Good point, your gear does seem to be a bit everywhere.VaLiancY said:Still better than my gear, Xab. UH isn't working for me, I might farm some more shit for my Greatness, try it again if that fails I'm going back to Blood.
Yeah, 3K was the lowest I'd seen it; bought it off some kid in trade channel.Tamanon said:Darkmoon Card Greatness has the chance to completely break the gearscore model.:lol
I'd pick it up for my DK or my tank set I'm making on my druid if it weren't selling for 7k. Would be cheaper for my inscriptionist to just grind away at making the cards himself.:/
VaLiancY said:I'm still butthurt I lost Death's Verdict to a shitty Warrior, he didn't offer anything to the raid what so ever. I think that trinket would have helped my DPS a lot because I think I'm doing really bad on my Hunter. :lol
The only thing I'd say is that you probably should drop the Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood, given that you're about 70~ over the melee hit cap, and capping spell hit isn't really all that relevant/necessary. That Expertise trink (Victor's Call) from ToC-10 would fit pretty nicely in there, since the on-use proc is better and you're pretty far under the Expertise cap.VaLiancY said:See I thought the same thing. I'm going to tank, get some emblems and gear up my DPS and Tank loot. I sit in a group with Paladins, Druids and Shamans while we wait for a healer and when we do finish the instance - they all pass on their respective healing gear. :lol Not complaining but I just find it funny.
Still better than my gear, Xab. UH isn't working for me, I might farm some more shit for my Greatness, try it again if that fails I'm going back to Blood.
Angry Grimace said:The only thing I'd say is that you probably should drop the Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood, given that you're about 70~ over the melee hit cap, and capping spell hit isn't really all that relevant/necessary. That Expertise trink (Victor's Call) from ToC-10 would fit pretty nicely in there, since the on-use proc is better and you're pretty far under the Expertise cap.
(I know you weren't asking, I just noticed it)
I lost mine to a DK that gquit the guild about 2 weeks later.VaLiancY said:I'm still butthurt I lost Death's Verdict to a shitty Warrior, he didn't offer anything to the raid what so ever. I think that trinket would have helped my DPS a lot because I think I'm doing really bad on my Hunter. :lol
Wrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
Expertise is a stat all melee players hate and tend to disregard, but it's not really any less valuable than hit cap imo. I hate the stat, but it's still a nice stat to have since a dodge is no different than a miss in terms of DPS. I personally wish they'd just make Dodge and Miss on the same table so that you could consolidate it into hit and/or move Expertise into Mastery next expansion. It's simply a pain in the ass having to cap two separate stats just to not be flailing at air.VaLiancY said:I take any advice here, I know it's all in good spirits.
Tamanon said:If you're talking about a popping up a large button to push, that functionality was removed from the game a long time ago, if you're just talking about putting up the symbol and you pushing the original hotkey, than anything like PowerAuras should suffice.
haha exactly. This is why I'm not geared.Wrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
Eh it's the nature of the end-game though. If you want to progress effectively then you need a strong raid. Rewarding big contributors is part of that.Wrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
Xabora said:I can't tell how long the fight was, but its obvious it was quick. :lol
:lol :lol :lolWrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
Actually, it's people who expect to show up to groups undergeared and get items just because they are undergeared that annoy me the most.Wrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
It could be worse. My guild has this chick that plays Paladin-tank and occasionally, she is the only tank on. She is bad. Terribad. Her gear score is quite high. We wipe on TOC10 because she fails to pick up adds, ALL THE TIME.Maxrpg said:Actually, it's people who expect to show up to groups undergeared and get items just because they are undergeared that annoy me the most.
Example: Some random 2k DPS DK won the Dual-blade Butcher from me. He was still in greens and everything. How is that fair? Especially because that guy raids incredibly less and won't even show up at all to raids more than me.
Xabora said:I lost mine to a DK that gquit the guild about 2 weeks later.![]()
Wrekt said:"This player didn't have the gear to compete with my dps numbers and now I'm mad that he won an item that he needs more than me."
