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World of Warcraft

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Yeah this druid was trying to beat me with a staff, it was pretty fuggin hilarious. By the time he figured melee wouldnt work i had drained all his stupid mana.


Oh, by the way. I finished up Scarlet and all my equipment tweaking, mount farming, etc, which is why I went to Battlegrounds. I parked at 40 so I could spend a few days toying around in there and building a tradeskill up while in the queue.

Anyhow, being 40, I should be in the 31-40 bracket for Warsong, but while in BG's I spotted a 41 Tauren Druid. Did they raise the caps any, or what was going on there...?

Back to normal discussion, I find that I don't find much balance to be an issue in BGs. Barring what roles folks play in flag capturing, actualy group combat seems to pretty much work quite swimingly all around.

My problem is always with the annoying classes, Hunters pets interrupting my casting, Moonfire spam, Psychic Scream, etc. It really clouds up my train of thought. Especially Druids as on Mage we have no crowd control over them outside of strategies to burn all their MP, on a solo fight they're pretty much fucked unless they wonderfully pop a Natures Swiftness though. I have enough Stamina so that their crummy DPS is hardly an issue.


Alex said:
I hate Druids in BG. Moonfiremoonfiremoonfiremoonfiremoonfire, travelform & run.

my big fun in BG (well, the one match I've actually played) as a druid is faerie firing rogues, rooting, and letting my team go to work on 'em.


Can some of you horde people on Gilneas please jump into Alterac Valley? I've been stuck at 25% through honored all week. :(
if a druid roots me I just vanish the fuck out then cheap shot the druid and take him down with a level 5 evicerate. I HATE ROOTS STOP IT!@


Fuck, within fifteen minutes of getting into the first good BG in awhile. The server proceeds to drop. Blizzard, you suck.
MrAngryFace said:
if a druid roots me I just vanish the fuck out then cheap shot the druid and take him down with a level 5 evicerate. I HATE ROOTS STOP IT!@

I would just go bear form beat on you, frenzied regen, bash+heal, bear, nature's swiftness+heal. Most rogues I can beat without ever rooting, any Druid that tries to fight a rogue in caster form is retarded.

Likewise any Druid moonfire spamming is equally retarded, most people your level have enough hp to survive a full mana bar of moonfire spamming, and if they don't they usally have the DPS to own you first.


Well, I mostly just try to trick em into burning Mana, that'll be even easier next patch when they can start shifting out of slow effects. If I NEED to slam distance down, CoC + Blink can usually get enough for a Fireball in a state of confusion.

Either way, currently, Druid melee is so weak I mostly just tank the fuckers while spamming AM and Fireblast. If they popout to heal, Counterspell. Nature's Swiftness though, ugh. Gotta work hard for a comeback after that.

Still though, they're def. the hardest class to beat for me atm. I mostly prey on the weaknesses of the subpar ones =o
Phy got 60 some HKs in WSG tonight in one match. We might have had a chance but horde players started vanishing cause it wasnt easy enough for them or something. Meanwhile i had to take on multiple enemies at once. #2 in kills overall whoop. No way to get their flag tho, once they get 1 capture people started leaving.


The competition on our server is really nice in this bracket once it gets going. Two and a half hour match earlier, went on foreverrrrrr.

Mage is starting to falter in caps though. One cap in four matches, got first in kills once, second another time. The other two times Horde squeezed by but I was always in first (well, second once, darn Hunter) for the alliance. Honestly, I think I've found my niche with Mage in Battlegrounds. It's a lot of fun and I do quite well, I'm glad the first bracket wasn't just a fluke.

I went AoE psycho today, I was stupid and it got me killed several times just horsing around but on a final rush on a 2/2 tied game to the Horde flag room laying down a flamestrike > PoM > flamestrike then AE spamming I killed FIVE fucking guys during that. Made it out alive too =o

Also, it's FUN to have a mount in the 31-40 bracket. Rarely does anyone else have one, and it is awesome to mount up and cut off the flag carrier from midfield, pop off, frost nova and boom.


Has problems recognising girls
Ramirez said:
I hate fighting druids,it is impossible for a mage to make any kind of distance between themselves and a druid -_-
I love encountering them just as much as other Mages (some of the best fights have been with Mages who constantly try and sheep me then blatantly laugh whilst I run around stupid) in BG. Personally I think they are some of the easiest, or maybe that's because I am running into Druids who don't know how the hell to play? My least liked class is easily Rogue just due to their insane DPS, but once they are found out from sneaking (Frost Nova and Cone of Cold are your friends) they shit themselves.

