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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
Yeah, the general consensus amongst Paladins seems to be "Bad, but we've had worse, so we'll deal with it for now and look forward to Cataclysm." Which is looking to be about 8 months or so away at this point... Blizzard better have something amazing planned between ICC (expected before year's end) and Cataclysm. Even the gap between Naxx and Ulduar killed a lot of guilds.
Yeah, I don't know, some of this stuff, while I don't really case what it looks like, just looks like the typical Vrykul-ish designs we were rocking 75-80. Especially the cloth gear, and most so the lame-ass priest one (which looks like the Ulduar set with a different hood).

Just to help out Blizzard's design department, I'll share some of my great ideas for Tier 11 in Cataclysm. Here's my concept designs:





Death Knight:

















dave is ok said:
In case you didn't notice, most of the sets are modeled after Scourge.

Deathknight = The Lich King
Hunter = Anubarak
Mage = Prince Keleseth
Priest = Cultists
Rogues = Geists
Warlocks = Liches
Warriors = Vyrkul

The theme wasn't lost on me and it's honestly not a bad idea, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

I'm not getting "Liches" from the Warlock set, and if that was the intention, then they *really* undersold locks. Also, I may have missed one of their encampments, but I don't recall seeing any Boar-themed Vyrkul. Dragon themed might have made more sense considering UK and UP.

Angry Grimace said:
Yeah, I don't know, some of this stuff, while I don't really case what it looks like, just looks like the typical Vrykul-ish designs we were rocking 75-80.

This is the problem with listening to the community. They scream "We want armor sets that match! We're tired of Purple Pants, Green Gloves, Blue Helms, etc.", when this was really only a problem when you first walked into Outland or were between tiers. But instead of sticking to their guns or trying a more tier-like color palette approach, they said "Fuckit, make everything dark". Now, everything more or less looks the same from 70-80, and even some of the Tiers blend into the overly dark fray.

Hopefully, with itemization improving in Cataclysm (no more caster mail, for one) and the return to the Old World (which I feel had the best style), we'll see some more variety in gear. After all, thematically, the gear we'll be earning in the next expansion isn't imported from anywhere; it should all be themed around the world the players call home.

To me, that means more traditional plate and mail armor, more tribal leather, and more interesting cloth. I'm hoping that they spend time ensuring the Horde gets horde-looking armor (Tribal accents, black iron, leather straps) and the alliance gets alliance-looking gear (more uniform-like, steel plate, tailored, etc.).

Angry Grimace said:
Just to help out Blizzard's design department, I'll share some of my great ideas for Tier 11 in Cataclysm. Here's my concept designs:
Heh, you're actually pretty dead on; Blizz perhaps has gotten a little too 'out there' in terms of style, and they seem to have completely lost any touches of traditional fantasy style. I'll let people decide whether that's a bad or good thing on their own.


Honestly though, if they made a Paladin set that looked like that, I'd wear it.


A dragon or the undead dragons (I forgot the lore name for undead dragons) theme for the Hunters would have more fitting since we've fought Sartharion, Malygos, there is an Emerald dragon in Icecrown and also Sindragosa. But we have Anub'arak, Anub'arak and oh yeah, Anub'arak so it makes sense for the Hunter to take up after that.


Some early starting zone details from the Igromir Game Fair (in Soviet Russia, zone starts in you!). Spoilers, I guess:

- Worgen Human forms are not customizable, just wolf. Have not heard whether your worgen form makes changes in color / hair when human, but early reports say all human form worgen look identical (bleh). Probably not implemented yet.

- Worgen begin the game in wolf form, captured and about to be executed. You're given a potion that transforms you back, and are then tasked with gathering ingredients to make more. While you're out, the Forsaken attack and you're called to help. Supposedly it's all phased now, and players won't be subjected to 1000 Worgen nubs running around the starting area.

- Goblin Rocket Boots are supposedly pretty cool looking, the Rocket Launcher's current animation isn't implemented completely yet. The "Hobgoblin" you can summon to do banking is supposedly a big, dopey looking oaf somewhere between an ogre and a goblin.

