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World of Warcraft

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Just tanked my first instance tonight, RFK, and had no casualty. I was in defensive stance and the priest did a very good job of keeping me healed while I peeled agro off of everyone and took the beatings. Was TONS of fun. I felt like a warrior for the first time in a while, ever since EQ.


I'm a Warrior/Hunter:




He's a level 30 Guardian, so yeah. One of my guildies has one. I'm almost positive that it's reusable, probably on the hour timer.
I got the dog whistle before, it's only reusable 3 times. You get them off the Wolf Tamer in Scarlet Monastery.

That said, Varindo's alive, bitches.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Theres a silver elite in the tomb in the back of Raven Hill Cemetary that always drops a spiked collar that you can use to summon a Felhunter guardian. I felt bad ass running around with two felhunters.
Remember all the gold you gave me before you left the server? I still have varindo's share left. Korranator, you need to come back on dude. Maq should be lvl 60 today, im 58 almost 59. Kinda shows you how long its been since you left the game. I still dont know how you could delete that character! He was like 56 or something right? I couldnt do it. I'm too attached i guess :)


luvaboi217 said:
Remember all the gold you gave me before you left the server? I still have varindo's share left. Korranator, you need to come back on dude. Maq should be lvl 60 today, im 58 almost 59. Kinda shows you how long its been since you left the game. I still dont know how you could delete that character! He was like 56 or something right? I couldnt do it. I'm too attached i guess :)
Yeah my Rogue was 56, and my preist was 24 both deleted. Someday I might be back, as a druid.
Good battlegrounds tonight even if I got there late. Tekno and I facing off the thugs in the cave! WE ALMOST WON IF TEK ONLY KICKED THAT PALADIN!



Shamans seem to have started to thin out! Success, my bitching has WILLED them into hiding! ...And replaced them with Druids! ARGH, Mage bane! To be honest though, I haven't had the issues with Druids that I have been fearing.

Can't slam them into a stupor like before, but in the hecticness of it all, I have no problem either poly/nova kiting them into mana oblivion or simply counterspelling that heal and returning it with a fireblast/PoM'd fireball to the face! Eventually, people will reach that stage when they start realizing, hey, wait a fucking minute, but for now it's all nice.

That said though, I deem rare lowbie Mage items UNDESIRABLE. While I'm not an anti-spirit kinda guy, there's no point to having an overwhelming ammount outside of instances. There are EXTREMELY few, borderline none, AKA NOT VERY MANY rare items that come without the company of twenty bazillion spirit. So...I guess I'm basically doomed to super shiny greens until the later stages? So...that'd be pretty much like last time. =(

Rogue is the bestest to play in terms of fun equipping, they freaking shower you in cool, form fitting items. Blah.


That may work on Priests and Warlocks, my friend, but you ain't catchin' me!

One piece of PvP commentary though, I wish people wouldn't try and run away in Battlegrounds...It's just kinda sad.

Anyhow, to other matters.

Back to the 30's with my current character...which means extremely few quests, well, plenty really, but few I'll do. It's at this point I always find it more rewarding to grind up to SM then just spend my time in there.


Can you spend your BG points straight away? Or do you have to wait each week for maintenance for it to update like the Honor System


Battle ground rewards don't work like Honor system.

Basically there's a vendor outside the battleground that sells you stuff. Mattering on what your faction is with the battleground, the more options you have. So as soon as you gain a new faction you can buy new stuff.
I can't believe how shitty the rewards are for Alterac. Yay, one freaking ring that's barely an upgade. And arrows worse than thorium shells that cost 50s a pop. I can buy a stack of thorium and dense stone and smash together 10 stacks cheaper than that.
MrAngryFace said:
I dont know when ill ever rank up, ive killed into the hundreds and nothing

they distribute ranks during server maintanence on tuesdays.

Is it just my Server or does the alliance just SUCK at CTF. Although the later in the night I play the better the team is. I swear no one heals, everyone but apprently me and a player names Rocketman (who always seems to be in the games I play) are the only fools who know how too and will play defense everyone else is just Rambo. The chat is filled with bitching and everyone barking orders.

The only 2 times we won that I played there was an actual strategy: Hunters and a few rogues stay on D and frost/freeze trap the flag. Warriors, Palis, Priets run offence...and it worked.
Teknopathetic said:
I got the dog whistle before, it's only reusable 3 times. You get them off the Wolf Tamer in Scarlet Monastery.

That said, Varindo's alive, bitches.

it's fun to use a s a hunter. I was suprised on how many people didn't know about the dog whistle. Ya know that would be a sweet Hunter Epic reward a pet that lvls, but you don't have to feed.


Not on my server, it's the polar opposite of Frostmane where the Horde kicked ass. I'm just about to start taking videos for proof of how inept the opposition is here. It's fucking boring shutting out match after match in 5 minutes then waiting 20-25 to play again.

To tell the truth though, the alliance isn't much better, it's just that a handful of us simply get the job done. I constantly hear others in the bracket getting shut out and GOD it pisses me off.

The best, most "challenging" match we had lasted about 45 mins where the horde fellow got the flag and hid himself pretty well. I didn't know any of the alliance players, so essentially nothing was happening but random skirmishes since they were fucking idiots. So that said, I had to run out, flag in tow, fight my way into their base and search for the guy.

