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World of Warcraft

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Really Really Exciting Member!
border said:
The Frozen Throne looks kinda lame and plain. I never played the RTS games and know next-to-nothing about Warcraft lore, and even still I'm kinda disappointed. I thought it was supposed to be some badass thing that Arthas sits on -- and instead it looks like a frozen waterslide or something. I home they do the model again with more polygons and maybe add some of them newfangled texture things I always hear the people with the VooDoo video cards talkin' about.

The Frozen Throne is obviously not finished and missing alot of textures.

NameGenerated said:
Wow, this 5 man group of my guildies I'm in just killed the heroic OK final boss in 20 seconds. :lol

How can you even kill him before he finish casting his first clones technique? Unless all your dps were a bunch of Arcane mages in full 245 epics with Icy Veins + Arcane Power + Trinket procs, i don't see how.


border said:
Still, I think it's conceivable that Garrosh might become the new Warchief before 4.0, but at least it lets us know that a bunch of pre-Cataclysm changes are in order.

Before the WotLK Launch, we had a few undead dragon attacks, some undead invasions in a few world zones, and an obnoxious zombie event. To introduce us to the Lich King's efforts way up in Northrend, an area no one could reach without buying the new expansion.

Cataclysm's Launch event is likely to be much larger. First, everything that happens in cataclysm happens for all players. It affects the entire world, whether you buy Cataclysm or not. That means that the changes to the game are going to be patched in somehow, because there's no purchase required for the changed Old World.

Second, it's the whole damn world. From what I've read, there isn't a single zone that isn't being touched in some way. Unless you're in Outland, it can be assumed that all players will basically bear witness to the apocalypse. Personally.

I would be very surprised (and disappointed) if Blizzard doesn't have a huge event planned for the months (yes, MONTHS) leading up to the Cataclysm Launch. There's a lot of things that need to happen in game that probably won't happen all at once. Thrall isn't going to be replaced by Garrosh in the same breath as Deathwing emerges.

If IC5 is on the PTRs now, we might be seeing Icecrown before year's end. There's a lot of time to kill between Ice Crown and Cataclysm, and while I'm sure we'll all be spending a large part of it raiding, eventually there will be a point where people lose interest and get the pre-expansion blues.

If they're smart, they'll start the event a few months after Icecrown Launches, by slowly introducing the non-disaster changes. The political shifting in the Horde, maybe even some early events related to Gilneas.

I just think it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't stagger all of the major plot points rather than have Cataclysm launch and say "Here you go guys!" If that's the case, the non-destructive world events very well could be done by Children's Week in May.
Well, after looking at the final wing in the Icecrown 5man dungeon, it seemed odd to me that you didn't fight Arthas at the end of the dungeon but at the midpoint and that there looked to be a huge ass corridor beyond the boss room.

Look (the final boss fight is in that circular room about midway through the dungeon):


At the end of that long ass corridor is a bunch of spikes jutting out. Almost as if it's a terrace/rampart from the outside of the citadel. I think it is and I think I know why there is a long ass corridor that you have to go through once you fight the Lich King. You don't *kill* the Lich King while you battle him. Instead you *lose* to him and you have to escape down that long path and out the dungeon before he kills you (probably get some type of chest with phat lewts in it when you make it outside)... This quest fits into my conclusion: http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/24500/escaping-the-wrath-of-the-lich-king/

I could be very wrong. lol

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Garrosh is such a douche. I wonder what his message to a six year old will be?

More like "Kill alliance filth when you see it, eat your kodo meat and lok'tar ogar...wait, this isn't for an orc or a tauren? In that case, GTFO." Then when you give it back to the kid, he runs away balling his eyes out.
Retro said:
Before the WotLK Launch, we had a few undead dragon attacks, some undead invasions in a few world zones, and an obnoxious zombie event. To introduce us to the Lich King's efforts way up in Northrend, an area no one could reach without buying the new expansion.

Cataclysm's Launch event is likely to be much larger. First, everything that happens in cataclysm happens for all players. It affects the entire world, whether you buy Cataclysm or not. That means that the changes to the game are going to be patched in somehow, because there's no purchase required for the changed Old World.

