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World of Warcraft

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You know that PVP servers are optional but the AH is kinda mandatory right?
Even on PVE servers you'll see people stealing quest mobs, stealing resource nodes, finding a flagged player and not attacking until he's got 2 monsters attacking him, etc.

Selling Abyss Crystals at 3 times the price of a competitor is not mandatory - it's a free market economy, for better or for worse. This is possibly the least detrimental form of griefing in the entire game, because it would be so easy to counteract and it really has no effect . If someone is selling your goods for 25g, just buy up all his auctions and re-list for the price you want. It might be one thing if he were devaluing high-value commodities that would require a huge capital investment to compete with (eg: selling a 5000g item for 2500g so that you couldn't buy up all his stuff easily)....but to whine about something like this is just funny, because it reveals people's laziness and moronic sense of entitlement. "I want to make xx dollars for this item, so you're an asshole if you sell it for less."

For every whiner, there's someone with more than 5 brain cells praying that he puts up some more Crystals at a bargain price, because they realize that if they buy those crystals and resell their margin will be lower but their time investment will be nothing.


Junior Member
It begins!



Sebulon3k said:
I don't see what's so different about that screen, seems exactly the same as the old one.

See the character race select there? It's wider, because they made the races two columns wide instead of one long column.

The above is the same deal - meaning, they are preparing for Cataclysm Beta.


Whatever it takes to justify your social defect, it doesn't matter to me.

I like when people do that for just what Border said. Maybe someone needs some quick money but I'll glady skip dailies or monotonous shit if I can make a decent liviing playing the AH.


Grandma's Chippy
As far as the selling goes...

I usually have all the gold I need.....seriously solo play = rich more often than not.

With that said, I sell for what I want to sell for ... not to piss people off. Although I very much enjoy seeing how uptight some people get.

Going rate on my server for Abyss fluctuates between 40g and 60g...sometimes dips lower when the AH is flooded.

If I put in my Abyss at say the low end, 40, or even 38...they MIGHT all sell. More often than not I have to recyle the auction every 4 days till they all sell.

When I put them in at 25g-30g they usually sell within 15-30 minutes or definately by the next morning when I put them in the night before.

If someone is buying mine and uping the price a few gold to make a profit then more power to them.

I price it to move it...not to gouge people for as much as I can get.

Of course I am the same guy that gives free mage ports, free instance runs for low levels, free enchants with the major mats (I supply common things like dusts, essences, blue shards etc), and passes on DE loot in heroic instance runs.

To each his own!
Then there's me, both providing and being provided for the relisting fun.

SKULLCRUSHER. AH is hoppin' and boppin' and poppin'. Relisting raw gems for a tidy 20% increase is easy, and the huge bags of ores I brought with me sell in minutes for ~25% more than AM on average, too. Nice people in-game, forums are a hive of scum and villiany (which aint?) and we've muzzled ourselves cuz we're like freaking 9th server progression or some crap. Ain't been that low since AQ40. Feels wierd.

Oh, and it gets better. Our raid IDs are all fucked up and randomized. We all have seperate 2/5 cleared ToGC25 instances. That's right, kids: we went from getting two raids worth of IDs going from Bloodscalp to Alterac, to getting one half a raid ID going from AM to Skullcrusher. :lol
Huh. 2 things I noticed with that picture.

1) Nihilum.eu still exists? And why the hell is Reebok sponsoring them?
2) Aside from the new race selection thing, it seems to list the different roles each class can take after you click on it. I don't remember that being present in previous versions of the game. It seems to be there in the Cataclysm photo as well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SatelliteOfLove said:
Then there's me, both providing and being provided for the relisting fun.

SKULLCRUSHER. AH is hoppin' and boppin' and poppin'. Relisting raw gems for a tidy 20% increase is easy, and the huge bags of ores I brought with me sell in minutes for ~25% more than AM on average, too. Nice people in-game, forums are a hive of scum and villiany (which aint?) and we've muzzled ourselves cuz we're like freaking 9th server progression or some crap. Ain't been that low since AQ40. Feels wierd.