I made a few chums at least, two hunters a rogue and a paladin and myself did obnoxiously well in BGs. The only good Horde player I saw was this Tauren Warrior named Incredibull, put up a decent fight. ...Although sometimes I'd just ignore him so I could sit back and laugh as he cleaved up the idiots on our team.



The Horde on our server...meh. Even when we let our dummies run the show they still win. Some of you folks; quit, come here, and kick our asses =(

I have more fun on defense though lately, if you have any combination of the good allied players in a match they just got shut down too fast so I've quit running it.

The only thing that pissed me off about this was I couldn't get a group until like 2 minutes before the match ended since the raid leader on the alliance, get this, went AFK to do housework or something when the fuckin' game started...

I was a real crazy about honor kills and points the first few days, but now that I've passed up thirty and have been level grinding.

By the way...changing the subject a little, but is it ok to just...not do a craft at all? People seem really shocked when I tell them I thought crafting was a waste of time for my purposes. I'd rather just grind the money to buy items and enchants.

I need to do first aid though, I admit Iv'e been a total slouch on that.


Has problems recognising girls
Played BG for the first time a few days back, Horde on our side seem to win a bit. Only played 3 games.. 2 times on defence and at first I wasn't too sure how to protect the flag properly but the 2nd game was easily the better since I developed a simply strategy. But I much prefer to be out in mid-field, taking on the two or three that run for the base as well as helping the flag-bearer run to our base.

Overall I think it rocks. The waiting times might be a major pain at times, but it's good nonetheless.
Great Wasabi Man said:
they distribute ranks during server maintanence on tuesdays.

Is it just my Server or does the alliance just SUCK at CTF. Although the later in the night I play the better the team is. I swear no one heals, everyone but apprently me and a player names Rocketman (who always seems to be in the games I play) are the only fools who know how too and will play defense everyone else is just Rambo. The chat is filled with bitching and everyone barking orders.

The only 2 times we won that I played there was an actual strategy: Hunters and a few rogues stay on D and frost/freeze trap the flag. Warriors, Palis, Priets run offence...and it worked.

Preist Shield, run in, Holy aoe, bubble up and run back doesn't work here, neither does running during a Mana Burn. I found that those good Pallies from Bloodscalp are in the BG while the dumb ones are attempting to PK elsewhere, (run, run, run...). I've also been lucky to be in guild-only BG raids where us SB and RTS vets can ride the "hold the bane!" and "flank left!" to victory in TS.


Son of Godzilla said:
I can't believe how shitty the rewards are for Alterac. Yay, one freaking ring that's barely an upgade. And arrows worse than thorium shells that cost 50s a pop. I can buy a stack of thorium and dense stone and smash together 10 stacks cheaper than that.

If you're a hunter the quiver isn't bad. Also lots of items drop in alterac. I got 4 greens and one blue (from lokhnar), in one session.
Man, awesome Warsong match tonight. Took forever to win tho. First 25 minutes was a long ass stalemate since alliance was turtling for a while.

Then it picked up quite a bit. Got 38 kill shots and 130 or some honorable kills in just that match. Won the game when the alliance was chasing our flag runner down. He died, I popped out of stealth, grabbed flag, hit preparation to get sprint back then RAN LIKE HELL!

Haha in yer face stinky alliance jurks. U sux.


What do you good people suggest as a good "seeking" level for Scarlet Monastery? Last time I simply mooched off my guild, but I'm not sure what the typical folks get to before they start going at it.


Bought my mount for my warrior, need to gain 2 lvls until I can finally use it, though.

Level 40 will be sweet, Mount -> Plate Armor -> Mortal Strike

I'll probably hit warsong then and do some PvP for a week or so.


Did BRD last night and just did a quick Maraudon run. Other Warlock in the group was a retard who thought he was a tank and died on just about every single encounter.



Gosh, I need to pick a new tradeskill. I'm up to thirty five now, and haven't done jack. Now I just don't have the motivation =/ I wonder if its even worth backtracking for it now

I will do first aid though, I should've been doing that the whole time. I'll farm the undead place in Darkshore for the linen, any suggestions as to good wool spots?


scarlet monastary

library like 5 lvl 34-35
armory can be managed with 4 lvl 37-40
cathedral group of 5 anywhere from 37-40, some players can be lower depending on class and equipment

sm is a good place to farm $$$
yacobod said:
scarlet monastary

library like 5 lvl 34-35
armory can be managed with 4 lvl 37-40
cathedral group of 5 anywhere from 37-40, some players can be lower depending on class and equipment

sm is a good place to farm $$$

And for anyone who can wield a 2H ax, Ravager. It's fun watching DPS double from a new upgrade like that.
Thats hilarious, a guildie of ours, Balefire, went on I think 8 herod runs. The ravager dropped at least 4 or 5 times. He was hoping to get the helm that herod drops.


luvaboi217 said:
Thats hilarious, a guildie of ours, Balefire, went on I think 8 herod runs. The ravager dropped at least 4 or 5 times. He was hoping to get the helm that herod drops.

Interesting. Herod's Helm and Shoulder drop rate is much higher than the axe. I got those plus the scarlet pants no problem.

That video was meh.

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