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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
How is this good for warriors?

It sounds like maybe only druids get fucked by this, doesn't it? They are the ones relying on a lot of dodge aren't they?

Paladins can block just like warriors.....Death Knights will still have their high parry rating.
Block sucks though, but if damage done per hit is reduced to compensate then block becomes a lot better.
SatelliteOfLove said:
I would break the post limit detailing the times they've done that.

Not to disagree with your underlying sentiment (they do say a lot of stuff then change their minds later) but I think they really mean it this time. Removing defense from itemisation and making it entirely talented is a big change.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's not even wrong, assuming they are lowering the melee damage to compensate. It's just funny that they went with the same thing under a new name after criticizing Sunwell Radiance.

The idea isn't really to "nerf tanking," or any specific spec, but rather to make healing less about getting a torrent of huge heals off on the off chance two melee hits in a row go off in a row. If the boss happens to have another ability that isn't another mitigatable melee, you're pretty fucked.


Angry Grimace said:
Bears aren't even the stam whores they once were. Warriors? They have a pretty big toolbox and virtually unassailable single target threat; i.e. a true interrupt, they can AoE stun, etc. etc.

Hmmm, I assumed because my guildies tell everyone about their raging erection when they get buffed, pop cooldowns, trinket procs.

*dies from a spike*

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
Hmmm, I assumed because my guildies tell everyone about their raging erection when they get buffed, pop cooldowns, trinket procs.

*dies from a spike*
I think the idea is that spikes shouldn't make you instantly die.

It's more in being disapointed that Blizzard failed to notice the same problem that stat diminishing returns was supposed to fix.
Angry Grimace said:
It's not even wrong, assuming they are lowering the melee damage to compensate. It's just funny that they went with the same thing under a new name after criticizing Sunwell Radiance.

The idea isn't really to "nerf tanking," or any specific spec, but rather to make healing less about getting a torrent of huge heals off on the off chance two melee hits in a row go off in a row. If the boss happens to have another ability that isn't another mitigatable melee, you're pretty fucked.
When you put it that way it sounds like a good thing to me. Having to GS the tank every time they take a big hit "just in case" is kind of stupid.


Yup, only tank class I can really see it hurting a lot is Druids since Dodge *IS* their avoidance. I expect we'll see leather with a shitload more stamina coming up.

Or they could maybe, eventually break down and give them parry.:lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
When you put it that way it sounds like a good thing to me. Having to GS the tank every time they take a big hit "just in case" is kind of stupid.
See, this is what made Glyph of GS attractive in the first place. The idea you'd want to use it every minute is kind of ridiculous.

Not that a Priest that has GS should be tank healing anyways.


Tamanon said:
I expect we'll see leather with a shitload more stamina coming up.l
Stamina and armor. I'll be changing to armor enchants/gear at least, then resistance/stam gear / spell meta whenever fights need it :)

20% dodge doesn't even sound like that much, never relied on HAVING to dodge stuff anyway, just thought of it as a nice bonus, if a bit unreliable. I just wonder if the diminishing returns for dodge are still gonna be around the 50% level with the debuff...
Angry Grimace said:
See, this is what made Glyph of GS attractive in the first place. The idea you'd want to use it every minute is kind of ridiculous.

Not that a Priest that has GS should be tank healing anyways.

Oh I don't tank heal. I save lives.


It's happened. We've finally, unofficially given up on this horrible, dumb fucking patch and are pretty much on hiatus till 3.3. Thank fucking goodness. Now nothing pleases me more than to see only 16 or 17 on at raid time.


Junior Member
Undying Run: Good Idea
Problem, we only got 9 people.
Another Problem the tank for heigan kept plopping him in the lava, which me not having done that place for over 7 months caused me to die and then the tank died about 5 seconds later.

Hilarity ensures on vent. :|
We're getting down to about 10% on heroic Anub but one of our healers is borderline retarded and can't heal the penetrating cold debuff he's assigned to. It's fucking infuriating.


Xabora said:
Undying Run: Good Idea
Problem, we only got 9 people.

w/the current item level on gears, doing 8 man + undying would probably be pretty easy, the less ppl in the run eliminates some margin for error as well

undying run was pretty easy once ppl were geared out in naxx 25m gear, i cant imagine how easy it would be in 25m heroic togc gear, only issue i see is an undergeared tank having a hard time holding aggro to dps


No One Remembers
Druids aren't taking that big of a hit. They're already stacking stamina for the most part, they have by far and large the most health pool of most tanks as well as the huge armor. This helps them out a lot.

DKs are worried about their threat more than anything with the lack of Rune Strike being available.

Warriors/Paladins: I think they'll be fine as they have the most avoidance options provided to them via Block which sucks but may become better mitigation in ICC.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Entropia said:
Druids aren't taking that big of a hit. They're already stacking stamina for the most part, they have by far and large the most health pool of most tanks as well as the huge armor. This helps them out a lot.

DKs are worried about their threat more than anything with the lack of Rune Strike being available.

