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World of Warcraft

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I've just hit level 50 for the first time and i still have no idea what most of you here is talking about in this thread. Seeing you guys analyzing logs, meters and just this whole thread in general makes me apprehensive of high level play in WoW.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
5il3nc3r said:
I've just hit level 50 for the first time and i still have no idea what most of you here is talking about in this thread. Seeing you guys analyzing logs, meters and just this whole thread in general makes me apprehensive of high level play in WoW.

I'm sorry.
5il3nc3r said:
I've just hit level 50 for the first time and i still have no idea what most of you here is talking about in this thread. Seeing you guys analyzing logs, meters and just this whole thread in general makes me apprehensive of high level play in WoW.
You don't have to worry about any of that shit. Just play and have fun.

It's kind of like how some people use computers to do shit, but others turn dicking around with computers into its own hobby.

Chris R

Just have fun :lol The game gets a lot better once you hit 58 and can go to Outlands (quests don't suck that much, gear rewards are a shitload better, instances don't take 4 hours, ect) Just keep your head down, and when you get to 80, you can decide if you want to get into the techincal side of WoW or just keep pugging 5 mans, doing pvp, ect.


Don't worry about parsing number, even in the endgame unless you're really wanting to squeeze every last drop out of your character.


5il3nc3r said:
I've just hit level 50 for the first time and i still have no idea what most of you here is talking about in this thread. Seeing you guys analyzing logs, meters and just this whole thread in general makes me apprehensive of high level play in WoW.

You'll want to steer clear of these people most of the time. I got into the perfect guild. People do their research, run with it, show up on time, do what they're supposed to do and we have fun (though we're burnt out a bit on this last piss poor content patch and waiting on 3.3 taking a break). We don't scrutinize people's meters, nor combat logs, we just have fun mainly talking to each other more so than the game.

I used to be in a retarded guild back in the BC days where people would get kicked out because their DPS on trash even, let alone bosses. Those people expected your dps to be what THEY thought it should be, and if you didn't hit it, you're bad, and should go kill yourself according to them. I never had this issue since I did my homework and pve is boringly simple especially due to mods, but these people annoyed the hell out of me so I transferred off. Got into a guild that wasn't like that, and we're far more successful.

Don't listen to people in /2, and ESPECIALLY don't look into what people say on most forums like the official wow one, wowhead/mmo-champ, etc. This game easily has the worst gaming community I have ever came across after all these years. Don't get me wrong, some really cool people, but you'll find yourself ignoring a lot of people.


J-Rzez said:
Don't listen to people in /2, and ESPECIALLY don't look into what people say on most forums like the official wow one, wowhead/mmo-champ, etc. This game easily has the worst gaming community I have ever came across after all these years. Don't get me wrong, some really cool people, but you'll find yourself ignoring a lot of people.

The best part of the game is the people you meet and develop friendships with.
The worst part of the game is the people you meet and make you question God's plan.

Try not to let it get to you, and fuck the poop-socking spreadsheet-formulating theory-crafters. Play it like a game, not like a lifestyle and most definitely not like a job.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Speaking of retards playing this game, i've just got kicked from a TOC 25 man pug because, apparently, i don't have good enough gear.

Here's my mage in question : http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Eredar&n=Ayoye

As you can see, except for my trinkets and offhand, it's pretty decent. Now, i can easily hit the 6k dps in raids with this toon, and never used that damn gearscore addon and this raid leader wanted people with a score of 4500+. Who cares about being able to do 6k+ DPS? Your gear matters more than skills now? I really hate people who judge players with this addon alone.

And the worst part, i downloaded it to see what my gearscore was by curiosity, and it tells me i have 4630 or something.

So... why the hell did that raid leader kicked for not having 4500+ when i clearly have it? This addon can't even give the same results for everyone? How shitty is this?


Bisnic said:
Speaking of retards playing this game, i've just got kicked from a TOC 25 man pug because, apparently, i don't have good enough gear.

