speedpop said:Never underestimate the Wrath expansion's ability to render anything inevitable, and soon thereafter, an inevitable metric.
speedpop said:Never underestimate the Wrath expansion's ability to render anything inevitable, and soon thereafter, an inevitable metric.
I quit trying to get the green protodrake and I still play on my main. After months and months of trying, I got sick and tired of running into people who were like, "yeah, i got it on my first/second egg." I call bullshit rofl.rhfb said:I've stopped trying. Not worth the time it takes to fly over there, buy the egg, and then let it sit on one of my alts waiting to crack since I switched my main :lol
I like that it took vomiting players to make them realize that an 18-hour boss encounter was a bad idea :lol So how long is the fight now?Angry Grimace said:It's no longer that long because it was considered physically hazardous, considering some guild had to quit it's attempts due to members vomiting from staring at the screen so long
border said:I like that it took vomiting players to make them realize that an 18-hour boss encounter was a bad idea :lol So how long is the fight now?
I don't think it was 18 hours for particularly long due to people getting mad and them changing it. That or someone had a really bad strategy.Kyoufu said:Weird, it took my linkshell 4 hours to down it. No vomit!
GasProblem said:So, I just bought the Battlechest, and I wanted to play using timecards, but it seems that I can't even create an account without filling in a timecard code first. Can't buy a timecard untill next weekCan I use the guest pass I've gotten to atleast be able to play this weekend, and after that use a timecard and change my account into a non-guest account?
Or should I sign up with one of my parents creditcards (don't have one of my own), and just cancel the credit card subscription manually during the first free month and change my payment method to timecards after that?
Edit: Never mind, I'll just wait untill mondayI'll just finish as much homework as I possibly can tomorrow, so I can have some playtime on monday.
Door2Dawn said:Man I really sucks being a Death Knight. It so hard trying to find a raiding guild that will have a Death Knight slot open.
Door2Dawn said:Man I really sucks being a Death Knight. It so hard trying to find a raiding guild that will have a Death Knight slot open.
It was a massive mistake in terms of userbase balance to start them at 55. It probably was a great business decision, though.Door2Dawn said:Man I really sucks being a Death Knight. It so hard trying to find a raiding guild that will have a Death Knight slot open.
Door2Dawn said:Man I really sucks being a Death Knight. It so hard trying to find a raiding guild that will have a Death Knight slot open.
Door2Dawn said:Man I really sucks being a Death Knight. It so hard trying to find a raiding guild that will have a Death Knight slot open.
speedpop said:Nah I just never cared enough to bother. Pretty sure my main has around 2.5K in gold but it's like I'm in no race to get there.
NameGenerated said:How fast is leveling with heirlooms? I really want to have an 80 Warrior to tank but leveling is sooo tedious.
Add walks in, kill add, continue with classic battle.Kweh said:Is the Onyxia encounter any different to before then?
aryies said:man, my lock is pretty decently geared now, and im loving it way more than my spriest, but gg every guild i join seems to be full of idiots who are somewhat well progressed, but full of RAGE at any tiny thing that goes wrong. wtb a guild that just focuses on 25 normal modes, because half these tards going for TotGC are obviously not competent enough but they fail to realise this, even after wiping night after night on NR beasts :<
NameGenerated said:How fast is leveling with heirlooms? I really want to have an 80 Warrior to tank but leveling is sooo tedious.
NameGenerated said:You don't have to be an asshole about it.
I haven't leveled a char from 1 in like 3 years. I was just wondering if Blizzard made it quicker or anything.
No I have an 80, I just haven't made a new character in forever.Bisnic said:Since you haven't played for 3 years, you probably don't know, but you can't even use heirloom gear unless you already have a lvl 80 with the required number of emblems of heroism or champion seals to purchase them.
mcrae said:im planning on restarting in a couple of weeks. i have a 60 lock geared in half tier 2 from pre-BC, cant decide if i want to bring it to 80, or maybe roll a new class, probably a mage.
what is the need like for lock's/mages like at endgame? i was thinking of rolling a deathknight but apparantly no one wants them in raids anymore?
Ripclawe said:Cataclysm spoilers and Garrosh.....welll...
That may be the case with the guilds you're in, but a lot of the tip top endgame has always been wiping night after night on the same encounter. This is less the case now than it used to be, especially because the hard modes are essentially the same mechanics-wise as the normal modes, but run-of-the-mill guilds do pay with internet blood, sweat and tears to progress. My guild just downed H NRB 25 this week after working on them (as well as a few Ulduar hard modes) since TotGC unlocked, which was a whole lot of wiping.aryies said:man, my lock is pretty decently geared now, and im loving it way more than my spriest, but gg every guild i join seems to be full of idiots who are somewhat well progressed, but full of RAGE at any tiny thing that goes wrong. wtb a guild that just focuses on 25 normal modes, because half these tards going for TotGC are obviously not competent enough but they fail to realise this, even after wiping night after night on NR beasts :<
Although Power Word: Shield used to prevent or significantly halt rage generation of a rage-based tank, patch 3.0.2 made this a non-issue.
Be EXTREMELY careful of using your Power Word: Shield spell on tanks when running instances. Tankadins gain and maintain aggro from taking damage, and Warrior or Druid tanks gain rage when they are hit. Your PW:S spell will actually prevent this from happening and thus may cause the mobs to attack the next highest threat on their list. Most likely, this will be YOU.
Ripclawe said:Cataclysm spoilers and Garrosh.....welll...
Still haven't managed to kill Ony in a pug :lol Not going to try to pug it anymore until they nerf her so 99% of pugs can down her. (Just look at the top killers list... Ony and her adds by a fucking MILE)Xabora said:Add walks in, kill add, continue with classic battle.
Oh and Deep breath is now interesting.
sykoex said:Question for anyone familiar with Priest healing. Is it okay to use Power Word: Shield on a tank or not?
WoWWiki seems to negate itself on the subject.
sykoex said:What if I'm the only priest and I'm Holy? Can I use it on every sort of tank?
Ghostcrawler via MMOChamp said:We have a change for Vanish in place for 3.3. You will get to try it out soon (tm). As promised, if it proves a significant buff to rogues, we may have to compensate elsewhere. Just because it hasn't worked as intended doesn't mean it will be balanced when it does.
Orbitcube said:. This is intriguing. Honestly I thought Blizz would just leave it be. As long as it's not the 1 sec immunity that's been proposed for god knows how long, I'll be happy with this change.
This also means that 3.3 PTR is soon (tm). God, Blizz are really hauling out these patches.
Macattk15 said:I want to smash my head into a sword due to Twin Valks 25 Heroic.