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World of Warcraft

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Good lord, server lag is insane for Silvermoon tonight. Takes 10 minutes to loot bosses, but only for the person who gets the loot, so you get to watch your tank pull away nonchalantly in HToC and wonder why you're not DPS'ing. At least my DK got the Edge of Ruin, so that was worth it. Plus a Peacekeeper Blade in case I run DW tanking after 3.3.:lol


I considering buying a Tankard of Terror x2 for my Death Knight when he hits 80. How would dual wielding those work out for a DK? Am I better off saving 1600g and just hammering Heroic ToC until Edge of Ruin drops?

Of course by the time I get to 80, the Icecrown 5 mans may have already opened up and won't it be dropping iLevel 226 weapons?


You can get a great starter 2-hander for 25 Champion's Seals which is quick to get and the twin Tankards aren't that much of an upgrade, IMO, over them.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, I'm not feeling the priest set either.

I also have a question for the disc priests out there. How do I gauge success for raid healing? I tagged along on an Ulduar pug over the weekend, and was on tank heals for the run. At one point, the shammy and druid wanted to see the numbers for the heals so far on the run, and there's were through the roof compared to mine. Granted they were doing a lot more raid healing than I, but should I be worrying about that sort of thing, or should I just focus on whether the person(s) I'm assigned to are still alive at the end of a fight?

I usually keep shields and renew up on the tank, and use heals as needed (usually flash or greater, as I try to save penance for "oh shit" moments). When it looks like the tank is doing alright, and I can help out with the raid at large my first instinct is to toss around some shields, put out a prayer of mending, and pound out a penance if someone is getting thumped and I don't think the tank will need it. Is that a logical way to approach tank healing in a raid as a disc priest, or are there some other things I should be considering too? I don't do a lot of raiding, so any suggestions would be great. =)


You shouldn't. The tank's alive, you did a good job as a disc priest. Your numbers will ALWAYS look inferior to fire-and-forget healers.


Junior Member
border said:
I considering buying a Tankard of Terror x2 for my Death Knight when he hits 80. How would dual wielding those work out for a DK? Am I better off saving 1600g and just hammering Heroic ToC until Edge of Ruin drops?

Of course by the time I get to 80, the Icecrown 5 mans may have already opened up and won't it be dropping iLevel 226 weapons?
Go frosty to be most effective with them.


Junior Member
nataku said:
I really wish Blizzard would throw more polys into their armor/character models. Seeing plate armor, or any multi-layer of armor really, be just a flat texture looks so horrible. The legs in the pally T10 look horrible because they're so flat.
Boots, Legs/Robes, Gloves and Belt all have Extruding geometry thats enabled by a flag.

As of now, the chest is the only part thats lacking geometry thats triggered by a flag.


Has problems recognising girls
Bolvar's new model is pretty snazzy. Now to just ponder whether he is with Arthas or in the service of the Red Dragonflight.


speedpop said:
Bolvar's new model is pretty snazzy. Now to just ponder whether he is with Arthas or in the service of the Red Dragonflight.

Initial stuff seems to indicate he is a prisoner of Arthas and Arthas is still trying to break his goodness and turn him.


If he didn't make him into a classic death knight with one soul in anothers body, then where is saurfang?

If I had to guess Saurfang may end up being one of the Death Knights. Bolvar being too holy and good willed to break easy makes alot of lore sense.

Though how he survived the whole burnings by dragons thing


Alright, so I finally scrimped together enough gear to hit the defense cap on my death knight so I can start tanking heroics. I'm a few badges from the tank Tier 8.5 chest, but any ideas on tanking trinkets I can get easily? The stupid Black Heart refuses to drop in ToC, trying that one, but right now I have no stamina coming from my trinkets at all. I'm thinking Essence of Gossamer from H AN might be my best shot right now.


Modesty becomes a woman
Rawr needs to be a little more retarded proof.

You should basically be able to put in all the dungeons your guild is doing and it should spit out a list of stuff to shoot for. It's getting annoying with having to keep all my gear because it's not best at the moment but it will be when I get 3 other pieces I didn't even know about because I got one different piece now.