Here's my mage in question : http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Eredar&n=Ayoye

As you can see, except for my trinkets and offhand, it's pretty decent. Now, i can easily hit the 6k dps in raids with this toon, and never used that damn gearscore addon and this raid leader wanted people with a score of 4500+. Who cares about being able to do 6k+ DPS? Your gear matters more than skills now? I really hate people who judge players with this addon alone.

And the worst part, i downloaded it to see what my gearscore was by curiosity, and it tells me i have 4630 or something.

So... why the hell did that raid leader kicked for not having 4500+ when i clearly have it? This addon can't even give the same results for everyone? How shitty is this?

The raidleader's a moron. You're definitely geared enough for regulat ToC25. He should've killed to have a dps that actually performs up to their gear.

But it's a good sign that the PuG was going to be bad anyways if the leader doesn't understand basics.


Tamanon said:
The raidleader's a moron. You're definitely geared enough for regulat ToC25. He should've killed to have a dps that actually performs up to their gear.

But it's a good sign that the PuG was going to be bad anyways if the leader doesn't understand basics.

IMO the raid leader wasn't an idiot, he probably just had someone else that he wanted to put in......that dude's mage has a lot of badge/Trial of the Champion gear, so it makes for an easy excuse to claim he's a noob or whatever.

My warrior was once badgered out of a VoA 25 by some raid leader that wouldn't shut up about how I didn't have enough HP or whatever, and how he knew an Ulduar25-geared tank that could jump in. He did not outright kick me, but I got so sick of hearing about it that I just quit. I could have stood my ground, but since I recognized that it was a healing problem rather than a tank problem I figured it was probably best to quit anyhow.

For the rest of the night I did a /who on the leader and he was in VoA for at least another 60-90 minutes....given that the dungeon probably shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, I imagine he spent the night slowly realizing where the raid's actual weakness was.
rhfb said:
...instances don't take 4 hours

take that back. BRD was and still is the pinnacle of 5man instances. Nothing ever came close to being so awesome.

For the person who hit lvl50, just dont reroll a Death Knight at 55; and you'll be fine.


Really Really Exciting Member!
border said:
IMO the raid leader wasn't an idiot, he probably just had someone else that he wanted to put in......that dude's mage has a lot of badge/Trial of the Champion gear, so it makes for an easy excuse to claim he's a noob or whatever.

No, the raid leader spent the next 30 minutes spamming Trade channel with "LF7M DPS TOC25, must have gearscore of 4500+ no exceptions". Maybe more, but i got tired and left Dalaran. I even told him i could do 6k dps and i never got a reply. He was a dumbass that only trusted his damn addon.

And sure, i have alot of badge/TOC 5 man gear, but that's because many of the pugs on Eredar insist on people having the achievement for either 10 or 25 TOC, which i didn't have until a few days ago. I spent alot of time gearing that mage by doing 5 mans dailies and both Onyxia and VOAs since they were the only way for me to get triumphs. Maybe i should have done some Ulduar too to get better offhand and trinkets? Pugs still ask for the achievement.

I was lucky enough to get invited to a TOC 10 a few days ago which went smoothly except for the Horde champions where i was one of the last players alive and i only did that battle once in the past and the Twins & Anubarak went pretty nice even if i've never fought them before.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Oh good. Another negative corraling of his in-game time. Joy.

How exactly was my advice wrong, let alone negative? WoW is a game, and people who treat it as a lifestyle or job (and don't actually get paid, that is) take it to an unhealthy extreme. People assuming or expecting you to live in such a way to succeed in the end game is completely untrue and unfair.


Grandma's Chippy
That gearscore addon is just a handy quick check. Peopel that use it to "judge" are idiots. I have seen people with crappy gear outwork people with great gear.

It's handy for quick checking Horde too...hehe


Gearscore is for idiots. Seriously, trade channel is flooded with "LFM for <insert dungeon>, gearscore required:", wtf? Requiring epic for heroics, and so on, this is laughable. And gearscore just fails at, for example, Darkmoon Card, an ilvl200 trinket that is better than anything up until Algalon/ToC 25.
Yet, people need to show off how big gearscore they have, even though even with way worse gear, a player that knows how to play will outperform an idiot in epics by far


madara said:
Last I played was two months after BC launch. Whats the state of priest class? Is shadow the same, weaker, stronger?