Second, it's the whole damn world. From what I've read, there isn't a single zone that isn't being touched in some way. Unless you're in Outland, it can be assumed that all players will basically bear witness to the apocalypse. Personally.

I would be very surprised (and disappointed) if Blizzard doesn't have a huge event planned for the months (yes, MONTHS) leading up to the Cataclysm Launch. There's a lot of things that need to happen in game that probably won't happen all at once. Thrall isn't going to be replaced by Garrosh in the same breath as Deathwing emerges.

If IC5 is on the PTRs now, we might be seeing Icecrown before year's end. There's a lot of time to kill between Ice Crown and Cataclysm, and while I'm sure we'll all be spending a large part of it raiding, eventually there will be a point where people lose interest and get the pre-expansion blues.

If they're smart, they'll start the event a few months after Icecrown Launches, by slowly introducing the non-disaster changes. The political shifting in the Horde, maybe even some early events related to Gilneas.

I just think it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't stagger all of the major plot points rather than have Cataclysm launch and say "Here you go guys!" If that's the case, the non-destructive world events very well could be done by Children's Week in May.

We better be seeing Icecrown before years end, people are already getting very bored with Trial of the Crusader


Really Really Exciting Member!
cvkpaladin said:
Well, after looking at the final wing in the Icecrown 5man dungeon, it seemed odd to me that you didn't fight Arthas at the end of the dungeon but at the midpoint and that there looked to be a huge ass corridor beyond the boss room.

Look (the final boss fight is in that circular room about midway through the dungeon):


At the end of that long ass corridor is a bunch of spikes jutting out. Almost as if it's a terrace/rampart from the outside of the citadel. I think it is and I think I know why there is a long ass corridor that you have to go through once you fight the Lich King. You don't *kill* the Lich King while you battle him. Instead you *lose* to him and you have to escape down that long path and out the dungeon before he kills you (probably get some type of chest with phat lewts in it when you make it outside)... This quest fits into my conclusion: http://db.mmo-champion.com/q/24500/escaping-the-wrath-of-the-lich-king/

I could be very wrong. lol

Yeah, that could be the most epic final boss for a 5 man yet.

Run for your life with Jaina/Sylvanas in that long ass corridor, while the Lich King runs after you, summoning undeads on the way. Once you reach the end, the flying ship from your faction awaits you and you jump on it, thus escaping the wrath of the Lich King. I could very well see that. :D

funkmastergeneral said:
We better be seeing Icecrown before years end, people are already getting very bored with Trial of the Crusader

Because the Coliseum is already a very boring instance. One huge circular room where the bosses are all old models we've already seen in the past. NEXT.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
We better be seeing Icecrown before years end, people are already getting very bored with Trial of the Crusader
TOC was already a stall to get more time to work on IC.

I already cancelled my sub and just check in every few days when I have nothing to do to see how IC is coming along. I have no reason to even bother to log in to gear up since apparently IC5 will just do it for me.

I would be willing to bet I'm hardly the only one doing so.


Junior Member
Bisnic said:
Because the Coliseum is already a very boring instance. One huge circular room where the bosses are all old models we've already seen in the past. NEXT.

True, but how many of the people that are "bored" w/ ToGC have killed Anub on 25 man Heroic?

We had Sarth+3D, 6min Maly, and everything but The Immortal when Ulduar went live. Were definately ready for 3.1. We were only at 4/9 hard modes when ToGC went live, could have waited a month or two for that, to be honest.

The only thing that's burning me out on ToGC is running it four times a week. The loot is too damn good at every level, and the badge farming required for the triumphant t9 gear makes it a necessity to run ToGC as much as possible. I want to get 25 man heroic Twins and Anub down though.


TomServo said:
True, but how many of the people that are "bored" w/ ToGC have killed Anub on 25 man Heroic?
The problem isn't that heroic 25 isn't a challenge, the problem is that the fights are exactly the same. Most people in my guild are killing these bosses at least three times a week, in the same bland arena. It is not exciting.


Weenerz said:
They are moving to that in the expansion, maybe its a bugged at the moment or they are just gonna start doing that.

