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World of Warcraft

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No feat of strength here on login, must've turned it off, but the mail arrives.

Pilgrim's bounty sounds like an awesome time to level cooking (MMOChamp says 1-300), so I guess I should log on that priest I haven't played on Area52 since June ... July? and get on it.


Word of warning, Turkey Shooters are one use only, and won't work towards the "Turkey Lurkey" achievement if a rogue has been transformed into a turkey already.


Yeah, if you have any alts that can't cook, *cough* Death Knights *cough*, definitely do this holiday on them. It's quick and easy 300 cooking.


Wow.....troll and dwarf rogues.

Good fucking luck. Thank god theres a few on ally side making level 1's named Turkeyshoot and standing around the flight master getting chickenized and right clicking it off.

No clue how Im going to find a troll rogue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Greetings, all--

We are aware of an issue which is causing Bountiful Tables to spawn without plates and chairs. The appropriate parties have been notified, and we are looking to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. In the meantime, however, our Game Masters may be able to provide additional assistance.

Should you come across a table without chairs and plates, please feel free to submit an in-game petition with the following information:

* Realm:
* Location of the Table:
* Some mention of the word "table"

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the festivities!

The problem is, horde/Alliance members are running to towns and getting killed in the chairs, which causes the chair to despawn and not respawn unless manually forced to.

Basically, the achieve is "unwinnable" at the moment.


So I finally got around to running the new ONY instances. Man after all the gearscore spam etc I see everyday it was just as shit easy as ever.

So much spam you gotta have 4700+GS or whatever and I bet a group of people with 3800+ could do it
Was digging around in my old picture folder and came across this. Made it over a year ago haha.


For Comparison:



laserbeam said:
So I finally got around to running the new ONY instances. Man after all the gearscore spam etc I see everyday it was just as shit easy as ever.

I still haven't seen a 25-man PUG get through Onyxia, though I think it's more of an organizational problem than a gear-related problem. So many times the group brings her down into Phase 3 just as a bunch of adds arrive.....and then of course everything goes to shit.


border said:
I still haven't seen a 25-man PUG get through Onyxia, though I think it's more of an organizational problem than a gear-related problem. So many times the group brings her down into Phase 3 just as a bunch of adds arrive.....and then of course everything goes to shit.

Im on a pretty hardcore server for Pugging. Every raid can be pugged pretty much 24 hours a day. Though I do think there is a Pshycological effect in pugs when a boss hits a certain point towards death where a portion of the raid gets stupid and turns their attention to the loot rather than the fight.


border said:
So many times the group brings her down into Phase 3 just as a bunch of adds arrive.....and then of course everything goes to shit.

This happened to me twice when doing Ony 10, I kept bringing her to 40% right as adds were coming in, eventually I got it together though!

One thing I'll never understand about PUGs is when people get saved to a certain raid ID then leave after a wipe. Chances are they won't go and do it with someone else, so why leave? Bite the repair bill and finish the damn raid :lol
laserbeam said:
Im on a pretty hardcore server for Pugging. Every raid can be pugged pretty much 24 hours a day. Though I do think there is a Pshycological effect in pugs when a boss hits a certain point towards death where a portion of the raid gets stupid and turns their attention to the loot rather than the fight.

That's what shakes out the Raiders from the Looters in WoW's pve.


Managed to pug a little bit of ToGC the other day. We only got beasts down. Got Jarax to damn near DEAD and dps got anxious and didnt switch RIGHT away to kill the portal when it popped. In this mode apparently the portal spawns Demons REPEATEDLY if it isnt killed right away. I didnt even know this since it was my first time in Grand Crusader, but I switched to them to dps because I had read to do so.

Raid leader had something come up and had to bail.... seriously we are inside 15 minutes having some great success and the leader has to go.... Such is the problem with PUG's but I cant complain I guess. I got my ToC10/25 clears done this week.
Puncture said:
Managed to pug a little bit of ToGC the other day. We only got beasts down. Got Jarax to damn near DEAD and dps got anxious and didnt switch RIGHT away to kill the portal when it popped. In this mode apparently the portal spawns Demons REPEATEDLY if it isnt killed right away. I didnt even know this since it was my first time in Grand Crusader, but I switched to them to dps because I had read to do so.

Raid leader had something come up and had to bail.... seriously we are inside 15 minutes having some great success and the leader has to go.... Such is the problem with PUG's but I cant complain I guess. I got my ToC10/25 clears done this week.

That's pretty much the only difficult part about Jarraxus in heroic. If we let more then one bitch spawn from the portal it's game over.


