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World of Warcraft

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Really Really Exciting Member!
Damn, 219 epics for NORMAL and 232 for HEROIC 5 man?

I sure hope they are harder than your usual 5 man instance.

...As long they have have trinket or DPS offhand gear. I'm still stuck with ilvl 200 of those, even if i have 4/5 T9 already. :lol I don't do Ulduar or TOC 10/25 enough. :(


border said:
Does she really hate her existence that much? Kinda weird that someone tortured with such self-loathing would want to lead an entire faction....

Basically he marched into Quel'thalas, destroyed everything and everyone she ever knew or loved, and turned her into the very thing she hated, and was literally his slave until the Lich King's power began to wane and she was able to recover her own will. I don't think she leads the Forsaken out of any desire beyond her own thirst for revenge and hatred of Arthas.


funkmastergeneral said:
How many healers do you guys run with on heroic ToC for anub?While 2 healing it, we were wiping consistently last night on phase 3 due to lack of healing. But when trying to 3 heal it we didn't have the dps to get him to phase 3 with only one burrow.

Also something annoying that's popped up while doing 10 mans - there seems to be no cloaks in ToC 10 outside of the tribute chest. That seems pretty unfair for 10 man guilds.

Also run two. The only people that need healing in phase 3 are the 2 tanks and whoever gets that Permafrost DoT debuff. Don't heal anyone else and waste heals.
Made a new char, he's level 12 now.


I don't know if I should level to ~20 in the Barrens, or go to the Ghostlands and do it there. I heard the quests in the Ghostlands were faster and had better rewards then those in the Barrens?


Pretty much don't go anywhere but Ghostlands/Bloodmyst Isle when you make new guys. They're just a lot better than the old zones.


Retro said:
I don't think she leads the Forsaken out of any desire beyond her own thirst for revenge and hatred of Arthas.
So what will she do once Arthas is finally gone? What will all of the Forsaken do anyway?


Duki said:
Pretty much don't go anywhere but Ghostlands/Bloodmyst Isle when you make new guys. They're just a lot better than the old zones.
Well fuck I wish someone had told me that before I started playing. I've been bumming around the Barrens for a while now doing lame ass quests trying to get to 20.
Damn 500 errors.

Atrophis said:
PVP'ing in Booty Bay before the guards got uber :p

I only PvP in controlled circumstances... but I can certainly see how that might make it more interesting. :lol

The Lamonster said:
I think it's pretty. And I also loved Un'Goro Crater because it was pretty.

and goddam I love dinosaurs

It's funny you should mention Un'Goro, because I still love it for the dinosaurs and Nintendo references. I think the trouble with STV is how many of my toons have died there; that is, I've got them to about 35 - 40 and then just lost interest in them.

Acid08 said:
Well fuck I wish someone had told me that before I started playing. I've been bumming around the Barrens for a while now doing lame ass quests trying to get to 20.

Don't listen to them! You'll never learn the horrible truth about what happened to Mankrik's wife!


Barrens is only really worthwhile if you're a skinner/leatherworker. I loved that zone leveling up, but Ghostlands is definitely quicker to get you out to the 20s.


Tamanon said:
Barrens is only really worthwhile if you're a skinner/leatherworker. I loved that zone leveling up, but Ghostlands is definitely quicker to get you out to the 20s.
Sorry for the stupid question but are the Ghostlands a BC or WotLK zone? I haven't bought either of them yet and it would explain why I never knew it existed.


Acid08 said:
Sorry for the stupid question but are the Ghostlands a BC or WotLK zone? I haven't bought either of them yet and it would explain why I never knew it existed.

Burning Crusade, it's the Blood Elf 10-20 zone.


Man, I've never been so depressed as a frost mage. Got my druid to 80 and got enough equipment to switch him to boomkin finally. Highest crit was ever 5k on my frost mage, I basically hit 80 and then stopped. First starfire cast as a boomkin was an 8k crit:/


border said:
So what will she do once Arthas is finally gone? What will all of the Forsaken do anyway?

Hopefully that's part of the plot in Cataclysm. The reason the next expansion is so exciting is that we're finally wrapping up the plot lines started in Warcraft III, 7 years ago. Since then, the story has kind of just limped along to the inevitably conclusion of the Lich King story arc.

After Arthas is killed / redeemed / whatever'ed, the story is a blank slate with no clear indication where it is going beyond "Darkwing wrecks the world". Nobody knows what will happen to anybody after the Cataclysm.

