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World of Warcraft

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Evlar said:
As a member of an actual casual guild I can say we spend nowhere near 12 hours per week raiding. More like 3 or 4. The idea that 4 hours a day, three days a week is "minimal" is honestly kinda funny.

i raid 8-9 hours a week, we do 3 3 hour sessions Tue/Thr/Sun, but we usually finish up early on our 3rd night, at this point i might play 12 hours max in a week, if its not a raid night i might pop on to check the AH, do my JC dailies, and do an occasional heroic daily, i think thats a pretty casual raid schedule, but different strokes for everyone


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
speedpop said:
Some quest dialogue is absolute bullshit, and there are even times when I don't read it. But ultimately the time between reading quest description, knowing where the quest location is, and the quest drop requirement (i.e. 4 vegetable roots!) is inconsequential. Everyone does the same shit regardless and a minute here, or 30 mins there, or an hour somewhere aren't really going to kill me in reality.

I play the game for the story. If people can't accept that then I suggest that they pay for my subscription.
It wasn't aimed at you, I was just kind of saying it for no reason except that this thread has filled up with lore recently. I wish I knew about the lore, it sounds entertaining.


TomServo said:

Never understood the "poopsocker" thing directed at top guilds. Chances are they raid a hell of a lot less than the "casual" guilds that wipe all over the goddamn place.

Hell, I know this for a fact. When I was filling in open DPS slots for "casual raiding" guilds at the start of WotLK it would at least three times as long to get things done as it did when I got bumped up as a raider in my current guild. It's still happening; I hear our guild's casuals bitch about pugging w/ other guilds that spend hours wiping to Onxyia and easymode Anub.

I'm sure some of those casuals assume I'm a poopsocker because I'm a core raider in the server's top guild (we're like top 1000 in the world, lawl) but shit, I raid at most 12 hours a week spread out over three nights (none of which are Friday or Saturday). They spend more time accomplishing less in their "casual raiding" guilds.
Why are you implying that every player in WoW raids? The people that use the term poopsocker negatively surely aren't running ToC for 36 hours a week. I hate raiding in MMOs and the most committed I get is pugging VoA about once a month.

Poopsocker definitely predates Wrath of the Lich King where everything was cleared the day it was released. Back in vanilla even the best guilds were putting in 5+ nights a week to raiding and the description was more accurate. People just got used to calling the raiding population poopsockers. Just like how most people call tissue paper "Kleenex" and most mp3 players get called IPods regardless of who the manufacturer is.


It's a small change, but one I was really hoping for for Cataclysm. Nice to see it make it in a lot earlier than I thought.

We have made some changes to the way creature and character nameplates display in the game and would like to get feedback from those of you on the public test realms. There are three significant changes you should notice:

  • The range at which you can see the nameplates is now much longer.
  • You can no longer see the nameplates through objects which block line of sight.
  • Instead of the nameplates trying to sort themselves, they just overlap. We think this makes them more useful for very large groups (example: Onyxia whelps).


Nameplates in WoW were next to useless, so it's good to seem them finally improved.


To be clear, I'm not calling anyone (currently) in the thread a poop-socker or saying that raiding 12 hours a week is unhealthy.


Junior Member
Evlar said:
As a member of an actual casual guild I can say we spend nowhere near 12 hours per week raiding. More like 3 or 4. The idea that 4 hours a day, three days a week is "minimal" is honestly kinda funny.

It's minimal compared to what some of the bad "casual" guilds are doing - the ones most likely to throw the "poopsocker" comment out. Like I said, I've run with them. Wiping to stupid shit, people going AFK all the time, stupidly long wipe recovery, etc. My point was that a lot of bad players assume that we take as long to clear content as they do, and since we're clearing more we must be playing more. Most of the time we're clearing more with a lot less time invested.

I'm sure there are good "casual" guilds out there that clear ToC and maybe parts of ToGC and call it a week. Definately doable, we just like going back to Ulduar and knocking out hardmodes (so close to Firefighter on Wed night >< ).

Also, 12 hours definately isn't "minimal". Not sure where I said that. I won't do more than three nights a week, hell most weeks I have a hard time doing our scheduled three nights a week. I said "at most" 12 hours a week, and that's with just about everything else in my life taking priority.


