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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
Belfast said:
Hey, Xabora. How exactly do you find out things like quest data and NPCs that don't have models yet? I know how to use the model and MPQ viewers, but it's just a matter of not quite knowing where to look.
This is outside model viewing, but MMOChampion has a backend database where I can browse stuff mined from his tools.
Sadly my stuff broke this patch so I've been looking through his stuff.


Has problems recognising girls
Weenerz said:
Pretty sure thats all from the 5 man, so you don't plan on running that? :lol
Nope. Not going to play WoW again till the expansion hits.

I don't mind since there are a few sites out there that will detail everything that happens in an instance lore-wise. If I want to see the final battles or whatever, I'll throw on the latest world 1st kills.. I'll just have to stomach the shitty music they always seem to throw on to accompany them.
Downloaded the ptr today. I was too lazy to play around with it, I guess I'll give it a spin tonight

plus the LFG option wasn't working. All I want to do is check out the new instance lol
speedpop said:
Nope. Not going to play WoW again till the expansion hits.

I don't mind since there are a few sites out there that will detail everything that happens in an instance lore-wise. If I want to see the final battles or whatever, I'll throw on the latest world 1st kills.. I'll just have to stomach the shitty music they always seem to throw on to accompany them.

Use it to your advantage. Just search for "Linkin Park Arthas" on youtube and you'll find the goods.
Weenerz said:
Pretty sure thats all from the 5 man, so you don't plan on running that? :lol

sadly even now 5 mans are too hardcore for me to dedicate to :lol

speedpop said:
Nope. Not going to play WoW again till the expansion hits.

I don't mind since there are a few sites out there that will detail everything that happens in an instance lore-wise. If I want to see the final battles or whatever, I'll throw on the latest world 1st kills.. I'll just have to stomach the shitty music they always seem to throw on to accompany them.

what sites detail this?

also this WoW "strange facts" thread on SA is awesome



Has problems recognising girls
ZombieSupaStar said:
what sites detail this?
Usually blizzplanet.com do their little lore things as soon as it is available in the game, wow.com does some things now and then but they're never as detailed as Blizzplanet can usually get. Only problem is because they're pretty close to Blizzard they don't have the balls to leak F&F Alpha expansion details.
speedpop said:
Usually blizzplanet.com do their little lore things as soon as it is available in the game, wow.com does some things now and then but they're never as detailed as Blizzplanet can usually get. Only problem is because they're pretty close to Blizzard they don't have the balls to leak F&F Alpha expansion details.

yeah im talking more of the "I didnt get into raid X so never saw Lore Y, is there Video Z somewhere on it?"


First time ever setting foot into CoS before on any character, ran Heroic CoS, made it to the Corruptor and won the Bronze Drake. That instance is EASY.


so I'm in a rut now with my level 80 enhancement/resto shaman couple weeks ago I was sixth wowheroes enhancement shaman on Borean Tundra Alliance. But am guildless again after quitting casual guild. Hate the server. Now that I haven't played in like 2-3 weeks I'm sorta feeling like I don't have a home now out of sync.

Can't muster mojo to go back to old low pop BC server where my 70 is, Hate to pay Blizzard for server transfer.

Getting sad that I'll miss endgame content in Lich King(like I did with BC). Haven't even finished Ulduar yet, 10 or 25man. Blargh!
Should copy and paste it into this thread :D

ok ill grab a few, you guys cant see em on there?

-Ghostcrawler has a degree in marine biology and pretty much runs wow class design instead. Excellent choice, blizzard.

-Tigole's has a degree in creative writing and is a god damn genius but no longer works on wow (does it show?) but instead is developing bliz's new MMO with a new IP. His name is from his EQ character Tigole Bitties (big ol titties), and I was in his EQ guild and was totally kickin rad internet-dragon-slaying friends with him (am i cool guys? quote this if I'm cool {yeah I know I'm cool})

-Speaking of which, Furor was the guild leader of fires of heaven, a very successful guild in EQ and now works for them designing and writing quests. His former guild does happen to play wow now, and as I understand it they are unofficially not "allowed" to be within the top 10 world first kills (either by coincidence or them not-so-subtly waiting around for it, they are very often #11-15, but not so much lately).