Warriors/Paladins: I think they'll be fine as they have the most avoidance options provided to them via Block which sucks but may become better mitigation in ICC.
Well, Blizzard can correct that problem with a Sigil that allows Rune Strike to be used more often. The problem is, finding a way to make it an attractive upgrade rather than mandatory to even exist in ICC.


Junior Member
Magnus said:
It's happened. We've finally, unofficially given up on this horrible, dumb fucking patch and are pretty much on hiatus till 3.3. Thank fucking goodness. Now nothing pleases me more than to see only 16 or 17 on at raid time.

I think we're headed there. Got up to Anub on ToGC25 and can't get enough people to log on to even attempt it.

I'm pretty sure only a few of us have killed him in ToGC10. People are just fucking bored, and I can't say I blame them.


We got so fucking cockblocked on ToGC beasts, and have never been able to kill them. The closest was a near-perfect run over a month ago that saw us on Icehowl right as the last Jormungar went down. Then someone got hit by Icehowl's charge and we wiped.

I'm pretty sure we could get Beasts now that we're even better geared, but again, no one really cares. All the gear's going out the shitter come 3.3 anyway, and most of us are just interested in seeing the content (which is effectively done once you kill normal Anub 25, which we did on the first night he showed up, like many guilds), and we dig interesting hard modes, like most of Ulduar's. The fucking ToC hard modes are just the same fights with bigger numbers (save a few exceptions, like having to kill Jaraxxus' demon gates). That's fucking boring and, frankly, the numbers were just too high.

I don't know very much about tanking, but the problem I perceived seems to be described pretty well in the blue post that discusses Chill of the Throne. That's exactly how our tank health behaved. No hits for 10-20 seconds, then spiky damage that killed them in a 1-2 second window. You basically have to keep pouring heals on them during the avoidance period or they're dead when the spike damage hits. That's not fun, it's fucking brutally annoying.


Kyoufu said:
If someone gets hit by Icehowl's charge you can just use tranq shot to remove his enrage.

That is a recent change. You used to not be able to do anything and it would pretty much be a wipe on heroic mode.


Whenever someone gets hit by Icehowl's charge it makes me want to jump through a plate glass window.
It seems like such an easy thing to avoid yet it keeps happening.


explodet said:
Whenever someone gets hit by Icehowl's charge it makes me want to jump through a plate glass window.
It seems like such an easy thing to avoid yet it keeps happening.

I think that is a server / raid / everybody response because I have the same damn response ... except mine is I want to throw said person through the plate glass window.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
I think that is a server / raid / everybody response because I have the same damn response ... except mine is I want to throw said person through the plate glass window.
We've really only had two people in our raids get hit by it.
Our Raid Leader/Guild Master and DKP Loot Master. :lol


Macattk15 said:
That is a recent change. You used to not be able to do anything and it would pretty much be a wipe on heroic mode.

Not really, even without tranq shot you can easily live through it if the tank pops a defensive cooldown (ie. shield wall) and healers spam him.

Chris R

Finally got my warrior to 80. 4d13h played to 80 isn't that bad with no RaF and just BoA gear. Probably could have been around 4d flat if I didn't pick up Mining/BS and didn't mess around at all in Outlands and with this holiday.

Account is going into cold storage until Cataclysm it seems. But at least I start back up with a bunch of 80s to choose from and a nice sum of gold :lol


Kyoufu said:
Not really, even without tranq shot you can easily live through it if the tank pops a defensive cooldown (ie. shield wall) and healers spam him.

Point is, it's unnecessary. People should not get hit by Grandma rolling her wheelchair into a wall.


Xabora said:
We've really only had two people in our raids get hit by it.
Our Raid Leader/Guild Master and DKP Loot Master. :lol

We've never had people that are targeted get hit by it, but people have a bad tendency of running into it...

My guild does the regular 10-mans. They're easy, but we'd have to cut a couple people we like to attempt the Heroic versions.


Macattk15 said:
Point is, it's unnecessary. People should not get hit by Grandma rolling her wheelchair into a wall.

ya if ppl are gettin hit by icehowls charge they should probably not be raiding

its not hard to avoid

we downed anub on heroic 25m on wed night, so i canceled my account until 3.3, where i may or may not resubb

i'm really burned out of the game at the moment, i feel like raiding is having a negative effect on my life, so i think its proper time to start, going to read a few books and play dragon age in the mean time


In ages past the great Dragon Aspects worked alongside the night elves to forge powerful prismatic blades that could be used to thwart any evil that came into the world. One of these weapons, Quel'Serrar, was recently unearthed. Another will soon be found...

In the upcoming content patch the sister blade, Quel'Delar, will be obtainable by players. If you want to know more, take a glimpse into this weapon's tragic past and where the quest to re-forge it will begin.

Awesome, a legendary weapon only the hardest of the hardly core can get. I look forward to hear more about this weapon that I will never be able to get.


Epix said:
Finally got a Death's Verdict. First one we've seen drop.

