Mr Nash said:Haha, I heal discipline too...
Of course, the other side of the coin is amazing runs where we're on phase 3 and I'm thinking, "Okay, the tank's hp are getting down there a bit, I'll just caste a quick penance and..." Boom! Black Knight down, loot window up, everyone says "Thanks for group! =D" and leave, with me thinking, wait, what?"![]()
Yasser said:are there gems for expertise?
Yasser said:are there gems for expertise?
Macattk15 said:How much money does it cost to faction xfer? I think I may be doing it soon ... as well as server transferring.
Tamanon said:
funkmastergeneral said:Yea, there's a few. You don't have many options with them though. I would love an AP/Exp gem;crs=1;crv=0#0-2+1
As discipline I find myself filling two different roles in raids (I run mostly 10-man with the guild). Some boss fights reduce down to the classic tank-as-damage-sponge formula: the MT takes the majority of damage in large heaps, requiring a healer capable of staying ahead of the boss's DPS with superior HPS or absorbs. I can fill that role with the Discipline toolset: PWS+Glyph, Prayer of Mending on cooldown to the tank, Flash and Greater Heals depending on the situation, Penance to dig myself out of a hole and Pain Suppression on reserve for those "oh shit here it comes" moments. This is what Discipline is advertised as designed to do well. The other healer(s) are left to deal with the occasional damage sprayed around the raid.TomServo said:One of the biggest reasons I'm going back to disc. Holy doesn't seem to have the kind of short cooldown "oh shit" button that Penance provides. My priest isn't my main, so maybe I'm missing something, but with my gear level in heroics penance heals for roughly half of the tank's health.
Bisnic said:Faction transfer is 30$
So.. if you want to do both faction & server transfer, be ready to pay 55$...![]()
Macattk15 said:Bleh.
I should make the other guild pay for me.
yacobod said:im pretty sure a server xfer is included in that $30 fee to faction change, if you choose to switch servers
Macattk15 said:I'd highly doubt Blizzard allowing that. Any way they can make more money ....
yacobod said:im pretty sure a server xfer is included in that $30 fee to faction change, if you choose to switch servers
They removed the PvP faction restriction a while agoyacobod said:idk u figure most ppl have multiple toons on the same server, in the case of pvp servers, you couldnt xfer one of your toons over w/out either deleting all your alots, or faction xfering all of them, i never looked into it, but it makes sense that you should have a server xfer available when you faction change
but blizzard making you double dip wouldnt suprise me either
Mr Nash said:Haha, I heal discipline too, and I've had some horrible goes at H ToC. The worst is tanks not picking up the ghouls that are all on me in phase 2 despite my pumping out huge raid warnings that I have a bunch on me and will die soon (it's bad enough that I actually had the need to make a macro for that). I had one tank say, "You don't need to run from them, just let them hit you, you'll be fine." Of course, I died shortly thereafter.
TomServo said:One of the biggest reasons I'm going back to disc. Holy doesn't seem to have the kind of short cooldown "oh shit" button that Penance provides. My priest isn't my main, so maybe I'm missing something, but with my gear level in heroics penance heals for roughly half of the tank's health.
Angry Grimace said:They removed the PvP faction restriction a while ago
yacobod said:r u serious? when did that happen, i'm gonna have to go and try this out now
I am absolutely amazed they have not nerfed Seal of Command yet.Tamanon said:
Tamanon said:
Wrekt said:I am absolutely amazed they have not nerfed Seal of Command yet.
I say that as a Pally with a ret spec.
MMO-Champ said:Misc.
Re-forge Quel'Delar - Combine 5 Infused Saronite Bars with the Batterd Hilt to re-forge Quel'Delar. You must be standing at one of the Forgemaster's Anvils.
Quel'Delar's Compulsion - Quel'Delar seems to have a will of its own. It seems to want you to go to the Halls of Reflection in Icecrown Citadel.
Temper Quel'Delar - Temper Quel'Delar in the Crucible of Souls. Only works inside the Forge of Souls.
Cleanse Quel'Delar - Immerse Quel'Delar in the Sunwell.
Quel'Delar's Wrath - Inflicts 2437500 to 2562500 Shadow damage.
Krasus Quel'Delar Credit
Orbitcube said:Interesting, another legendary for 3.3? I doubt that's Shadowmourne, but the 'Cleanse Quel'Delar' is intriguing. Looks like we'll be going back to Kil'jaeden again.
Tamanon said:Man, Heroic Halls of Stone is a big ol' pain in the ass when your tank isn't very good at catching adds and one of your dps is a rogue doing 1k and not bothering with poisons. That stupid escort quest kept destroying us.
Evlar said:As discipline I find myself filling two different roles in raids (I run mostly 10-man with the guild). Some boss fights reduce down to the classic tank-as-damage-sponge formula: the MT takes the majority of damage in large heaps, requiring a healer capable of staying ahead of the boss's DPS with superior HPS or absorbs. I can fill that role with the Discipline toolset: PWS+Glyph, Prayer of Mending on cooldown to the tank, Flash and Greater Heals depending on the situation, Penance to dig myself out of a hole and Pain Suppression on reserve for those "oh shit here it comes" moments. This is what Discipline is advertised as designed to do well. The other healer(s) are left to deal with the occasional damage sprayed around the raid.
However, it seems to me that more and more boss encounters in Wrath are deviating from that classic formula by either introducing more serious damage to the raid, implementing funky boss mechanics to thwart raid heals, or mechanics that allow bosses to cause direct damage that's not tauntable (all the various random de-buff/special attack abilities). In those circumstances I take on a second role, a sort of 'triage' healer. PWS is an incredibly versatile tool for saving lives in the raid, with little downside other than occupying one GCD and a moderate mana expense. Penance is likewise useful for ensuring the survival of a critical member of the raid (such as another healer). As long as the MT can survive a few seconds without babysitting, or can survive without Grace for five or six seconds, I can stabilize two or three other raid members.
Even better, if an encounter is scripted to create damage spikes at known times, I can pre-heal with PWS and PoM. Just shield anyone who is most susceptible to the imminent damage and let the raid heals do the rest.
heh, Dwarf totems.
[-1] Garrosh's Autograph
They say that Garrosh Hellscream is one of the greatest heroes in the Horde! When I grow up, I want to be a hero of the Horde too! Do you know Garrosh, <name>? Could you do me a favor, please? Could you get his autograph for me? I dunno how to ask him, and he probably wouldn't listen to someone like me... but you! You're an adventurer, like him! I bet he'd give you his autograph easy! Please?
* 60c (at level 80 only)
Because you only get the autographs from the leaders.border said:Why couldn't that be a 3.3 quest? I mean, Garrosh is already a Horde Hero. I guess it's conspicuous that your orphan wouldn't want Thrall's autograph, but it could all just be a part of the leadup to to Garrosh being the new warchief...
Ohhhhh, I seeXabora said:Because you only get the autographs from the leaders.
Like the alliance version with Varian.
speedpop said:Man the Troll totems are easily the best out there.
Orc and Dwarf totems are pretty tame![]()
Xabora said:Because you only get the autographs from the leaders.
Like the alliance version with Varian.
"Be strong Randis, and aspire to be the hero you were meant to be. -- Lady Jaina Proudmoore"