So, first experience healing as a shaman was me raging at people. Healed normal ToC. My gear is crappy, but it's even more annoying when the group is one pally and 3 Death Knights, all of whom don't know to move out of the fucking poison. One death, even healed the Confessor so I was happy, but damn mana is a big issue for shammies compared to my druid. Think I'm going back to balance/resto and just make my DK a tank alt instead. I mean my druid is getting pretty pimped out these days, I can afford to burn some badges on some resto gear.

Chris R

Shaman healing on that instance can be a pain. Though I don't have any clue what your gear looks like (should be mostly epics with all the healer/caster epics that drop out of HToC) the final bosses final phase usually ended up with me and the tank and anyone close enough to get chain healed alive :lol
Just for some reading that may interest you guys, Australian gaming/ISP site Games.on.net have been running articles (and a competition) about WoW for the 5 year anniversary all week. The 2 most interesting and in-depth articles so far have been the second and fourth days (mind you they have been the only written articles so far, there's another about the cinematics in the Warcraft series and the competition announcement). Just thought this might be a nice read, especially for those who started playing only recently.


rhfb said:
Shaman healing on that instance can be a pain. Though I don't have any clue what your gear looks like (should be mostly epics with all the healer/caster epics that drop out of HToC) the final bosses final phase usually ended up with me and the tank and anyone close enough to get chain healed alive :lol

I had one piece of epic gear, a belt from HToC. That's it.:lol


Has problems recognising girls
Orbitcube said:
Just for some reading that may interest you guys, Australian gaming/ISP site Games.on.net have been running articles (and a competition) about WoW for the 5 year anniversary all week. The 2 most interesting and in-depth articles so far have been the second and fourth days (mind you they have been the only written articles so far, there's another about the cinematics in the Warcraft series and the competition announcement). Just thought this might be a nice read, especially for those who started playing only recently.
I'm surprised they weren't written by Matt Warner. Can't say anything bad about Blizzard to him.


Retro said:
Aaaaaaaanyways.... it's not you so much as it's retards standing in Poison. Don't kick yourself for their stupidity.

:lol, no clue how I missed that. Thought he was healing H ToC fresh off 80. I hate when people do that :[


evlcookie said:
Oh yea! Fished up a sea turtle, didn't even know about it and an achievement popped up. So awesome.
Damnit, I still feel robbed because before the achievement system and all the cool fishing stuff I was practically the only person (on a super low pop server) who even bothered to level fishing to max level and win the STV fishing contest on 2 different characters. Now there's all these "oh wow first time I fished I got a turtle, cool" ... fishing doesn't deserve my loyalty apparently :lol

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Sober said:
Damnit, I still feel robbed because before the achievement system and all the cool fishing stuff I was practically the only person (on a super low pop server) who even bothered to level fishing to max level and win the STV fishing contest on 2 different characters. Now there's all these "oh wow first time I fished I got a turtle, cool" ... fishing doesn't deserve my loyalty apparently :lol
You still have credit for the Fishing Tourney wins, assuming you kept the reward.

That actually makes it really easy to get the 'Salty' title, having completed the event before the achievements were added.
I'm taking a break from my boomkin and I'm running heroics to get my enhance shammy geared up. Are they any good on raids ?

I really hate hit rating, trying to get him capped now, up to 333 so far.
KernelPanic said:
I'm taking a break from my boomkin and I'm running heroics to get my enhance shammy geared up. Are they any good on raids ?

I really hate hit rating, trying to get him capped now, up to 333 so far.

An Enhance shaman is great in raids. Our buffs can be mostly replaced by DK's, outside of bloodlust, but by being present allows a dps DK to spec out of Icy Talons, and our improved strength of earth totem is slightly better then their horn. Earthshock reduces the enemies attack speed by 10% and is a nice damage decrease. Also have some nice utility, since due to maelstrom weapon we can pop out some nice instant heals occasionally if needed.

Only major issue is the fact we share gear with hunters, and that is two fold. Mail expertise gear won't ever drop because it is useless for hunters, so we rely on our tier pieces and gemming for it (expertise is the stat you need to cap after spell hit). Also, enhancement shaman are the only melee class that rely on three primary stats (agility, intellect, and stamina), so our HP is piss poor compared to the rest of the melee dps. This majorly affects survivability since melee tend to take a lot more damaged than ranged and you need to be more careful of any aoe damage.

However, our dps with comparable gear to most other classes is only mediocre. Elemental seems to be slightly outclassing enhancement at the moment. And any fight that has lots of adds (onyxia for example) enhancement is terrible due to lack of any kind of good aoe. Magma totem is decent at best.