Oh, and it gets better. Our raid IDs are all fucked up and randomized. We all have seperate 2/5 cleared ToGC25 instances. That's right, kids: we went from getting two raids worth of IDs going from Bloodscalp to Alterac, to getting one half a raid ID going from AM to Skullcrusher. :lol
No offense, but I have no idea what the first two paragraphs here are saying.


Orbitcube said:
Huh. 2 things I noticed with that picture.

1) Nihilum.eu still exists? And why the hell is Reebok sponsoring them?
2) Aside from the new race selection thing, it seems to list the different roles each class can take after you click on it. I don't remember that being present in previous versions of the game. It seems to be there in the Cataclysm photo as well.

Yup, wasn't in the original creation screen.


Angry Grimace said:
All the tank has to do is press Spacebar every ~5 seconds.

DPS stands at her side. This rule applies to every single Dragon boss in the entire game.

Not Malygos. No tail swipe there. Not that there's any harm in just standing at his side too.


Neo Member
Anyone know what is the best and quickest way to sell my account and also get a fair price for it? I want to sell my rogue, I am pretty tired of the game ATM and extra cash is always nice..


Junior Member
If you're not undercutting the fuck out of the AH, you're probably doing it wrong.

That's where the easy money is. Could you make more buying up undervalued items and relisting them? Selling at "market" price? Probably. Would it take a lot more camping on the AH, cancelling auctions, picking up expired items, relisting, etc? Yup. Oppurtunity cost people.

I undercut raw gems and enchanting mats. I have no competition. In fact I have two markets - the end users we're all going for on the AH and the people who buy and relist trying to defend whatever price point they feel is "fair".


I barely log into WoW anymore other than to raid. I used to log on weekends and such to farm gold and other such things to prepare for the raid week ahead, but now I just sell Crusader Orbs everytime I get 15 badges and I'm set.

I've easily sold about 19k in orbs since the day I could (it helped initially that I sold some for 2.5k a pop) ... but man it's so easy to make gold of them .. they currently still sell for like 750 on my server.

It also helps that my guild has guild repairs enabled during raids because our bank has over 100k gold in it. I also love being done with raiding after 3 days .... we go tues-thur 4 hours a night and are pretty much done with all required raids ... algalon 25 & yogg 0 included.

Just waiting for Icecrown now ...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Herbalism is the easiest profession to level in the universe. There's 10,000 nodes and nobody seems to want them. :lol

Also, Cold Weather Flying (with 20% XP bonus) at 68-74 just *breaks* questing. 70% of the quests in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord are based around the inconvenience of getting from Point A to Point B. Flying around the mobs in your way and then Shadowmelding/Vanishing is making this even more ridiculous. :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Herbalism is the easiest profession to level in the universe. There's 10,000 nodes and nobody seems to want them. :lol

Also, Cold Weather Flying (with 20% XP bonus) at 68-74 just *breaks* questing. 70% of the quests in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord are based around the inconvenience of getting from Point A to Point B. Flying around the mobs in your way and then Shadowmelding/Vanishing is making this even more ridiculous. :lol

Yeah I just got done leveling a new Paladin and flight at 60 in outlands and then at 68 for Northrend is just crazy for leveling

Chris R

The best quest so far that I've had the pleasure of doing with my epic flying mount on my warrior was the soul cleansing one :lol Fly up to the top of the hill and back to the guy in ~2 mins tops :lol

And with the BoA gear, I'm just now level 74 having only done HF/BT and like 10 quests in Dragonsblight. I figure I clear out Dragonsblight and start either SP or IC and then I'll be 80 :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Herbalism is the easiest profession to level in the universe. There's 10,000 nodes and nobody seems to want them. :lol