The neck from the Onyxia head quest is best for me now, but when I get my rings it will be second to a neck that drops from Icehowl 10HM which I do every week. I wish I woulda known that before I bought it from someone.
Mr Nash said:
Yeah, I'm not feeling the priest set either.

I also have a question for the disc priests out there. How do I gauge success for raid healing? I tagged along on an Ulduar pug over the weekend, and was on tank heals for the run. At one point, the shammy and druid wanted to see the numbers for the heals so far on the run, and there's were through the roof compared to mine. Granted they were doing a lot more raid healing than I, but should I be worrying about that sort of thing, or should I just focus on whether the person(s) I'm assigned to are still alive at the end of a fight?

I usually keep shields and renew up on the tank, and use heals as needed (usually flash or greater, as I try to save penance for "oh shit" moments). When it looks like the tank is doing alright, and I can help out with the raid at large my first instinct is to toss around some shields, put out a prayer of mending, and pound out a penance if someone is getting thumped and I don't think the tank will need it. Is that a logical way to approach tank healing in a raid as a disc priest, or are there some other things I should be considering too? I don't do a lot of raiding, so any suggestions would be great. =)

Youre doing fine. Disc priests are about dmg mitigation; and thus dont look great on healing meters. Just keep the tank alive as a priority; and use any spare chance to bubble spam the raid.
I personally usually stick with flash heal and penance over greater heal, as it's outdated in the 3.1+ tank dmg model of incoming dmg coming fast and hard.


First kill of Anub 25 ToGC was Monday night. Last night we killed him with 47 attempts left.

Amazing how that process of struggling on 100 attempts or so occurs and then once you drop the boss once, he is significantly easier.

Off to the PTR tonight!
laserbeam said:
Screens from both sides indicate Bolvar. So Saurfang in whatever capacity is either dead and gone forever or a Death Knight.

Missing part of the sentence: "despite what you saw happen at Wrathgate making the possibility of this non-existant."

Fanfic level stuff.
I'm a lvl 80 Nelf Hunter, and I want to create an alt. Which class is the most radically different than my main? I think mage would be fun because of portal travel but also interested in classes that can rez self/others.

Note I will also be soloing quite a bit unless one of you wants to be my friend on Stormscale!


Has problems recognising girls
Pretty much any of the healers I suppose, since Hunters are pure DPS.

Problem is a lot of the best skills to those classes don't arrive till lvl 30-40s.


The Lamonster said:
I'm a lvl 80 Nelf Hunter, and I want to create an alt. Which class is the most radically different than my main? I think mage would be fun because of portal travel but also interested in classes that can rez self/others.

Note I will also be soloing quite a bit unless one of you wants to be my friend on Stormscale!



speedpop said:
Pretty much any of the healers I suppose, since Hunters are pure DPS.

Problem is a lot of the best skills to those classes don't arrive till lvl 30-40s.

*bad memories of wanding shit to death on my Priest alt.*


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
I'm a lvl 80 Nelf Hunter, and I want to create an alt. Which class is the most radically different than my main? I think mage would be fun because of portal travel but also interested in classes that can rez self/others.

Note I will also be soloing quite a bit unless one of you wants to be my friend on Stormscale!

VaLiancY said:
*bad memories of wanding shit to death on my Priest alt.*


I remember those days. Being in Westfall, gathering hay bales while using my awesome Enchanting wand, and corpse running every time I pulled more than 2 mobs. :lol

It's a very incorrect assumption to a lot of people that Priest is somehow hard to level. The fact is, leveling a mage sucks about 10,000 times worse because Mages have the same pathetic armor level, but no heals to speak of, and by level 20, Priests have Mind Blast and access to Mind Flay and SW: Pain. Having Mind Flay base ranged at 30 yds is only going to make Priest leveling easier than it already is.


I remember that I couldn't even force myself to level another caster besides my mage when wands weren't autofire. It was just suuuuuch a pain to even make it level 10 on my then-priest.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
Don't bother leveling a priest from 1, it's like AIDS infected cancer.
Maybe you haven't done it recently. I did it post 3.1 and it was relatively painless. It's especially easy with a Nelf due to Shadowmeld being available in Combat for bad pulls, but even without it, it's pretty easy, much more so after you get Shadowform.