Yeah, but they're also moving away from Attack Power. Unless they're just phasing the Hunter focus change into this patch and waiting on the other stat changes.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Bisnic said:
How can you even kill him before he finish casting his first clones technique? Unless all your dps were a bunch of Arcane mages in full 245 epics with Icy Veins + Arcane Power + Trinket procs, i don't see how.
I'm pretty sure he bugged because we were still attacking him when he was doing his junk.

Group was:

Elemental Shaman, over 6k dps.
Elemental Shaman, over 5k dps (Me).
Warlock, over 4k dps.
Ret Pally tank.
Holy Priest.
NameGenerated said:
Wow, this 5 man group of my guildies I'm in just killed the heroic OK final boss in 20 seconds. :lol
Our record is 17seconds without Bloodlust/Heroism.
Only problem is we always get stuck in the insanity realm and never get the dungeon daily done. sigh

Has anyone done Anub 25man hardmode yet? Any secrets to it other than AOE packs+Anub, BOP for kiting, and pray that healing is bare minimal for P3?


The Forsaken are now in the doghouse - no more Abomination guards in 3.3, they're now replaced by the Kor'kron(something like Thrall's special forces) overseeing everything the Forsaken do. Even Sylvannas advisor is now an Orc.



Modesty becomes a woman
VaLiancY said:
The Forsaken are now in the doghouse - no more Abomination guards in 3.3, they're now replaced by the Kor'kron(something like Thrall's special forces) overseeing everything the Forsaken do. Even Sylvannas advisor is now an Orc.


You have a screen of that? I remember some thing like this being talked about recently.


VaLiancY said:
The Forsaken are now in the doghouse - no more Abomination guards in 3.3, they're now replaced by the Kor'kron(something like Thrall's special forces) overseeing everything the Forsaken do. Even Sylvannas advisor is now an Orc.


Fuck yeah, Forsaken can suck an egg.


Man, the Horde is having Guild Drama ever since Thrall quit and Garrosh took over as GM.

Doesn't sound like the Alliance is having the same issues - or is there something I'm missing?


explodet said:
Man, the Horde is having Guild Drama ever since Thrall quit and Garrosh took over as GM.

Doesn't sound like the Alliance is having the same issues - or is there something I'm missing?

Nope, Alliance already has a hot-headed dick for a leader, we're just trying to keep up with the Jonses :lol.



Wonder what kind of Drama is gonna happen with Arthas that Pops and such show up or maybe it will just be a vision of the event in the throneroom


Man I hope they don't kill off Arthas. He is a badass. Hopefully he gets his humanity back and breaks free of the Lich King's will. :(

(yes I know this will never happen)


Kyoufu said:
Man I hope they don't kill off Arthas. He is a badass. Hopefully he gets his humanity back and breaks free of the Lich King's will. :(

(yes I know this will never happen)

Lich King Novel says Arthas basically destroyed Ner'zhul while his essence slept in the body by consuming him and absorbed his power so based on that it seems we are actually fighting just a power insane Arthas now who cut out his own heart to remove his link to mortality etc


Has problems recognising girls
Aye. I had a feeling that Arthas might be somehow redeemed, but the humanity link within him as a child has been effectively destroyed. It could still happen but I wouldn't count your eggs on it just yet.

After all Lordaeron is no more as a human establishment and I'm quite positive that the Forsaken denizens will be less forgiving of their former liege's moments in the past due to their current circumstances.

Uther would be rolling in his grave if Arthas were saved.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
speedpop said:
Aye. I had a feeling that Arthas might be somehow redeemed, but the humanity link within him as a child has been effectively destroyed. It could still happen but I wouldn't count your eggs on it just yet.

After all Lordaeron is no more as a human establishment and I'm quite positive that the Forsaken denizens will be less forgiving of their former liege's moments in the past due to their current circumstances.

Uther would be rolling in his grave if Arthas were saved.
He was an asshole BEFORE turning into the Lich King, though. Although he was totally right to kill all those guys in Lordaeron.


The book makes it seem like Arthas was just waiting for the right moment to take full control again and instead of being the pawn ended up taking out the master and being the master instead.