Also, Cold Weather Flying (with 20% XP bonus) at 68-74 just *breaks* questing. 70% of the quests in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord are based around the inconvenience of getting from Point A to Point B. Flying around the mobs in your way and then Shadowmelding/Vanishing is making this even more ridiculous. :lol

aw, fuck.

i've heard cold weather flying mentioned, but neglected to look it up untill now. you're telling me that i cant fly from levels ~70-77 in northrend? that is going to fucking suck, after flying in outland is my favourite part of the BC expansion. (just reactivated my account a week or two ago, level 64 atm)


Modesty becomes a woman
mcrae said:
aw, fuck.

i've heard cold weather flying mentioned, but neglected to look it up untill now. you're telling me that i cant fly from levels ~70-77 in northrend? that is going to fucking suck, after flying in outland is my favourite part of the BC expansion. (just reactivated my account a week or two ago, level 64 atm)

If you're flying through Northrend the first time it completely kills the whole experience, that's why you can only do it for alts.


Will Eat Your Children
Okay GAF, I'm playing WoW. My friend plays it and bought me two months so we could play together. So far I'm a level 19 Night Elf Rogue. Playing for a week or so. It's actually pretty fun.

So today some people invited me into a group and summoned me somewhere so we could do this elite quest. All of a sudden theses people started calling me out on choosing ''need'' with items everytime. Obviously there are some unspoken rules I don't know of :lol Anyone have any beginner tips regarding this stuff?


the rule is that if the items are not better than the ones you are currently wearing, aka if you don't plan on equippign the item the second you win it, you roll greed


I have a paladin and rogue at 80, but I don't know what to level next. Preferably a ranged DPS class. What say you, GAF?

edit: awesome pvp videos can help sell the class/spec to me.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
mcrae said:
aw, fuck.

i've heard cold weather flying mentioned, but neglected to look it up untill now. you're telling me that i cant fly from levels ~70-77 in northrend? that is going to fucking suck, after flying in outland is my favourite part of the BC expansion. (just reactivated my account a week or two ago, level 64 atm)
You couldn't flying Outland either until Level 70 originally. They changed it to 60 only recently.

Leveling in Northrend flying or not, is a lot, lot better than Outland, which in turn kicked the shit out of regular Azeroth zones. Less bullshit, "lol find 18 fangs that never drop" quests. Instead, holy shit, the quest item actually drops.


Has problems recognising girls
Teetris said:
Okay GAF, I'm playing WoW. My friend plays it and bought me two months so we could play together. So far I'm a level 19 Night Elf Rogue. Playing for a week or so. It's actually pretty fun.

So today some people invited me into a group and summoned me somewhere so we could do this elite quest. All of a sudden theses people started calling me out on choosing ''need'' with items everytime. Obviously there are some unspoken rules I don't know of :lol Anyone have any beginner tips regarding this stuff?
If anyone ever hassles you about it, be up front with them and state that you've never played the game till now. Usually if the group contains people that aren't completely twats then they'll explain and help you along.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Teetris said:
Okay GAF, I'm playing WoW. My friend plays it and bought me two months so we could play together. So far I'm a level 19 Night Elf Rogue. Playing for a week or so. It's actually pretty fun.

So today some people invited me into a group and summoned me somewhere so we could do this elite quest. All of a sudden theses people started calling me out on choosing ''need'' with items everytime. Obviously there are some unspoken rules I don't know of :lol Anyone have any beginner tips regarding this stuff?
There are three choices when you get an item:


The Dice is "Need"
The Coin is "Greed"
The "X" in the upper right will select "pass."

Basically, the game does a random number dice-roll of 1-100 when an item of Uncommon (green), Rare (blue) or Epic (Purple) drops. Whoever rolls the highest gets the item assigned to them.

A "Need" roll takes precedence over a "greed" roll, so if even one person selects "need" the roll-off will only be for Need members.

"Greed" rolls are used for items you don't really need or want for off-spec, or plan to just sell to the vendor.

It's considered rude to Need roll on items that are not upgrades, or to Need roll on side-grades when someone else in the group has something significantly worse.