Has anybody started posting the loot coming out of the Icecrown 5-man dungeon(s)? It seems like MMO-Champion has mainly been concerned with Tier 10 since the new build went up.


NameGenerated said:
I don't know shit about WoW lore. I never read quests or dialog or anything like that. It goes something like "Oh a new quest" *click*click*click* figure out what animal pelt or random thing I have to collect, *click*click*select reward with largest vendor price* on to the next one.

Blizzard actually has a policy where quest text cannot extend more than a set number of characters (I think it's less than 500, I'd have to look).

Alex Afrasiabi (Quest Designer) stated in an interview with Gamasutra that "Nobody cares [about well-written quest text]. Nobody's going to read it."

Blizzard has been late to the party with a lot of really fundamental design concepts. In the same article, Afrasiabi mentions that they are learning now that the best way to deliver story in WoW is by showing it happen rather than telling the player about it through quest text or dialogue.

This, of course, has only been a fundamental concept of cinema for the last 90 years or so.

I give them another 5 years before they finally figure out that games are not movies, and move to the next logical step; playing rather than showing. It's all very good to have players watch the events of the Wrathgate, it would be an entirely new level of crazy epic to have them down in the trenches watching each faction's respective heroes die trying to save the player. The Battle of Undercity and the DK Starting areas are such amazingly awesome story-driven sequences because the player is taking part in them, not just watching a cutscene from the sidelines.

With the old world being redone in a post-phasing world (of warcraft), I honestly can't wait to see what kind of things will happen. We've already heard that certain zones will have their coastlines entirely phased, but maybe we'll see more personal touches in terms of quests.

One thing's for sure. That fucking bridge in Redridge better be done by now.


Modesty becomes a woman
speedpop said:
Not everyone is a closet poopsocker like you yacobod ;)

Some quest dialogue is absolute bullshit, and there are even times when I don't read it. But ultimately the time between reading quest description, knowing where the quest location is, and the quest drop requirement (i.e. 4 vegetable roots!) is inconsequential. Everyone does the same shit regardless and a minute here, or 30 mins there, or an hour somewhere aren't really going to kill me in reality.

I play the game for the story. If people can't accept that then I suggest that they pay for my subscription.

Problem is this story harkens back to prior WC3. The unnamed Old God has always been assumed as the Old God who is controlling this "Nightmare" in the Emerald Dream. I keep saying this but no fucker seems to acknowledge it - a lot of the shit in Cataclysm has been there since prior or present WC3. It's only now that we're finally getting some form of story progression and recognition in WoW. People complain that the story is confusing and such but I just raise my eyebrows and state that it has barely moved a single inch since Frozen Throne.

Exactly, When the Lich King goes down that's basically it for anything that was in WC3/FT. We covered Outlands and Northrend now. Cataclysm is going to be, as far as I know, the first actual new progression in the story as far as the world, the characters in their positions, and an enemy to look forward to that wasn't from WC3. WoW has basically been WC3.5 in terms of story so far.

Weenerz said:
Blizzard stated at Blizzcon that Deathwing has become more powerful that the other aspects because of outside influence from an unnamed Old God. Previously, Deathwing was more powerful because he wielded the Dragon Soul, and that was only because he convinced the other 4 aspects to put a portion of their power into the soul, while he did not put any of his power into it. The Dragon Soul was destroyed and the aspects have gotten their power back.

Uh that still doesn't make any sense, we've beaten two Old Gods now. Sure we should keep taking care of them as the threat arises.

I'm just not convinced that what we have to take care of in Cataclysm is something that we should have to take care of, its mass amounts of destruction but that stuff seems beneath me when I stopped the goddamn end of the world with Algalon, kept 2 old gods at bay when the Titans themselves could not, and killed the goddamn king of death. The brother of a dragon we've killed with 3 other dragons of close or equal power on our side just doesn't compel me.

Retro said:
With the old world being redone in a post-phasing world, I honestly can't wait to see what kind of things will happen. We've already heard that certain zones will have their coastlines entirely phased, but maybe we'll see more personal touches in terms of quests.

One thing's for sure. That fucking bridge in Redridge better be done by now.
Phasing sounds like ass. You ever try to help friends out in Icecrown when they're ahead or behind you? It's fucking impossible, I still have that one bile group quest.


We covered Outlands and Northrend now.

