasProblem said:
So, I'm probably going to buy the WoW Battlechest somewhere this week.

Being a first timer, I should probably start on a PvE server, but in the end I can see a PvP server being more fun.

How bad is the ganking while questing/leveling on a PvP server?

It's not as bad as it used to be, but both servers are equally fun. When you actually want to PvP, there's plenty of places to do it and it's quick to start. I've found the fun you find in world PvP can be easily matched by the loss of fun being repeatedly ganked can be.


Junior Member
GasProblem said:
How bad is the ganking while questing/leveling on a PvP server?

It's not. Ganking is pretty rare, and being camped after being ganked is even more rare. In those cases you just get up from the computer, make a sandwich / walk the dog / whatever.

You'd be advised to choose alternatives to leveling in more popular areas (Stranglethorn Vale has a reputation for ganking), but generally there are always at least two areas appropriate for your level to quest in. Hellfire Peninsula is really the only bottleneck from 1-80 now, and I've taken my DK from 58 to 63 there in the past few weeks without getting ganked once.

There's just a lot for max level characters to do now, so the boredom that led to ganking isn't as common.


Any advice given by people on PvP servers is purely anecdotal. Not every server is the same so your experience may vary and differ from ours.

I'm on a high populated server and I've been ganked/camped plenty of times. It is stressful and a waste of time when you just want to blitz through quests and level fast as possible. Its also annoying when you're trying to farm gold by either grinding or doing dailies and someone ganks you.

But its also great fun to gank others if you're leveling with friends or playing a gank-happy class like Rogue or Paladin. Hell, I really enjoyed ganking people on my Arms Warrior lol.
argghhh why is level 10+ so slow! I spent a week farming badges to kit out my druid but I hate every starting zone :lol I ended up stick with tredesial>placewhichnameescapesme but there are all level 14+ quests apart from the odd 12 scattered.

I would go to the place with the bandits (again forgot the name) but that's just as bad not to mention I'd have to keep going back to do class quests:lol

fucking low levels are ruuubish
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