-Several developers played in the guild Nurfed apparently, a lot of the mods that came from that guild were coded conveniently by the people who code the game as well! Kalgan was in that guild, or was on Tichondrius, I can't remember but he pretty much ran TBC pvp and played warrior, with warrior/druid in 2s every season, gee who could have guessed that one?

-Thottbot was originally coded by Thott, also known in EQ as Aftathott, an officer (leader?) of afterlife. He played a bard and won the bard best of the best without using puretone (it was still on cooldown in the final match, the other bard did use puretone). If that means nothing to you I'll just say that it's almost a statistical improbability.

-A gold farming company bought thottbot and they eventually lost almost their entire "market share" to wowhead. They probably could have fought for their share but as far as I can tell, no one actually works to improve the site anymore, they haven't upgraded the site in any way whatsoever since the takeover.

-You can "spread" pbaoe effects by jumping. They will occur at the base of the jump and your position in the air.

-You used to be able to write macros with almost full play-the-game-for-you conditions (ie cast x if y is still on target, otherwise cast y, else z).

-Rogues could achieve 100% melee avoidance at the end of TBC with proper debuffs on the target.

-Level 10 hunter twinks can currently (could recently?) achieve 100% melee avoidance in warsong gulch.

-WoW 1.0 was supposed to stop at level 40

-Sunwell was supposed to be a level 80 wrath instance

-Michael Dorn does one of the voices for the guards in stormwind.

- The crates with maggots in Stratholme deactivate the closest doodad. It's been like this for ages. You can go straight to the Baron without killing anything just by clicking on crates.
more info on this said:
"...There are three kinds of crates in Stratholme:

A) Has a Medic Sign
B) Normal Crate, with cast time
C) Normal Crate, without cast time

Crates are spawned randomly but they have fixed places. Crates type C, when clicked, will despawn the nearest doodad.

So you can rush and skip the three ziggurats until the Slaughter Square gates. Outside it there are five possible Crate spawn locations, two behind the key boss I forgot the name, and three behind the ghoul/skeleton groups nearby. At least two of those should be a Crate type C.

The first one will despawn the first gate, the second one will despawn the second gate.

Inside the Slaughter Square there are five doodads:

1) The Slaughterhouse Gate
2) The Baron's Gate inside the Slaughterhouse
3) The Argent Chick's Jail
4) The Gate leading to the Green Portal to the left that is open
5) The Gate closing said Green Portal

If you turn left, the C-type Crates will despawn 4 and 5 first. So turn right and start clicking on the crates. The first will always despawn 1, the second MAY despawn 2, but often despawns 3. You can go in and check but usually you should find 3 crates to be safe, unless you were lucky and had 3 crates before entering the Slaughter Square (the third one will always despawn 1). You kill the Baron and run back.

By the way, on your way in, you can despawn the gate from that area that traps you in with the maggots. This will make your way out faster. If you're a druid you can just walk through it before the gate closes though.

For those of you thinking about (ab)using the Baron/crate strat, be warned, it is a suspendable offence which my arena partner found out the hard way so do it at your own risk.

Most likely a GM just saw something unusual and suspended him. From what I remember when the glitch was first discovered by goons, someone said that GM's, looking at the instance, can't see whether a gate is up or down just that things are dead or alive. A GM probably saw Baron dead with none of the prior bosses dead and suspended him because of that.

-The deer/elk mobs use the same sound set as the Imps from the Doom series.

-Cam Clarke (voice actor for Liquid Snake from MGS) voices various bosses, and the male blood elf horde race.

-There is a set list of parts of the game you will get banned for modifying the appearance or shape of. This list includes the floor of undead stratholme, the frost chips in storm peaks, and the ocean northwest of darnassus.

more info said:
1) People made mods that allow you to follow an underground passage in Stratholme straight to Baron. They'd literally enter the instance and walk into a straight-line to the boss, kill him, then get back. Rinse and repeat.

2) You could back in the day turn the netherwing eggs into gigantic stuff that would make the farming much easier. To solve this, Blizzard made the frost chips as actually HUGE models that are down-scale in the game engine. Still, people found out that in models with sound, the sound radius would not be re-scaled, and use them (like the dark portal model) to replace the frost chips.