- Goblins start dead after their ship crashes, but quickly get brought back to life (via a very hilarious sequence involving, what else?, Goblin Jumper Cables). You're then tasked with finding other goblins, freeing other survivors from their escape pods, and establishing a base camp on the island. This apparently involves, amongst other things, throwing explosive bananas at monkeys, who chow down and explode. Pure win, right there.

A video to boot (shitty cameraman though); Goblin animations look fantastic:

Water also looks really nice.
Retro said:
Some early starting zone details from the Igromir Game Fair (in Soviet Russia, zone starts in you!). Spoilers, I guess:

- Worgen Human forms are not customizable, just wolf. Have not heard whether your worgen form makes changes in color / hair when human, but early reports say all human form worgen look identical (bleh). Probably not implemented yet.

- Worgen begin the game in wolf form, captured and about to be executed. You're given a potion that transforms you back, and are then tasked with gathering ingredients to make more. While you're out, the Forsaken attack and you're called to help. Supposedly it's all phased now, and players won't be subjected to 1000 Worgen nubs running around the starting area.

- Goblin Rocket Boots are supposedly pretty cool looking, the Rocket Launcher's current animation isn't implemented completely yet. The "Hobgoblin" you can summon to do banking is supposedly a big, dopey looking oaf somewhere between an ogre and a goblin.

- Goblins start dead after their ship crashes, but quickly get brought back to life (via a very hilarious sequence involving, what else?, Goblin Jumper Cables). You're then tasked with finding other goblins, freeing other survivors from their escape pods, and establishing a base camp on the island. This apparently involves, amongst other things, throwing explosive bananas at monkeys, who chow down and explode. Pure win, right there.

A video to boot (shitty cameraman though); Goblin animations look fantastic:

Water also looks really nice.



No One Remembers
The last quest (that was playable at Blizzcon) involved you saving Thrall and you had to kill some pirates on boats while flying around on a tornado, it was pretty bad ass!


Modesty becomes a woman
Woo paladins. This whole expansion we got

Power ranger armor
Dress and hot plates
Generic plate
Dress and and almost awesome helmet.

Just lower the faceguard on the helmet and make the skirt pants and it would easily be up there with T4/6.


Shammy T10 looks amazing. Can't wait to wear it.

Nice to see Blizz continuing to treat Shammys like crap though. How long have we waited for this fucking armor to be shown?


Just lower the faceguard on the helmet and make the skirt pants and it would easily be up there with T4/6.
My problem with the Paladin Tier 10 is, if you wrote "Death Knight Tier 10" under it and showed it to someone who was none the wiser, they wouldn't question it at all.

Acid08 said:
Nice to see Blizz continuing to treat Shammys like crap though. How long have we waited for this fucking armor to be shown?
Paladins had a bit of a wait too, and when they did get theirs it was glitched. That said, this Shaman set was worth the wait, while the Paladin set clearly was not.


Not Wario
So, yeah, finally into the raiding scene thanks mostly to Xabora, but I'm having one very big issue- disconnects. I've never had any problems with them before (mostly- logging in the day of an Xpac launch being an exception) but apparently the local school network can't handle 25 man raids at all. I'm talking disconnects on every pull with me being unable to log back in until after the action has ended. I've tried killing the Blizz combat log, disabling a lot of my addons during raids, killing background programs I normally have running like Steam and my antivirus, and I just tried a registry hack which has, promisingly, cut down my normal latency from about 250 ms to 60 ms. Unfortunately, the only way I'll be able to tell if this solves the disconnect problems is by going into a raid as I never dc outside of them and, at that point, it's a little late to be testing.

