GasProblem said:Well, here is my first character:
Is there anyway to remove the UI while taking screenshots?
alt+z will remove the UI i believe, not just for screenshots though.
GasProblem said:Well, here is my first character:
Is there anyway to remove the UI while taking screenshots?
Bisnic said:alt+z will remove the UI i believe, not just for screenshots though.![]()
GasProblem said:Chillin' in San' Jin village mon.
Already met someone nice who randomly gave me 1 gold![]()
Deputy Moonman said:I really want a 310% speed flying mount anyway. I screwed up my seasonal achievements and missed children's week. So unless my guild can all of a sudden do all the hardmodes in ulduar 10, I'll be riding the 280% speed mounts for the rest of my wow days. I'm not banking on the ony mount dropping and me actually winning it. That would be too awesome.
border said:Comparably speaking, it's only like 10% faster than a regular epic flying mount. A paladin with Crusader Aura can still outrun you. Now if you're a paladin with a 310 mount though, then you'd really be hauling ass![]()
Acid08 said:Also is there any way(mod or otherwise) that actually marks mission objectives on your map? I'm not sure why but I'm having a very hard time with the vague ass directions you get from NPC's.
TomServo said:Questhelper
It's 10% faster than the taxis, and 30% faster than epic flyers (all as percentage increases over normal running speed).border said:I never quite understood the lust for 310% mounts.
Comparably speaking, it's only like 10% faster than a regular epic flying mount. A paladin with Crusader Aura can still outrun you. Now if you're a paladin with a 310 mount though, then you'd really be hauling ass![]()
Evlar said:It's 10% faster than the taxis, and 30% faster than epic flyers (all as percentage increases over normal running speed).
Acid08 said:Just started playing this. It's really really fun. But considering the last MMO I played was Shadowbane I suppose anything would be a lot more fun :lol .
I've been kinda wanting to play Shadowbane since it's free until the servers shut down. But then I went out and bought WoW so I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that. Ever.Atrophis said:Heresy! Shadowbane was great. If you could get past the horrendous graphics.
So last night for shits and giggles i wondered if i could remember my login details for my account which hasnt been used in years. Somehow i do and check the account management page:
Account Created: 11 February 05 15:09 CET
Last Login: 19 November 05 01:22 CET
Damn was it really that long ago? And shit i thought i played it for longer! Hmm 10 day free trial for BC. *Clicks*
I have had zero interest in this game since i quit and now I am raging because the shitty game updater keeps randomly closing and is taking forever :/ (is there a good alternative place to download the patches?)
Why do i suddently have the urge to play this so badI dont even like this game anymore... gah i give up and admit nothing beats WOW and it surely is my lord and master.
Knew as soon as i read you could level in BGs that i would slowly but surely be dragged back to the game
You will be using that flying mount in the next expansion which covers two entire continents. You are crazy if you think that you won't get enough use out of it to make up for the time spent doing world events.border said:Comparing it to run speed doesn't make any sense, as you should be weighing its advantages against your current mount. As a percentage of the normal epic flying speed, it's a 10% increase (280 x 10% = 310). A level 70 player with a Riding Crop actually goes as fast.
Unless you are a chronic gatherer, you probably end up spending more time trying to get the mount than you save by riding it around. Which is why I can't really be bothered to do all the holiday garbage....
Magnus said:Our Main Tank of 4 years just got laid for the first time in probably as long, so we haven't seen him for a week. :lol :lol
Acid08 said:I've been kinda wanting to play Shadowbane since it's free until the servers shut down. But then I went out and bought WoW so I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that. Ever.
The only memory that stands out to me from Shadowbane was me sitting down, going through my inventory, and then some centaur guy run up to me. He positions himself so he's standing right over me with my head on his horse crotch. He said "THANKS FOR SUCKING MY DICK MAN," and ran off. I had been scared off of MMO's until now.
Wrekt said:You will be using that flying mount in the next expansion which covers two entire continents. You are crazy if you think that you won't get enough use out of it to make up for the time spent doing world events.
Acid08 said:I'm having trouble with Questhelper. Not all of my quests are showing up. How do I change which quests have the markers set and which don't?
For instance I'm doing the Call of Fire shaman quest but the place I need to go doesn't show up. Do I have to travel to a land first before it will show me the quest marker?
GriffD17 said:One thing I'm learning the hard way. It's rough rolling a priest.
GriffD17 said:One thing I'm learning the hard way. It's rough rolling a priest.
I just did 1-58 on a warrior in just over 2 days played with little to no rested exp. Someone in my guild tried to tell me that was horrible but I think their perception of time (on WoW EVERY time I log in :lol ) is screwed up as they said they get 1-80 in 2 days :lolspootime said:Just curious.. what do you guys estimate is the total playtime needed to go from 1-80 these days? This is going fairly efficiently and not using RAF.
funkmastergeneral said:Just wand things to death at low levels
GriffD17 said:Can I use a wand at my level?
*logs in to check*
Tamanon said:You can use wands at level 1, best investment a priest can possibly make.![]()
I could, but I've decided not to put in another year of effort. I have no idea where I'll be in a year, so I'd rather focus my time on other things. I tried. I failed. I'm going to get something to eat from taco bell.:lolmclem said:Could you not, er, do the remaining seasonal achievements next year? It's not like they're going away, unless I've missed a Blue stating a deadline for Long, Strange Trip. Or do you simply mean you'll be stopping playing at some point in the near future?
Sebulon3k said:Nice I didn't want to have to deal with looking for New Player only raids because I have done the content so many times it's almost mind numbing.
Is survival still the Go To spec for end game hunter raiding?
Tamanon said:Survival and Marks are neck-and-neck after the ArP nerf. Either one is just fine for raiding.
Sebulon3k said:Great, was gonna re - roll a priest if BM somehow came back from the dead :lol
Tamanon said:Survival and Marks are neck-and-neck after the ArP nerf. Either one is just fine for raiding.
Sebulon3k said:What's the barrier to entry like for raiding now?
Decided to get back into the game and start leveling a hunter on my old account on Mal'Ganis Horde, noticing in almost all the lfm Raid shouts that people want a particular gear level, even for basic stuff like Naxx. Kinda worried that getting geared up to do stuff like Ulduar and ToC is going to be much harder then it was pugging through Naxx in 3.0. Do people even do heroics anymore?
Btw Sorry Spruchy :lol
Mr Pockets said:310% Mounts are totally worth it.
Loving mine for looks and utility.
Still not the best mount in game though. That title still belongs to my fav Headless Horseman mount. Ground & Air beats speed in air only.
Kyoufu said:Best part about that mount is the instant cast. Sooo good.
Tamanon said:Instant cast epic flying is the main reason I've been playing my Druid lately:/
I'm a marks hunter and I've never really done any dungeons and my gear absolutely sucks. I know how to play my spec though and I want some good gear so I'm wondering where to start. Also, I'm not really experienced in CC, so I could mostly provide DPS and not much else.Tamanon said:Survival and Marks are neck-and-neck after the ArP nerf. Either one is just fine for raiding.
Scrow said:approximately how long before wrath came out did they increase the levelling speed* from 60-70?
*or decrease the EXP requirements