As a result you can know you're near a frost chip by sound, which makes farming them unfairly easy.

3) NW of Darnassus is the GM Island. To get there you needed to either be very creative with your exploits and game mechanic knowledge (there were several ways but you HAD to be very good) or... model-edit the ocean. Which was considerably easier.

Unnecessary to say players are not supposed to be in the GM Island.

Adding to the list includes pretty much any part of the Battlegrounds. When model-editing was starting to appear and was even more obscure, people would change the battlegrounds to absurd extents. Specially Warsong Gulch. These changes include:

1) Making underground tunnels that would lead you straight to the enemy flag
2) Making a "stairway to heaven" that linked the graveyards so you could fly your way to/from the enemy base.
3) Eliminating doodads, trees and what not.
4) Adding doodads and changing the shape of the terrain in such a way that it would look to the opposite team that you were playing normally, but you'd have several ways to cause your opponents to evade or escape hairy situations.

World\Generic\Human\Passive Doodads\BeerKegs\BeerKeg01_NoCollide.M2

Adt files are terrain, m2 files are models of generic stuffs, blp is texture, dbc is databases.

Basically they don't want you fucking with battlegrounds, making easily spawned things into the dark portal (beer kegs, duel flags etc), making your fishing bobber bright pink, or going to gm island.

-an entire guild got banned for editing a platform to be invisible so they could skip straight to C'Thun in AQ40.

- Tony Jay & Earl Hine, Tony Jay did the voiceovers for the new character zone flybys for Vanilla WoW. He was brought back on to do them and the voice of Magtheridon in BC. He died after voicing Magtheridon but BEFORE voicing the flybys for the Draeni and Blood Elves. Blizzard brought in Earl Hine to do his best Tony Jay impersonation for them instead.

-Patch 1.1.0 removed the Spear proficiency, a hunter ability called "Glimpse of Instincts," and apparently the Survival tree used to be called "Outdoorsmanship."

-Originally Taurens were not able to use any mounts because Kodos weren't introduced. Instead they had a passive aura that allowed them to run as fast as mounts called Plainsrunning.

-XP loss on spirit healer rez

wow launch infos
In fact, here's a very strange fact about WoW that very few people who did not play at the very start don't realize: for all of the talk of how "polished" the game was, World of Warcraft was released in a desperately incomplete state. The manual flaunted a PvP reward system that wasn't in at launch (it got added with the aforementioned patch in fact), but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Maraudon, Dire Maul and Blackwing Lair were all supposed to be in the launch version of the game. Maps for all three were in the data files of the 1.1 launch client. (Indeed, Dire Maul was originally going to be a mid-fifties BRD-level instance!)

This was most obvious with BWL in the early days. The raid portal behind Rivendare's place in Stratholme (yes, the original idea was that you had to lead a raid through a five-man tuned instance whenever you wanted to raid and every. time. you. wiped) was barred from the start to indicate "this will come in to play later", and the gates of AQ were shut, but BWL's portal, right above the arena in UBRS? Unbarred, looked open, it just didn't work. It was turned off, just like the MC portal was during the beta test for Blackrock Depths. It's also worth noting that for a while, Tier 2 had a super-rare chance of dropping off of Molten Core bosses (who weren't Rag) - since Ony dropped the T2 Helm and Rag the T2 pants, the rest of T2 had to be somewhere since the T2 dungeon planned for launch wasn't in the game yet. (Need I even mention the placeholder epic graphics?)

This actually ended up being a big problem. Firstly, of course, was the simple fact that there were only two raids in the endgame (and the major one featured an eye-bleedingly oppressive grind to get anything at all done in the instance), and so the more dedicated players didn't have much to do once they finished leveling. The bigger problem, though, was that it was obvious that the released raids weren't tested since the game was released incomplete; in addition to (slowly) filling out the content the game should have shipped with, the developers had to spend months attempting to un-fuck various aspects of the game and especially the existing raids.

Example: early on, melee DPS (rogues in particular) were reporting a lot of misses in Molten Core raids. Now, these were the days when hit calculations were not well understood (and before +hit gear was even really available), but even then to the more theorycraft-inclined the miss rates for melee seemed higher than they really should be. Incidentally, wow these bosses hit hard.