Will Eat Your Children
mcrae said:
the rule is that if the items are not better than the ones you are currently wearing, aka if you don't plan on equippign the item the second you win it, you roll greed
Angry Grimace said:
There are three choices when you get an item:


The Dice is "Need"
The Coin is "Greed"
The "X" in the upper right will select "pass."

Basically, the game does a random number dice-roll of 1-100 when an item of Uncommon (green), Rare (blue) or Epic (Purple) drops. Whoever rolls the highest gets the item assigned to them.

A "Need" roll takes precedence over a "greed" roll, so if even one person selects "need" the roll-off will only be for Need members.

"Greed" rolls are used for items you don't really need or want for off-spec, or plan to just sell to the vendor.

It's considered rude to Need roll on items that are not upgrades, or to Need roll on side-grades when someone else in the group has something significantly worse.
Thanks alot guys! Appreciate it very much

speedpop said:
If anyone ever hassles you about it, be up front with them and state that you've never played the game till now. Usually if the group contains people that aren't completely twats then they'll explain and help you along.
Yeah I said that but didn't get any help. Some people are just nice, other aren't. I remember getting my ass kicked and this high level player just stood there watching till I died :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Has anyone ever used a loot system other than "Free for All" (for alt runs with high level leaders that don't want a million Rough Stones and level 15 greens), or "Party Loot?" Yes, I know everyone uses "Master Loot" in Raids, but I mean more in 5 man parties.

Chris R

Angry Grimace said:
Has anyone ever used a loot system other than "Free for All" (for alt runs with high level leaders that don't want a million Rough Stones and level 15 greens), or "Party Loot?" Yes, I know everyone uses "Master Loot" in Raids, but I mean more in 5 man parties.
Round robin was quite the rage for some time when I was running 5 mans. That way almost everyone gets a green :|


Angry Grimace said:
Has anyone ever used a loot system other than "Free for All" (for alt runs with high level leaders that don't want a million Rough Stones and level 15 greens), or "Party Loot?" Yes, I know everyone uses "Master Loot" in Raids, but I mean more in 5 man parties.

You can manipulate the loot thresholds to make loot under a certain level to not be rolled for, under the correct system that means they would be FFA for anyone that wants the "junk"

Speaking of loot systems, GDKP is huge. I take a year break and it is all the rage. Sadly it hasn't caught on on my home server, Doomhammer. We just a bunch of oldschool casuals. I could use the money though! =)


Angry Grimace said:
There are three choices when you get an item:


The Dice is "Need"
The Coin is "Greed"
The "X" in the upper right will select "pass."

Basically, the game does a random number dice-roll of 1-100 when an item of Uncommon (green), Rare (blue) or Epic (Purple) drops. Whoever rolls the highest gets the item assigned to them.

A "Need" roll takes precedence over a "greed" roll, so if even one person selects "need" the roll-off will only be for Need members.

"Greed" rolls are used for items you don't really need or want for off-spec, or plan to just sell to the vendor.

It's considered rude to Need roll on items that are not upgrades, or to Need roll on side-grades when someone else in the group has something significantly worse.

With BOP being trade able for 1hour it is okay for a Duster to roll need if everyone else greeds and the shard would be more than the resale value as long as it is dusted and distributed equally at the end of the run. IMO.
joelseph said:
With BOP being trade able for 1hour it is okay for a Duster to roll need if everyone else greeds and the shard would be more than the resale value as long as it is dusted and distributed equally at the end of the run. IMO.

that's not really relevant for a person just starting the game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
joelseph said:
With BOP being trade able for 1hour it is okay for a Duster to roll need if everyone else greeds and the shard would be more than the resale value as long as it is dusted and distributed equally at the end of the run. IMO.
That is not okay. Do that at your peril. If you agree ahead of time to do it, there's no reason for you to not greed and everyone else pass so that you don't just need roll on needed items and cause annoyance.