I'm hoping they make major changes or start from scratch in Eastern and Western Plaguelands, and in doing so explain what the Forsaken's goals are. If there's any locations in the last seven years of storyline that need resolution, it's those two regions that would see the most impact from the Lich King's defeat.


r3d panda said:
ok so I started playing again and just wanted to know peoples opinion on what class owns right now??

There is no best class. That said, Paladins and DKs seem to be the ones getting the most hate.


Didn't the LORE DUDEZ essentially say that Arthas is unredeemable at this point? I think it might make sense to have Sylvanas die in the final encounter, but at that point I don't think there's anyone that'd be a sensible leader for the Forsaken. Maybe a power vacuum is what the story needs though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Didn't the LORE DUDEZ essentially say that Arthas is unredeemable at this point? I think it might make sense to have Sylvanas die in the final encounter, but at that point I don't think there's anyone that'd be a sensible leader for the Forsaken. Maybe a power vacuum is what the story needs though.
From a chaotic-evil, magnificent bastard point of view, it would pretty much hilarious if all Forsaken player-characters just died permanently.


Just realised while levelling my hunter that I've only been levelling bows and my gun skill is 0 :lol , Should I just stop levelling now and go back to the low level areas to level it up or is it easily done later, never had to worry about weapon skills on my other characters.

And is there a general consensus on which hunter pet is the best for dps? Been using a cat so far and things seem to be going well


Sylvanas is already confirmed in Cata. Would be something different though had they gone that direction, but Im glad. She and Illidan are/were my favorites from warcraft lore.


r3d panda said:
ok so I started playing again and just wanted to know peoples opinion on what class owns right now??
No idea. I just started playing and decided to roll a Shaman as my first character. Pretty awesome so far.


Sebulon3k said:
Just realised while levelling my hunter that I've only been levelling bows and my gun skill is 0 :lol , Should I just stop levelling now and go back to the low level areas to level it up or is it easily done later, never had to worry about weapon skills on my other characters.

And is there a general consensus on which hunter pet is the best for dps? Been using a cat so far and things seem to be going well

Nah, just start using a gun, it levels up really quickly on current level mobs, you'll just miss about 100 times, but each miss is still a level up, heh.


They've already set up character transfers for the upcoming 3.3 test realm (but there's no point in it since the realm isn't up yet).

So is 3.3 going to include all of Icecrown or just the 5-man dungeon?


I'm thinking both, it'll be like the final content patch before Wrath where they introduced Sunwell and Magister's Terrace.

I'm thinking we'll be seeing Cataclysm in Summer of next year at this rate.


I'd almost like to see them push out the 5 man before the Icecrown raids, just so everyone can get geared up. I'm assuming the next patch will have another progression bump where everyone gets Emblems of Triumph from Heroics......I gotta imagine there's a ton of people that really wanna see Icecrown proper that don't normally raid and won't go through the normal steps of 10/25 man progression (I'm pretty much one of them).

It's an interesting dilemma for Blizzard, how accessible they want to make Icecrown10. The lore/story aspects of the dungeon are arguably more interesting to the community at large than any other raid they've ever introduced......so they'd naturally want to make it the most accessible. But at the same time there's this huge community of people that will go apeshit if it isn't locked away from normal players by virtue of difficulty and gear requirements.
border said:
I'd almost like to see them push out the 5 man before the Icecrown raids, just so everyone can get geared up. I'm assuming the next patch will have another progression bump where everyone gets Emblems of Triumph from Heroics......I gotta imagine there's a ton of people that really wanna see Icecrown proper that don't normally raid and won't go through the normal steps of 10/25 man progression (I'm pretty much one of them).

It's an interesting dilemma for Blizzard, how accessible they want to make Icecrown10. The lore/story aspects of the dungeon are arguably more interesting to the community at large than any other raid they've ever introduced......so they'd naturally want to make it the most accessible. But at the same time there's this huge community of people that will go apeshit if it isn't locked away from normal players by virtue of difficulty and gear requirements.


And there's never been a sign on any door, much less now, that states "Thou must useth the sock of the poop, ye who wisheth to enter here". That's strawman bullshit by people stung by the lack of instant gratification.


hey guys, can someone explain to me how people normally get between outland and say, ironforge? basically when i need to go to and from the auction house, what should i do?


mcrae said:
hey guys, can someone explain to me how people normally get between outland and say, ironforge? basically when i need to go to and from the auction house, what should i do?