Edit: One more thing, getting weapons sucks horribly. Enhancement has a very slim window of useable weapons, which are slow maces, axes, and fist weapons.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
I had one piece of epic gear, a belt from HToC. That's it.:lol
I would have thought you would have known this. There are cookies in the poison clouds.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I still haven't seen a 25-man PUG get through Onyxia, though I think it's more of an organizational problem than a gear-related problem. So many times the group brings her down into Phase 3 just as a bunch of adds arrive.....and then of course everything goes to shit.
I clear it on 25 all the time. You can tell how far they are going to get based on whether the Raid Leader has a solid strategy or not. A raid leader that wants to skip the pep talk will get nowhere because not every guild moves to the same side; tanks adds in same places, so people don't do the right things if you don't move through the whole fight beforehand.


Maybe I've been lucky, but I've never run into a raid PuGging problem. The rare times I've had to pug for the week we'd maybe have a wipe or two, but still get stuff down. I mean, hell, I've even pugged the 50-whelp achievement.
funkmastergeneral said:
An Enhance shaman is great in raids. Our buffs can be mostly replaced by DK's, outside of bloodlust, but by being present allows a dps DK to spec out of Icy Talons, and our improved strength of earth totem is slightly better then their horn. Earthshock reduces the enemies attack speed by 10% and is a nice damage decrease. Also have some nice utility, since due to maelstrom weapon we can pop out some nice instant heals occasionally if needed.

Fortuneately I think we're the only raiding guild in existence that doesn't have a DK regularily in the lineup. One of our tanks is a DK but he rarely plays.

We're mostly a range DPS guild, our only regulars on melee (and some of the best ) are a ret pally and a rogue so I thought I'd help them along too especially since I'm no longer the only boomkin.

funkmastergeneral said:
Only major issue is the fact we share gear with hunters, and that is two fold. Mail expertise gear won't ever drop because it is useless for hunters, so we rely on our tier pieces and gemming for it (expertise is the stat you need to cap after spell hit). Also, enhancement shaman are the only melee class that rely on three primary stats (agility, intellect, and stamina), so our HP is piss poor compared to the rest of the melee dps. This majorly affects survivability since melee tend to take a lot more damaged than ranged and you need to be more careful of any aoe damage.

Yeah I've noticed my low HP :( we have 2-3 hunters in raids usually so I'm gonna be competing for gear :( Maybe I'll drop instant GW and 1 point in elemental shields for Elemental Warding.

funkmastergeneral said:
However, our dps with comparable gear to most other classes is only mediocre. Elemental seems to be slightly outclassing enhancement at the moment. And any fight that has lots of adds (onyxia for example) enhancement is terrible due to lack of any kind of good aoe. Magma totem is decent at best.

Isn't there an upcoming change that will change fire nova from a totem to a spell that comes out of whatever fire totem you have out so you can fire nova and magma at the same time ? That kind of sealed the deal for me.

funkmastergeneral said:
Edit: One more thing, getting weapons sucks horribly. Enhancement has a very slim window of useable weapons, which are slow maces, axes, and fist weapons.

Yeah I'm an orc so I want my racial bonus active. Currently using Greed + Aledar's Battlestar, I don't think I'll be upgrading those until I get some ToCr drops. Tempted to get a Tankard o'Terror but guildies say dont pay more than 1k for it and I'd lose the expertise bonus as well.

Best enchants would be Berserking / Mongoose ? I'll prolly take Accuracy if I need the Hit.
KernelPanic said:
Fortuneately I think we're the only raiding guild in existence that doesn't have a DK regularily in the lineup. One of our tanks is a DK but he rarely plays.

We're mostly a range DPS guild, our only regulars on melee (and some of the best ) are a ret pally and a rogue so I thought I'd help them along too especially since I'm no longer the only boomkin.

Yeah I've noticed my low HP :( we have 2-3 hunters in raids usually so I'm gonna be competing for gear :( Maybe I'll drop instant GW and 1 point in elemental shields for Elemental Warding.

Isn't there an upcoming change that will change fire nova from a totem to a spell that comes out of whatever fire totem you have out so you can fire nova and magma at the same time ? That kind of sealed the deal for me.

Yeah I'm an orc so I want my racial bonus active. Currently using Greed + Aledar's Battlestar, I don't think I'll be upgrading those until I get some ToCr drops. Tempted to get a Tankard o'Terror but guildies say dont pay more than 1k for it and I'd lose the expertise bonus as well.

Best enchants would be Berserking / Mongoose ? I'll prolly take Accuracy if I need the Hit.