I heard a rumor that the GM Island has an "interrogation room" that you can be ported to for "questioning" about exploitation. I wonder if that's true :lol


Teetris said:
Okay GAF, I'm playing WoW. My friend plays it and bought me two months so we could play together. So far I'm a level 19 Night Elf Rogue. Playing for a week or so. It's actually pretty fun.

So today some people invited me into a group and summoned me somewhere so we could do this elite quest. All of a sudden theses people started calling me out on choosing ''need'' with items everytime. Obviously there are some unspoken rules I don't know of :lol Anyone have any beginner tips regarding this stuff?
Including the above stuff, you ought to develop a general idea of what equipment if meant for you and what equipment would be better for other people. For instance, if you are a Warrior you have no need at all for +Spellpower, so you should be very careful about asking for equipment that has that stat, even if it is an upgrade in other ways. It's possible someone else in the group will be better able to use it. Another common mistake that can make others angry is taking equipment of the wrong type for your class. If your character is able to wear Mail you are also capable of wearing Leather and Cloth... but you should avoid doing so except under extreme circumstances. Some classes can ONLY wear cloth, so if your mail-wearing character takes a Cloth item it will royally piss those players off.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Evlar said:
Including the above stuff, you ought to develop a general idea of what equipment if meant for you and what equipment would be better for other people. For instance, if you are a Warrior you have no need at all for +Spellpower, so you should be very careful about asking for equipment that has that stat, even if it is an upgrade in other ways. It's possible someone else in the group will be better able to use it. Another common mistake that can make others angry is taking equipment of the wrong type for your class. If your character is able to wear Mail you are also capable of wearing Leather and Cloth... but you should avoid doing so except under extreme circumstances. Some classes can ONLY wear cloth, so if your mail-wearing character takes a Cloth item it will royally piss those players off.
Druid healers and Moonkin (offensive spell casters) are generally exempt for cloth rolls since there isn't an awful lot of spell power leather stuff, and in the case of Moonkin, there is no +hit gear at all other than cloth stuff.

Teetris, what class/race are you playing?


Will Eat Your Children
Angry Grimace said:
Teetris, what class/race are you playing?
Level 19 Night Elf Rogue, or do you mean something else? I think I also have alchemy and herbalism, though I haven't used those at all, dont really see anything useful I can make right now.

I remember just taking a new dagger and maybe some boots in the elite quest. Both of which I equipped immediately. I still need to find a new throwing knife, which I can't seem to find anyone selling. Ambushing someone in stealth is awesome, though I always seem to get caught now with the enemies before striking.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Teetris said:
Level 19 Night Elf Rogue, or do you mean something else? I think I also have alchemy and herbalism, though I haven't used those at all, dont really see anything useful I can make right now.

I remember just taking a new dagger and maybe some boots in the elite quest. Both of which I equipped immediately. I still need to find a new throwing knife, which I can't seem to find anyone selling. Ambushing someone in stealth is awesome, though I always seem to get caught now with the enemies before striking.
Weapon type is not as important as what stats is has. Rogues can equip Leather armor and Cloth armor. There is NO cloth armor you should ever equip or need roll on. It is ALWAYS caster (priest/mage/warlock) gear.

Rogues can equip, one-handed Swords, Axes and Maces, fist weapons and daggers. Do not need roll on a weapon that is not one of these weapons. You cannot use all those weapons from the start, you must go to Ironforge/Darnassus/Stormwind to learn the required weapon proficiency.

Stats that are useful to you on weapons are Attack Power, Agility, Stamina, usually in that order, although Agility gives you 1:1 attack power. Strength gives you Attack Power too and can be okay on random drop gear, but it is inferior to Agility. Do not Need roll on a weapon or armor that has Intellect, Spirit or Spell Power, even if it is a weapon/armor that you can use.

There are other stats, "Expertise" and "Armor Penetration" that you can use, but you won't start seeing those until much later levels.

