Angry Grimace said:
Except that this is predicated on the idea that Instant Gratification is automatically better because it is instant; and that no one, anywhere, could possibly believe otherwise and no such argument has any merit at all. Which is untrue.
I specifically stated, numerous times, which you seem to not read, that I see the argument from both sides of the fence. It does not change the fact there is absolutely no point to stagger the release of Icecrown unless Blizzard is purposely trying to keep people playing. I have yet to hear an argument otherwise.
No, if it is gated YOU GET NEW CONTENT WHENEVER A GATE IS OPENED. You can't claim that content that has just been unlocked is the same old content that the guild has been doing it over and over - it is clearly new content. Of course, over time it will become old content - but then another gate will be unlocked and there will be more new content.
Thats the point of gating it, insuring that players have something new regularly.
Its like arguing that because you pay for HBO that they should release in a single week all of the new season of your favorite series that they just finished filming. Not only would it be stupid from HBO's point of view, but it would be for you as well. Now you may say 'That would be great, I would love to watch it all at once!' , but what would you do for the rest of the year? (Fans suffer enough between seasons as it is, imagine if the wait was 51 weeks.) By releasing it a little at a not only does HBO keep viewers watching, but they provide a constant source of entertainment.
In fact, on reflecting upon the whole matter, it makes me believe that WoW is, in fact, the most successful example of episodic content in the industry. Where they fall short is that they don't use their old content effectively, but that's another story.
Today 06:54 PM
A concept you seem to not understand, is this. What are you doing when you are waiting the potential month-two months for the next wing of Icecrown to unlock? You are doing the same old content, over and over again. Regardless of if new content comes out two months after Icecrown is released, you are still doing the same content repeatedly until the second wing unlocks. It's really a simple concept. You spend the same amount of time on a specific boss to kill it regardless of when that boss unlocks. So lets say your guild kills each boss in Icecrown after an average of five attempts. Regardless of if the content unlocks over the course of 7 months, or if it's available immediately, your guild would have still taken 60 attempts to clear Icecrown. So every kill and wipe in between those 60 attempts is you clearing the same old content. Once the bosses are dead, and you are waiting on next weeks lockout, or the next wing to unlock your guild either goes back and does TOC or Ulduar, or stops raiding for the week. Why? because Hard modes are not open until Arthas dies. So in actuality, you have a lot less to do until everything is unlocked.
Seeing as how we're on GAF and gaming is one of our major (if not THE major) hobbies we have... I think we can all agree that "replay-ablity" is one of the hallmarks of a GREAT game.
I know I'm not talking out of turn here... but I would venture to say that a majority of gamers... and GAFers... enjoy games that they can play over and over. That's one of the appealing aspects of an MMO (specifically WoW) that has kept me subscribed for such a long time: the fact that the game and the world are ever-changing and offering new content as the weeks and months pass by.
So, Blackface, if you are looking to merely FINISH and BEAT a game and then move on to another game... perhaps you are playing in the wrong genre? or at the very least, looking for specific aspects in a genre that really aren't that genre's interest.
And, 100%, 5 wipes seems pretty laughable. I hope they bump it to about 10 a wing... with the way lag effects ALL raiders... I would hope they are a little more lenient...... unless the content is laughably easy. Then... well... I suppose it's moot.
I am not looking to "beat the game". I have played MMO's longer then most people, since long before most people even knew what the genre was. I am sure many here have done the same.
Replayabiltiy is fine. It's the hallmark of a good game IMO. However no matter the game, doing the same thing over and over eventually gets boring for a normal human being. When you lose the incentive to do the content in an MMO, when you have seen all it has to offer, your interest in the game eventually dies. This is what happened in BT. It's why people came back for the expansion. This is why I understand Blizzards decision to stagger the release of Icecrown. It will keep people playing to see the new content. As opposed to what happened in BT, where they did it so quickly, and so often, that eventually it became boring. When everyone had their gear, when there was no new content in sight, when they were farming the same bosses for months on end, people quit.
Blizzard, like any good company, does not want this to happen again. However, I personally disagree with the way they are going about doing it. Artificially extending the life of an instance is a cheap way of avoiding the problems that occurred in Black Temple.
I am still going to play Icecrown. I am still going to do it, do the hardmodes. I am not going to "quit" the game. However you can enjoy and play a game, and still be critical of the way certain aspects of it are operated. You don't have to suck the company teet for better or worse. If that was the case, World of Warcraft wouldn't be what it is today, and half of the lead developers would still be running their guilds in Everquest. :lol
I love WoW, but I simply don't agree with artificially extending the life of an instance. Simple as that.