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World of Warcraft

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Kweh said:
Sigh...I succumbed and resubscribed. It's been 4-5 months since I last played, so what's the best action bar mod these days?

Bartender, imo. Really, really easy to use and quite customizable.

I feel like I only get to play this game once or twice a week. On tuesday, everyone loads up in the van and heads down to the TOC 25 loot pinata to procure what amounts to welfare epics, especially after that brutal champions nerf, and when that's done, what's left? Alts all week, and I'm sick to death of playing alts. Oh sure, there's Trial of the Grand Crusader, 10 man, but what if say your guild plays favorites, doesn't need another dps, or just in general finds you smelly? Then nothing. Sitting in Dalaran gearsterbating over your newest bracers and the perfect gem you've got sitting in them. Left to ruminate in your own juices over the fact that the weekly lockout periods are just a hand over fist money grab by Blizzard. Waiting for Icecrown Citadel.


Junior Member
So you're clearing ToGC 25 man?

SatelliteOfLove said:
It's oddly comforting to hear other classes fearing buffs like us Priests.

Only because the PvP QQ gets us nerfed in PvE. 3.1 was horrible - they finally made deep destruction viable... for about two days. PvP'ers QQ'd about conflag, and they nerfed it, hard.

We ended up having our top DPS specs involve a god-awful execute / spell-weaving at max distance mechanic until they got around to adjusting our talents to make destro viable again.

I'm happy where warlocks are. We've got 2/5 ToGC down, and I'm usually in the top five DPS behind a DK, a rogue or two, a mage, and a boomkin. The other 'locks push me to do better, and since I've fallen wawy behind on gear I have to work to stay in front of them (admittedly one would blow me away if he didn't like the raid support role of demonology).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maybe Blizzard should just break down and put an Absolute Virtue equivalent in the game just to revel in the glorious QQ


Tamanon said:
Eventually Blizzard will realize Frost Mages exist, then I'll finally break mine out of cold storage:p

We use them on Faction Champs 25 Heroic .... because an alive frost mage is better than a dead fire or arcane mage.


Junior Member
Retro said:
Unfortunately, your class is going to get a major overhaul in Cataclysm, but... from the sound of things, it might actually be pretty cool.

I'll probably be a casual player after Wrath, if I play at all. Once Arthas is down my interest in WoW will diminish greatly. I'm not a lore nerd, but it at least has to interest me. The whole Illidan emo thing / Burning Legion really never did anything for me, which is why I easily sat out all of TBC.


Really Really Exciting Member!
TomServo said:
I'll probably be a casual player after Wrath, if I play at all. Once Arthas is down my interest in WoW will diminish greatly. I'm not a lore nerd, but it at least has to interest me. The whole Illidan emo thing / Burning Legion really never did anything for me, which is why I easily sat out all of TBC.

And a huge black dragon destroying all of old Azeroth in Cataclysm is less interesting than pansy Arthas who is too afraid to attack any Alliance or Horde by himself outside of his citadel? :p


"WE MEET AGAIN! GO MINION #2! HAVE FUN WITH HIM! SEE YOU IN MY BASE! HAHAHA!" *Arthas casts a dark portal and leaves*


Junior Member
Bisnic said:
And a huge black dragon destroying all of old Azeroth in Cataclysm is less interesting than pansy Arthas who is too afraid to attack any Alliance or Horde by himself outside of his citadel? :p

Since WCIII was pretty much the Arthas show, yeah.

Just my opinion. Not asking anyone else to go casual / quit with me.

EDIT: You do realize that Onyxia / Nefarion / Sartharion all fall into the same "fight my minions" category in terms of Deathwing, don't you?


Really Really Exciting Member!
TomServo said:
Since WCIII was pretty much the Arthas show, yeah.

Just my opinion. Not asking anyone else to go casual / quit with me.

EDIT: You do realize that Onyxia / Nefarion / Sartharion all fall into the same "fight my minions" category in terms of Deathwing, don't you?

I know that, but at least Deathwing will actually do something significant to our world, unlike Arthas who has been sitting in Northrend since 2004 only sending a few undeads that did nothing but kill a few Hordes & Alliances.


Junior Member
Bisnic said:
I know that, but at least Deathwing will actually do something significant to our world, unlike Arthas who has been sitting in Northrend since 2004 only sending a few undeads that did nothing but kill a few Hordes & Alliances.

Arthas had already made his impact on Azeroth. It's just the way the lore goes.

If Deathwing had been the primary villan in Warcraft III then we could have started 2004 in a world shattered by the Cataclysm, and a few years later this Arthas guy spreads the plague of undeath on Azeroth. See lush and pristine Lordaeron turned into the vile Plaguelands! See the noble Nerubians of Northrend turned into horrible undead! Etc, etc, etc.

