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World of Warcraft

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elitehebrew said:
Is it possible to move a character from one account to another? B/c i've made a character on my friends account and spent a while on him now I got my own account....Please say it is lol.

What's a while? Anything less than say, 40 is probably not smart to waste money.


NameGenerated said:
Where do you live? I use Cox (Virginia here) and hardly get any lag besides the usual Wintergrasp clusterfuck. Sometimes my spells might be slightly delayed or something but it's nothing severe.

Norfolk, its only on servers on the Dallas data center. And it only happens 7:30 to 10:00.

Here is the tech support thread for it, which Blizzard is still ignoring.



so i /2 looking for a rogue to open 2x [eternium lockbox], will tip

and the guy opened the first for 55s, then the 2nd for 55s, then gave me 1g back and said you need it more than me, tard. i said i didnt know what was a normal price, didnt specify the tip, and he didnt request an amount. he said dont give excuses and ignored me, lol

now i know he was probably just a moron, but what would you guys tip/expect to be tipped?


mcrae said:
so i /2 looking for a rogue to open 2x [eternium lockbox], will tip

and the guy opened the first for 55s, then the 2nd for 55s, then gave me 1g back and said you need it more than me, tard. i said i didnt know what was a normal price, didnt specify the tip, and he didnt request an amount. he said dont give excuses and ignored me, lol

now i know he was probably just a moron, but what would you guys tip/expect to be tipped?

They're lower level lockboxes that almost never have anything of worth, that rogue was just being a douche.
Saw this and it makes much sense:

"To compare to football, raiding is no longer about beating the Patriots in the Superbowl but beating the Lions without using a first down."

TomServo said:
Didn't have the raid composition to do 25 man hard mode twins last night, so we went and took down three tree Freya and started working on Firefighter. Fun fight, but FML trying to keep an imp alive through that is a PITA. Letting him die or stay passive is not an option w/ Empowered Imp + 2pt9 set bonus.

I hate my server's AH. I read all these blogs like GreedyGoblin and see people making bank. I think the only people you can move mass amounts of stuff to on my server are folks trying to protect their market from undercutters.

For example, I got my level 65 DK up to ~425 JC and started prospecting saronite then making greens for my main to DE. Made like 5K in the first week doing maybe 10 stacks of saronite a day - the blue gems would cover the cost of the saronite, the enchanting mats were pure profit. Now even the scarlet rubies rot on the AH, despite undercutting the fuck out of people (I'm selling for 35g, market price is around 45g).

Things like bag sales are a waste of time - frostweave bags sell cheaper than the mats due to people leveling on them, and the profit margins on netherweave bags are so slim that you barely cover listing deposit plus AH cut. Hell, you're better off cutting the blue and yellow rare gems and vendoring them than you are listing them on the AH.

Really the only thing w/ consistent profit is anything on cooldown (ebonweave, titansteel, etc). Other than that it's a crapshoot. So much failure on such a small server.

I've been really surprised that the Outland quest rewards are junk compared to the DK starting gear. Aside from the hierloom chest and shoulders, mine is still in his starting gear.

Thanks for the tip on the 2H sword. His rested xp is about to cap, probably knock out a couple of levels and pick that up.

I'm finding on my podunk server to put up there what people are too lazy/well-off to farm. Greater Cosmic Essences, Runic Healing Potions, Titanium Bars, and Northern Spices atm. It's fluxuative but profitable.
mcrae said:
so i /2 looking for a rogue to open 2x [eternium lockbox], will tip

and the guy opened the first for 55s, then the 2nd for 55s, then gave me 1g back and said you need it more than me, tard. i said i didnt know what was a normal price, didnt specify the tip, and he didnt request an amount. he said dont give excuses and ignored me, lol

now i know he was probably just a moron, but what would you guys tip/expect to be tipped?
As Tamanon said he was just a jerk. It's probably not worth dealing with rogues to get lockboxes opened these days. I just vendor them and be done with it.


they both had a green that was worth about 2.8g, tossed in it the AH for 5gbig/12g buyout, and i think they'll both sell tbh....

either way it was worth it :) every bit counts when working towards that epic mount cost... lol

thx for opinions guys


Number 2 said:
i have to say, using AV to level 70+ on my battlegroup is a freaking joke. ive done about 10 games over the last 5 hours or so.. everyone one of them an alli lose where we dont even take 1 tower. i think in one game we got Galv. Every time the raid goes straight to Galv and wipes when 20 horde are there waiting. People get all pissed when i try to tell them to go to IBGY.. secure it first.. then get towers then galv. Its such a waste of time to spend 30 minutes for no xp.