The idea that Priests can't kill mobs is a relic from when Shadow didn't do any damage and wands wouldn't auto-fire. But you won't be wanding past level 20 anyways. Just keep your PW:Shield up on self.

The 60-80 bracket in particular is lightning fast imo.

In other news, I figured out that Battle.net mergeing means I get all of my GF's characters (she doesn't play anymore.) I have no idea what to do with 5 level 80s. Well, the only one I actually transferred onto my account was her rogue which is level 70, but still.


Yeah, Priests are cake to level nowadays. And they'll be even more powerful once spellpower is moved to intellect so early level priests will have a way to augment their damage.


Angry Grimace said:
Maybe you haven't done it recently. I did it post 3.1 and it was relatively painless. It's especially easy with a Nelf due to Shadowmeld being available in Combat for bad pulls, but even without it, it's pretty easy, much more so after you get Shadowform.

The idea that Priests can't kill mobs is a relic from when Shadow didn't do any damage and wands wouldn't auto-fire. But you won't be wanding past level 20 anyways. Just keep your PW:Shield up on self.

The 60-80 bracket in particular is lightning fast imo.

I did 1-60 over 2005 and 2006, 60-70 in 2007, and 70-73 in the past few months. It's not as bad as it used to be, and they can kill things, but compared to a ret paladin, DK, warrior, and rogue (my 4 80's), it's like hitting my junk with a hammer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
I did 1-60 over 2005 and 2006, 60-70 in 2007, and 70-73 in the past few months. It's not as bad as it used to be, and they can kill things, but compared to a ret paladin, DK, warrior, and rogue (my 4 80's), it's like hitting my junk with a hammer.
Really? I found that once you start getting +spell power stuff in every slot and the late tier talents for Shadow it starts getting really easy because Mind Flay starts doing serious damage at that point instead of just being a snare to prevent you from dying. Not to mention the downtime reduction with Dispersion.

Now that I have that lvl 70 rogue on my account, anyone have a few pointers? I've never done much with a rogue.


More PUG woes.

Doing last boss of Nexus....normal mode. Wiped about 10 times even after subbing in various different classes and trying it with two healers :lol

Not much you can do when people dont clear the debuf :( But of course i get blamed being the healer!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Atrophis said:
More PUG woes.

Doing last boss of Nexus....normal mode. Wiped about 10 times even after subbing in various different classes and trying it with two healers :lol

Not much you can do when people dont clear the debuf :( But of course i get blamed being the healer!
I don't get it....what was the problem? Regular Nexus requires like no movement other than stand there and jump a lot. The fact is, on bosses where I DON'T have to move I tend to whack spacebar over and over out of habit :lol


Man, last boss of Nexus is so easy if you have people who know to just hit the spacebar or bob and weave if they're melee. So simple.

I just wiped six times on the first boss of heroic ToC. After waiting 20 minutes for the healer and tank to get there, the druid tank apparently had no idea how to move the rogue and get out of the poison. Kept complaining that if he moved, he'd somehow lose aggro on the mage. Blah.


The problem was our tank just standing there regardless and dps getting hit by her tail/breath.

Ah well, finally hit 72. Loving the quests in Dragonblight. Great seeing Arthas flashbacks :)


I would pop whoever was on the run with you on your ignore list and never heal for them again if they can't figure out Nexus. I honestly don't think I've ever even been hit by a tail swipe.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Atrophis said:
The problem was our tank just standing there regardless and dps getting hit by her tail/breath.

Ah well, finally hit 72. Loving the quests in Dragonblight. Great seeing Arthas flashbacks :)
All the tank has to do is press Spacebar every ~5 seconds.

DPS stands at her side. This rule applies to every single Dragon boss in the entire game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I considering buying a Tankard of Terror x2 for my Death Knight when he hits 80. How would dual wielding those work out for a DK? Am I better off saving 1600g and just hammering Heroic ToC until Edge of Ruin drops?