And Outland was a completely pointless sidetrack in terms of the overall story arc...
Uh that still doesn't make any sense, we've beaten two Old Gods now. Sure we should keep taking care of them as the threat arises.

I'm fairly certain that C'thun and Yogg are not the actual gods themselves, but minor manifestations. I know C'thun was supposedly 'part' of a much larger being, though he's considered 'dead' now. But you're absolutely right, ever time anything bad happens, a finger can be pointed at a new Old God every time. Hopefully they stop doing it, because it seems like they're the sole motivation these days.

Phasing sounds like ass. You ever try to help friends out in Icecrown when they're ahead or behind you? It's fucking impossible, I still have that one bile group quest.

It needs work, but it's still a relatively new process. For every terrible implementation, there have been some pretty good ones.


Sraza said:
I really like the holy pally tier 10

2pc Divine Favor CD is reduced by 60 seconds
4pc Holy Light casting time reduced by 0.3 seconds for 10 seconds after Holy Shock

I have /cast Divine Favor on my Holy Shock and cast it about every cd. niiiiiice.
2 piece - Divine Favor is pretty much only ever used by raiding paladins in a macro rolled into their usual Holy Shock or Holy Light cast, and all this set bonus is doing is reminding them where one of their Holy talent points went. Divine Favor was great when crits returned 100% of the spell cost, and it was okay when crits returned 60% of the spell cost, but with the gutting of crit in 3.2 Divine Favor, like every other crit talent Holy paladins are forced to take, is pretty much worthless now. Seeing it on the final tier set of the expansion is disheartening to the extreme. The only remaining association between paladins and crit is what remains in the devs' heads, and seeing a crit-based set bonus when we're all trying to shed crit just emphasizes the disconnect between paladin mechanics and paladin itemization that has existed since T8.

4 piece - This is the same thing as the Resto shaman 2 piece bonus, but paladins will have to take two additional pieces of the most notoriously poorly itemized sets in the game to reach it. It is also the same thing we had at the beginning of the expansion that got taken away from us. However, the first time around we had much less haste - now, many paladins won't even see the full .3 second reduction thanks to gear, talents and raid buffs. It is also completely irrelevant to the paladin playstyle, and represents a decrease in both HPM and HPS from casting Holy Light. Before the 3.2 changes, this would have been more useful - a quick Holy Shock on a low raid member, with the IoL proc allowing you to quickly return to the tank. But with current Beacon, there is rarely a reason not to just Holy Light the low raid member if you're determined to help the raid healers. The 4 piece is useful in 10 mans where paladins have to do more with less and occasionally stray off their assignment, but pretty extraneous in 25 mans, where a paladin's job is to output maximum consistent HPS on two tanks.


Neo Member
Everything you said thatbox is absolutely right. Us holy pallies are in a really weird place right now. Oddly enough with all these nerfs I'm going back to a high crit build and it's working out for our 25 mans. It's no where near what it would have been before the nerfs though. I just can't see stacking mp5. If it's on gear great, if not oh well. It just so happens that the tier 10 is in line with the backwards* way I'm going about with my pally.

*Backwards in regards to crit/illumination/IoL nerfs. We've been pretty beat up and I play very differently than I did a few months ago.


Sraza said:
Everything you said thatbox is absolutely right. Us holy pallies are in a really weird place right now. Oddly enough with all these nerfs I'm going back to a high crit build and it's working out for our 25 mans. It's no where near what it would have been before the nerfs though. I just can't see stacking mp5. If it's on gear great, if not oh well. It just so happens that the tier 10 is in line with the backwards* way I'm going about with my pally.

*Backwards in regards to crit/illumination/IoL nerfs. We've been pretty beat up and I play very differently than I did a few months ago.
Link to Holy paladin 25man tier sets: http://www.wowhead.com/?compare=405...180:46181:46182;48590:48591:48592:48593:48594

TIER 7 (during 3.0)
Primary desired stats: HASTE/CRIT
Secondary desired stats: personal preference
Set pieces with primary desired stats: 3
2pc bonus: Not bad, great with 3.0 IoL.
4pc bonus: Fantastic. Did not require accepting a lot of poor stats.
Effect: Paladins took the three superb pieces for their itemization and then wore one of the suboptimal pieces depending on whether they preferred haste or crit with the MP5 and the 226 options available to them.