The sad thing is.. on my horde characters.. we rarely win AV in the new 80 only bracket. i starting to feel like im always stuck with the morons and its pissing me off :lol
Maybe this varies from battlegroup to battlegroup but don't take ibgy ever as alliance, it makes taking hut and fw much harder as horde will be spawning there. Put about 5 people in tower point and ib towers each and have about 10-15 rush hut and take the towers and gy there.


but ever so delicious
Number 2 said:
i have to say, using AV to level 70+ on my battlegroup is a freaking joke. ive done about 10 games over the last 5 hours or so.. everyone one of them an alli lose where we dont even take 1 tower. i think in one game we got Galv. Every time the raid goes straight to Galv and wipes when 20 horde are there waiting. People get all pissed when i try to tell them to go to IBGY.. secure it first.. then get towers then galv. Its such a waste of time to spend 30 minutes for no xp.

The sad thing is.. on my horde characters.. we rarely win AV in the new 80 only bracket. i starting to feel like im always stuck with the morons and its pissing me off :lol

Yea 70s bracket is bad for alliance. The only way to have any chance of winning is try and find 5 - 10 people who aren't idiots, talk in chat and so on, and go straight to RH. Skip past everything else. Let the idiots wipe once at galv, you guys will have assaulted RH flag and maybe the east and west towers, defend it. Everyone else will get the picture and come down south.

Also hurling abuse / being the leader can sometimes help.

I remember being lucky and on a maintenance night we must have had 5 wins in a row. It was mainly the same people, they knew what to do. The same guy would rush RH, rest would bum rush galv / the horde and go from there. But most of the time it was a complete waste of time.


Just need one light in the dark for my rusted proto-drake.

Having done firefighter and hearing that 1 light is a lot easier is really getting on my nerves that we didn't do it tonight :p

In 10-man, I felt that One Light and Firefighter were actually of roughly comparable difficulty; Firefighter seems easier to repeat, though. We've done both twice for different groups of characters, and the second Firefighter was a oneshot while the second One Light still resulted in a number of wipes.


Water is not wet!
Yasser said:
Maybe this varies from battlegroup to battlegroup but don't take ibgy ever as alliance, it makes taking hut and fw much harder as horde will be spawning there. Put about 5 people in tower point and ib towers each and have about 10-15 rush hut and take the towers and gy there.
That does work at 80 when you can rush rh, take two towers, do lieutenant and then general. i havent seen it done by either side in the new bracket yet. Now that i think of it.. ive been in about 30 games or so since the new bracket has come into effect and i havent seen a general downed once. Its all Reinforcement wins and they are always 30 min games because of it.


Blizzard should make an epic flying mount called: Flying cape. Except there is no mount, only a superman flying animation.

Appropriately it would be called: The One. And be available after you've earned every single achievement in the game.


Water is not wet!
Zaptruder said:
Blizzard should make an epic flying mount called: Flying cape. Except there is no mount, only a superman flying animation.

Appropriately it would be called: The One. And be available after you've earned every single achievement in the game.

If they did that they would probably have the swimming animation. i always crack up when i see druids in Storm Peaks flying.. blue giantess swimming through the air :lol


Lost all credibility.
Yesterday I completed my first 2 25 man raids. Obsidian Sanctum 25 and Vault of Archavon 25. I really wish the lockouts weren't so long cause if I could do OS25 every day I would. It's so quick and easy and fun.I had a lot of fun but I gotta say there are some seriously cranky people playing this game. The minute there's a wipe every starts looking for someone else to blame cause god forbid it was their fault. And it's not even like they actually offer any help to someone who might have not known what to do, other than to call people noobs.