Entropia said:There's a difference between being outgeared, didn't do good enough numbers, blah blah blah and just not knowing your class and coming to the raid improperly specced and geared.
All level 71-80 Battlegrounds will now award victors 25 Arena points in addition to Honor.
Army of the Dead: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Army Ghoul damage dropped by 50%. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Raise Ally: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Rune Strike: Threat generated by this ability increased by approximately 17%.
Divine Intervention: Cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
Flash of Light: This spell no longer causes a heal-over-time effect unless the player has the Infusion of Light talent.
Lay on Hands: This ability now places Forbearance on the target and cannot be used on a target with Forbearance.
Infusion of Light: This talent now causes the paladin’s Flash of Light spells to heal the target for 50/100% of the Flash of Light healing amount over 12 seconds.
Aura Mastery: This effect of this talent has been reduced in duration to 6 seconds.
Tamanon said:PTR update time:lol
No kidding, but at least for future holidays that require instances (um... Flame Festival?), we'll have that option. Of course, with the new LFG system, it really seems like 'getting there' isn't supposed to be a problem anymore.Tamanon said:Could really have used the meeting stone change for the Horseman, dangit!
I personally think the hullaballoo over the LoH change is totally overblown. It's just a manner of saying if you put enough burst on a Paladin, it's only fair he should die. There's nothing wrong with having two CD, but two comparatively overpowered ones used twice in a row is relatively imbalanced. You still have them, you just can't use them one after the other.Retro said:The removal of level requirements on Meeting Stones (well, you still have to be level 15, but...) is a welcome change, especially when so many alts and re-rolled characters are on the horizon.
As for the Paladin updates, I see they've dragged Forbearance out yet again as the sole solution to every paladin problem ever. How completely expected and still as creatively inept as always. Would not expect this change to last long, given how ineffective it really is in the long run.
The only thing this changes is the order in which Paladins will use their cooldowns; it is very unlikely that a Paladin will be blown up in the two minutes it takes for Forbearance to fade (unless they're getting gang-raped, and then why blow the cooldowns at all?), at which point they can just Bubble and Heal. All it really does is reverse the order Paladins use it in now (most blow DS first since the CD is shorter).
Other than that, I see a shortened cooldown on our suicide pill, the potential for Sacred Shield to lose the FoL HoT effect entirely (it may just be awkwardly worded), and the expected change to Aura Mastery.
I've never really known LoH to be used on the tank. The problem is, it's an emergency heal, but a Holy Paladin has a lot of other heals already.Puncture said:I dunno Grimace. Dont holy paladins sometimes LoH your pally tanks in raids in emergencies?
Now doing so will lock out their defensive cooldown right? Someone else clipping my tanks ability to tank an enrage on Icehowl because some RETARD didn't move out of the way kinda rubs me wrong.
Angry Grimace said:I personally think the hullaballoo over the LoH change is totally overblown. It's just a manner of saying if you put enough burst on a Paladin, it's only fair he should die. There's nothing wrong with having two CD, but two comparatively overpowered ones used twice in a row is relatively imbalanced. You still have them, you just can't use them one after the other.
Puncture said:I dunno Grimace. Dont holy paladins sometimes LoH your pally tanks in raids in emergencies?
Puncture said:Now doing so will lock out their defensive cooldown right?
Well to be fair, that was his point; but I've seen it much more often used as an emergency bit of mana for a fellow healer that's OOM in the last 5% of a fight.Retro said:I can't think of any paladin worth his salt who blows his Bubble and Lay on Hands one after another; even using the bubble to break CC so you can use LoH is pretty much retarded. There are basically two situations with the same result;
1. Paladin uses Lay on Hands, has full health. Has to last a mere two minutes until he can bubble.
2. Paladin uses bubble, heals himself up to full health. Has to last a mere two minutes until he can use Lay on Hands.
If you're getting obliterated in under two minutes, you probably shouldn't be using your cooldowns in that situation anyways; it's much better to just rez at the graveyard and come back stronger. The only case I can think of to the contrary is when you're trying to defend a flag from a zerg in AB or AV, and on most cases it won't make that much of a difference.