And then, in 1.3, we get this note:


Previously, in many cases, a Block, Parry, or Dodge was translated into a "Miss," thus causing confusion over actual miss rates. We've made the following changes in an attempt to be more clear as to what is actually happening in combat:

Patch Notes
* Block: All creatures will now report a Block on attacks from the front, reducing damage caused instead of converting the attack into a "Miss." Creatures will no longer be able to Block attacks from behind.
* Dodge: Every time a creature Dodges, it will report a Dodge. We will no longer translate a creature's Dodge of a rear attack to a "Miss."
* Parry: All creatures will now report a Parry on attacks from the front instead of translating them into a "Miss." Creatures will no longer be able to Parry attacks from behind.

Yes. Bosses would report any attack from behind that did not connect as a "miss". And the bosses could parry 10 or so melee attackers in 40-mans from behind. If you are at all familiar with melee mechanics you should be cringing right about now, and this was well before the days of expertise.

1.3 came out four months after the game launched. Just to give you an idea of how long it took to understand and change that.

So yeah. World of Warcraft was hugely unfinished until about patch 1.6 or so, when BWL was finally put into the game.

The interesting thing is, Blizzard could get away with this primarily because it wasn't obvious that parts of the game were broken early on until you reached the endgame and could see the areas where the stitching wasn't quite done on the seams, so to speak. The leveling experience up to 60 was in fact as polished as could nearly be (with the exception of a missing dungeon or two, and to Blizzard's credit Maraudon at least was live a little after a month of the game's launch). And by the time a majority of players hit 60 and managed to organize into raids (or at least those who could organize 40 people at one time to raid), Blizzard had managed to smooth out most (most) of the problems that the game had launched with. For those of us at launch, though, holy god it got obvious that the game wasn't anywhere near done once you hit the level cap.

World of Warcraft - Crypt

-The bridges in Stranglethorn Vale would dismount you.

When warrior charge pathfinding goes wild!

Ironforge Bombing said:
The Molten Core boss Baron Geddon has a raid wiping ability known as Living Bomb, that dealt massive AOE damage. Raid members were always instructed to put away any active pets as they too could also be effected by the Living Bomb ability wiping the raid if not dismissed in time, pets that were dismissed with this ability would retain it until summoned again.

Unlike most raid wide damage, this was a aggressive AOE ability that did not need to target anyone in order to do damage, therefore worked outside of MoltenCore and even your own raid, dealing massive damage to anyone that happened to be near the Living Bomb. Players would dismiss their pets effected by the Living Bomb and then summon them again in highly populated areas like the auction house killing dozens of players at once.


Plague said:
I don't think I've seen it mentioned yet, but another thing similar to the above AH bombing was the plague of corrupted blood that spread once Zul'Gurub first came out and people started fighting Hakkar. One of the mechanics of the fight was to negate his life-drain/stun by killing an add from off his platform and all getting the debuff it would leave after it died in a cloud on the ground. This corrupted blood was spread to other nearby players after you got it, so you could also give it to the main tank without having to reposition. Like the above Living Bomb, it could also be given to pets and then have the pets dismissed, but it also persisted on players who could then spread it in the major cities. This was the time of the WoW-AIDS.


Lord Kazzak destroys stormwind (had to be despawned by GM's)



Modesty becomes a woman
ZombieSupaStar said:
ok ill grab a few, you guys cant see em on there?

Apparently you have to be registered, and apparently it costs money. Weird.

I think they fixed the stratholme crates despawn dodads thing recently (3.2?). It used to be a breeze to farm the mount with that + 80. The only mob I'd fight would be the baron.

is some more interesting facts under the guise of not so well thought out hatred towards the game. The part I find interesting is the early hellfire, which is pretty cool to look at then and now. You can almost see where they thought 'Ok, lets plan ahead and make this expansion' and then where all of a sudden WoW became WoW with millions of subscribers and they re-did the whole thing.

There's a bunch of old unused stuff, I haven't seen anything like that related to Lich King though, guess they don't play THAT far ahead.