Priest's I love going up against too, it's a race between their healing skills and my mana running out hahaha.


Had to post this:


6 arcane crystals and an azerothian diamond with only 61 thorium ore. Usually when I mine I average about 1 crystal per 50 thorium ore, sometimes the average goes as bad as 120 for 1, but obviously today I was extremely lucky.

Ps. Half hour after taking this picture I got two more Arcane crystals. =D


Yea you must be encountering sorry druids,which I do as well alot of the time.But a GOOD Druid will absolutely wtfpwn me,they can break poly/nova,they can charge you in bear form,they have the instant heal,etc. it's just insane.

I rape rogues though most of the time,but I would say that has more to do with me being Frost spec'd than anything.


Druid's have the steepest pvp playstyle by far, and good druids are actually few and far between. A good druid *should* destroy any mage.


Mm, I had a 60 Mage on Frostmane prior, but that was before the changes. On this one, I'm only up to 41 so I can't speak as if it were rule or anything, heh. This is still in the stage where everything is Mage fodder. Noone has the Stamina to deal with an Arcane/Fire mage yet.

Anyhow, Natures Swiftness should be the only true issue as Druids are extremely MP inefficent in a lot of their casting, and at around 60 shifting is about a 550ish mp task per pop from their often iffy mana pool. Of course, if they, for whatever reason, burn Swiftness before you burn PoM that makes things a lot easier, hehe. The biggest mistake I find Druids make is letting themselves get too low while shifted. If it's looking like it's time to setup a combo and they're still shifted it's over. CoC > blink > fireball <(depending)> imp. CS > PoM: pyroblast > fireblast.

Rogues are just easy all around for Mages. Half our skillset is anti-Rogue. They only really pose a threat on PvP servers when they can halve your HP while you're unaware and drinking or something. In Battlegrounds Rogues lose a lot of their pizzaz, at least so I've noticed. I will say that some motherfucker freaking SAP'D me while I was on flag defense last night, holy crap, anger.

On my server, I've also noticed the Alliance does extremely well on offense, but typically has a lousy defense. It's the exact opposite for the Horde.


I don't have issues with Fire/Arc mages, I'm a 60 Warlock. I seem to have much harder fights against frost spec mages where I feel I need the Felhunter to win, whereas with any other spec mage, I have won with any pet I've had out at the time.

On another note, spawned a Doomguard today in Barrens, poor little lvl 30 gnome ran past me, so I had to test out the DG on him. Wrong place and the wrong time little gnome :lol

After a while it turned on me, so I spawned an Infernal and let them duke it out, was fun to watch. It got a crowd anyway.
Mages get the work by me. Cold Blood ambush and 3/4 of your hp's gone. You *could* try to frost nova and run away, but ranged weapon or (in my case, helm of fire), nullifies that.


I will probably start an alt to play on weekdays and play my warrior on weekends with rest xp because the level 40s are such a pain. Thing is, I want to play alliance, wich server has the most alliance gaffers on?

If not I'll end up going horde again, the choice between orc (wich I am already) or undead aren't that enticing to me, I'd prefer a human female or a gnome for my warlock. Everyone on gilneas is horde here?


Alright, so I picked this up a couple weeks ago, seeing how I finally have some time in the summer. Started playing as a Tauren Shaman (lvl 22 now) and I've been absolutely loving it. The game's just great. Especially because I've got 4 other buddies who are around the same level as me.

But tonight, I killed my first Alliance scum. He was a lvl 21 Human Warlock. I was just running across The Southern Barrens when I came across him. He took a swing at me when I came out of Ghost Wolf and beat him down pretty good. Felt great. My heart was pumping and everything.


Yea Ikse,I was dueling a warlock tonight and kept owning him until he pulled out that damn dog,then I got my ass kicked very easily...I don't duel warlocks or duel at all really very often,so I was totally lost as to what to do in order to win :|

I did however buy my gloves/belt off the AH today,so I finally have some of my set...been on like 20 raids and haven't even seen a piece of it drop,much less beat someone on a roll :p


Alex said:
Rogues are just easy all around for Mages.
Mages are a piece of cake for rogues. When I played my rogue, I'd attack mages up to 8 or so levels higher than me and I've never lost once.