Use the portals in the center area of Shattrath, the city that's in the forest area next to Zangarmarsh I believe. ( Can't remember the name but it's in the same zone as Auchindon )

Chris R

mcrae said:
hey guys, can someone explain to me how people normally get between outland and say, ironforge? basically when i need to go to and from the auction house, what should i do?
You have a flightpoint to Shattarath even though you may have never been there. Fly there and take one of the portals at the center of the city to the alliance town of your choice.


Modesty becomes a woman
SatelliteOfLove said:

And there's never been a sign on any door, much less now, that states "Thou must useth the sock of the poop, ye who wisheth to enter here". That's strawman bullshit by people stung by the lack of instant gratification.

People that have done that before and feel stupid for it so they want everyone to go through that amount of crap because they did.


Bisnic said:
Yeah... people we're crying how their fabulous raid epics that took them 2 years to get would be replaced by some blue in a 5 man dungeon. About the same thing happened when WOTLK came out, although it wasn't as bad since raiding wasn't as hardcore as pre-BC and you could still keep your epics for a while. But now, since raid epics are so easy to get, i don't think people will whine too much about this when Cataclysm is out.
I must admit that I'm rather curious about how rapidly it'll happen in Cataclysm. In TBC you could replace MC epics pretty much immediately, BWL ones by about L63 or so and I imagine AQ40 and Naxx ones lasting until the mid-to-high 60s (can't be sure, BWL was the limit of my vanilla raiding). In Wrath I think I was updating BT gear as early as 71 and 72 - but there was a major change to prot paladin gearing in 3.0 which meant that a portion of my accumulated gear had become less useful anyway.

Given the fact that we're only levelling through five levels this time (but, it would seem, five levels rather longer and more expansive than we've had in the past), I'm wondering if that means the higher end of raiding gear will last longer than before or if we'll have another period where the gear is massively better between 80 and 81.


Junior Member
mclem said:
Given the fact that we're only levelling through five levels this time (but, it would seem, five levels rather longer and more expansive than we've had in the past), I'm wondering if that means the higher end of raiding gear will last longer than before or if we'll have another period where the gear is massively better between 80 and 81.

With the soft gear reset they've already done in 3.2 (c'mon, my alt has 2pt8 and 2pt9) and will likely do with Icecrown, I could see them keeping gear progression pretty much linear from 80-85.

Then again, one of the reasons I'm saying that is because stats like crit are already getting silly. In that case, myself and the other destro locks average +50% crit with 2pt9 and a mix of iLvl226-258 gear. The stat consolidation in the expansion could address that problem though, so who knows.

EDIT: 2511 completely unbuffed spellpower now, and I've still got a lot of gear left to get in To(G)C. Stats are getting silly. Hell, I'm still using two iLevel200 trinkets (Abysall Rune and Sundial), replace those with Scale of Fates and Reign of the Unliving and I'd be near 2750 unbuffed.


Did heroic toc for the first time. Welfare epics alright, it took me only 20 minutes to finish, and over 6 epics dropped.:lol
I hope the new icecrown 5-man instance pose some challenge, because the difficulty in TOC is just pathetic.


Junior Member
Lafiel said:
I hope the new icecrown 5-man instance pose some challenge, because the difficulty in TOC is just pathetic.

It's brutal when you pug it with baddies. Lots of AoE damage. Melee that stand in poison, ranged that don't run away from exploding zombies, tanks that don't understand they need to at least attempt to pick up adds, etc.

I run it with my alt priest, and it's brutal to try to heal as discipline but horrible dps means going OOM as holy is a very real possibility. Especially with the dps running pugs on my server. I ran into a warlock in greens and level 70 epics that was doing 700dps. Horrible spec, had no idea how to play the class.
rhfb said:
You have a flightpoint to Shattarath even though you may have never been there. Fly there and take one of the portals at the center of the city to the alliance town of your choice.
And to get from Ironforge to Outland, there is a portal in the mage area of IF that leads to the Blasted Lands where you can take THE DARK PORTAL to Outland.
So, how do you go to the Ghostlands from Thunder Bluff. I've read that you need to go to Orgrimmar > fly to Undercity > port to Silvermoon > run south to the Ghostlands.

