Just need one light in the dark for my rusted proto-drake.
Having done firefighter and hearing that 1 light is a lot easier is really getting on my nerves that we didn't do it tonight
1 Light is all about execution, dont hit clouds in p1 + dispell & position correctly for p2 = free achievement. Use 1 tank + 2 healers.
Helps if you have a pally to BOP any melee dps that get picked up by a tentacle on their way to a portal.
TomServo said:
Didn't have the raid composition to do 25 man hard mode twins last night, so we went and took down three tree Freya and started working on Firefighter. Fun fight, but FML trying to keep an imp alive through that is a PITA. Letting him die or stay passive is not an option w/ Empowered Imp + 2pt9 set bonus.
On our Firefighter kills, im sure our Locks put their pets in a stationary position not nearby any raiders to avoid it being killed by a napalm. Then afterwards would put it on follow for the p2&3 constant movement.
Good luck though, its still a tricky fight with the huge boost in gear.
Anybody on or killed Anub TOC25 hardmode yet?
Rest of the instance is on farm, but we're struggling on this fight. Though im not suprised, as only 80-something guilds have actually managed to down the bastard.
Fight requires some insane dps and tank/raid coordination.