So, to get to the point, you guys have any other suggestions? I'm starting to run out of options and I don't want to have to forgo the raiding scene entirely before I even get a chance to see if I like it. (I have, also, emailed my school tech support to see if they can do anything on their end to fix our horrible network, but I doubt they will as mine and my roommates' connections have been pretty awful the entire semester)

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Acid08 said:
Yes, really. I haven't been playing the game for that long but it really does seem like Shammys are the most ignored class.
You can have that opinion, but to complain about your T10 armor set being given a preview a week later than the other classes is kind of a small complaint


Junior Member
traveler said:
So, to get to the point, you guys have any other suggestions? I'm starting to run out of options and I don't want to have to forgo the raiding scene entirely before I even get a chance to see if I like it. (I have, also, emailed my school tech support to see if they can do anything on their end to fix our horrible network, but I doubt they will as mine and my roommates' connections have been pretty awful the entire semester)
nForce Issue (If you have an nForce Board): If your disconnects are only in WOW, and if you have an nForce board and you are using the onboard nVidia adapter then the problem is "Checksum Offload". Go into the properties of your network card and disable it, and your disconnect problems should go away.

Doubt thats the issue. >_<

However read this good insight on Addon spam even if you dont have it installed.

Another good article:


Not Wario
I'll install that addon and give it a try, although I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get out of it. By the Faction Champs last night, the only addons I had active were bartender and Xperl. ><

The EJ article was a good read and what I've based all my attempted fixes thus far on. I'm hoping the registry one will have good results tonight. (Any ideas on how I can test this outside an actual raid? I tried BGs but I never lag out of them so it's hard to spot any difference)

Edit: Well this is showing some interesting results. It may not be my addons at all that are hitting up my connection with requests. I'm getting whispered constantly by other characters by some addon called GuildPositions as well as several others. No doubt there will be many other addons requesting info during a raid.

Edit2: I'm being hit up by someone else's gatherer constantly for some reason as well.


Acid08 said:
Yes, really. I haven't been playing the game for that long but it really does seem like Shammys are the most ignored class.
Tamanon said:
Man, you'd be a really horrible Mage then.

To be fair, every class has had some major fault overlooked for a consistently long time. Rogues have been waiting for a fix to Vanish forever, Retribution Paladins were waiting to be end-game viable for two entire expansions, Hunters had problems with Pets being detonated, warriors had problems with rage generation, Warlocks have had to deal with soul shards... every class has had lengthy periods of seemingly being ignored.

From what I have heard, Cataclysm is Blizzard basically calling a do-over on a lot of the game's fundamentals. For example;

- The removal or overhaul of of AP, MP5, Spell Power, Defense, Armor Penetration and Haste.

-Talent Mastery reducing mandatory 'fluff' talents, hopefully making talent trees much more about choice and less about fulfilling a role.

- Improved Itemization, including the removal of caster mail and the (supposed) removal of caster Plate.

- Improved starting zones, improved leveling flow between zones.

- New mechanics to differentiate class roles; Hunters use focus, Warlocks use Shards, etc.
Angry Grimace said:
Except us DKs! We shipped out of the box in God Mode! :lol
And you've been nerfed nearly every patch since. Blizzard has never thrown a new class into the mix, and I think they learned a valuable lesson; don't fucking do it ever again! Plan ahead.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
To be fair, every class has had some major fault overlooked for a consistently long time. Rogues have been waiting for a fix to Vanish forever, Retribution Paladins were waiting to be end-game viable for two entire expansions, Hunters had problems with Pets being detonated, warriors had problems with rage generation, Warlocks have had to deal with soul shards... every class has had lengthy periods of seemingly being ignored.
Except us DKs! We shipped out of the box in God Mode! :lol


The fact that it was a new class wasn't the problem, the problem was that they really wanted you to be able to use all three trees to tank and dps, which meant a monster to balance.:lol


Big ol' Oculus nerf since more people will be running it soon.:lol

Many bosses and creatures have had their total health reduced.
Several bosses and creatures have had cooldowns on specific abilities increased, effect durations reduced, and damage on some of these abilities reduced.
Ring-Lord Conjurers and Sorceresses now hang out in packs of 4 instead of packs of 5.
Vehicle scaling on the drakes based on the rider&#8217;s item level has been increased to make them more powerful.