Shadow is pretty boss right now, and it's getting buffed again soon because haste is going to affect dots.


Retro said:
How exactly was my advice wrong, let alone negative?

Because your assuming that someone who runs a damage meter or likes to squeeze all they can out of their character is taking the game to seriously.

I know this may be hard for the mentally challeneged to grasp, but some of us find our FUN in the min/maxxing aspect of the GAME.

If I wasnt playing MMO's Id probably be wiping the floor with my office mates in Fantasy Football or milling on Yahoo Finance trading pretend stocks.

Get over yourself and stop being an ass.
Gear can be deceptive. Normally I'll check someone's achievements before adding them, but then again achievements can be deceptive as well (people getting carried). But ultimately if we have to pug someone, they better not stand in fire or they get replaced quick. I wish we'd use that same rule for guildies lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mr Pockets said:
That gearscore addon is just a handy quick check. Peopel that use it to "judge" are idiots. I have seen people with crappy gear outwork people with great gear.

It's handy for quick checking Horde too...hehe
There's a guy in my guild that thinks he should be let into our ToC runs because his gear score is 5200. I keep telling him, "Your gear is all PvP gear." But it doesn't stop him.


Has problems recognising girls
Puncture said:
Because your assuming that someone who runs a damage meter or likes to squeeze all they can out of their character is taking the game to seriously.

I know this may be hard for the mentally challeneged to grasp, but some of us find our FUN in the min/maxxing aspect of the GAME.

If I wasnt playing MMO's Id probably be wiping the floor with my office mates in Fantasy Football or milling on Yahoo Finance trading pretend stocks.

Get over yourself and stop being an ass.
I think his point was that people who do push their character's to the limit in this game are not his style and he advises to not be shoe-horned into a part of the game he may not understand/enjoy. I'm the same. I cannot comprehend why people even bother with it (raids & Arena) because it seems too time-consuming and the reward is usually paved over with a clean slate sooner rather than later.

But at the same time people will look at me wandering around shitty zones that have been long forgotten, wonder what I am doing there, I'll reply "having fun" and they will think I am mad. Different strokes for different folks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bisnic said:
Speaking of retards playing this game, i've just got kicked from a TOC 25 man pug because, apparently, i don't have good enough gear.

Here's my mage in question : http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Eredar&n=Ayoye

As you can see, except for my trinkets and offhand, it's pretty decent. Now, i can easily hit the 6k dps in raids with this toon, and never used that damn gearscore addon and this raid leader wanted people with a score of 4500+. Who cares about being able to do 6k+ DPS? Your gear matters more than skills now? I really hate people who judge players with this addon alone.

And the worst part, i downloaded it to see what my gearscore was by curiosity, and it tells me i have 4630 or something.

So... why the hell did that raid leader kicked for not having 4500+ when i clearly have it? This addon can't even give the same results for everyone? How shitty is this?
Your server sucks. I've gotten through there with less than 4300 scored people. Our Shammy healer-alt has 41something for chrissakes.

I can count on one hand the number of PUGgers that hit 6K DPS with any kind of regularity, and one of them was a Mage with a 4400 gearscore.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
Since my moonkin has all the gear he needs from heroics and from Conquest badges for right now, time to dig another character out from storage and start gearing up(still doing the heroic daily on the druid naturally).

Behold that hot 1200 spellpower!

Plus 10k health only meant I got one shotted by Eadric's hammer in regular ToC.:lol
Step One: Respec something not frost. :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Step One: Respec something not frost. :lol

Oh I know, I've been frost for 80 levels though so it's tough to do for me. I even raided in original and BC as frost.:lol

Later tonight though I'm swapping on over to Arcane for now.
speedpop said:
I think his point was that people who do push their character's to the limit in this game are not his style and he advises to not be shoe-horned into a part of the game he may not understand/enjoy. I'm the same. I cannot comprehend why people even bother with it (raids & Arena) because it seems too time-consuming and the reward is usually paved over with a clean slate sooner rather than later.

But at the same time people will look at me wandering around shitty zones that have been long forgotten, wonder what I am doing there, I'll reply "having fun" and they will think I am mad. Different strokes for different folks.

