No, I did those. I was having fun.Orbitcube said:Er... what?
GMs having a bit of fun?
And yes I linked them on the PTR and caused confusion.
No, I did those. I was having fun.Orbitcube said:Er... what?
GMs having a bit of fun?
Ah. Now if only you could really put meta gems in normal gem slots. That would be strangely awesome.Xabora said:No, I did those. I was having fun.
And yes I linked them on the PTR and caused confusion.
1. There's supposed to be like 9:1 ratio of Blood Elves to High elves, though. There seem to just be a lot of high elves.Orbitcube said:1) Not really. You do have to think of all the enemy NPCs in Outland/Draenei starting zones, not just the ones that joined the horde. And then add in the Scryers and Shattered Sun Offensive. Not to mention that, at least in Silvermoon, the NPCs shown in-game is nothing compared to the amount in lore. While in the High elf encampments, there's probably a more reasonable amount shown in-game compared to the lore.
2) Ever been to Dalaran as Alliance? There's a quest added in 3.2.2 there showing the Highborne (who utilise magic) coming to Darnassus to join the Alliance in time for Cataclysm.
3) No idea. Apparently in CoT the Well just gives you a debuff that stops spellcasting, so we'll have to wait until the beta to find out.
Same reason why there are still Orc Warlocks wandering around in Orgrimmar even though Thrall has stated in the past that it is a dark area for his race and wanted the practice banished so Shamanism could flourish again.Angry Grimace said:2. Well, I meant more in terms of the fact that, while possible, Night Elf Mages wouldn't be tolerated in Darnassus any more than Night Elf Warlocks.
Q: Where's the cave at?Xabora said:As a human I prefer maces.![]()
And in other news.
Friendly with Ashen Verdict
Get hilt from cave, 25 Primordial Saronite and 2 quest items from 2 bosses.
Collect 1000 souls
Kill Professor Putricide after doing a trick during the fight
Kill Queen Lana'thel after doing a trick during the fight
Kill Sindragosa after doing a trick during the fight
Collect 60 shards of the Frozen throne
Kill Arthas
The cave in northern dragonblight, near the argent crusade.Epix said:Q: Where's the cave at?
laserbeam said:So what do you guys think on release of 3.3? Was posted on forums by a CM that its over a month away
That's what you get for being a douche. Nobody finds that funny in groups with any amount of pugged raiders.Entropia said:Nerdrage:
In a TOC25 group, usually run with the guy that leads the raid. It's a bunch of the same people usually but of course at the core it's a pug. 3 Ele Shaman present in the raid.
We down Twins and the Death's Verdict drops. I, as a joke, throw on my Enh gear and activate my Enhance spec. I roll a 100! Everyone is like "omg!!!"... but being the honest person I am "Yeah that was a joke roll, give it to whoever had the 2nd highest roll".
So I go back to Elemental and we down Anub! Zomg teh Reign of the Unliving!!!
Elemental Shaman 1: 96
Elemental Shaman 2: 93
Me: 4
FUCKING SERIOUS? RNG can go fuck itself.
Hi Alisperis,Yaweee said:Source?
laserbeam said:Hi Alisperis,
We only provide mirror links for full client patches. Background downloads do not count. You have around 1+ month to download this file so we're not really worried about your speed.![]()
Tech Support
Each time you email us a password, we perform a /facepalm.
How did I do?
They could be holding back all togeather because of the holidays. Not wanting to release at thanksgiving time and not wanting to release prior to Christmas but if that is the case im gonna be greatly disappointed.Tamanon said:Doesn't make sense, the first wing has been extensively tested already, there's really not much left keeping it from being put out there. I can see them maybe not doing it next week because of Thanksgiving.
laserbeam said:They could be holding back all togeather because of the holidays. Not wanting to release at thanksgiving time and not wanting to release prior to Christmas but if that is the case im gonna be greatly disappointed.
Deputy Moonman said:Hello everybody. I was wondering where I should go to level my troll hunter. I've played alliance since I started WoW, but I'm finally trying out the horde side. The barrens have been a pain so far (only gotten to level 11, so I probably can't complain too much yet). I took the zepplin from ogrimmar to undercity, and then I used the transporter orb to get to silvermoon. I've read this is one of the better zones to level in, but wanted to get some real opinions too.
lol, running is a real pain when you know you're only 5 levels from aspect of the cheetah.
Kweh said:Not played for a while, but is the cross server Dungeon LFG tool in the game yet?
LAUGHTREY said:On the one hand, we have this CM saying that it's going to be a 1+ to download this pre-patch. They also said they're going to give at least a months notice before removing Glory of the Ulduar achievement drakes. Of course this just could mean that the CM was misinformed and it could mean that they aren't taking out the iron-bound/rusted proto-drakes with 3.3
Akim said:If 3.3 came out before January I'd be disappointed. That would either mean that Season 7 would be going on during 3.3 which is a complete clusterfuck with the new gear, or the season ends way early which is just as bad.
They should have split the arenas off into their own game before wotlk came out :lolTamanon said:If Arena causes the rest of WoW to wait another month on a patch it'll be an even bigger blight caused by arenas.
Akim said:If 3.3 came out before January I'd be disappointed. That would either mean that Season 7 would be going on during 3.3 which is a complete clusterfuck with the new gear, or the season ends way early which is just as bad.
MrPing1000 said:I've come back to WoW the past month and I slapped together a pretty decent interface for my needs but I'd like to sort it out properly now.
Which begs the question, whats the best way to go about it?
I want it to look like this.
I recognise a few addons from that but not all.
They really ought to have an Arena expansion pack that allows you to create a max-level character that can't do anything besides join BGs and Arenas and maybe Wintergrasp..... that way nobody has to complain when some other class becomes "overpowered". If Ret Paladins are the flavor of the month, then roll a ret paladin and jump right in to PVP.rhfb said:They should have split the arenas off into their own game before wotlk came out :lol
MrPing1000 said:I've come back to WoW the past month and I slapped together a pretty decent interface for my needs but I'd like to sort it out properly now.
LAUGHTREY said:Who gives 2 shits about Arena though?
Akim said:anyone who is actually good at it (not you)
funkmastergeneral said:Umm, I may be missing something here, but a macro of
/assist focus
should make you automatically assist what you have on focus
Bisnic said:Today is the day we can get our onyxia whelping companion.![]()
It's cute, and it does the emote "Onyxia whelping takes in a deep breath..." every 5 mins. :lol
Tamanon said:It's delivered via mail. Plus, any character you log in on will get the Fifth anniversary feat of strength. Probably won't hit the US servers for another 4 hours.
Akim said:anyone who is actually good at it (not you)
Puncture said:I think his point is that they arent going to hold back a HUGE content patch back from the 90% of the playerbase just to keep everything status quo for the small portion of the userbase that arenas, and the even smaller subset of the arena userbase that would be bothered by the introduction of new PvE armor and weapons.
Arena flat out isnt important enough to hold off a huge content patch just so that it syncs well with that meta games seasons. Seriously.... You all being so good at it, Im sure you will adapt.
Bisnic said:I AM on a US server. All i had to do is log off and relog and i got both my achievement and Onyxia pet. But now that i think about it, maybe it's only the PST servers that are late.