The way I see it, LoH is an "Oh Shit" button for Holy and Prot, but is being used as a PVP tool for Ret to simply last longer. Unfortunately, Blizzard loves to balance around PVP, so guess who's going to lose another defensive cooldown?
My biggest concern, now that LoH seems to be on Blizzard's mind for the first time in forever, is that they're going to consider nerfing the class based on the potential that Paladins have 'three lives' while other classes have one. Thus, are paladins going to be 'balanced' around their cooldowns, and we'll see paladin DPS lowered significantly to where it takes a paladin 'multiple lives' to defeat an enemy, just because he has them?
In that case, let's take a look at Shamans using their Self Rez and Locks using Soulstones. They're not exactly the same, but close enough to considering (especially since they're tweaking the cooldown on shamans).
I've been in a few raids (Ulduar 10, when it first came out) where Holy Paladins have used LoH to emergency heal unexpected damage spikes. It's much more often a Prot Paladin using it (I know I keep it handy if things start to look dicey, especially if Ardent Defender has gone off), but it's not unheard of for Holy to make use of it too. (Edit: I remember a holy pally using it to bring back a fellow healer who got nailed by a loose add during KT on 25, and because it's instant didn't significantly affect spamming the tank.)
The only cooldown it locks out that a tank would actually be using is Divine Protection (Our "Shield Wall"), as Divine Shield and Hand of Protection drop aggro, so most Tankadins don't bother with either.
There really shouldn't be ANY situations where the beneficial actions of one player limits the actions of another, and I can't think of any that exist off the top of my head.
I sincerely hope the Priest didn't win that Sword over you :lolPuncture said:Since the patch that introduced the ToC 5 man I have been trying to obtain a spellblade with 550 spellpower or more.
My latest loss a few minutes ago:![]()
Even people on the server I play on know about me and losing any weapon I roll on (the lol's from a few people in the raid that knew me followed that screenshot). Mage that won did like 2k dps on Ony 10. Its frustrating as fuck. They drop in ToC25 ToC10 Ony 10 Ony 25 and I ALWAYS fucking lose them. Its getting ridiculous. I really wish I had screenshotted the priest that got the blade over me last week. Rolled a 1 on it also. The luck is getting worse, lately its been impossible for me to outroll anyone with these 1's.
Tamanon said:How can a mage do 2k dps on Ony? It's literally impossible unless they die before the whelps.:lol
Everything in 10 is hit+ gear. It's infuriating for priests.Puncture said:Im not certain but he is arcane, the only thing I could think was that he was using a lower rank of blizzard or something by accident. And nah it wasnt the priest it was a mage that won it. I dont have a problem with folks getting an upgrade even if they arent exceptional players, its just mounting frustration as Ive lost so many.
Got frustrated so I went an joined a TOC10 PUG and no usable cloth loot dropped the whole run (not even stuff for priests or anything) I figure tonights just a bad night for me so Ill hold the rest of my raid saves for the weekend and do them then.
OMFG Professor Farnsworth reference FTWTamanon said:
Tamanon said:
that would have be too funny. Shame its not truemarkot said:Gnome druids confirmed ^_^
Puncture said:WOoooooooooooooow thats going to get old SO fast. :lol
And also I found this:
Apparantly Varian will be MUCH more liked after this. I hate the character they have given him so far, seems like a hotheaded idiot. Him and Garrosh both. But this is a good look.
Honestly, this just looks like a way to make sure there are still quests to do around the world once the Lich King is dead, since it seemed like common belief that the Scourge would just disappear once their master died. Mind you, there wasn't really any other way they could have done it well.markot said:
Tamanon said:So, after a couple more 10-man PUGs, I'm starting to appreciate 10-man content more. It just makes me feel more important when I can't slack off on almost anything.
markot said:
You can blame low meter numbers on anythingmcrae said:don't dps meters make you not able to slack off on anytihng in 25 man?
Tamanon said:How can a mage do 2k dps on Ony? It's literally impossible unless they die before the whelps.:lol