Water is not wet!
Heres an odd tidbit i came across recently. You know that Elemental Flux you see at every blacksmith and trade supply vendors all over the place? Its only used for one thing.. to Smelt Elementium, a legendary quality bar that itself is used for only one thing.


Junior Member
Number 2 said:
Heres an odd tidbit i came across recently. You know that Elemental Flux you see at every blacksmith and trade supply vendors all over the place? Its only used for one thing.. to Smelt Elementium, a legendary quality bar that itself is used for only one thing.
Yup Yup!
Does anyone play in a guild that is looking for Paladins? I'm currently leveling one and i think it would be cool to play with some of the GAF crew. Is there a decent population of Gaffers on a single server?


Water is not wet!
So im leveling my alliance druid (my main is my horde dk).. and something occurred to me while im in Northrend. There has been talk that the leveling zones have been wasted because there is very little reason to go back to them at 80. Honestly i used to agree with that thought a little. The thing that dawned on me though, is that the great design that went into these zones has not been wasted at all.. they gave me the initial desire to actually make it to 80 in the first place. And replaying them (albeit from the opposite perspective) makes it painless and fun.


ZombieSupaStar said:
wow launch infos about polish

This information is kind of biased, or not fully honest. Complaining about not having all content in game at the start is kind of stupid because you won't be able to do it all from the start and once you finish it all, you're waiting even longer for the expansion with the expectation that all raids are available at the start. Vanilla WoW shipped with 11 raid bosses, TBC shipped with 14 (not counting the stupid boss that drops trass epics in Kara and counting the opera event as just 1 boss, you only saw 1 every week anyways) WotLK shipped with 17, 15 of which were partial redo's of bosses in vanilla. There wasn't a lack of PvE to do at 60 compared to 70 or 80.

Compared to any other game at release, even at endgame, WoW was incredibly polished.


but ever so delicious
I Remember the crypt, I did the exact same thing as the video and had a stroll around. Would have been an awesome instance just going by the look of the place.

Would be nice if blizzard opened up about what the crypt was, why it got canceled and so on. I love reading about that sort of stuff.
FLEABttn said:
This information is kind of biased, or not fully honest. Complaining about not having all content in game at the start is kind of stupid because you won't be able to do it all from the start and once you finish it all, you're waiting even longer for the expansion with the expectation that all raids are available at the start. Vanilla WoW shipped with 11 raid bosses, TBC shipped with 14 (not counting the stupid boss that drops trass epics in Kara and counting the opera event as just 1 boss, you only saw 1 every week anyways) WotLK shipped with 17, 15 of which were partial redo's of bosses in vanilla. There wasn't a lack of PvE to do at 60 compared to 70 or 80.

Compared to any other game at release, even at endgame, WoW was incredibly polished.

If you compare it like that then what you are saying is true. However, you're ignoring the fact that there were 2 raid sizes for Naxx, Maly and Sarth, as well as all the achievements, heroic modes of every 5 man, Wintergrasp, a new arena and a new battleground.

Simply comparing raids isn't enough. Blizzard have been much more successful at providing end-game content in Wrath (and to a lesser extent TBC) and the main reason is that they aren't only limiting it to raids.


Has problems recognising girls
Magnus said:
If the 1-hour 5-mans are beyond your time investment abilities...why play video games? :lol
I don't do any dungeon runs unless I really have to for the guild, and even then I'm the last player to put up my hand.

Plus you aren't paying for my subscription so why should I play in a style that I don't enjoy anymore? Just because there is a majority of players who play WoW merely to hit a level cap and run instances over and over to get better gear does not mean that I have to follow the herd.
speedpop said:
I don't do any dungeon runs unless I really have to for the guild, and even then I'm the last player to put up my hand.

Plus you aren't paying for my subscription so why should I play in a style that I don't enjoy anymore? Just because there is a majority of players who play WoW merely to hit a level cap and run instances over and over to get better gear does not mean that I have to follow the herd.

What kind of stuff do you get up to?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
-Originally Taurens were not able to use any mounts because Kodos weren't introduced. Instead they had a passive aura that allowed them to run as fast as mounts called Plainsrunning.
This is even in the Original WoW manual so I guess they changed it really close to launch.