How do you get to Orgrimmar from Thunder Bluff, and does it cost any money? I only have like 2 silver right now, skills are expensive :'(


TomServo said:
It's brutal when you pug it with baddies. Lots of AoE damage. Melee that stand in poison, ranged that don't run away from exploding zombies, tanks that don't understand they need to at least attempt to pick up adds, etc.

I run it with my alt priest, and it's brutal to try to heal as discipline but horrible dps means going OOM as holy is a very real possibility. Especially with the dps running pugs on my server. I ran into a warlock in greens and level 70 epics that was doing 700dps. Horrible spec, had no idea how to play the class.
Phase 3 as a Holy Pally is a pain in the ass. If you don't have a fresh beacon up on the tank, it is quite easy to fall behind. The first 3-4 times I did ToC, I simply could not heal through it with Divine Shield down. I've geared up a bit since then but it is still the hardest 5 man fight by far.


Junior Member
Wrekt said:
Phase 3 as a Holy Pally is a pain in the ass. If you don't have a fresh beacon up on the tank, it is quite easy to fall behind. The first 3-4 times I did ToC, I simply could not heal through it with Divine Shield down. I've geared up a bit since then but it is still the hardest 5 man fight by far.

I'm actually thinking about going back to discipline despite that fight. You'd have to quickly throw shields on everyone between phases, hope for good PoM bounces, and sometimes Pain Suppress the tank to give you a chance to heal up the dps, but it was doable.

The sad thing is that with good dps it's even a faceroll to heal as holy. You just PoM, flash heal the MT to three stacks, PoH, CoH if needed. But when dps is both stupid and undergeared you can't keep that up long enough for them to kill the boss.


GasProblem said:
How do you get to Orgrimmar from Thunder Bluff, and does it cost any money? I only have like 2 silver right now, skills are expensive :'(
There's now a zeppelin that travels from Thunder Bluff to just south of Orgrimmar. Won't cost you a copper.

Look for the dropoff point in the Spirit Rise.


TomServo said:
Then again, one of the reasons I'm saying that is because stats like crit are already getting silly. In that case, myself and the other destro locks average +50% crit with 2pt9 and a mix of iLvl226-258 gear. The stat consolidation in the expansion could address that problem though, so who knows.

Good point, I'd forgotten that they've underlined a few times that avoidance levels for tanks, similarly, have got way too high in this expansion - which in turn has lead to the massive-hitting bosses that need heals constantly spammed towards the tank to compensate for it. That's definitely something that's going to have an overhaul, although I guess that's in the form of heavily adjusting the rating -> percentage calculation.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Looking back at this thread, my god it is fucking old. The first posts are almost 5 years old!

Is this the oldest still active thread on GAF? :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
mclem said:
Good point, I'd forgotten that they've underlined a few times that avoidance levels for tanks, similarly, have got way too high in this expansion - which in turn has lead to the massive-hitting bosses that need heals constantly spammed towards the tank to compensate for it. That's definitely something that's going to have an overhaul, although I guess that's in the form of heavily adjusting the rating -> percentage calculation.
As though that didn't happen in TBC.


Is it just me or is there a giant gap in caster shield itemization? If you don't raid, your only option for a shield are 1800+ arena or heroic badges. No honor shields, no heroic drops, no crafted ones.

My current server is a giant group of fuckups. I still haven't even killed the fire boss in VoA because not a single dps on the server understands the concept of "don't stand in the giant lake of fire that he shits out." There is no way I'm going to try and pug a ToC for a chance at a sheild


Wrekt said:
Is it just me or is there a giant gap in caster shield itemization? If you don't raid, your only option for a shield are 1800+ arena or heroic badges. No honor shields, no heroic drops, no crafted ones.

My current server is a giant group of fuckups. I still haven't even killed the fire boss in VoA because not a single dps on the server understands the concept of "don't stand in the giant lake of fire that he shits out." There is no way I'm going to try and pug a ToC for a chance at a sheild



Mr Nash

square pies = communism
TomServo said:
It's brutal when you pug it with baddies. Lots of AoE damage. Melee that stand in poison, ranged that don't run away from exploding zombies, tanks that don't understand they need to at least attempt to pick up adds, etc.

I run it with my alt priest, and it's brutal to try to heal as discipline but horrible dps means going OOM as holy is a very real possibility. Especially with the dps running pugs on my server. I ran into a warlock in greens and level 70 epics that was doing 700dps. Horrible spec, had no idea how to play the class.