Really Really Exciting Member!
sykoex said:
Yesterday I completed my first 2 25 man raids. Obsidian Sanctum 25 and Vault of Archavon 25. I really wish the lockouts weren't so long cause if I could do OS25 every day I would. It's so quick and easy and fun.I had a lot of fun but I gotta say there are some seriously cranky people playing this game. The minute there's a wipe every starts looking for someone else to blame cause god forbid it was their fault. And it's not even like they actually offer any help to someone who might have not known what to do, other than to call people noobs.

Don't do the bigger raids then. I've had really bad experience in 25 man pugs of Naxx or Ulduar. I bet TOC must be worst with all those "elitists" who thinks they are better than everyone because they have more ilvl 245 epics than you.

Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
Raid Leader says : DONT STAND IN FIRE
*Half the people dies in fire the next minutes*
Artasdeatknight : omg dont stand in fire gusy
Healbotforu : u scrubs sux, dont stand in fire
Hordeslaya : omg cant wait for worgen
Imatanklol : res plz

I could change the "dont stand in fire" for "kill adds fast", it's the same result in the end.


Junior Member
sykoex said:
And it's not even like they actually offer any help to someone who might have not known what to do, other than to call people noobs.

I don't know why people do this.

I've seen a lot of really, really bad warlocks in PUGs. I ask them if they're OK w/ me giving them pointers, and they've always been very eager for help. I've helped warlocks that were affliction spec and doing nothing but casting DoTs (no shadow bolt filler at all), warlocks casting searing pain at raid bosses, warlocks that admitted that they were "hitting random buttons until chaos bolt comes off of cooldown", warlocks with horrible talent allocation (you didn't take Ruin? Really?), warlocks doing nothing but spamming Drain Life, etc.

It takes all of five minutes to point someone to your armory, tell them a basic set of spell priorities, and offer some advice about gear. Makes me feel good when I see some of those 'locks run by me in current raid gear with a decent guild tag over their head because I feel like I may have had some small part in that.

There are a lot of idiots out there though, and playing on the priest they're a lot more noticable. Had a warlock constantly pulling aggro (while somehow doing garbage dps) in a heroic last weekend and doing nothing to dump it, and finally I got sick of it and let him die. When I told him I was disc and that healing him when he pulled wasn't as easy as hitting CoH, he said that I "should have told him that". You really need to be told not to pull aggro?


I was in a last minute Vault pug to get my 10-man in before maintenance, and whoo boy do you see some bad players when they know you don't have time to kick them out and find a better player.

The DPS on Koralon was so bad his self buff was stacked to 11 or 12 - we had some pro heals though so we were able to squeak by. Emalon was the worst, I had a rogue AOEing the adds the entire time, and wouldn't listen to raid warnings telling him to stop. Another rogue would just hit the boss and not switch to the overcharged mob. Dunno how we managed to one-shot him.


TomServo said:
You really need to be told not to pull aggro?

Having tanked for several years now, I can assure you that Yes, yes they do. I've been in far too many groups where DPS lets loose while I'm en route to the mobs, even spamming AoE on trash mobs when Avenger's Shield only grabs aggro on three. Tanking is all about control, and people who don't grasp that concept generally lead to chaos.

And of course, the first thing clothies do when they pull aggro is run away, in the opposite direction of the mob, which is usually the opposite direction of me. I've actually seen a mage throw down an AoE on Naxx Trash before a pull (I was marking targets), gain aggro, and then blink out of the room (and out of line of sight) and run for the exit. Funniest shit I've ever seen, we took control of the situation but we made sure he died before we booted him from the raid.

I've also had smart asses think "Pulling aggro off the tank" is equal to "Doing amazing DPS". It's not, and if the mood strikes, I usually let their mistake play out for the sake of education. I got tired of dragging idiots way back in Kara, so I tend to let people who should know better find out the hard way.

Already a bit of a long-winded post (by internet standards), but if there's one thing I wish people would learn is that aggro management is a team effort, and it's not just the tank's responsibility to make sure he has and holds threat. Everyone has to watch what they're doing and not destabilize situations.