Sure, he's coming off a bit soft in WotLK, but Blizzard has explained this. They wanted him to be more visible after feeling like players had no real connection / experience with Illidan until they actually entered the Black Temple.


yacobod said:
good scores today

got a dual blade butcher on my warrior, and got the heroic death's head xbow on my hunter

Envy x10. I'm still using Siren's Cry on my Hunter and the Marrorstrike on my Death Knight.

He finally came!


TomServo said:
I'll probably be a casual player after Wrath, if I play at all. Once Arthas is down my interest in WoW will diminish greatly. I'm not a lore nerd, but it at least has to interest me. The whole Illidan emo thing / Burning Legion really never did anything for me, which is why I easily sat out all of TBC.

Now see, I feel the exact opposite way. For me, WotLK has been a bad take on Lord of the Rings; Icecrown even looks like Mordor in winter. WotLK has finally dealt with Arthas, who's been lurking about as Villain #1 since WC3. It doesn't help that his presence has turned him into kind of a giant pussy, but hopefully that will be resolved in the Icecrown patch.

With that plot line put to rest, we'll finally be moving past the story arc established 7 years ago, and onto the 'next chapter' of WoW. We'll be dealing with an enemy that's never been seen before save a few cinematics and a novel. For me, that's exciting. Deathwing has already wrecked the world and it's pretty clear that he's insane, so what else will he do?

It's also very exciting to see all of the old zones being destroyed, and what secrets they might give up (and the Archeology profession seems to suggest the answer will be "a lot"). There's lots of little nooks and cranies in the old world that really aren't explained and have a lot of potential. I think that was missing in Outland and Northrend, and hopefully we'll see some of that exploration come back. I actually like the Old World more than either expansion; it just seems more interesting and lived in, while Outland felt like a theme park and Northrend just seemed very spread out and bland (though pretty).

Finally, from a gameplay perspective, Blizzard seems to be moving in the right direction, removing the clumsiest stats, merging the functionality of others, and cutting a lot of the fat via Talent Masteries. I honestly haven't been this excited to play WoW since I first started playing, and can't wait to see what my favorite zones are reduced to or what the talent trees are going to look like. I suppose hope springs eternal, but given the changes we've already heard about, I like to think maybe they'll get most of the classes right this time, without any single class being excessively over or underpowered.

Remember that before TBC, there was effectively one tanking class, several classes had specs that didn't even work, and some classes were nothing more than glorified buff bots (paladins, shamans and locks, to be specific.) WotLK has made even more progress, but the introduction of Death Knights, I feel, has set them back quite a bit in terms of balance.

Hopefully, Cataclysm will see a greater level of balance than we've seen before. This next expansion, in more ways than one, seems to be Blizzard shaking things up. I'll keep paying my subscription fees to see what happens next.


I already thought the RNG god hates me, but today I finally saw a brewfest mount drop. Now I have a badass Ram!


Wrekt said:
I've seen the Brewfest Kodo drop and lost the roll on it by 1 two days in a row now.
It seems unusual to see any mount drop that frequently: I've run it four times now and the ram has only dropped once (which I won). As far as I know only two people in my guild have it, and nobody has the kodo.


No One Remembers
Evlar said:
It seems unusual to see any mount drop that frequently: I've run it four times now and the ram has only dropped once (which I won). As far as I know only two people in my guild have it, and nobody has the kodo.

My friend on her alt, had a Kodo and Ram drop... she won the Ram.


That bug sucked balls, ruined out Insanity heroic 10 run, priest bubbled tank at the start and took his taunt and died. The overeager melee were top threat after the taunt wore off, as the bear tank didn't have rage from not getting hit.
Weenerz said:
That bug sucked balls, ruined out Insanity heroic 10 run, priest bubbled tank at the start and took his taunt and died. The overeager melee were top threat after the taunt wore off, as the bear tank didn't have rage from not getting hit.

Yeah it must have been a serious pain if you were trying to get anything tough done. And it's not like you can say to a disc priest "just don't cast shields tonight" and then expect them to keep the tank up.

I'm just sad I didn't get the chance to collect some soul shards, just for the sheer link-ability of them.
I haven't played wow in a year or something but a friend of mine got deathcharger by accident while farting about with rep. Think it was his first run through too.


Retro said:
Now see, I feel the exact opposite way. For me, WotLK has been a bad take on Lord of the Rings; Icecrown even looks like Mordor in winter. WotLK has finally dealt with Arthas, who's been lurking about as Villain #1 since WC3. It doesn't help that his presence has turned him into kind of a giant pussy, but hopefully that will be resolved in the Icecrown patch.

