Angry Grimace said:
Blizzard has other games? I'm pretty sure the last time they released something that wasn't World of Warcraft related was the Frozen Throne. Which was 6 years ago IIRC.
Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Cataclysm and the unannounced MMO.

Blizzard has some great artist like Glen Rane, Peter Lee & Mark Gibbons, I just want to know if they're churning out concept art to go along the latest batch of tier gear.
jim-jam bongs said:
Either way, I tend to disagree. The art team on WoW isn't demonstrating a lack of imagination imo, they're demonstrating that they understand the importance of a pervasive and consistent approach to the art in the game. Northrend is a fantastic example, as it feels like a continent rather than a series of jarringly distinct zones separated by mountain passes.
The new tier sets are a logical progression artistically. Where the ToC sets were the product of champions of The Light, these are the product of their fallen champions.
Well, I feel Tier sets should be a representation of your class, it's setting in the game as of current or an iconic member of the lore representing that class. I'm going to use Paladin as an example and the theme of the Light used with the sets. It's either revolving a theme of being healed, redeemed or being fucked up the wrath of the light which I see as the theme of the Paladin T10 with skull face visor and the flaming shoulders.
My main issue is with blue color scheme doesn't relate with the bright color scheme of the light of yellows, whites or reds of the Paladin's theme and the woodlike texture of the chest piece doesn't make me feel the character is wearing battle plate armor. The kilt doesn't bother me, maybe Blizzard doesn't to add more polygons to character models but I just wished it was modeled to look more like a kilt would walk into
battle with.
Even if they do break themes of the class, it wouldn't bother me so much if they looked as if they came from the same place like Zul'Aman(which I still love to this day).