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World of Warcraft

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jim-jam bongs said:
Muradin is going to bring Shaman to the Dwarves. He will not die.

Oh really? You guessing, or did they post something I missed?

Cos I figured, like most people, that it would just be the Wildhammer Dwarves joining the Alliance properly.


Jazzy Network said:
Er wait didn't Arthas kill Muradin in Reign of Chaos? Did I miss something?

He just lost his memory that's all. There's a long questline in Stormpeaks that brings all of them back together.


Sciz said:
Out of every possible factional hero, they choose two of the ones that are the least likely to go picking fights with the other side?
It's because of Storyline. the epic DK you have to fight at the end is either Saurfang the Younger or Bolvar Fordragon, rezzed from the dead.


Junior Member
In other news: testing DPS on Koralon might lead to inflated results.



Wasn't Saurfang killed at the Wrathgate? Why are we fighting him on an airship?

Also I think the whole shooting down the other's airship is a buildup towards Cataclysm, where the split between Horde and Alliance is gonna be a lot bigger, instead of the friendly "hey we don't like you and you don't like us, but let's be friends so we can kill other stuff" way it is now.


zam said:
Wasn't Saurfang killed at the Wrathgate? Why are we fighting him on an airship?

Also I think the whole shooting down the other's airship is a buildup towards Cataclysm, where the split between Horde and Alliance is gonna be a lot bigger, instead of the friendly "hey we don't like you and you don't like us, but let's be friends so we can kill other stuff" way it is now.

His son was killed.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Man, it only took me a couple years to figure it out, but you can actually change the warning sounds for Omen Threat Meter. Cool beans. From now on I'm going with the Ahooga! sound. :p


Has problems recognising girls
Number 2 said:
Hes alive. The chunk of ice that killed him in W3 didnt really kill him. Alliance only questline talks about this.
Yeah, one of the reasons why I'm contemplating on properly rolling as a Druid for Alliance next time I play. Been too Horde-exclusive for far too long.


Water is not wet!
speedpop said:
Yeah, one of the reasons why I'm contemplating on properly rolling as a Druid for Alliance next time I play. Been too Horde-exclusive for far too long.
i have to say, from a lore standpoint, Wotlk seems to be alliances game. Almost like how Outland was hordes thing. i think ive learned more about the Vrykul and Utgarde Keep in like 10 alliance quests than i have from all of horde. Same goes for the Curse of the Flesh, the iron dwarves and gnomes, where humanity comes from, and now Yogg (im in Howling Fjord and theres a few quests in Whisper Gulch where a bunch of Explorers League dwarves went batshit).


Are there any decent World of Warcraft podcasts, was listening to "The Instance" but it was kinda meh. Something with a focus on end game content for the Non Casual player


man those are some terribad names in that recount meter.
No offense man but those names are completely in line with types of people who are lewt doods to avoid.
Duki said:
Oh really? You guessing, or did they post something I missed?

Cos I figured, like most people, that it would just be the Wildhammer Dwarves joining the Alliance properly.

No I'm talking shit. I have a mate who is convinced that the Wildhammer thing is too obvious, it's his theory really. The main reason is just that he thinks that they'll want to bring Muradin back in as a somewhat central character beyond Icecrown, and that they'll need a catalyst for the arrival of shamans, so it 'fits'.

Personally I think the Wildhammer being invited back to Ironforge after the Hinterlands gets ripped apart is far more likely. Once the lore of a fictitious universe becomes as wide as Warcraft lore it becomes difficult to expand in new directions without tangling up the old stuff, so I'd say they'll be trying to draw from as much old lore as possible.

My bigger concern is that the dwarf totems aren't kegs.

Tamanon said:
It's actually a really cool resolution to the whole Muradin thing, heartwarming scene, IMO.:lol

But it should have ended with drinking!


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
zugzug said:
man those are some terribad names in that recount meter.
No offense man but those names are completely in line with types of people who are lewt doods to avoid.
And what's you character's name?
TomServo said:
I don't know why people do this.