TIER 8 (during 3.1)
Primary desired stats: HASTE/CRIT
Secondary desired stats: personal preference
Set pieces with primary desired stats: 2
2pc bonus: Abyssmal.
4pc bonus: Strong depending on the number of Sacred Shields in the raid, but required abandoning the Ret subspec which was fantastic at the time. Required accepting a lot of poor stats.
Effect: Paladins ceded tier loot to other classes, picking up what they could beyond the head and shoulders to ready themselves for 3.2.

TIER 8 (during 3.2)
Primary desired stats: HASTE/MP5
Secondary desired stats: HASTE/CRIT
Set pieces with primary desired stats: 2
Set pieces with secondary desired stats: 2
2pc bonus: Abyssmal.
4pc bonus: Strong since SS stacking was nerfed and paladins had to dump the Ret subspec anyway. Did not require accepting a lot of poor stats.
Effect: Paladins who had banked T8 gear wore it after the patch.

TIER 9 (during 3.2)
Primary desired stats: HASTE/MP5
Secondary desired stats: HASTE/CRIT
Set pieces with primary desired stats: 1
Set pieces with secondary desired stats: 2
2pc bonus: Potentially the worst healing bonus in the game since vanilla.
4pc bonus: Hilarious and mediocre. Provides a small buffer to tanks in between Holy Lights. Requires accepting a lot of poor stats.
Effect: Paladins cede tier loot to other classes, picking up what they can to play around with.

We've gone from three ideally itemized pieces in T7 to two ideally itemized pieces in T8 to one ideally itemized piece in T9. At this rate, T10 will not have a single haste/MP5 piece. All of the blue responses to the outcry over T8 said the itemization would improve. It has gotten worse.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, I'm pretty much going to have to start raiding more seriously if I want to see much more progress on my priest. The biggest issue for me is that my schedule makes it very difficult to come out for raids more than one day per week, and a lot of raiding guilds I see (at least in my neck of the woods) expect their members to be able to make it out at least 2 or 3 days out of their schedules. Now if I could find a place that was cool with me just running stuff Sunday afternoons, that would be sweet.

On a happy note, I was able to run a successful OS 25 pug last night without the group wiping 3 minutes in, key members spazzing and leaving, and being down one massive repair bill. Even got Less is More despite a few dpsers barely cracking 1200dps. :p


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Retro said:
The Battle of Undercity and the DK Starting areas are such amazingly awesome story-driven sequences because the player is taking part in them, not just watching a cutscene from the sidelines.
I completely ruined the first half of the Battle of UC by going way tpo far ahead, falling down the elevator shaft, reincarnating, then just waiting for like 5 minutes while the NPCs caught up. They got there and said "use this magic to get down the elevator safely" or something and I just went "....dammit." The end was cool but that part really ruined the experience for me. Albeit it was totally my fault.


Lost all credibility.
I have to say it really frightens me when I see people say "phasing" and the DK starting area, where you're cut off from the outside world and and have less freedom than a lvl 1 orc warrior, are some of the best things Blizzard has done.


border said:
Has anybody started posting the loot coming out of the Icecrown 5-man dungeon(s)? It seems like MMO-Champion has mainly been concerned with Tier 10 since the new build went up.

I'm pretty sure the PTR dungeons still have empty loot tables.


And... I'm out again. Decided not to sign up after the WotLK trial.

WoW is fun and all... but it cloys my mind.

I just get addicted to it too fast too much. But because I've had the past experience, I realise exactly where that'll lead me, and it's not a good path. At the end of the day, WoW is an activity that is only satisfying in the moment. Despite the hundreds if not thousands of hours that I could spend on WoW, when I walk away... I'm not gushing about it. It's not going to make me feel the glow of achievement, allow me to recount my glory. And it takes sooo much effort to be good at it.

Ah well, I'm glad I got the chance to see all the improvement made. They've really done a phenomenal job updating everything. At the same time, there are still problems, especially with the stock interface. I only used the stock interface (except for a quest helper, which was really handy), and while it was functional, I quickly came against the wall of frustration in terms of indicator visibility. All the necessary indicators are there, they're just not very well positioned for performance play of any sort.

I'll be looking forward to Cataclysm, seeing what they've done to update it... but I doubt I'll be staying for that one either.