Junior Member
traveler said:
I'll install that addon and give it a try, although I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get out of it. By the Faction Champs last night, the only addons I had active were bartender and Xperl. ><

The EJ article was a good read and what I've based all my attempted fixes thus far on. I'm hoping the registry one will have good results tonight. (Any ideas on how I can test this outside an actual raid? I tried BGs but I never lag out of them so it's hard to spot any difference)

Edit: Well this is showing some interesting results. It may not be my addons at all that are hitting up my connection with requests. I'm getting whispered constantly by other characters by some addon called GuildPositions as well as several others. No doubt there will be many other addons requesting info during a raid.

Edit2: I'm being hit up by someone else's gatherer constantly for some reason as well.
Ok, I'll hop on tonight when I get back from this bday party for a family member with snoop and try to figure out whats going on.

EDIT: Try this


He measures in centimeters
Angry Grimace said:
Pro tip: We're still in God Mode.
Yeah, thats the insanity of it all. More nerfs needed actually.

DKs actually just "good" on bosses up to Twins and Anub when god mode is turned back on. IOW the fights that really matter in heroic 25. Up to that point ferals, rogues, and hunters can and do beat them pretty regularly.


We just need a more progressive Hybrid tax!

The only way I could really see them balancing DKs better would be to up the threat output in frost presence and lower the damage done by almost all abilities:/

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
offtopic said:
Yeah, thats the insanity of it all. More nerfs needed actually.

DKs actually just "good" on bosses up to Twins and Anub when god mode is turned back on. IOW the fights that really matter in heroic 25. Up to that point ferals, rogues, and hunters can and do beat them pretty regularly.
I loved my 9006 DPS on Val'kyr Twins last weekend.

Edit: I don't love that the game no longer works.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The game is now broken.

Some hotfix patch keeps coming up and failing miserably. Some genius at Blizzard decided to push through a hotfix for the repair utility and Launcher that broke the game installation. On a Monday.


Angry Grimace said:
The game is now broken.

Some hotfix patch keeps coming up and failing miserably. Some genius at Blizzard decided to push through a hotfix for the repair utility and Launcher that broke the game installation. On a Monday.
DK's have been around for a year.


Angry Grimace said:
The game is now broken.

Some hotfix patch keeps coming up and failing miserably. Some genius at Blizzard decided to push through a hotfix for the repair utility and Launcher that broke the game installation. On a Monday.

Stop using the launcher and just run WoW.exe?

Game seems totally fine to me.


Junior Member
traveler said:
The very first thing I did after installing SpamFu was ask people running Gearscore if they could cut it.
Once I get on I'll be running with Snoop and scolding people over bad addon practices even if its not in my power. :lol

Angry Grimace said:
The game is now broken.

Some hotfix patch keeps coming up and failing miserably. Some genius at Blizzard decided to push through a hotfix for the repair utility and Launcher that broke the game installation. On a Monday.

EDIT: Slowly downloading on my FIOS Connection. :(
EDIT2: Finally!


It was an update that wasn't supposed to go live.

Bah, I got past the downloader and it froze on 0% when logging in itself. Time to reboot and see if that fixes it.

Now I can get past the 0% but then I get a message saying "A patch is required, please download it":/


He measures in centimeters
Angry Grimace said:
I loved my 9006 DPS on Val'kyr Twins last weekend.

Typically see 10-12k without getting empowering buff (kill too fast on normal, play a conservative orb-blocking-cheese-the-door strat for heroic). Considerably more if I get the buff. Feral.

On heroic anub25 p3 now...die bastard DIE. :/


In other hilarity -- Battle.Net account merger is required by tomorrow....and the fucking Battle.Net site is busted (if you try to click on create/manage account it times out or gives you an Apache Server error message).


Acid08 said:
Goddammit I want to play some fucking WoW. Come on Blizz.

I already said it -- stop using the launcher. Go to C:/World of Warcraft or whatever and double-click on WoW.exe.......

I'm doing dailies with my Death Knight right now.

EDIT: Shit -- it wasn't making me download the update until I merged my account with Battle.Net. Damn that fucking penguin.
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