yacobod said:got death's choice last night on my hunter, my gear score is over 2800 now on this toon
we also got tribute to insanity 10m done last night, no cloak of serrated blades tho, hopefully one drops next week
funkmastergeneral said:That trinket is sooo good, I just wish there was another good one to pick up from ToC. The badge trinkets are pretty underwhelming
Grats on the Death's Choice... I want one so bad atm.yacobod said:got death's choice last night on my hunter, my gear score is over 2800 now on this toon
we also got tribute to insanity 10m done last night, no cloak of serrated blades tho, hopefully one drops next week
Tamanon said:I think Muradin will end up dying in Icecrown, possibly to help purify Arthas.
It kills me how much Alliance only lore there is in Northrend. Here is a perfect example. Alliance gets a NPC that gives a back story on every single boss in an entire dungeon. I've done every quest in Northrend as Horde and pretty much the first time you hear about Naxx is when you open the LFG window at 80.Number 2 said:Alliance only questline talks about this.
Wrekt said:It kills me how much Alliance only lore there is in Northrend. Here is a perfect example. Alliance gets a NPC that gives a back story on every single boss in an entire dungeon. I've done every quest in Northrend as Horde and pretty much the first time you hear about Naxx is when you open the LFG window at 80.
Sebulon3k said:" The Slash/2 Podcast "
VaLiancY said:My account got hacked but I was quick enough to switch the password. Some of my shit got vendor on three of my toons.
TomServo said:The Ready Check was more about interviewing other raiding guilds to see how things worked for them than it was discussing the raid content itself. Most of the guilds they had on were deep into progression, beating things before they were nerfed, making their own strats instead of waiting for Tankspot or Bosskillers to give the color-by-numbers version.
Interesting insight into truly hardcore raiding guilds. One mentioned that new raid tiers had them raiding six nights a week, something like eight hours a night. I was like "fuck that", but then they mentioned having the content on farm within two weeks and spending the rest of the time between content patches with a single four-hour raid each week, clearing everything.
They also interviewed guilds they considered interesting. One of my old guildies was on there representing a successful "casual raiding" guild that's maintained solid, current progression since MC.
mileS said:Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should be the first program to download and run a full scan. Free version is good enough just make sure to fully update it before you start the full scan. Make sure you change your pw again after that (obviously)
Death Knight Tier-9 4-Piece Bonus: This set bonus no longer grants Frost Fever a chance to be a critical strike. It still grants that possibility to Blood Plague.
jim-jam bongs said:So it's trade chat in podcast form? D:
I don't think so, Decimation will be used up once you cast it, but once it hits it'll proc again, so there's that small window between casting Soul Fire and it landing. Probably be a SB/SF rotation instead of SB/SB/SF - still a plus.border said:Woohoo, more patch notes:
* Demonic Pact now also Increases your spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Decimation now procs from Soul Fire as well.
Decimation procs on Soul Fire? So does that mean we will just constantly be spamming Soul Fire once a boss hits 35%?
Really? She looks like a surly bar wench. Not how I pictured her tbh but it could just be that I'm accustomed to her current look.Jazzy Network said:Nice Jaina. Why hasn't Thrall gotten a makeover yet though? He's probably the most important character on the horde side right now.
Sebulon3k said:I started listening to an episode and it opened with the hosts talking to one of their parents about eating watermelon :lol . I decided to listen to old Bombcasts instead
Geist:evlcookie said:The DK gear looks boring imo. I think the rogues looks awesome :lol
Heh. Outside of the silly helm, I always thought the Dungeon Set "Elements" was the best Shaman gear. The second best were always the Naxx sets.NameGenerated said:Shaman Tier 10 better look sweet. Tier 9 looks like fucking Earthfury (Tier 1) and has pants, which look terrible on male trolls.
speedpop said:I remember seeing a map of Blizzard's HQ and the setup for their CG department was massive. The amount of space it took up was insane. I imagine the costs to produce these things would be just as big.
Perhaps this is why Blizzard aren't really motivated enough to try and do a CG Warcraft movie.
Zaptruder said:In reality the Blizzard head honchos have probably justified such an oversized CG dept via siphoning marketing money to them. So maybe 6-8 million is probably quite off the mark.
LAUGHTREY said:That sounds like a lot for a 3-4 minute cutscene, even if it is really high quality.
Tamanon said:The rogue armor looks badass thus far. Learn to love the set bonuses folks, because this is all you get until Cataclysm!
Esc > Interface > Hide HelmMacattk15 said:Uh ... WHAT?
That rogue set is the most ridiculous and horrible looking set I have ever seen. Instead of glowing beacons on our shoulders, we now have a HUGE glowing one on our face??? With no eyeholes? Please explain the practicality of that blizzard. I think the set looks very dumb ... especially on non-thin or wiry characters. An orc Geist? WTF?
The set bonuses however are ridiculous.
Working on ToGC Anub .... pretty tough execution / dps needed. Much harder than Twin Valks.
Evlar said:Esc > Interface > Hide Helm
Agreed! Here's my favorite sets, from 1 to 9.LAUGHTREY said:Goddamnit if this Paladin Tier isn't on par with BC Paladin gear I'm gonna flip.
Maxrpg said:Agreed! Here's my favorite sets, from 1 to 9.
Tier 9 is OK, I hate the hat though (horde side). Tier 5 is ugly as sin (power ranger!), Tier 1 is BANANA SHOULDERS LOL, Tier 3 is just... WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN, and Tier 7 is Tier 3's uglier cousin.
Macattk15 said:Working on ToGC Anub .... pretty tough execution / dps needed.
yacobod said:how much different is the fight from the 10m heroic? or the 25 normal version
i hear phase 3 is a huge bitch, we are supposed to have attempts on sunday for it, not really looking forward to the 3 hour wipe night