Junior Member
DE button on loot windows in 3.3 has the general discussion forum up in arms I see. Just when we were finally getting past the dumbass decision to use shards as currency for recipes, we get this stupidity.

Glad I don't pug my 450 enchanter so I don't have to deal with explaining to strangers why I'm clicking "greed" instead of "disenchant", but this is going to hurt some of the easy money in enchanting. That's going to subsequently hurt the easy money in jewelcrafting, mining, herbalism, etc.

To the idiot masses that do dailies for money it's a good thing I suppose, since prices are going to fall across the board but they'll still get their 13g / daily.


sykoex said:
I have to say it really frightens me when I see people say "phasing" and the DK starting area, where you're cut off from the outside world and and have less freedom than a lvl 1 orc warrior, are some of the best things Blizzard has done.

Semi-linear gameplay FTW. And I'm not being sarcastic when I say that.


TomServo said:
DE button on loot windows in 3.3 has the general discussion forum up in arms I see. Just when we were finally getting past the dumbass decision to use shards as currency for recipes, we get this stupidity.

Glad I don't pug my 450 enchanter so I don't have to deal with explaining to strangers why I'm clicking "greed" instead of "disenchant", but this is going to hurt some of the easy money in enchanting.

say what


Junior Member
yacobod said:

Some datamining in the PTR build has a new option showing up in the loot window for group loot; "disenchant". Discussion so far (with zero denial by Blizzard) is that if an enchanter is present in the group a fourth option will be in the loot window, resulting in an auto-DE of the item and give the enchanting mats given to the winner of the "disenchant" roll.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
TomServo said:
Some datamining in the PTR build has a new option showing up in the loot window for group loot; "disenchant". Discussion so far (with zero denial by Blizzard) is that if an enchanter is present in the group a fourth option will be in the loot window, resulting in an auto-DE of the item and give the enchanting mats given to the winner of the "disenchant" roll.
Good, gimme more abyss crystals plz.


Junior Member
This plus abyssal shatter is going to tank the value of dust / essence. That's going to destroy the only thing that has kept saronite prices alive since 3.2 (hint: it's not rare gems from prospecting).

Saronite is going to become vendor trash, which in turn is going to send the prices of titanium through the roof. Herbs will probably crash too as some people move from farming saronite / titanium over to farming icethorn / lichbloom.


Maybe I'm missing the problem with the disenchant window? PUGs already check for enchanters in a group and if they're there, nobody greeds but them, then shards are split.

Plus, Saronite is already vendor trash.


It's standard practice in Heroics and raids for the enchanter to disenchant unwanted BoPs and distribute the mats amongst the group on my server. Even some pugs do this. The "Disenchant" button just sounds like it automates this process. I guess it won't affect our economy that much.

EDIT: What Tamanon said.


Junior Member
Evlar said:
It's standard practice in Heroics and raids for the enchanter to disenchant unwanted BoPs and distribute the mats amongst the group on my server...

It's not the BoPs that have enchanters up in arms. Shard prices are in the shitter anyway now that raiders have a reason to faceroll heroics and ToC is raining purples.

It's the BoE greens that drop that are cause for concern. Right now those are greeded and make their way onto the AH where they're bought by other enchanters to flip into enchanting mats. After this they're going to be DE'd on the spot, cutting out the AH middleman.

As I said, this plus the abyssal shatter is going to tank the value of dust and essence, which is going to tank the value of just about everything that's not titanium.


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
But Greed takes precedence over Disenchant in the pecking order of rolls, so your nightmare scenario won't happen.

It's not my nightmare, I really don't care. My main has maxed enchanting, he gets mats for endgame enchants from the gbank, etc. Sure, it'll kneecap my primary source of money, but once prices tank I won't need to worry about 25g frost lotus (my only real expense).

What has the general boards up in arms is the worry that people are going to be kicked from pugs for refusing the DE option. Again, not a personal worry, I don't pug with my main.

