Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Here's the thing: no one is beating Icecrown now. Why do people treat it as different if it is being gated?
So some particular date a month from now is the first time someone will be able to see Arthas rather than sometime in the next couple of weeks. What's the big deal? That's the schedule for content release, in the same way the content hasn't been released right now.
The whole argument seems like entitlement crybaby stuff to me. A "but I want it now, mom!" sort of thing.
The entire instance should be unlocked IMO. If you want people to have to kill arthas before you can do hardmodes, then so be it.
At the end of the day, people pay every month to play this game. They have been paying every month for this very content patch. Content should be unlocked, and able to be completed by whoever can do so. It's not "entitlement crybaby stuff", when you have paid for content you aren't allowed to see. Not because it isn't finished (though a couple bosses aren't), but because Blizzard doesn't want someone to go in there and clear it in a week or two.
All staggering a release of a dungeon does, is slow down progression of guilds. Thats why Blizzard does it. They don't want their content cleared in a couple weeks, and people to quit. If you remember before WOTLK, many guilds finished BT and ended up quitting the game. It got so boring doing the same thing repeatedly that people just quit. Many other guilds didn't even bother going into Sunwell, because the expansion was right around the corner. Many more guilds got bored of Sunwell do to a staggered release as well.
Blizzards fix to this problem is to artificially inflate the length of Icecrown. Instead of making it longer, more in-depth, with extremely difficult hard-modes, they are artificially increasing the length of it.
Blizzard has also stated it could be several months before the opening of different wings, not a week or two.
I can see the arguments on both sides of the fence and both are justified.
On terms of attempts on bosses. This was mainly done to hurt the high-end top 100 raiding guilds. They don't attempt a boss a couple times and down it. They bang their hand on a wall for hours and hours a day until the fight is completed. It ends up hurting all guilds who do this, but IMO promotes a better way to raid.
I am not against attempts, but I think 5 attempts is to little. You have a couple dc's, or one bad pull and 20 percent of your attempts are gone.