Unless you need the hit, besrerking is by far the number 1 enchant for weapons. However I wouldn't waste getting berserking enchanted until you get a really nice weapon. With 3.3 coming out you can easily just skip to Sapphiron and KT in Naxx 25 as long as you find a group, and Calamity's Grasp is a fantastic mainhand and looks really cool.

From what I've read on EJ, the theorycrafters still don't seem too excited about the new Fire Nova outside of slightly changing our single target priority system. The problem still exists that any kind of movement kills our dps because of our magma totem, and this won't alleviate that.

Improved Ghost Wolf is not a PvE talent and really doesn't have much use due to most of the dungeons being indoors. Personally I would've taken it if ToC was considered an outdoor instance to help kite on faction champs, but that's not the case. I don't know if ICC is considered outside or inside, but regardless that may be a wasted talent unless you pvp a lot in the same spec. I'm curious what you're missing in the enhance tree if you have 2 points in imp ghost wolf.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Unless you need the hit, besrerking is by far the number 1 enchant for weapons. However I wouldn't waste getting berserking enchanted until you get a really nice weapon. With 3.3 coming out you can easily just skip to Sapphiron and KT in Naxx 25 as long as you find a group, and Calamity's Grasp is a fantastic mainhand and looks really cool.

From what I've read on EJ, the theorycrafters still don't seem too excited about the new Fire Nova outside of slightly changing our single target priority system. The problem still exists that any kind of movement kills our dps because of our magma totem, and this won't alleviate that.

Improved Ghost Wolf is not a PvE talent and really doesn't have much use due to most of the dungeons being indoors. Personally I would've taken it if ToC was considered an outdoor instance to help kite on faction champs, but that's not the case. I don't know if ICC is considered outside or inside, but regardless that may be a wasted talent unless you pvp a lot in the same spec. I'm curious what you're missing in the enhance tree if you have 2 points in imp ghost wolf.
If you're just waiting for 3.3, this is a reward from the easy Quel'delar quests:

Angry Grimace said:
If you're just waiting for 3.3, this is a reward from the easy Quel'delar quests:


My weapons are both 245 so I'm not too worried about upgrading them at the moment, just giving him suggestions to the dearth of well itemized enhancement shaman weapons. Also doesn't that weapon require getting that hilt which will be a pretty rare drop?
Forgot about the Naxx 25 change, I'll try for Calamity's Grasp once I'm hit/expertise capped.

I'm only at 3975 GS but I hit 80 just over a week ago. The two tier 8 pieces, neck and mail chest from H ToC and the melee +hit trinket from H Nexus are the only non-raid items I can think of getting. Maybe the 25 Valor Emblem cloak.

As for Imp GW, it mostly comes in handy grinding dailys (helped me get Turkinator too). I couldn't really think of anywhere else to put the points except get me 3/3 Imp Shields, which I hear doesn't add much. Pretty sure I got all the PvE talents in the Enhance and Ele trees. I'll post my talents later when I can hit such a site.
KernelPanic said:
Forgot about the Naxx 25 change, I'll try for Calamity's Grasp once I'm hit/expertise capped.

I'm only at 3975 GS but I hit 80 just over a week ago. The two tier 8 pieces, neck and mail chest from H ToC and the melee +hit trinket from H Nexus are the only non-raid items I can think of getting. Maybe the 25 Valor Emblem cloak.

As for Imp GW, it mostly comes in handy grinding dailys (helped me get Turkinator too). I couldn't really think of anywhere else to put the points except get me 3/3 Imp Shields, which I hear doesn't add much. Pretty sure I got all the PvE talents in the Enhance and Ele trees. I'll post my talents later when I can hit such a site.

Imp shields is a great talent to have, especially when you have 2 piece tier 9. I just used a dummy for a few minutes and my lightning shield was hitting for about 1400 damage a tick and contributed 238 dps (unraid buffed). That's not a insignificant amount of damage considering it's alternative (ghost wolf) is a dps increase of 0
funkmastergeneral said:
Imp shields is a great talent to have, especially when you have 2 piece tier 9. I just used a dummy for a few minutes and my lightning shield was hitting for about 1400 damage a tick and contributed 238 dps (unraid buffed). That's not a insignificant amount of damage considering it's alternative (ghost wolf) is a dps increase of 0

I'll respec then, mine hits for 1100-1200 or so.

Don't see myself getting T9 for quite a while, not until I can pump out enough DPS to go on a guild ToCr run anyway.