As was said Arthas was really a dick from the get go. He just got handed a gift to make him a bigger dick in frostmourne. I imagine his good self in Mathias and his father will play a big part in his defeat as the Heart was already destroyed.


but ever so delicious
To the DK's here. Are there any addons you use that you can't live without? Since i'm now 80 i'm trying to design my new UI, just wanted to know what good DK addons some of you guys use.

I got carried through H ToC today, Which was awesome. Plate gear dropped from every boss but the last :lol . Got Ancient Pendant of Arathor, Edge of ruin and Plated Greaves of Providence. 3 epics and everything else is a green, so awesome. Looking at getting some crafted stuff tomorrow for both a tank and dps set.


So I haven't played WoW since BC launch where I kinda stopped after a couple levels. (level 62 hunter)... In reality I haven't played WoW seriously since before BC launch.

I'm looking to get back into it... downloaded the 10 day trial for WotLK, and I played about 30 minutes of it marvelling at the changes to the UI before been overwhelmed by how little I know about the game now. At it's core it's still the same game, but the changes have rendered all my preexisting knowledge useless.

Plus I'm joining my bro on a different server to the hunter I used to play...

Question then is... what's the best class to play nowadays? What's fun? What class is in demand in raids and parties? What class am I going to have the best chance at getting invites and loot with? And what class parties up well with a warlock?

Any class that's more latency friendly than others? In my experience been a hunter was great for latency with ranged attacks and auto attacking/following pet still doing damage even as you stand there with the proverbial thumb up your butt. Is it an issue for melee classes? I can see it been problematic for a healer class.


Water is not wet!
evlcookie said:
To the DK's here. Are there any addons you use that you can't live without? Since i'm now 80 i'm trying to design my new UI, just wanted to know what good DK addons some of you guys use.
i havent come across any DK addon that is worthwhile. Most seem to be the kind where they suggest what ability is best to use. Maybe that works for raiding, but its not that complex where you need to be told what to do every step of the way.

Zaptruder said:
Question then is... what's the best class to play nowadays? What's fun? What class is in demand in raids and parties? What class am I going to have the best chance at getting invites and loot with? And what class parties up well with a warlock?
Best class today (FotM class) i have no idea. Whats fun? Well for me i love my DK. As someone who has played since beta, i like the change to the known gameplay system (rage/energy/mana). ive had a mage, hunter, and druid as my mains over the years and im having a blast as a DK. i like DK because i like to solo.. which is why i liked my druid so much. If you are more focused on raiding or dungeon crawling, DK tanking is generally the only way to get invites. edit: If you want a class that parties well with pretty much everything, try a druid. You can tank, heal, melee dps and range dps well with the same class by just switching out talents and gear. Dual-talent spec helps alot here.

Any class that's more latency friendly than others? In my experience been a hunter was great for latency with ranged attacks and auto attacking/following pet still doing damage even as you stand there with the proverbial thumb up your butt. Is it an issue for melee classes? I can see it been problematic for a healer class.
If you have major latency issues, Hunter is still probably the way to go. You can try out high level melee if you can make a DK to test it out with (need a 55+ on any server iirc).


Just popping in to say that my Delicious Chocolate Cake recipe FINALLY dropped last night after two years of doing those damned cooking dailies. Much rejoicing occurred.
Bisnic said:
The Frozen Throne is obviously not finished and missing alot of textures.

i dunno man, arthas ripping down the slide all like "WWWWWOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!" and fartin out the bottom bouncing across on his ass to your group, would be the most hilariously awesome thing ever. :lol


Water is not wet!
ColonelT said:
Just popping in to say that my Delicious Chocolate Cake recipe FINALLY dropped last night after two years of doing those damned cooking dailies. Much rejoicing occurred.
Grats lol. i still havent had it drop yet on any of my characters :( Your story gives me hope :lol


Lost all credibility.
I'm just getting into raiding and I have to say I think I've in love with Naxxramas. The Thadius boss fight and the Heigan dance boss fight are just amazing. It's like doing an awesome Zelda end-dungeon boss but with 24 other people. :lol


Number 2 said:
i havent come across any DK addon that is worthwhile. Most seem to be the kind where they suggest what ability is best to use. Maybe that works for raiding, but its not that complex where you need to be told what to do every step of the way.