I've seen a lot of really, really bad warlocks in PUGs. I ask them if they're OK w/ me giving them pointers, and they've always been very eager for help. I've helped warlocks that were affliction spec and doing nothing but casting DoTs (no shadow bolt filler at all), warlocks casting searing pain at raid bosses, warlocks that admitted that they were "hitting random buttons until chaos bolt comes off of cooldown", warlocks with horrible talent allocation (you didn't take Ruin? Really?), warlocks doing nothing but spamming Drain Life, etc.

It takes all of five minutes to point someone to your armory, tell them a basic set of spell priorities, and offer some advice about gear. Makes me feel good when I see some of those 'locks run by me in current raid gear with a decent guild tag over their head because I feel like I may have had some small part in that.

There are a lot of idiots out there though, and playing on the priest they're a lot more noticable. Had a warlock constantly pulling aggro (while somehow doing garbage dps) in a heroic last weekend and doing nothing to dump it, and finally I got sick of it and let him die. When I told him I was disc and that healing him when he pulled wasn't as easy as hitting CoH, he said that I "should have told him that". You really need to be told not to pull aggro?

im a lock but im probably doing it wrong,

halp plase


right now i pretty much just send in fel guard, throw up CoA, Corr, lifetap, grab another mob, do the same, maybe a third mob repeat, if metamorph is up pop that and the roman candle aoe as I like to call it.

tap back to full mana then mebbe drain life a few times to maintain some sorta hp/mana balance


Tamanon said:
Nope, Shadowmourne will be the legendary from the instance, 2-handed axe.
About Shadowmourne, from seeing leaked images of it - and if I'm right in my supposition this is probably a big ol' spoiler, so I'll play it safe:
I'm no expert on Frostmourne, but I'm *sure* Shadowmourne looks rather like Frostmourne with most of the blade broken off. Could be a coincidence, but I suspect that's the Lore in action


So when are people expecting this new content patch to hit?

Hopefully i can get to 80 before it does so i can experience some other content before everyone goes crazy for Icecrown.


I'd say another month. I'm not in a hurry for IC, I want my 258 Tier 9 gear and a fucking ranged weapon! Lord Jarax isn't coughing up my crossbow and I can't find a 10M ToGC pug to get that wicked bow.
Why do I keep looking in this thread? godamn this game has a real sway over me :lol

Dropped out cold turkey just before Aion was about to come out because I couldn't get a decent guild and was piss bored of 5 mans, the new raid was rubbish aswell. But then didn't bother with Aion and i find myself checking Mmo champion and reading this thread to find out about icecrown :lol

Fuck, urge to resub and level my DK to 80 is rising... oh dear :(

Also Zombiesupastar (guy who has a lock)
This should help


but ever so delicious
Weenerz said:
That is way too far off, with guilds clearing ToGC already, I expect 3.3 to be mid-late November.

Maybe, But i think it will still be sometime in december.

Ulduar went for 4 months, patch 3.2 is only just 2 months old. While it would be nice if 3.3 came out in mid - late november, giving the 3.2 content 3 months of work, i don't see it happening.

It would certainly make sense because 3 months for any raid content is just about right. But this is THE instance, THE battle we have been waiting for since the expansions release. They need to make it right, 1 and a bit month of random ptr testing would be fine, plus another week or two of extra tweaks offline and that should do the trick. Which would bring it into december sometime.

I would love for it to be sooner rather than later. But i dunno.
hey anyone on win7 64bit having these issues?

I am missing some of the "sounds" while playing WoW, like the cast sound a warlock does when summoning his mount, (and only when I pan the camera to the left/right of the mount after it casts can I hear the thunderclap horse neighing, almost liked the surrounded sound is weirding out on me) or the twang of the bow for a hunter shooting

I have an audigy card (24 bit something or other I cant remember) and dl'd the 64bit drivers (or rather win7 found them for creative with the auto update feature).