Bingo. Too much streamlining and herding of gametime both official and unofficial lately.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I'm trying to transfer about 50k gold over to another server since I don't play on that server anymore. I was wondering whats the best item to buy and then resell on the AH? I was thinking of crusader orbs but the patch is imminent and afraid I won't sell nearly enough before inflation happens


Puncture said:
Because your assuming that someone who runs a damage meter or likes to squeeze all they can out of their character is taking the game to seriously.

I know this may be hard for the mentally challeneged to grasp, but some of us find our FUN in the min/maxxing aspect of the GAME.

The only advice I gave was that WoW is a game, and that you don't NEED to run a damage meter, stare at spreadsheets, or min/max to enjoy it. The end game of WoW is not reserved exclusively for such behavior or those who care to indulge in it, so there's no need for new players to be frightened off by the illusion of such.

You don't need to play the game 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, and spend every waking hour studying it in order to raid, despite the outward appearance suggested by theory-crafters, bleeding-edge raiding guilds (who get sponsored to do so), and elitist fucks. There's plenty to do, see, and experience without making WoW your entire life.

YOU are welcome to do whatever you like and no one ever said you couldn't, but not everyone has to follow your particular method of play to find enjoyment. If you actually read my post, rather than assuming it was an attack and then react in a knee jerk fashion, you'd see that.

Also, bravo on misspelling "mentally challenged". :lol
Oh no, why is there a casuals vs hardcores fight going on in this thread? D:

For me it basically boils down to this; there is no right or wrong way to play. I'm in a raiding guild right now that's all about progression (mostly because I've been hanging to kick Arthas down a tall flight of stairs since before he was the Lich King). Part of that is trying to maximise what your raid can do, for which meters and logs are handy.

However, I went for almost 12 months logging on a couple of times a week and playing like Speed does, where it's all about exploring. I've had fun doing both, and experienced a lot of the different things that the game has to offer in the process. If you're interested in something, try it. If you're not, accept that other people are and just move along.

Retro said:
Also, bravo on misspelling "mentally challenged". :lol

So mean but that did make me chuckle.


remember me
Retro, the people you're describing are an insignificant % of the player base. They're a highly visible %, but most people aren't like that.

There's nothing wrong with going to forums and looking up talent specs or rotations or best gems. Most people do not theorycraft, they benefit from the work of a very few. Getting some extra information doesn't mean the game is your life.

You can easily see all the current tier raiding content raiding only 2 or 3 nights a week, and that's probably what the vast majority of players do.

The casual vs hardcore argument is older than fuck, largely irrelevant, and everybody's sick of it. Just stop it.


jim-jam bongs said:
Oh no, why is there a casuals vs hardcores fight going on in this thread? D:
There isn't, and I don't understand why people automatically jump on the offensive whenever someone implies that WoW endgame doesn't have to be hardcore raiding. Here, I'll actually spell it out, because this simply isn't going to go away and there are much better things to be discussing (actually, there aren't but I hate shitty little arguments like this, so let's pretend there are);


5il3nc3r said:
I've just hit level 50 for the first time and i still have no idea what most of you here is talking about in this thread. Seeing you guys analyzing logs, meters and just this whole thread in general makes me apprehensive of high level play in WoW.
New player is overwhelmed and apprehensive because he's being exposed to high level players discussing what high level players often discuss, and has absolutely no idea what is going on, but it worries him. He's probably thinking "Yikes, what is all of this, I didn't know I was going to have to commit to this when I started."
Angry Grimace said:
First reply. New player is exposed to the absolute hardest of the hardcore; theory-testing number-crunching spreadsheet-analyzing elitist jerks. Angry Grimace is not helping the situation :lol.
5il3nc3r said:
Good god, they have discussions about DPS spreadsheets.
Expected response. New player who thought he was playing a game is introduced to an aspect of said game that seems completely unfathomable; people treating game like a job.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You don't have to worry about any of that shit. Just play and have fun.
rhfb said:
Just have fun :lol . . . Just keep your head down, and when you get to 80, you can decide if you want to get into the techincal side of WoW or just keep pugging 5 mans, doing pvp, ect.
Tamanon said:
Don't worry about parsing number, even in the endgame unless you're really wanting to squeeze every last drop out of your character.
J-Rzez said:
You'll want to steer clear of these people most of the time. . . Those people expected your dps to be what THEY thought it should be, and if you didn't hit it, you're bad, and should go kill yourself according to them. . . Don't listen to people in /2, and ESPECIALLY don't look into what people say on most forums like the official wow one, wowhead/mmo-champ, etc.
Multiple responses saying the exact same thing; You don't have to worry about that part of the game, have fun, avoid hardcore people, they're not the majority of the people you will meet, and they tend to be irrational and take things far too seriously.