Best class today (FotM class) i have no idea. Whats fun? Well for me i love my DK. As someone who has played since beta, i like the change to the known gameplay system (rage/energy/mana). ive had a mage, hunter, and druid as my mains over the years and im having a blast as a DK. i like DK because i like to solo.. which is why i liked my druid so much. If you are more focused on raiding or dungeon crawling, DK tanking is generally the only way to get invites. edit: If you want a class that parties well with pretty much everything, try a druid. You can tank, heal, melee dps and range dps well with the same class by just switching out talents and gear. Dual-talent spec helps alot here.

If you have major latency issues, Hunter is still probably the way to go. You can try out high level melee if you can make a DK to test it out with (need a 55+ on any server iirc).

Thanks for the response... does Dark Knight party well with a warlock? :p


Water is not wet!
Zaptruder said:
Thanks for the response... does Dark Knight party well with a warlock? :p
ive had no problems with my DK partying with my warlock friend. We do dailies and pvp just fine together. The build i use (Blood dps) allows for a lot of self heals.. so i hold aggro and he dots em up.. end result, things die with a swiftness :lol


Number 2 said:
ive had no problems with my DK partying with my warlock friend. We do dailies and pvp just fine together. The build i use (Blood dps) allows for a lot of self heals.. so i hold aggro and he dots em up.. end result, things die with a swiftness :lol
sounds good. i have a prediliction to perv on my avatar... but should i resist temptation and choose sometrhing other than a belf female? :p


Keep in mind that blood elf females are BY FAR the most populous horde choice.

Although it's really weird, Death Knights and Warriors are the only class i've seen where being a female avatar is actually rare.


Tamanon said:
Keep in mind that blood elf females are BY FAR the most populous horde choice.

Although it's really weird, Death Knights and Warriors are the only class i've seen where being a female avatar is actually rare.

Probably because Belfs are the only race that can play Paladins on Horde, and we all know we'd be anything but a male Belf :p


Water is not wet!
Tamanon said:
Although it's really weird, Death Knights and Warriors are the only class i've seen where being a female avatar is actually rare.
i love my female Tauren DK.. i wouldnt have it any other way


sykoex said:
I'm just getting into raiding and I have to say I think I've in love with Naxxramas. The Thadius boss fight and the Heigan dance boss fight are just amazing. It's like doing an awesome Zelda end-dungeon boss but with 24 other people. :lol

Thats great man. The design and creativity of the encounters gets better and better also. Dont let the complaining fool you, the boss encounters are very creative and fun overall. Heigan was my favorite in game for a long time. ATM though I love Hodir and Thaddius (yes its fun to me) more than any other encounters in the game. They just never get old.

Edit: Is anyone else playing on the Test Realm? Having access to other classes at 80 with full sets of the best gear in the game really allows you to see things from the other classes perspective. I get a lot of shit being a Warlock, but alot of these other classes have no fucking room to talk.

Just saying...


Junior Member
laserbeam said:
Wonder what kind of Drama is gonna happen with Arthas that Pops and such show up or maybe it will just be a vision of the event in the throneroom
From my post @ EJ:
A High Chieftain Baine NPC has also been added into the files. Guess they have everything prepared for the transition now.

Baine Bloodhoof (Leader) - NPCs - Sigrie
Uther makes an appearance in Wing 3, when you meet up with the Lich King in the Halls of Reflection.
Uther the Lightbringer (Wing 3 Intro) - NPCs - Sigrie
The Lich King (Wing 3 Intro) - NPCs - Sigrie

I assume this is what causes King Terenas to manifest during the encounter, in an attempt to try to redeem(?) Arthas.

Also not sure where this ties in but this is an interesting find:
Frostmourne Altar Bunny (Quel'Delar) - NPCs - Sigrie

Oh yay IC Quartermaster!
Commander Aliocha Segard [Icecrown Raid]
Argent Crusade Quartermaster


Hey, Xabora. How exactly do you find out things like quest data and NPCs that don't have models yet? I know how to use the model and MPQ viewers, but it's just a matter of not quite knowing where to look.
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