Ive tried enabling hardware for sound, lower/raising quality/sound channels, reverb, emulating surround on a headset, etc nothing is working, other games/foobar/multimedia work fine, just wow is the issue.

edit: ok this is really weird if I select Digital Audio (SB Audigy) from the drop down in the wow sound menu (as Opposed to System Default, or SB Audigy)

I get all the sounds back....

none of my hardware changed in the move from XP to win7 and in xp I just had the system default and it worked fine..... odd.. im a bit noob about sound hardware, and I just have mine hooked up with the old lime green plug from the speakers into the soundcard (looks like a headphone plug), I thought I need an optical cable or some such for digital audio?



ZombieSupaStar said:
hey anyone on win7 64bit having these issues?

I am missing some of the "sounds" while playing WoW, like the cast sound a warlock does when summoning his mount, (and only when I pan the camera to the left/right of the mount after it casts can I hear the thunderclap horse neighing, almost liked the surrounded sound is weirding out on me) or the twang of the bow for a hunter shooting

I have an audigy card (24 bit something or other I cant remember) and dl'd the 64bit drivers (or rather win7 found them for creative with the auto update feature).

Ive tried enabling hardware for sound, lower/raising quality/sound channels, reverb, emulating surround on a headset, etc nothing is working, other games/foobar/multimedia work fine, just wow is the issue.

I'm using Win7 64bit, and I don't have that issue.Try getting the creative drivers if they exist vs. using the ones Windows auto installed.

I did try Nvidia 3D in wow last night and it was a trip...I'm almost temped to get the actual shutter glass setup, because even using the old school blue/red glasses it was a lot of fun.
evlcookie said:
Maybe, But i think it will still be sometime in december.

Ulduar went for 4 months, patch 3.2 is only just 2 months old. While it would be nice if 3.3 came out in mid - late november, giving the 3.2 content 3 months of work, i don't see it happening.

It would certainly make sense because 3 months for any raid content is just about right. But this is THE instance, THE battle we have been waiting for since the expansions release. They need to make it right, 1 and a bit month of random ptr testing would be fine, plus another week or two of extra tweaks offline and that should do the trick. Which would bring it into december sometime.

I would love for it to be sooner rather than later. But i dunno.

ToC is not good enough content to last as long as Ulduar.


Junior Member
Sebulon3k said:
Are there any decent World of Warcraft podcasts, was listening to "The Instance" but it was kinda meh. Something with a focus on end game content for the Non Casual player

Not really.

There used to be The Ready Check, which was kind of halfway in between. The folks that did the podcast had barely killed Illidan before 3.0, so they themselves weren't exactly "hardcore", but some of the guilds they brought on the show had US firsts.

I can't listen to The Instance. Last time I checked they were talking about wiping to Thaddius right before 3.1 hit.
TomServo said:
I don't know why people do this.

I've seen a lot of really, really bad warlocks in PUGs. I ask them if they're OK w/ me giving them pointers, and they've always been very eager for help. I've helped warlocks that were affliction spec and doing nothing but casting DoTs (no shadow bolt filler at all), warlocks casting searing pain at raid bosses, warlocks that admitted that they were "hitting random buttons until chaos bolt comes off of cooldown", warlocks with horrible talent allocation (you didn't take Ruin? Really?), warlocks doing nothing but spamming Drain Life, etc.

It takes all of five minutes to point someone to your armory, tell them a basic set of spell priorities, and offer some advice about gear. Makes me feel good when I see some of those 'locks run by me in current raid gear with a decent guild tag over their head because I feel like I may have had some small part in that.

There are a lot of idiots out there though, and playing on the priest they're a lot more noticable. Had a warlock constantly pulling aggro (while somehow doing garbage dps) in a heroic last weekend and doing nothing to dump it, and finally I got sick of it and let him die. When I told him I was disc and that healing him when he pulled wasn't as easy as hitting CoH, he said that I "should have told him that". You really need to be told not to pull aggro?

Thanks. It's getting to the point now where elitism in one's own play is the new hotness (in lieu of how elite one's guild is since progression is lol).

Now, if one could teach Hpriest easily. I'm seeing ones that I outheal 5-3 on the meters and I'm Disco, on the tanks, and not taking into account absorbs. I have to find their thought process, and all I'm getting back is "but they're so low I need to use Gheal to save them". Them being one raid member to raid-wide damage. :\


TomServo said:
I can't listen to The Instance. Last time I checked they were talking about wiping to Thaddius right before 3.1 hit.