It's just comical the stupid shit that Blizzard does to enchanters because they don't seem to grasp a lot of the unwritten rules about enchanting mats and group loot norms, and how they even vary from server to server. Maybe they do grasp it, maybe they just don't care. It is funny (and sad) to see enchanters constantly subjected to PHotB-level group loot drama.


easiest way to make money enchanting is to also have JC imo

prospect saronite (15-18 g/stack on my server) for the green gems, make the cheapo JC jewelry with eternal earths or w/e, and bust all of them for mats

lot easier and cheaper than buying cheapo greens on the ah

on my server everyone needs on boe greens/blues in heroics, and the bop shit is always greeded cuz who needs it at this point, ppl rarely even bust them at this point in pugs


I love how the economy differs from server to server and faction to faction. Arctic Fur runs aout 80g on the AH on Horde but on the Alliance - 30g. I can't make profit of it so I farm regular borean leather instead.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What do you people need all this money for anyways; for the most part, it looks like people want to relentlessly farm money to fuel having 10,000 alts.


Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I only make money to level up alts and get them 300 riding ASAP.:lol

Any daily expenses are more than paid for just by dailies.
Tamanon said:
Yeah, it's gotten to the point where I only make money to level up alts and get them 300 riding ASAP.:lol

Any daily expenses are more than paid for just by dailies.

I must seriously be the most irresponsible consumer in WoW. I've had at least 5 characters get to 70+ and only just got epic flying for one of them for the first time.


jim-jam bongs said:
I must seriously be the most irresponsible consumer in WoW. I've had at least 5 characters get to 70+ and only just got epic flying for one of them for the first time.

It's really weird for my druid at least. I hit 5k on all characters when it hit 71 and bought epic flying skill with the form, then just from regular playing to 80 I made back the 5k. Now sitting on around 10k between my characters, just from dailies and running things, I don't actually make anything with my professions, except sometimes doing the jewelcrafting dailies, buying dragon's eyes with the tokens and selling them for 125g.
Tamanon said:
It's really weird for my druid at least. I hit 5k on all characters when it hit 71 and bought epic flying skill with the form, then just from regular playing to 80 I made back the 5k. Now sitting on around 10k between my characters, just from dailies and running things, I don't actually make anything with my professions, except sometimes doing the jewelcrafting dailies, buying dragon's eyes with the tokens and selling them for 125g.

You're right about that, it does just start to accumulate pretty rapidly once you get into the level 80 routine. To be honest my biggest problem is just blowing wads of it on gemming and enchanting out of convenience and impatience when I get new gear, instead of just waiting for my RL friend to log and sort me out for free. When Blizzard gave me an auction house in Dalaran my WoW-wallet wept.


I have 30k gold and really want the vendor mammoth mount but the fact that its so huge and won't let me enter doorways is a huge deal-breaker for me :(

They need more vendor mounts in the game imo.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
I have 30k gold and really want the vendor mammoth mount but the fact that its so huge and won't let me enter doorways is a huge deal-breaker for me :(

They need more vendor mounts in the game imo.
Didn't they fix that?

Honestly, I'd be cheaper to just level Engineering and get the same benefits.


Kyoufu said:
I have 30k gold and really want the vendor mammoth mount but the fact that its so huge and won't let me enter doorways is a huge deal-breaker for me :(

They need more vendor mounts in the game imo.
I have it set up on a macro with my bike. Left click summons the mammoth, right click pulls out the chopper. Quick and easy when I need it, doesn't take up space when I don't.


Priest and Paladin Healing T10 updated...again.

2 piece bonus - Your Flash Heal critical strikes cause the target to heal for 25% of the healed amount over 9 sec.
4 piece bonus - Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells.

2 piece bonus - While your Divine Illumination talent is active, your healing spells are increased by 35%.
4 piece bonus - Your Holy Shock spell causes the next Holy Light you cast within 10 sec to have 0.3 sec reduced cast time.


sykoex said:
I have to say it really frightens me when I see people say "phasing" and the DK starting area, where you're cut off from the outside world and and have less freedom than a lvl 1 orc warrior, are some of the best things Blizzard has done.

Well, understand that Phasing allowed players to see the evolution of their character over time. It gave you a real sense of progress to watch your character turn from a low-level enforcer to a powerful Death Knight over the span of the DK Starting area. DKs have a pretty significant place in the lore and the starting area was a sharp way to do it.

It also kept the huge volume of DKs being created from being subjected instantly to Level 70s all too eager to kick the tires (and asses) of the new class. Yes, there was the isolation, but it was somewhat needed to keep the area focused.

That said, Phasing can be overdone just as easily as anything else, and knowing when and where to use it is the most important thing Blizzard has to watch, for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread and more. But it can also allow players to feel like they're actually doing something, making progress and impact on the game world. Personally, I'd rather see my actions have some kind of outcome than what is currently in place.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
Priest and Paladin Healing T10 updated...again.