With that plot line put to rest, we'll finally be moving past the story arc established 7 years ago, and onto the 'next chapter' of WoW. We'll be dealing with an enemy that's never been seen before save a few cinematics and a novel. For me, that's exciting. Deathwing has already wrecked the world and it's pretty clear that he's insane, so what else will he do?

It's also very exciting to see all of the old zones being destroyed, and what secrets they might give up (and the Archeology profession seems to suggest the answer will be "a lot"). There's lots of little nooks and cranies in the old world that really aren't explained and have a lot of potential. I think that was missing in Outland and Northrend, and hopefully we'll see some of that exploration come back. I actually like the Old World more than either expansion; it just seems more interesting and lived in, while Outland felt like a theme park and Northrend just seemed very spread out and bland (though pretty).

Finally, from a gameplay perspective, Blizzard seems to be moving in the right direction, removing the clumsiest stats, merging the functionality of others, and cutting a lot of the fat via Talent Masteries. I honestly haven't been this excited to play WoW since I first started playing, and can't wait to see what my favorite zones are reduced to or what the talent trees are going to look like. I suppose hope springs eternal, but given the changes we've already heard about, I like to think maybe they'll get most of the classes right this time, without any single class being excessively over or underpowered.

Remember that before TBC, there was effectively one tanking class, several classes had specs that didn't even work, and some classes were nothing more than glorified buff bots (paladins, shamans and locks, to be specific.) WotLK has made even more progress, but the introduction of Death Knights, I feel, has set them back quite a bit in terms of balance.

Hopefully, Cataclysm will see a greater level of balance than we've seen before. This next expansion, in more ways than one, seems to be Blizzard shaking things up. I'll keep paying my subscription fees to see what happens next.
Yeah i really love the old world design much more then either outland or northend. That said, the questing in WOTLK is leagues above old world quality questing imo.
One exciting prospect with cata, is they'll probably put the questing in the level 1-60 path, on-par or better then the quests in WOTLK.


Lafiel said:
Yeah i really love the old world design much more then either outland or northend. That said, the questing in WOTLK is leagues above old world quality questing imo.
One exciting prospect with cata, is they'll probably put the questing in the level 1-60 path, on-par or better then the quests in WOTLK.

I think it most definitely will. For example, this image clearly shows the changes being made to the current zones to improve the flow between them.

Hinterlands (Formerly a 40-50 zone) is being downshifted to 30-35 and (theoretically) connected to Arathi Highlands (which was 30-40 and now 25-30). WPL (formerly 51-58) is being shifted to 35-40 and EPL (53-61) is dropping to 40-50 (and apparently being divided in two somehow, perhaps the DK starting area is being redone as a phased questing zone?).

What this map shows is that they are looking at old zones and either re-tuning the quests (bad) or writing entirely new ones (good) to fit the changes made to the world. After all, the Plaguelands are tied pretty closely to the Scourge and Arthas, and while I don't think the events of Icecrown will cause the Scourge to magically disappear overnight, they will have a major effect on anything the Scourge is currently involved in.

Ideally, they're hard at work writing a "Reclaiming of the Plaguelands" series of questlines, with the dark, twisted Plaguelands being phased back into a healthier, perhaps even recolonized landscape.


Has problems recognising girls
Retro said:
Finally, from a gameplay perspective, Blizzard seems to be moving in the right direction, removing the clumsiest stats, merging the functionality of others, and cutting a lot of the fat via Talent Masteries. I honestly haven't been this excited to play WoW since I first started playing, and can't wait to see what my favorite zones are reduced to or what the talent trees are going to look like. I suppose hope springs eternal, but given the changes we've already heard about, I like to think maybe they'll get most of the classes right this time, without any single class being excessively over or underpowered.
That's pretty much my same sentiments. I can't wait for Cataclysm both as a level 80 and as starting over again to see what has happened.

Before the PC died, I was in between fishing & cooking on my lvl 80 and I was leveling a Human Warrior for the kick of it in Night Elf lands. Since I've run every Horde character on Kalimdor (outside of my Undead Priest) as well as a few Alliance characters on there exclusively, it's going to be awesome to see the changes and note the differences because they're all still fresh in my mind.

I may not raid anymore nor even run 5-mans but I've found a certain enjoyment in the game that works for me, so much so that it won't put me off from quitting Cataclysm within the first month or so like TBC did.


2-shotted Firefighter 10m after just randomly deciding to try it out tonight for the first time in two months. That was fucking fun. :)



Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Retro said:
I think it most definitely will. For example, this image clearly shows the changes being made to the current zones to improve the flow between them.