They are in Ulduar now at least :lol It's not a bad show, if you just want a weekly news roundup. Their user-submitted segments are consistently terrible though.


TomServo said:
Not really.

This is really dissappointing. EJ can sometimes be a bit too much to take in at one time for someone new to a class, I've gotten into the habit of listening to podcasts while grinding out levels, was hoping for some Ulduar / TOC Prep :/.

Maybe I was being a bit delirious when I thought there was a Giant Bombcastic equivalent for WoW :lol


Neo Member
I too have looked for raiding podcasts. It's pretty said when you are listening and one of the host excited talks about hitting 80!

To be fair, raiding and podcasting would be a lot from people who have jobs.


All of these are better than "Legendary Thread" from 1up. Man that was painful. Every week it was "I rerolled a new Blood Elf hunter and got it to level 14!" I got sick of hearing about the Ghostlands after 2 minutes.


Water is not wet!
Would there be enough material to cover for a weekly raid podcast? Seems like it would just be about funny stuff that happened during raids. It doesnt seem like the kind of thing where there are tons of hints and tips and stuff.. and helpful instruction/walkthrough isnt going to interest the audience that would listen to a raid podcast since they already know.


Number 2 said:
Would there be enough material to cover for a weekly raid podcast? Seems like it would just be about funny stuff that happened during raids. It doesnt seem like the kind of thing where there are tons of hints and tips and stuff.. and helpful instruction/walkthrough isnt going to interest the audience that would listen to a raid podcast since they already know.

I don't think it would have to be exclusively focused on Raids, it could cover a wide spectrum of WoW related topics. It should just have some type of section where they discuss some of the more advanced mechanics / concepts that encompass end game raiding.

I was listening to a Podcast where they were discussing strategies and precautions for Malygos, at this point ToC was within 2 weeks of release, I had a hard time taking it seriously from that point onwards.


Junior Member
Sebulon3k said:
I don't think it would have to be exclusively focused on Raids, it could cover a wide spectrum of WoW related topics. It should just have some type of section where they discuss some of the more advanced mechanics / concepts that encompass end game raiding.

The Ready Check was more about interviewing other raiding guilds to see how things worked for them than it was discussing the raid content itself. Most of the guilds they had on were deep into progression, beating things before they were nerfed, making their own strats instead of waiting for Tankspot or Bosskillers to give the color-by-numbers version.

Interesting insight into truly hardcore raiding guilds. One mentioned that new raid tiers had them raiding six nights a week, something like eight hours a night. I was like "fuck that", but then they mentioned having the content on farm within two weeks and spending the rest of the time between content patches with a single four-hour raid each week, clearing everything.

They also interviewed guilds they considered interesting. One of my old guildies was on there representing a successful "casual raiding" guild that's maintained solid, current progression since MC.


TomServo said:
The Ready Check was more about interviewing other raiding guilds to see how things worked for them than it was discussing the raid content itself....

I wish this was still going on cause it seems really interesting, I checked on Itunes and it seems the main dude from The Ready Check is working on another Podcast. Gonna check it out, hopefully it's as good as what you described of The Ready Check.


Sebulon3k said:
I wish this was still going on cause it seems really interesting, I checked on Itunes and it seems the main dude from The Ready Check is working on another Podcast. Gonna check it out, hopefully it's as good as what you described of The Ready Check.
Whats the name?


Junior Member
Thinking back to those hardcore guilds having things on farm quickly after killing them the first time, it makes me wonder if my guild isn't held back by one or two people.

We'll bang our head against a wall wipe after wipe, but after a boss is downed once we typically never have a problem with it again. A lot of times our second kill of a difficult encounter is a one-shot for the new lockout period. It's like there are one or two people completely screwing up that realize "oh, that's what I'm supposed to do."

It was like that for Sarth+3D, every hard mode we've done in Ulduar (6 of 9), and every boss we've killed in ToGC (3 of 5).
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