Has problems recognising girls
jim-jam bongs said:
What kind of stuff do you get up to?
My old guild had done all the crap there was to do in WoW before TBC hit, and even then during my spare time I would do silly things in-game such as that Crypt video, or getting underneath Orgrimmar and spooking people out by talking to them with /say under the ground, or jumping off the edge of Winterspring with an old Halloween regent that made me slow fall until I canceled it and plummeted to my death after falling for close to a minute.

I still enjoy exploring around the game, finding the nooks and crannies that people avoid or forget about. Being a Shaman also gives me a bit more freedom due to water walking and water breathing. One of the last things I did before I let my sub expire was catch the zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Thunder Bluff and jumped off it as it hit the border barrier with The Barrens and Mulgore where I ran across the ridges for awhile. There's a few things there like some caves and an abandoned hut. People would think I'm stupid and wasting my time with the game but it's still fun in its own little way.

So you can imagine how pleased I am about Cataclysm where things are changing all over the place. It'll be bittersweet because there are some parts of the game that I still look fondly back on, and the thought that those areas might be completely wiped out of the game makes me a little sad to see them go.


speedpop said:
People would think I'm stupid and wasting my time with the game but it's still fun in its own little way.

Not even in the slightest. I was hanging out at the Quel'Thalas Lighthouse just last week. I still remember fondly my huge screen shots folder from my first character (long lost now due to system wipes) where I took pictures of EVERYTHING.

Just running around and exploring the world was an absolute joy, and I too relished the thought of being one of the few to set foot in otherwise hidden locales.


Has problems recognising girls
A few weeks ago I posted a message in this thread talking about an email I received from what I thought was Blizzard asking me account details. I pasted the details in the post and laughed it off.

Today I wanted to try and copy a few characters over onto the PTR just for kicks and I couldn't remember my Battlenet account password. Changed it over and thought nothing of it, started to create a few premades and wanted to check my account details just in case.

Saw it had been accessed less than 2 days ago, which is funny since I don't even have the game installed (currently installing it for the PTR). Did a bit of snooping on the characters and found my main's name has been changed and that there is a new bank-centric character on the same server.

Grinning with glee I changed passwords on my account to something I've never used before, and done it for my email address just in case. So now I'm facing two prospects; my main is stripped of everything which doesn't bother me because I was running around with quest gear anyway, and the bank-alt has some very interesting items in their purse.


Has problems recognising girls
Stupid me. WoW Armory. Shows how much I use that service.

Doesn't seem like anything is missing, a few new items in fact and I've been changed from Resto to Elemental. Still keen as heck to find out what is on that bank-alt though.
My guild absorbed 7-8 players from a 10 man guild that had its origins on the same server as us (they were in the top alliance guild on Kael'thas during vanilla WoW) and could actually do 25 man hard modes this week. We killed the Twin Val'kyrs with 2 attempts left so we'll be working hard next week (and failing for a long time, probably) on Anub.


Water is not wet!
speedpop said:
Grinning with glee I changed passwords on my account to something I've never used before, and done it for my email address just in case. So now I'm facing two prospects; my main is stripped of everything which doesn't bother me because I was running around with quest gear anyway, and the bank-alt has some very interesting items in their purse.
Good luck! :lol


ZombieSupaStar said:

That's always been my favorite boss-kiting video, but a close second is Thrall versus Jaina Proudmore. Before she got nerfed she apparently had the ability to teleport the person tanking her to Theramore....but Thrall just gets ported and respawns. The only way it would be funnier is if Thrall actually got sent there to wreak havoc. It was actually organized by the Something Awful guild, Goon Squad. So awesome -- if only I had enough money to pay their guild membership fees! ;)


Sorry Speed, you just made it sound like you wanted to do the 5-man content (even if just once, for the story and lore if nothing else) but couldn't for some reason.

5-man content is about as low down the rung as content can (and imo should) get for important lore events, whether instanced or not.

I definitely understand that there's more to the game than that, and love exploring and seeing what I can find while solo as well. :)


Has problems recognising girls
Number 2 said:
Good luck! :lol
Had to wait for my brother to arrive home at his house then I gave him a call and asked him to log in for me and check.