Oh, a few more gems before I close;

Had a Ret Pally DPSing a Heroic many moons ago, using his PVP spec which included a few points in Protection. Including Improved Righteous Fury for the damage reduction, which he neglected to turn off. It was such a stupid thing to do, I didn't even think to look for it until the third time he blasted aggro off me after a solid pull. In that case, because it was a Paladin (and I like paladins, to a fault), I just whispered him to take it off. I hope he learned from it.

Had a dead weight huntard in my guild (he was an officer's dad or uncle, but basically useless and obnoxious) insist his pet could tank Heroic Black Morass (Back in TBC, so it wasn't even close to possible then). Not only that, but he insisted that I should heal his pet so it could do my job. I actually screen capped it, the officers couldn't believe it and he was quietly banned from raids. (I'm Eresia, btw)


And finally, I have actually had a Paladin cast Hand of Protection (Well, it was Blessing at the time) on me while tanking, because he didn't think the healer was going to be able to get to me in time, even though the situation was actually completely under control... or was, until my aggro (and the group) was wiped. He thought he was 'saving the group'... should have popped his suicide pill instead, that'd have at least been useful.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Bisnic said:
Don't do the bigger raids then. I've had really bad experience in 25 man pugs of Naxx or Ulduar. I bet TOC must be worst with all those "elitists" who thinks they are better than everyone because they have more ilvl 245 epics than you.

I could change the "dont stand in fire" for "kill adds fast", it's the same result in the end.

Haha, sounds like the Naxx 25 run I got invited to last night. I really should know better than to join those things, but I said what the hell and went anyway. They couldn't even get past the first boss in the spider wing. I don't think we had any mages to frost nova the scarabs, and when locust swarm was about to be cast nobody would move despite the RL spamming warnings telling people to get out of the way. Good times. :p


Shaman or Paladin alt?! I can't decide.

My main's a well-geared raiding holy priest.

My shaman's at 71 and my paladin's at 73.

I'm definitely leaning more toward the shaman. =/


Really Really Exciting Member!
Magnus said:
Shaman or Paladin alt?! I can't decide.

My main's a well-geared raiding holy priest.

My shaman's at 71 and my paladin's at 73.

I'm definitely leaning more toward the shaman. =/

Well, if you want to experience tanking, i'd say paladin. But there is already too many of them at lvl 80 compared to shaman, you might have a hard time getting loot sometimes when you see those 25 man raids with 6 paladins and 1 or 2 shamans.


Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Throne

All across the lands of Northrend, many battles have been fought against the vile Scourge. Countless lives have been lost since the Alliance and Horde first reached the frozen wastes, but the champions of Azeroth continue to march forward. Now Icecrown Citadel, the cornerstone of the Scourge's power and the home base of the Lich King, is their final target. Tirion Fordring and the Argent Crusade have forged an alliance with Darion Mograine and the Knights of the Ebon Blade to form the Ashen Verdict. The strongest combatants of this coalition, along with the champions of the Alliance and Horde, will lead the charge against the citadel.

This dungeon reveals the culminating story events and battles of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack. Join the legendary heroes Highlord Tirion Fordring, High Overlord Saurfang, Muradin Bronzebeard, Highlord Darion Mograine, and King Varian Wrynn in an epic battle against the Scourge and their master. Icecrown Citadel features 10- and 25-player versions of the raid dungeon, and each version has 12 encounters. Each encounter can be fought in either normal or Heroic mode, and players can use a new user interface feature to toggle easily between difficulties. The rewards in the raid dungeon start at item level 251 in the normal mode with 10-player encounters, increase to item level 264 in the Heroic mode mode with 10 players and the normal mode with 25-player encounters, and then finally reach item level 277 in the Heroic mode with 25 players.

Grand Entrance of the Citadel
After breaching the fortress, players will face a legion of undead guards directed to repel any invaders. Commanding the defenders is Lord Marrowgar, a monstrosity fused together from the bones of the undead. Supreme Overseer of the Cult of the Damned, Lady Deathwhisper is the next opponent. She bolsters the faith of her followers by promising them the opportunity to give eternal service in undeath.