Grats! I saw one in a pug for the first time last week and Murphy's Law decided it goes to the Warrior putting out 2k by luck of the roll.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
Anub phase 3 is not fun, just stressful. Healing, in general, is fun, though.
Haven't healed in a few months but it was fun in raids being raid heals, and less so being Tank heals.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Door2Dawn said:

Awesome, a legendary weapon only the hardest of the hardly core can get. I look forward to hear more about this weapon that I will never be able to get.
idk, the quest is really easy and involves going into regular old dungeons, I did it on the PTR, although the weapon doesn't exist and I haven't gotten to the end. I bet it's just a leg-up welfare epic given that none of it is raid quest stuff.


Door2Dawn said:

Awesome, a legendary weapon only the hardest of the hardly core can get. I look forward to hear more about this weapon that I will never be able to get.

Thats kind of the point of a legendary. I mean you have a point if you say raiding should be more accessible to casuals. And decent gear, and the lore etc etc.

But Legendaries that are SUPPOSED to be difficult as hell and take MULTIPLE people to obtain and be very rare, and come about 1 per expansion is NOT something anyone should be arguing for being made more casual. Thats ridiculous.


yacobod said:
i'm really burned out of the game at the moment, i feel like raiding is having a negative effect on my life, so i think its proper time to start, going to read a few books and play dragon age in the mean time
This "great" instance has had the same impact on everyone. Although it's boredom not burnout. At least it's easier to farm than Ulduar though, except for the tightass reward system on the 258 set.

As for Icecrown, I'm dreading the whole Heroic toggle for an actual large raid with trash. Running something Ulduar sized 3 times a week because you know they're going to have some trinket in heroic 10 or normal 25 which is BiS.

Should just go back to the old style activation of hard modes, or just share the lockout between versions. Normal mode is just a sympathy instance now for the people using 50 attempts on beasts.


I really feel awful for healers during Anub phase 3, the entire raid is one lag spike for them from dying.

Did my first full clear of ToC25, also VOA25 and Ony 25. Also almost got the More Whelps achievement on Ony 10, the whelp puller apparently miscalculated the number. But hey, badges are badges!

Healers might really love Valithria though!


Here's the basics: Valithria Dreamwalker is a part of the green dragonflight who must be freed. Now, for the specifics...

This is the encounter healers have been waiting for. In order to beat this encounter, you need to heal Dreamwalker from 50% to 100% health. On 10 man, Dreamwalker starts with approximately 5 million health and it's up to the raid to double that amount up to 10 million before it's over. As your raid group is busy working on healing her up, there's more to worry about. There will be a constant stream of trash adds coming into the room attempting to prevent you from healing her up to full. Now you might be thinking to yourself that 5 million health seems like a lot to heal for and it is. There's a special mechanic in the fight that will help you bridge that gap. I'll explain more about it in a bit.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Won the Roll on Death's Verdict in a PUG!

...until the raid leader remembered I won the Bloodbath Belt earlier.

Can't blame a guy for tryin :lol


Modesty becomes a woman
I expect better from you guys. It's not a legendary weapon, it's a regular epic that only requires 5 mans to get it.

Come on guys, get with it.
Posting meters and logs is a bit tacky, I know... but I was going through the logs on an Ulduar 25 fun-run the other night (that was filled with alts and ended up taking way longer than it should have), and I noticed that for one failed Auriya attempt there were only 2 healers and about 16 - 18 people total still alive for several minutes.

The result was a new peak HPS personal best that made me :lol :



After weeks of trying and getting into 10man TOC (normal) runs and having the group fail at beasts because 7/10 didnt know the fights I finally got into a TOC run and got to see some bosses.

It was a 25 man shockingly. And we 1 shot everything all the way down to the last boss, which we wiped on because the healers didnt stop topping off all of the dps when the 10% aura started.

"Someone hit heroism"


*XXXXX's flash of light heals you for 21k*

"Hey stop that, Im good"

*XXXXX's greater heal heals you for you for 29k*


*XXXXX's flash of light heals you for 24k*


Me: "Ya know, I dont even think any of the healers are in vent."

Raid Leader: "Well fuck...."

**Bloodlust ends and the boss has more HP than when it started**

From there a few folks had to leave so we called it. But considering most folks only came to get the second boss down because of time constraints, that we were able to cruise through twins and the faction champs in such a small amount of time was great. I could really use some 245 upgrades but I lost everything I rolled on and every statue or whatever they are called also. Meh... Really happy to have seen the fights in person now though instead of tankspot youtubes.

Edit: Used the partial achievement link from the 25 man to get accepted into a good 10 man today and we cleared it. The raid had a shadow priest pulling 1.9k and she KEPT winning every caster item that dropped. All of them until the last boss when the raid leader noticed that I did more damage on 100% frost sphere duty than the SP did with 100% time on the boss.

Then he said whatever caster item on Anub I wanted I would get since the priest was terrible the whole run but rolled 5 times in the high 90's and took everything from me. But Anub dropped all melee stuff.

Good times.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
God dammit, I still haven't gotten a fucking tooth pick and I've trick or treated like 7 times a day almost every day. What the fuck.
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