Malakhov said:
Mages are a piece of cake for rogues. When I played my rogue, I'd attack mages up to 8 or so levels higher than me and I've never lost once.

Well, your not 60 yet. When you hit cap the playing field really evens out, in order for me to win versus a good mage...comes down to luck. (will my cold blood miss, will my ambush not crit, will my anti-sheep trinket be down ect).

Hell before t hat trinket I had a very hard time fighting pyro mages.

(Typical fight)

me: Ambush
Mage: Blink
me: (if i have blind) Blind if it hits, i got a good chance, if the mage was too quick with the blind or it just plain missed... i'm screwed.
Mage: Sheep
Mage: Bandage
Mage: Resheep
Mage: Pyro
Mage: fireball
Mage: Cone of Cold
Me: Dead

When i was in my 30's-40's you could fucking steam roll mages... alas it changed.


As a mage, rogues carve me up something fierce.
Hell, everyone does - I'm mostly specced for PvE and in PvP I get destroyed.

Everyone loves me for instances, though - just got my L55 water and I load up on mana regen items so downtime is lessened and the damage I deal doesn't draw too much aggro.


Mages are pretty much fodder for anyone in the early game,once a mage gets maxed abilities though they can pretty much hold their own against anyone.
Teknopathetic said:
Wow, you're a fucking douche.

you're so clever

Actually, my favorite rogue destroying tactic as a druid is fighting in bear form with green whelp armor on. It has a proc that has a 5% chance on getting hit to put the attacker to sleep for 30 seconds and its a low level item (low 30's green). Rings in at around 100 ac so i still stay around 8500 - 9000 ac with it on, even though its lower level. More often than not, the rogue gets put to sleep for 30 seconds, at which point i shift out and drop a nice, slow full heal on myself, then a faerie fire, starfire, moonfire on the rogue and back into bear to finish the job. Guess I'm even more of a douche than you thought. :lol


Ferrio: I play my friend's rogue on BH and like I said, I've never lost to a mage. Only class I have problems against are a warrior. They are simply not killable when they have imp overpower and a huge 2 handed axe.
You aren't really worth a clever insult.

"Actually, my favorite rogue destroying tactic as a druid is fighting in bear form with green whelp armor on. It has a proc that has a 5% chance on getting hit to put the attacker to sleep for 30 seconds and its a low level item (low 30's green). Rings in at around 100 ac so i still stay around 8500 - 9000 ac with it on, even though its lower level. More often than not, the rogue gets put to sleep for 30 seconds, at which point i shift out and drop a nice, slow full heal on myself, then a faerie fire, starfire, moonfire on the rogue and back into bear to finish the job. Guess I'm even more of a douche than you thought."

Must suck to fight Undead Rogues. Or a rogue with the grunt trinket. Or both. :p
Teknopathetic said:
You aren't really worth a clever insult.

"Actually, my favorite rogue destroying tactic as a druid is fighting in bear form with green whelp armor on. It has a proc that has a 5% chance on getting hit to put the attacker to sleep for 30 seconds and its a low level item (low 30's green). Rings in at around 100 ac so i still stay around 8500 - 9000 ac with it on, even though its lower level. More often than not, the rogue gets put to sleep for 30 seconds, at which point i shift out and drop a nice, slow full heal on myself, then a faerie fire, starfire, moonfire on the rogue and back into bear to finish the job. Guess I'm even more of a douche than you thought."

Must suck to fight Undead Rogues. Or a rogue with the grunt trinket. Or both. :p

Ya especially since I'm a horde druid. And WOTF is nerfed to 5 seconds. Or that it's CC is indispellable by the grunt trinket. Have fun complaining to the CM's on wow general..

Teknopathetic said:
You aren't really worth a clever insult

Sounds like you just suck at the internet.


artful_dodger said:
Sounds like you just suck at the internet.