You'll also gain access to poisons at Level 20. Put them on both of your weapons. The throwing weapon is okay, but it really does nothing for you other than give you a little bit of stat boosts. This is because being a Rogue, you have no ranged attacks and the enemies ("mobs") will just run towards you anyways.


Man, i suck at rolling ...

It started with ToC HC, i lost the roll on Edge of Ruin to a green/blue geared DK with 1k DPS, sneaked into our group .. fair enough. Next day i lose roll on the plate DPS bracers in ToC HC as well, to a guildie i invited.

We go on our first guild raid(which means no DKP), we do Naxx 10 man, 2 hander dropped from horsemen, i once again lose the roll. We finish Naxx 10 man, we go to Ulduar, the 2h mace drops(ironsoul) and i once again lose it to that same paladin. Who now has 2 2handers i could have used.


Will Eat Your Children
Angry Grimace said:
Weapon type is not as important as what stats is has. Rogues can equip Leather armor and Cloth armor. There is NO cloth armor you should ever equip or need roll on. It is ALWAYS caster (priest/mage/warlock) gear.

Rogues can equip, one-handed Swords, Axes and Maces, fist weapons and daggers. Do not need roll on a weapon that is not one of these weapons. You cannot use all those weapons from the start, you must go to Ironforge/Darnassus/Stormwind to learn the required weapon proficiency.

Stats that are useful to you on weapons are Attack Power, Agility, Stamina, usually in that order, although Agility gives you 1:1 attack power. Strength gives you Attack Power too and can be okay on random drop gear, but it is inferior to Agility. Do not Need roll on a weapon or armor that has Intellect, Spirit or Spell Power, even if it is a weapon/armor that you can use.

There are other stats, "Expertise" and "Armor Penetration" that you can use, but you won't start seeing those until much later levels.

You'll also gain access to poisons at Level 20. Put them on both of your weapons. The throwing weapon is okay, but it really does nothing for you other than give you a little bit of stat boosts. This is because being a Rogue, you have no ranged attacks and the enemies ("mobs") will just run towards you anyways.
Thanks again man, excited about the poison stuff. Will play some more overnight and check it out!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Teetris said:
Thanks again man, excited about the poison stuff. Will play some more overnight and check it out!
The game also does a pretty poor job describing talent builds to players. When I first started, I didn't even know there were talent points until around ~level 24. :lol

Also, don't spend your money on random crap on the Auction House. You will want to spend that money at the Rogue Trainer getting better skills and more skill ranks.
Angry Grimace said:
No offense, but I have no idea what the first two paragraphs here are saying.

Guild moved from Alterac Mountains (middle low pop) to Skullcrusher (lower High pop). AH actually functions for me now. Now way back in the pack PvE wise.

Chris R

Just saw that my account is going to expire in less than a month :(

Sucks, but oh well, got plenty of 80s ready for Cataclysm when it drops :lol Thinking of rushing my DK to 80 as well, but I don't really wanna spend that much on flying mounts as I won't be farming dailies when my account dies (and I haven't been anyways :lol under 10k for the first time since I bought WotLK :( )


First raid in Wrath in the books on my boomkin. Ran VoA 25 with our group Cake and Pie. Was a bit undergeared for ToC25 so I was bumped to the ulduar run on Sunday. Was easy stuff, stay out of fire, dps down correct add, avoid being zapped. At least Koralon drops Triumph badges, that's definitely useful since I just spent my first 25 of them on finally getting an idol.:lol
Teetris said:
Thanks again man, excited about the poison stuff. Will play some more overnight and check it out!
Also, you won't be able to find any thrown weapons (axes, knives, etc.) that drop from monsters until level 55. The rest will have to be made from blacksmithing, which means you can buy them off the auction house but I'd advise against that, or bought from a General Goods vendor. Alternatively you could use guns or bows if you train them in I believe Ironforge and Darnassus (respectively). The problem with that is that you'll need to buy an ammo pouch to shoot bullets but at a low level - hell, even at level 80 - you'll want as much bag space as possible and ammo takes up a large amount of room.
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