My response;
Retro said:
Try not to let it get to you, and fuck the poop-socking spreadsheet-formulating theory-crafters. Play it like a game, not like a lifestyle and most definitely not like a job.
Maybe not quite as tactful, but the exact same advice; have fun, don't feel obligated to take it too seriously, and feel free to ignore the people who do. From there, people spiraled it out into a casual vs. hardcore debate.

Jumping in my shit over a completely truthful piece of advice isn't going to change the fact that the majority of players don't feel compelled to take part in the more hardcore aspects of the game.


jim-jam bongs said:
So mean but that did make me chuckle.
I figured I was allowed a little 'mean' considering the post I was replying to ended with "Get over yourself and stop being an ass."

johnsmith said:
The casual vs hardcore argument is older than fuck, largely irrelevant, and everybody's sick of it. Just stop it.



Taking a break from WoW, feels strange, yet refreshing. Blame the holiday console game releases (damn you Modern Warfare 2 for the 360).


Retro said:
There isn't, and I don't understand why people automatically jump on the offensive

Yes, it was everyone else who jumped on the offensive when every other reply to the guy was refreshing, with one tongue in cheek reply from Grimace, which was followed up by THIS from YOU

and fuck the poop-socking spreadsheet-formulating theory-crafters

Right.....because this isnt you intentionally tossing a match and a gallon of gasoline onto the whole casual vs hardcore argument right?

Noone in the thread ever suggested the guy needed to do any of that nonsense. And its not about casual vs hardcore at all. Its about you making a statement that wasn't even called for. In fact noone went on the offense at all until your comment there. Not tactful? Major understatement. Hang your hat on a typo all you want. In the end it was an unnecessarily abrasive comment that makes it look like you were just waiting for an opportunity to lash out at a play style someone else likes.


Modesty becomes a woman
Retro said:
Try not to let it get to you, and fuck the poop-socking spreadsheet-formulating theory-crafters. Play it like a game, not like a lifestyle and most definitely not like a job.

Yeah, it takes no-life and pooping in a sock to do math.

Seriously, just stop. You're making yourself look stupid. Keep you opinions on how the other half live to yourself.


Puncture said:
Noone in the thread ever suggested the guy needed to do any of that nonsense. And its not about casual vs hardcore at all. Its about you making a statement that wasn't even called for. In fact noone went on the offense at all until your comment there. Not tactful? Major understatement. Hang your hat on a typo all you want. In the end it was an unnecessarily abrasive comment that makes it look like you were just waiting for an opportunity to lash out at a play style someone else likes. Not only that, but comments like that are what actually IGNITE the old casual vs hardcore nonsense.

Try to put yourselves in someone else's shoes, for a moment. I know they're not epic or properly enchanted, but try them on. They don't show up on your Armory page anyway, so no one will ever know. Promise. :D

WoW end-game is not entirely about hardcore raiding, as others have pointed out. However, it IS what gets the most attention, has the most vocal community, and has the most information revolving around it. To a new player who hasn't reached endgame themselves, that's all there appears to be waiting for them because that's all people talk about. Need proof? The original post that started all of this; a new player with a level 50 character completely gobsmacked at what he perceives to be the end game.

The reason for my choice of words is the perception that there are people who succeed (by following all of this information) and 'bads' (who don't), with no room for a player to find their own level. Obviously anyone who has dedicated the time and money, and has the desire to succeed in WoW will say "Well, shit, if I want to have fun when I get to max level, I'd better get devoted quickly, because that's what this game is all about", when clearly it isn't.