Of course by the time I get to 80, the Icecrown 5 mans may have already opened up and won't it be dropping iLevel 226 weapons?
It's dropping 232.

Whether or not you want to bang 2 tankards or an Edge of Ruin depends largely on whether or not you actually enjoy playing Frost. Unholy DW is going to be all but non-viable in 3.3 so you're talking Frost or nothing with dual wielding.

Mr Nash said:
Yeah, I'm not feeling the priest set either.

I also have a question for the disc priests out there. How do I gauge success for raid healing? I tagged along on an Ulduar pug over the weekend, and was on tank heals for the run. At one point, the shammy and druid wanted to see the numbers for the heals so far on the run, and there's were through the roof compared to mine. Granted they were doing a lot more raid healing than I, but should I be worrying about that sort of thing, or should I just focus on whether the person(s) I'm assigned to are still alive at the end of a fight?

I usually keep shields and renew up on the tank, and use heals as needed (usually flash or greater, as I try to save penance for "oh shit" moments). When it looks like the tank is doing alright, and I can help out with the raid at large my first instinct is to toss around some shields, put out a prayer of mending, and pound out a penance if someone is getting thumped and I don't think the tank will need it. Is that a logical way to approach tank healing in a raid as a disc priest, or are there some other things I should be considering too? I don't do a lot of raiding, so any suggestions would be great. =)

I normally keep Prayer of Mending on cooldown. PoM is your most efficient heal, even if it heals once and never bounces again, and even in Disc. The likliehood is that it won't be bouncing only once before you can use it again, because the CD is quite a bit longer in Disc without talents to reduce it's CD. Keep Weakened Soul on the target; don't allow Grace to fall off the tank; if it does, burn a Penance because it puts a full 3 stack up.

Your Heals Done numbers will always be low because Disc gains a lot of it's "healing" via mitigation through PW:S.


Angry Grimace said:
Really? I found that once you start getting +spell power stuff in every slot and the late tier talents for Shadow it starts getting really easy because Mind Flay starts doing serious damage at that point instead of just being a snare to prevent you from dying. Not to mention the downtime reduction with Dispersion.

Now that I have that lvl 70 rogue on my account, anyone have a few pointers? I've never done much with a rogue.

I get all the caster upgrades that I can, but it just feels like it takes forever to kill anything. And compared to other classes, it does. I just wouldn't recommend to anyone to level a priest unless they really want to, as opposed to just leveling a not hunter.

As far as rogue leveling goes, I did it combat spec. Stuff died pretty easy but there's a lot of downtime spent on eating. As far as pointers, always use your poisons, and don't try to solo group quests.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
I get all the caster upgrades that I can, but it just feels like it takes forever to kill anything. And compared to other classes, it does. I just wouldn't recommend to anyone to level a priest unless they really want to, as opposed to just leveling a not hunter.

As far as rogue leveling goes, I did it combat spec. Stuff died pretty easy but there's a lot of downtime spent on eating. As far as pointers, always use your poisons, and don't try to solo group quests.
Different experiences I guess, but I found it really fast.

I just don't know how to play a rogue, but I have one @70 already that I'm going to start leveling. The problem is, the Elitist Jerks subforum on rogues doesn't really have much in terms of "This is the spec/class; go for this stat/do this" which the DK forums have really really excellent posts on almost every aspect of the class for all three specs.


God, the priest t10 set is abysmal. How fucking terrible. I R Sad panda.

Someone posted a design concept on the Official Priest forum, and it's light years better.


Got another account, Aion couldn't hold my attention. Think I'm rolling Ally now. Probably a Warlock. Dunno what race yet, was thinking Gnome for shits and giggles.


Looks nice but in no way matches the overall design goal for Icecrown tier gear.

Priests are the last class that has a right to bitch about shitty gear design.


remember me
There's a design goal? A few sets are obviously based on undead monsters, but not seeing it in the priest set. Basing a design off the valkyr would be obvious and awesome. Warlock is questionable too, though I'm guessing that's based off a model we haven't seen yet.
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