Haha, I heal discipline too, and I've had some horrible goes at H ToC. The worst is tanks not picking up the ghouls that are all on me in phase 2 despite my pumping out huge raid warnings that I have a bunch on me and will die soon (it's bad enough that I actually had the need to make a macro for that). I had one tank say, "You don't need to run from them, just let them hit you, you'll be fine." Of course, I died shortly thereafter.

Of course, the other side of the coin is amazing runs where we're on phase 3 and I'm thinking, "Okay, the tank's hp are getting down there a bit, I'll just caste a quick penance and..." Boom! Black Knight down, loot window up, everyone says "Thanks for group! =D" and leave, with me thinking, wait, what?" :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
Mr Nash said:
Of course, the other side of the coin is amazing runs where we're on phase 3 and I'm thinking, "Okay, the tank's hp are getting down there a bit, I'll just caste a quick penance and..." Boom! Black Knight down, loot window up, everyone says "Thanks for group! =D" and leave, with me thinking, wait, what?" :p

Yeah, when you get 1 or 2 DPS that know what to do and have the gear for that, heroics bosses can go down stupidly fast.

In most pugs i've done with my Arcane Mage, i can do up to 40% of all damage on one 5 man boss with like 6k-7k DPS. ~30 secs and BAM, boss dead. When you have Mirror Image(so you don't have to worry about burst threat) + Icy Veins + Arcane Power with Missile Barrage proccing almost all the time, not to mention Trinkets procs and 4/5 T9... Shit goes down fast! I almost feel bad for those other pugs that did between 2k & 3k DPS on that boss while i'm up there at 6k+. Sometimes i hope they don't have a DPS meter. :lol

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Bisnic said:
Yeah, when you get 1 or 2 DPS that know what to do and have the gear for that, heroics bosses can go down stupidly fast.

In most pugs i've done with my Arcane Mage, i can do up to 40% of all damage on one 5 man boss with like 6k-7k DPS. ~30 secs and BAM, boss dead. When you have Mirror Image(so you don't have to worry about burst threat) + Icy Veins + Arcane Power with Missile Barrage proccing almost all the time, not to mention Trinkets procs and 4/5 T9... Shit goes down fast! I almost feel bad for those other pugs that did between 2k & 3k DPS on that boss while i'm up there at 6k+. Sometimes i hope they don't have a DPS meter. :lol

Yeah, I'm so envious when I see a mage fire up Mirror Image when I'm in shadow mode. It's one ability that makes me want to roll a mage.

On the flip side of not having a dps meter, I remember running H Nexus quick the day 3.2 came out. Everyone else was from an end game guild geared to the hilt in ulduar stuff, and they just needed one more dps to fill out the group, so they invited me to run shadow. The way they were dropping stuff, I was sooooo relieved that Recount hadn't been updated yet, so they couldn't see how awful I must have been doing compared to them in DPS. :p


Really Really Exciting Member!
Mr Nash said:
Yeah, I'm so envious when I see a mage fire up Mirror Image when I'm in shadow mode. It's one ability that makes me want to roll a mage.

On the flip side of not having a dps meter, I remember running H Nexus quick the day 3.2 came out. Everyone else was from an end game guild geared to the hilt in ulduar stuff, and they just needed one more dps to fill out the group, so they invited me to run shadow. The way they were dropping stuff, I was sooooo relieved that Recount hadn't been updated yet, so they couldn't see how awful I must have been doing compared to them in DPS. :p

Well Mirror Images damage really sucks. Like 300 damage per Frostbolt or Fireblast? Bleh. I really only use it because i never pull aggro while they're up and when my Arcane Blasts crits for 12k after 3 or 4 stacks and my Arcane Missiles crits for over 6k each missile...you really don't want to pull aggro. :lol Anyway, i prefer portals, teleports and free water waaaay more than Mirror Images. :D Being a mage allows me to put my Hearthstone in Eastern Plaguelands when i do my daily "Undead mount Stratholme run" without having to fly for 10 mins from Ironforge. Oh, someday i'll get you! /shakefist

Oh, and Recount works perfectly fine even when a new patch comes if you check the "Use out-of-date addons" option you know? I think i still have a pre-3.2 Recount since it's working fine. Sorry, they probably did saw your Priest damage if they knew about this. :(

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I'll just tell me self they meant it when they said none of their add-ons were working yet, and weren't just being polite. :p
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