Apparently nothing has really changed, bit of money boost but nothing significant. Only thing is now my main has a shitty name - "Popcoine"


Modesty becomes a woman
Just need one light in the dark for my rusted proto-drake.

Having done firefighter and hearing that 1 light is a lot easier is really getting on my nerves that we didn't do it tonight :p


but ever so delicious
Zaptruder said:
So I've played 5 levels of Dark Knight, and it's super OPed. Do they always stay so OP for soloing? :p

Yea. I finished leveling one a few days ago.

Depends what you really mean by oped. It certainly feels like you can do anything and everything as one. I leveled as blood after i asked about it in here and the downtime was very limited.

It's a fun class. Got me back into the game after taking a break from raiding on my priest. I guess i have missed melee dps after all these years since my original was a rogue in WoW vanilla.


You know when you wipe twice 3 pulls into Hellfire Ramparts you are playing with idiots.

Oh PUGs, never change. One of the reasons i quit in the first place!


Water is not wet!
Zaptruder said:
So I've played 5 levels of Dark Knight, and it's super OPed. Do they always stay so OP for soloing? :p
When you first start out, you kind of are a bit op just because of the gear. Also when wotlk first launch dks were op. This is not so much the case now though. Blizz has made a ton of corrections/fixes/nerfs to the class since wotlk launch. Although you will have decent survivability at 80 (esp with going down the blood tree for Rune Tap) there are 3 things that you will realize about dks..

1) out of the different tank classes, we are last in terms of ease of use (mitigating hits is all about managing cooldowns) and being wanted for groups
2) we have no burst damage that other classes have in melee dps. It might seem that we do, but in PvP we do not.
3) since we do not have burst dps, dks used to get by on its MS ability (mortal strike-like ability of Plague Strike). This is gone now. Resto-anything can ruin you without breaking a sweat.

It may seem like dks are op, but it will balance out towards 80.

edit: and as for soloing? Yes with the right build and decent gear you can solo damn near everything.

edit-edit: if you are going to level your DK there isnt a whole lot gearwise you need to worry about while leveling until 70. However, check for when your faction has control of Halaa periodically. There is a vendor there that sells a really good 2h sword that will last you from 66 until Northrend.

Horde version
Alli version


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Didn't have the raid composition to do 25 man hard mode twins last night, so we went and took down three tree Freya and started working on Firefighter. Fun fight, but FML trying to keep an imp alive through that is a PITA. Letting him die or stay passive is not an option w/ Empowered Imp + 2pt9 set bonus.

I hate my server's AH. I read all these blogs like GreedyGoblin and see people making bank. I think the only people you can move mass amounts of stuff to on my server are folks trying to protect their market from undercutters.

For example, I got my level 65 DK up to ~425 JC and started prospecting saronite then making greens for my main to DE. Made like 5K in the first week doing maybe 10 stacks of saronite a day - the blue gems would cover the cost of the saronite, the enchanting mats were pure profit. Now even the scarlet rubies rot on the AH, despite undercutting the fuck out of people (I'm selling for 35g, market price is around 45g).

Things like bag sales are a waste of time - frostweave bags sell cheaper than the mats due to people leveling on them, and the profit margins on netherweave bags are so slim that you barely cover listing deposit plus AH cut. Hell, you're better off cutting the blue and yellow rare gems and vendoring them than you are listing them on the AH.

Really the only thing w/ consistent profit is anything on cooldown (ebonweave, titansteel, etc). Other than that it's a crapshoot. So much failure on such a small server.

Number 2 said:
edit-edit: if you are going to level your DK there isnt a whole lot gearwise you need to worry about while leveling until 70.

I've been really surprised that the Outland quest rewards are junk compared to the DK starting gear. Aside from the hierloom chest and shoulders, mine is still in his starting gear.

Thanks for the tip on the 2H sword. His rested xp is about to cap, probably knock out a couple of levels and pick that up.


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So I don't play this game anymore...but does someone want my "Grunty the Murloc Marine" code that I got for ordering BlizzCon coverage?

Apparently I could get 50 bucks by eBaying the sucker, but I love GAF more.
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