2 piece bonus - Your Flash Heal critical strikes cause the target to heal for 25% of the healed amount over 9 sec.
4 piece bonus - Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells.
Not only is this cumbersome as hell, it's far too specific; especially with a Circle of Healing, because you have GCD on the CoH PLUS you have to cast the Flash Heal in the first place, not accounting for the time it takes to select a target for your flash heal plus your latency. It also assumes that you will IMMEDIATELY cast a FH right after a CoH AND that you would immediately want to cast another CoH.

Why not just say, "your CoH has a 20% chance to reduce the cooldown by 3 sec.?"


Tamanon said:
Maybe I'm missing the problem with the disenchant window? PUGs already check for enchanters in a group and if they're there, nobody greeds but them, then shards are split.

Plus, Saronite is already vendor trash.

I freaking hate DEing for instance runs. Fuck this new button automatically showing up if theres an enchanter in the group. Greed it and get your goddamn friends to de your stuff. Ive got all 22 slotters and a soulbag filled to the brim with enchanting and tailoring mats at any given time. I dont feel like taking the blue dagger, finding it in my bags deing it then finding the stack of shards and shit. To hell with that.
TomServo said:

Never understood the "poopsocker" thing directed at top guilds. Chances are they raid a hell of a lot less than the "casual" guilds that wipe all over the goddamn place.

Hell, I know this for a fact. When I was filling in open DPS slots for "casual raiding" guilds at the start of WotLK it would at least three times as long to get things done as it did when I got bumped up as a raider in my current guild. It's still happening; I hear our guild's casuals bitch about pugging w/ other guilds that spend hours wiping to Onxyia and easymode Anub.

I'm sure some of those casuals assume I'm a poopsocker because I'm a core raider in the server's top guild (we're like top 1000 in the world, lawl) but shit, I raid at most 12 hours a week spread out over three nights (none of which are Friday or Saturday). They spend more time accomplishing less in their "casual raiding" guilds.

That revelation killed 4 guilds on AM Horde. I guarentee it.

Some quest dialogue is absolute bullshit, and there are even times when I don't read it. But ultimately the time between reading quest description, knowing where the quest location is, and the quest drop requirement (i.e. 4 vegetable roots!) is inconsequential. Everyone does the same shit regardless and a minute here, or 30 mins there, or an hour somewhere aren't really going to kill me in reality.

I play the game for the story. If people can't accept that then I suggest that they pay for my subscription.

WoW has amazing quest text, funny, foreboding, insightful, pithy; it's just good writing. It worried the hell outta me when Tigole stated that a bunch of teens they watched play the game skipped it, and garnered that people didnt read it. More a testament to short attention spans and a lack of appreciation of goodness, really.


Junior Member
Visual Bug, Best Bug.

When done correctly everyone can see it.


Puncture said:
I freaking hate DEing for instance runs. Fuck this new button automatically showing up if theres an enchanter in the group. Greed it and get your goddamn friends to de your stuff. Ive got all 22 slotters and a soulbag filled to the brim with enchanting and tailoring mats at any given time. I dont feel like taking the blue dagger, finding it in my bags deing it then finding the stack of shards and shit. To hell with that.

Considering the Disenchant option will only show for you, nobody will have to know you see it.
Angry Grimace said:
Not only is this cumbersome as hell, it's far too specific; especially with a Circle of Healing, because you have GCD on the CoH PLUS you have to cast the Flash Heal in the first place, not accounting for the time it takes to select a target for your flash heal plus your latency. It also assumes that you will IMMEDIATELY cast a FH right after a CoH AND that you would immediately want to cast another CoH.

Why not just say, "your CoH has a 20% chance to reduce the cooldown by 3 sec.?"

This is more interesting? I dunno. During a period of continuous raid damage I'll usually be casting CoH then using the cooldown time to pop ERs up on people, potentially using the almost inevitable SoL insta-heal on someone in dire need. With that 4 piece I'd use the SoL for sure and sometimes it would mean another CoH right after. I was even happy at 10%, upping it to 20% just makes it all the more hot.

Then again, if they made it "Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells, and the global cooldown for those spells only." then I would certainly not be complaining :lol
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