Xabora said:Big picture here!
Had too.
Well right now the model is still kinda messy.LAUGHTREY said:That either has to be Invincible to explain the fucked up legs, or they need to change it before it goes live, cause the backwards bending legs are driving me nuts.
It poops gold.Mr Nash said:Flying donkey?
The titles are for killing him on Heroic of course.Tamanon said:That picture's missing a leg from the one I saw.
Also, titles for killing the Lich King.The Frost Ender
And realm first killing the Lich King on 25 man heroic getsLight of Dawn
ianswoody said:PD, nataku: What servers are you on? I'm leveling through Outland for the first time and I've been having a great time. I've been able to PUG the first 3 major instances there (Ramparts, Underbog and Slave Pens), but I still haven't found a group for Mana Tombs. Outland overall has been a great experience. Great questlines and the narrative seems a bit more stream-lined.
Edit: Duh, should put my server. I'm Mannoroth
laserbeam said:Mages always get lackluster sets. T5 was one of the only mage sets that looked good for a Mage
Good set,VaLiancY said:![]()
This gets no love?
* NEW - QueryQuestsCompleted() requests that the server send the client a list of completed quest ids. Once the list is received the QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE event is fired. (There is a limit on how frequently this can be called)
* NEW - tbl = GetQuestsCompleted([tbl]) populates a table (creating one if necessary) with the ids of completed quests. (The format of this table may change before release)
Tamanon said:http://community.livejournal.com/worldofwarcraft/8090801.html#cutid1
Allows for quest history tracking in add-ons now. Questhelper's developer is already tinkering with it. Will be a boon for achievement mongers though.
VaLiancY said:![]()
This gets no love?
Tamanon said:The Battle.net upgrade will enable cross-server and cross-game friends chat and they talked about making achievements account-wide.
Hero said:When did they talk about making achievements account-wide?
Seiken said:Can't find Warrior tier 10...
Yeah I tried both but nothing. Unless there are more weapon masters than the Orc and Troll standing next to each other at the vendor.explodet said:I think there are two weapon masters in Org?
I don't get dual wield until 50 though right? I get a racial bonus for axes and I just want to use a two handed axe until I can dual wield. What else would you suggest?Bisnic said:Why would you use a two hand axe as a shaman anyway? Once you get dual wield, you will never think about it again.
Yeah, I talk to them both and I get no option to train for axes. I trained for two handed maces but axes were never an option for me to train.Bisnic said:Dual wield is lvl 40, and you DO learn how to use 2 hand axes in Orgrimmar, from both the orc & troll in the Valley of Honor, i don't know what you're talking about.
Acid08 said:So for some reason I can't train for two handed axes. I'm a level 30 Orc Shaman and I was able to train for two handed maces, but not axes. I went to the weapon master in Org and there was no option to train. Wtf is going on? I want that racial bonus.
Yeah things have changed for Shaman over the years. Pretty sure 2H Axes are able to be used from the start, and have been that way for months. Check your skills tab to see.Weenerz said:I think you learn that skill from the very beginning.
Angry Grimace said:Time to farm the easiest boss in the universe 5x a day on the off chance he drops something other than a crappy ring :lol
Ah, you gotta be kidding me. I finished my loremaster like one week ago. Had I known something like this was coming I would have waited until 3.3...Tamanon said:http://community.livejournal.com/worldofwarcraft/8090801.html#cutid1
Allows for quest history tracking in add-ons now. Questhelper's developer is already tinkering with it. Will be a boon for achievement mongers though.
speedpop said:Yeah things have changed for Shaman over the years. Pretty sure 2H Axes are able to be used from the start, and have been that way for months. Check your skills tab to see.
We got 3 magic brooms. I lost all of them :lolexplodet said:My first group got the spell hit ring 4 times out of five.
This is going to be a long seasonal event.
speedpop said:Interesting.
Maybe I am confusing it with the talents themselves.. there used to be one in Enhancement that you had to select to allow you to use any 2H mace or axe.
ArcanistsMr Pockets said:I have yet to have a Mage set that I absolutely love.
I finally got rid of the worst looking helm ever made for mages (T8).
Man that thing was ugly.
Yeah turns out I could already use them. Either I was able to use them from the start or I decided to play high as fuck one night and trained and forgot about it. I'm guessing it's the latter.Bisnic said:Are you sure you just learned them a few lvls sooner and forgot about it? :lol Check your weapon skills, no way this can be a bug or something.
explodet said:My first group got the spell hit ring 4 times out of five.
This is going to be a long seasonal event.
Here's a nice little find from official forums poster Whut of Cenarion Circle: Arctic Furs, those impossibly hard to farm rare skinning drops that are needed for everything from Leg Armor to Motorcycles, will be a lot easier to get in Patch 3.3. Namely, Braeg Stoutbeard, the recipe vendor outside of Legendary Leathers in Dalaran, is selling them for the low price of 10 Heavy Borean Leather on the PTR.
Mr Nash said:My faith in my server's player base is slowly rising. I'm not in a raiding guild, so a lot of the 10+ man content I tend to pug. Ran Ulduar today, and it was actually pretty good. Downed 6 bosses before people had to go to do their own thing (got to Hodir before packing it in). Hopefully if I put anything together tomorrow, we'll achieve similar results (or better). We'll see though...
Xabora said:To quote a GM:
Cataclysm beta OPT-IN should start in a few weeks. (I assume after 3.3 Live)
And Beta should be out after December.
-Take as a rumor for now if you must.