The 'abrasiveness' (which I actually considered to be more tongue-in-cheek, especially since 'poop-socking' conjures up such hilarious mental imagery) on my part was not aimed directly at anyone specific, obviously (well, maybe not, since we're having this discussion). Instead, it was intended to disparage the perception that becoming a "Poop-socking spreadsheet-formulating theory-crafter" is the only option, in the same way we "fuck The Man" despite the fact that there really is no Man to fuck, just the perception that there's only a single power keeping everyone down.

If you felt specifically targeted, all I can suggest is that you untie your +12 Panties of Protection, lest we forget it's only a fucking game no matter how you choose to play it. :lol
Retro, you made a binary distinction that was offensive to a number of people in the thread. Personally I'm not offended, as I care very little what a random forum poster thinks about how I play a video game, unless they're offering to pay my sub. However, your continued attempts to rationalise just make it look more and more as though you're doing exactly what you're apparently arguing against; i.e. telling other people how to have fun, or more accurately, telling people that what they find fun actually isn't.

I've never looked at a spreadsheet and have only recently started looking at logs and meters because my guild wants to progress. But if someone else wants to spreadsheet their DPS rotation who cares? More importantly, why do you seem to care so much?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeah, it takes no-life and pooping in a sock to do math.

Seriously, just stop. You're making yourself look stupid. Keep you opinions on how the other half live to yourself.
I don't do math. I let dorks on Elitist Jerks do it for me. They almost invariably make posts that tell you pretty much how to play. Yes it takes 10 minutes to read but it makes the game more fun when you're good at it.


jim-jam bongs said:
However, your continued attempts to rationalise just make it look more and more as though you're doing exactly what you're apparently arguing against; i.e. telling other people how to have fun, or more accurately, telling people that what they find fun actually isn't.

The way I look at it, I am telling people to just have fun in their own way, be it raiding, PVP, leveling alts, role playing, or defecating into a sock and/or other article of clothing. I'm asking them to ignore what other people define as a goal and do whatever is enjoyable.

I burned out on raiding, and never really bothered with PVP or alts because they didn't really contribute towards that goal. I lost interest in keeping my guild together between Sunwell and WotLK, and don't really feel like getting back into herding nerds. I wish I hadn't fallen into the mindset that raiding is the ultimate goal of WoW, because I actually enjoy PVP and alts now.

jim-jam bongs said:
More importantly, why do you seem to care so much?

I don't really care one way or the other except that suddenly everyone takes a quick blurb on an internet message board as an insult to their way of life, and somehow I will forever be disregarded or trolled in this thread., which would pretty much shatter my entire existence. :lol
Retro said:
The way I look at it, I am telling people to just have fun in their own way, be it raiding, PVP, leveling alts, role playing, or defecating into a sock and/or other article of clothing. I'm asking them to ignore what other people define as a goal and do whatever is enjoyable.

Fair enough, as I've said I agree completely. Perhaps some slightly less inflammatory language would help :lol


hey guys maybe someone here can help me out. i want to customize my bars more - back in the vanilla days i had my warlock set up so that a big shadowbolt button would appear when nightfall was procced, and a big drain life button would appear when the target was below 25%, and some other things... any suggestions?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Funny story, I'm tooling around Stranglethorn Vale on my Paladin alt (lvl 37), and I somehow, manage to get completely stuck in a "hole." i.e. a hole in the ground from which I cannot escape. For some brilliant reason, I really don't want to be ported to Shattrath (where my Hearthstone is set) because I didn't want to have to fly all the way to the middle of Stranglethorn Vale, so I DESTROY THE HEARTHSTONE and press the auto-unstuck button. Which fails to do anything. So I'm sitting there, like a jackass with no hearthstone, stuck in a hole, /1 and /y shouting for help. :lol

Eventually, a guildie signed onto a Warlock alt and got some randoms in Stormwind to click the portals :lol

It just reminds me of when I did something like that when I started the game and managed to "fall off" Teldrassil. Except back then it took 5-10 minutes for a GM response, not 3 hours.
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