Hinterlands (Formerly a 40-50 zone) is being downshifted to 30-35 and (theoretically) connected to Arathi Highlands (which was 30-40 and now 25-30). WPL (formerly 51-58) is being shifted to 35-40 and EPL (53-61) is dropping to 40-50 (and apparently being divided in two somehow, perhaps the DK starting area is being redone as a phased questing zone?).

What this map shows is that they are looking at old zones and either re-tuning the quests (bad) or writing entirely new ones (good) to fit the changes made to the world. After all, the Plaguelands are tied pretty closely to the Scourge and Arthas, and while I don't think the events of Icecrown will cause the Scourge to magically disappear overnight, they will have a major effect on anything the Scourge is currently involved in.

Ideally, they're hard at work writing a "Reclaiming of the Plaguelands" series of questlines, with the dark, twisted Plaguelands being phased back into a healthier, perhaps even recolonized landscape.

I never saw that screen, must have missed it. Why does it feel so much more fun to just start alts and quests than raid on your "main"?

Also, got Beasts 25-man heroic down. Yay.


I switched to Marks and I'm hitting like a fucking truck now. I'll still keep SV as backup if a fight calls for it but I'm switching BM to level some pets for PvP. I really wish we had a few more slots for our pets, I don't want to give up Loque'nahak.


Junior Member
Kyoufu said:

You one of the Azshara tranfers?

Total shithole of a server. It's next to impossible to get anything done outside of guild. Nothing like watching people in a PUG stand in front of Ony while she deep breaths. She's only been doing that for five years now.

I guess it keeps my played time down that there's no hope in pugging anything beyond the heroic daily.

Faction transfers look like they've killed the Alliance on Azshara. The only competent Alliance raiding guild can't get enough people to log on to do 25 man anything. I'm sure it's mere coincidence, but my ignore list has also gotten a lot longer.


TomServo said:
You one of the Azshara tranfers?

Total shithole of a server. It's next to impossible to get anything done outside of guild. Nothing like watching people in a PUG stand in front of Ony while she deep breaths. She's only been doing that for five years now.

I guess it keeps my played time down that there's no hope in pugging anything beyond the heroic daily.

Faction transfers look like they've killed the Alliance on Azshara. The only competent Alliance raiding guild can't get enough people to log on to do 25 man anything. I'm sure it's mere coincidence, but my ignore list has also gotten a lot longer.

Yeah lol. We left Azshara dead in the water since it was practically impossible to PUG anything due to the low population. Mal'Ganis is where its at!


Angry Grimace said:
Maybe Blizzard should just break down and put an Absolute Virtue equivalent in the game just to revel in the glorious QQ

I honestly thought Earth, Wind and Fire would be, at least until Icecrown gear.

More fool me.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish i had a proto drake on my mage. :( But i'm not in a big raiding guild to get one from Ulduar achievements, i don't have hours to waste waiting in Storm Peaks for the Time-Lost one to show up, haven't seen it drop once in H UP(maybe i should do it everyday just for it...) and Oracles eggs have been giving me crap or pets i already have for months now.



Really Really Exciting Member!
speedpop said:
Dude I don't even have an epic flyer.

Then something is wrong with you, unless you never do any dailies, rarely loot corpses and sell stuff gathered/created from your professions and only been 80 for a few days. =D

Hell, i don't even farm for herbs(only pick them if they're on my way while questing or heading to an instance) or bother selling glyphs, only do the Argent Tournament dailies, sell the crap greys/greens looted from monsters and have nearly 13k gold. :lol
I finally got Revered with the Oracles and opened my first Cracked Egg this morning.

It was not the Green Proto-Drake. And so the long, depressing journey begins :(

Chris R

The Lamonster said:
I finally got Revered with the Oracles and opened my first Cracked Egg this morning.

It was not the Green Proto-Drake. And so the long, depressing journey begins :(
I've stopped trying. Not worth the time it takes to fly over there, buy the egg, and then let it sit on one of my alts waiting to crack since I switched my main :lol


Has problems recognising girls
Bisnic said:
Then something is wrong with you, unless you never do any dailies, rarely loot corpses and sell stuff gathered/created from your professions and only been 80 for a few days. =D
Nah I just never cared enough to bother. Pretty sure my main has around 2.5K in gold but it's like I'm in no race to get there.


mclem said:
I honestly thought Earth, Wind and Fire would be, at least until Icecrown gear.
From what I've read of Aboslute Virtue (18 hour boss encounter with many chances to wipe), Earth Wind and Fire doesn't sound like it'd be even close.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
From what I've read of Aboslute Virtue (18 hour boss encounter with many chances to wipe), Earth Wind and Fire doesn't sound like it'd be even close.
It's no longer that long because it was considered physically hazardous, considering some guild had to quit it's attempts due to members vomiting from staring at the screen so long
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