As they continue their ascent, the Alliance and Horde heroes ultimately end up outside of the citadel where their hatred for one another erupts into a battle for dominance over the Rampart of Skulls. Players will join in battle alongside High Overlord Saurfang on the Orgrim's Hammer gunship or Muradin Bronzebeard on The Skybreaker in a unique encounter. Each faction will protect its gunship and try to destroy the other one in a back-and-forth battle to see who is truly worthy of facing the Lich King.

The Lich King's most powerful death knight then stands as the final obstacle for the heroes to enter the upper reaches of the citadel.

The Wings of Icecrown Citadel

After the heroes of the Alliance or Horde defeat the other faction on the gunships and wipe out the creatures near the entrance, players will venture into an area with three separate wings. Here they will face a multitude of terrors that must be vanquished in order to confront the Lich King.

In the Frostwing Halls players will battle alongside the Ashen Verdict and push into the lair of the deadly frost wyrm Sindragosa, who continues to strengthen her brood with the help of Ymirheim's vrykul. Along the way, the heroes will stumble upon Valithria Dreamwalker, a captured green dragon whom the Scourge is using as a test subject for their own ends....

The Plagueworks contains the most twisted experiments ever produced by the Scourge. In this wing players will face two new forms of abomination in Festergut and Rotface, who currently protect their devious creator, Professor Putricide.

The Crimson Hall contains the leaders of the San'layn, undead blood elves who oversee the Scourge's operations throughout Azeroth. The blood-princes Valanar, Keleseth, and Taldaram were raised into undeath by the Lich King to avenge themselves while protecting their blood-queen, Lana'thel.

The Frozen Throne
After clearing all three wings, players will ascend to the Frozen Throne, where the Lich King and his runeblade, Frostmourne, await to deliver them to their deaths....


Players will join in battle alongside High Overlord Saurfang on the Orgrim's Hammer gunship or Muradin Bronzebeard on The Skybreaker in a unique encounter. Each faction will protect its gunship and try to destroy the other one in a back-and-forth battle to see who is truly worthy of facing the Lich King.

This strikes me as kinda stupid. I mean, mechanically it's a cool idea but why would you risk destruction of both the Horde and Alliance forces for what is essentially a dick-waving contest? It'd be like French and US soldiers suddenly fighting in the middle of Normandy.
border said:
This strikes me as kinda stupid. I mean, mechanically it's a cool idea but why would you risk destruction of both the Horde and Alliance forces for what is essentially a dick-waving contest? It'd be like French and US soldiers suddenly fighting in the middle of Normandy.

Man that would make COD games more interesting. Agree though to be honest, I bet that it will be fun and spectacular but it seems like a flimsy premise.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
This strikes me as kinda stupid. I mean, mechanically it's a cool idea but why would you risk destruction of both the Horde and Alliance forces for what is essentially a dick-waving contest? It'd be like French and US soldiers suddenly fighting in the middle of Normandy.
The same reason you murdered the Horde/Alliance's best soldiers in some stupid tournament instead of everyone heading to Icecrown.


I remember they said Heroic Leap got yanked because they "just couldn't make it work" or something like that. I don't know if they meant it was a balance problem or technical problem.

Angry Grimace said:
The same reason you murdered the Horde/Alliance's best soldiers in some stupid tournament instead of everyone heading to Icecrown.

Even that makes more sense than fighting your allies deep inside enemy territory.


Junior Member
Well now this is a big ass security risk.

Apparently the BattleNET/WoW Login server does not account for password case.
So if your password is jOe1BoB, and you type it as joe1bob or JOE1BOB it'll still let you in.



Xabora said:
Well now this is a big ass security risk.

Apparently the BattleNET/WoW Login server does not account for password case.
So if your password is jOe1BoB, and you type it as joe1bob or JOE1BOB it'll still let you in.


If someone knows your password without case, case isn't going to protect you account worth anything. It'll slightly annoy, nothing more.