I got the Conquest totem as well, which I found out way after I got it that it sucks. Prolly want to get totem of quaking earth asap.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
My weapons are both 245 so I'm not too worried about upgrading them at the moment, just giving him suggestions to the dearth of well itemized enhancement shaman weapons. Also doesn't that weapon require getting that hilt which will be a pretty rare drop?
I got one every time I ran the new 5 mans.


It's probably been answered long ago, but is it possible to group with friends on other servers using cross-realm LFG? Or must you be randomly selected?

Not many of us in this thread are on the same server, but I imagine more than a few of us are in the same battlegroup.


border said:
It's probably been answered long ago, but is it possible to group with friends on other servers using cross-realm LFG? Or must you be randomly selected?

Not many of us in this thread are on the same server, but I imagine more than a few of us are in the same battlegroup.

Must be randomly selected for now.


Eclipse: This effect will not activate again within 15 seconds of either type of Eclipse effect firing, in addition to the existing 30-second cooldown for each type of Eclipse.

Huh, I'm guessing this makes WiseEclipse useless.


Tamanon said:
Must be randomly selected for now.
I'll bet we could still play together if we just picked stuff that literally nobody in a group of servers would ever want to play -- like doing Heroic Occulus at 3 AM or something. Can you at least select what dungeon you'd randomly like to be grouped for?


border said:
I'll bet we could still play together if we just picked stuff that literally nobody in a group of servers would ever want to play -- like doing Heroic Occulus at 3 AM or something. Can you at least select what dungeon you'd randomly like to be grouped for?

Yes, you certainly can do that.
KernelPanic said:
I'll respec then, mine hits for 1100-1200 or so.

Don't see myself getting T9 for quite a while, not until I can pump out enough DPS to go on a guild ToCr run anyway.

I got the Conquest totem as well, which I found out way after I got it that it sucks. Prolly want to get totem of quaking earth asap.

Yea, blizz screwed the pooch on enhance totems. The level213 enhance totem that gives haste is the best before the 245 one. At least you didn't get the emblem of heroism level200 totem. It was completely glitched and did absolutely nothing and blizz never fixed it.


DeathNote said:
anyone ever play the free mmorpg runes of magic? how does it compare and differ from wow?

I have. I picked it up and in 5 weeks made it to the level cap. Its a cash shop MMO. Worth playing if you want something casual that can be free. The end game PvE is very bland so I would play on a PvP server if you want decent end game, but the leveling will be hell.

Its a unique game. You pick a primary and a secondary class. So you can make a rogue but make your secondary a priest so you can heal yourself and toss buffs when needed. Fucking bizzare as hell the class combos you can make (OHSHI the healer just died, hey you, Mage, heal the tank man until the healer runs back in!). Once at the level cap and once you learn how to mute items (gear upgrading) properly youll love how deep it is, but you wont be able to advance your character into 'decent' levels without spending cash on the game. And the money you will spend to be decent will far exceed 15$ a month. And if you want to be exceptional it will go much far beyond that.

The lore is forgettable outside of a few quests. You wont have any trouble with the UI or anything because its all a huge ripoff of WoW. I think its the best free MMO out there man, I love the music, the music is much higher quality than anything else regarding the games production values. But in the end, like all free to play MMO's you very quickly hit a wall where you need to spend MUCH more than the standard 15$ a month a MMO normally costs to play. Which defeats the purpose of it being free.


My Death Knight is very nearly ready to start tanking stuff -- just a few measly defense points away from being uncrittable in Heroics. Can anyone give any general advice on tanking, though? My warrior tanks everything pretty easy, but DK seems a little more complex since runes are so limiting and go on cooldown so frequently (whereas warriors have pretty much endless rage, easy AoE snap aggro, and a couple stuns incase things get out of control). I went with a 2H Frost tanking build since it's recommended for people at lower gear levels (though I don't really know what "lower gear levels" means).

Elitist jerks recommend a multi-mob rotation that goes something like:

Death and Decay -> Icy Touch/Plague Strike -> Pestilence -> Howling Blast or Bloodboil (whatever has runes up)

Between the first few steps though, it seems like all your runes would be down after Pestilence you'd be pretty screwed if everything doesn't immediately snap to you. I guess most AoE pulls won't last longer than the Death and Decay cooldown....but is it worth throwing down a 2nd DnD if it comes off CD? Or will everything be pretty much stuck to you at that point?

What Sigil should I pick up? Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight looks pretty good since it will help me stay above the defense cap as I transition into upper level gear that has lower Defense stats (but higher avoidance).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
Huh, I'm guessing this makes WiseEclipse useless.
Because Moonkin needed more nerfs; They were totally overpowered.

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