Wow. That's going on my list of favorite quotes. It's like you've managed to distill every fat-fingered, barely sentient, asthma-induced rant ever uttered by your average script kiddie and made it into a simple sentence - complete with proper punctuation and spelling no less! What an achievement! <<gives artful_dodger a cookie AND a gold star>>

Hey, while you're out being a viscious, honorless, bastard, why don't you kick a few puppies? Perhaps you could pass the time tearing the legs off squirrels and feeding them to pirahna? Oh wait, I know! You could just pull your necrotic ass out of the open grave you call a house and FEAST ON THE FLESH OF LIVE BABIES. Jeebus man. Apparently the concepts of "griefing" and "being a jerk" have failed in their assault upon that armored orb atop your shoulders. Allow me to begin the attack anew. The actions you describe are low down, dirty, and out your character flaws. Stop it.

Initially I thought that Tekno was out of line for calling you a douche, but upon further consideration, he was being all too lenient. You are the sort of person that makes your average MMO miserable for everyone. The worst thing is that this fact never occurs to you, and even if it did I doubt you'd care. Purely out of curiosity, does sociopathy run in the family? I'm trying to chase down a hereditary link and you're the first ready candidate I've found.
"Sounds like you just suck at the internet."

It's funny how earlier you made a comment about cleverness, yet retort with near decade old quips. Clever, indeed. What really twists the knife is that you're a disgrace to a previous poster who shared the same handle.

"Ya especially since I'm a horde druid. And WOTF is nerfed to 5 seconds. Or that it's CC is indispellable by the grunt trinket. Have fun complaining to the CM's on wow general.."

Even with WotF nerfed to 5 seconds, you still *only* have a 5% chance to hit, add that with a rogues Evasion ability, etc. etc. It's not an infallible plan by any means. But, this is all moot if you're horde.


Pipe down ya freaking kids.

In other fun news, after a nice day of BGs, during our recent match, the world server crashed....then we got back on and were, as per expected sitting outside Silverwing

Then shortly after, 'bout 45 seconds, it crashed again. It's readily avalible, but everyone who was in BG's, both Horde and Alliance upon logging in were dropped around....50 feet into the fucking RUINS OF ANDORHOL at level 35-40 for everyone.

Hooray for Blizzards AWESOME server management. Spirit res's for all.


Alex said:
Pipe down ya freaking kids.

In other fun news, after a nice day of BGs, during our recent match, the world server crashed....then we got back on and were, as per expected sitting outside Silverwing

Then shortly after, 'bout 45 seconds, it crashed again. It's readily avalible, but everyone who was in BG's, both Horde and Alliance upon logging in were dropped around....50 feet into the fucking RUINS OF ANDORHOL at level 35-40 for everyone.

Hooray for Blizzards AWESOME server management. Spirit res's for all.

At least you're not bugged and can group. Some how the game thinks I'm locked into a meeting stone loop. I can't use meeting stones and I can't group with anyone. Kind of useless to play now that I can't group to do BRD, LBRS, etc and there doesn't appear to be a way to fix it.


Edit: The server maintenance fixed my character. It wasn't a client-side issue, the server had to come down for it to think I was out of the queue.
Guess I should update with some pics while waiting on stupid game.


Pretty little gaurdian statues inside CoT. There's also a huge hourglass there too.



Og turns into a winter wonderland when my system turns to shit. I think I like it better like this.



Bow before my smallness.


Seems like they will let anyone into the alliance these days.


On my way to say hello to mrs. dragon. Never actually got to her, she's got the rudest staff.




It's snowing in warsong.



Nudists own Battlegrounds.

And of course, there's what I've blown tons and tons of cash on since they announced patch notes.

It starts out with me shopping. Thank you Mr. Jackass hoping no one notices his fucking 10g buyout.


Then it's off to visit this happy lad. He's probably going to fucking resell it on AH too.


Oh that bastard.


Saved by a right of wisdom!


And of course, the payoff.

Alex said:
Pipe down ya freaking kids.

Bleh, just keeping it interesting. No hard feelings - but I wasn't the first to sling the mud in here.

And for the suck at the internet thing - it's just as old as 'you're not worth a clever comment' bit.


You can build faction with the other races of your side by turning in Runecloth. Once you hit Exalted, you can buy their mount. I'm sooooo getting a gnome mount.
I just rolled for 50g and lost. The sucker rolled first and hit a 28. I wait a little and roll a freakin' 15!!!

Well it was fun in some sort of money-farmed-in-countless-hours-gone-in-a-second way.


To turn in runecloth, you have to first turn in wool, silk and mageweave.
At one point in time on my server wool cloth was more expensive than runecloth, probably to take advantage of all the lazy 60s that didn't want to farm 60 wool for the quest.
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