Welp, it looks like my warrior and warlock are about as far as you can get without doing any serious raiding. Bought all the Conquest badge gear I could, completely looted Trial of the Champion. Beyond the occasional Ony or VoA pug there's not much I can do to develop them. I guess I could save up for some epic PVP gear but I don't know if I really feel like collecting another 300 badges between characters.

I'm thinking about picking up my rogue or my Deathknight.....both of whom have been left collecting dust in Outland. Any suggestions as to which would be better? I'm not planning on doing anything other than Heroics, questing, and a little PVP. I'm not sure if I want to have another tank -- is DK tanking better or worse than tanking as a warrior?


DK tanking is pretty close to Warrior tanking, it really all comes down to what style of tanking you want to do, warrior is more reactive, IMO. I've always prefered the warrior method, but that's just because I like shields.:lol Although DKs are able to frontload threat a lot more, just because of the rune vs rage system.


With my warrior I often feel like I have to do a lot of tab-targeting, since the AoE threat on a Thunderclap/Shockwave opener isn't great enough to withstand heavy DPS. I actually think it's pretty fun that way, but I am kinda jealous of DKs who can just pick a single target and have their Desecration and disease spreading capabilities hold threat against non-targeted mobs.

The main thing is that taking up a DK seems kinda daunting -- just so much to learn about specs and spells and priorities/rotations. The rune thing seems totally arcane and weird as well.

The rogue is kind of attractive just because I've spent some odd 63 levels with her and even though I haven't touched the character in a year it'd probably be easier to pick up than a DK. Plus right now I could go buy Tankard of Terror x 2 and she would have ilvl 226 epics the moment she hit 80.


Water is not wet!
border said:
The main thing is that taking up a DK seems kinda daunting -- just so much to learn about specs and spells and priorities/rotations. The rune thing seems totally arcane and weird as well.
1) learning the mechanics of how a different class plays will help you greatly if you pvp
2) even if you dont level the dk to 80, its still worth the 3 hours it will take to do their starting zone
3) it only sounds complicated at first.. once you play a dk for a few minutes it wont seem arcane any longer


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
I picked up my DK after doing the opening quests then quitting. I'll probably get him to 80 because I want a tank. It's weird at first (leveling as Blood) but you'll get the hang of it, right now I just put my diseases then use my strikes and things die while I lose no health. :lol

My rotation is probably completely wrong but it works and it's fun.


My DK is sitting in Outland with about 50 unspent talent points because I have no idea what I'm really supposed to do with them. I understand how Runic Energy and Runes work (sorta), but I don't really know how to put it all together or what my main spells/abilities should really be.


That's actually the main reason I really liked the DK starting experience, you had unlimited free talent resets while in it so you had time to experiment.


border said:
My DK is sitting in Outland with about 50 unspent talent points because I have no idea what I'm really supposed to do with them. I understand how Runic Energy and Runes work (sorta), but I don't really know how to put it all together or what my main spells/abilities should really be.

Level dark to 80 with blood then worry about the rest later.

That shit makes a DK so unstoppable it's not even funny... Soloing elite with multiple adds? No problems! Just pop a zombie, the dancing blade, hysteria, and save a blood rune for self heal. Add in Death Strike (heals your character for ~10% as well as been a mortal strike), and all that's left to do is cackle maniacally.


As they continue their ascent, the Alliance and Horde heroes ultimately end up outside of the citadel where their hatred for one another erupts into a battle for dominance over the Rampart of Skulls. Players will join in battle alongside High Overlord Saurfang on the Orgrim's Hammer gunship or Muradin Bronzebeard on The Skybreaker in a unique encounter. Each faction will protect its gunship and try to destroy the other one in a back-and-forth battle to see who is truly worthy of facing the Lich King.
Out of every possible factional hero, they choose two of the ones that are the least likely to go picking fights with the other side?


Sciz said:
Out of every possible factional hero, they choose two of the ones that are the least likely to go picking fights with the other side?

Probably just to have them die, causing war.


Water is not wet!
Jazzy Network said:
Er wait didn't Arthas kill Muradin in Reign of Chaos? Did I miss something?
Hes alive. The chunk of ice that killed him in W3 didnt really kill him. Alliance only questline talks about this.
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