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World of Warcraft

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Another moonkin "nerf",

Tier 8 2-piece bonus lowered from 15% to 7%. Thank god actually, I hate that I have to keep my 2-piece bonus so damn long.
funkmastergeneral said:
Improved Ghost Wolf is not a PvE talent and really doesn't have much use due to most of the dungeons being indoors. Personally I would've taken it if ToC was considered an outdoor instance to help kite on faction champs, but that's not the case. I don't know if ICC is considered outside or inside, but regardless that may be a wasted talent unless you pvp a lot in the same spec. I'm curious what you're missing in the enhance tree if you have 2 points in imp ghost wolf.

This is my talent build.

Except for Ghost Wolf I think I got everything.


I tried pugging Ulduar 10 today, and God Damn people fail at silly things. Heart Broken cause I was doing so well, but people can't dodge bombs / shock blast.


No One Remembers
Sebulon3k said:
I tried pugging Ulduar 10 today, and God Damn people fail at silly things. Heart Broken cause I was doing so well, but people can't dodge bombs / shock blast.

It's truly depressing that there are people that that bad at WoW.


Entropia said:
It's truly depressing that there are people that that bad at WoW.

Amazingly I've tried to do the old raids like Naxx / Ulduar / Malygos and the amount of fail is just immense. People that can't do safety dance on Heigan, Failing on + - Thaddius, Fire Shield Malygos focus. Wtf shit's basic. It's like I've walked into an alternate dimension of some sorts where everyone is bad.


Puncture said:
I have. I picked it up and in 5 weeks made it to the level cap. Its a cash shop MMO. Worth playing if you want something casual that can be free. The end game PvE is very bland so I would play on a PvP server if you want decent end game, but the leveling will be hell.

Its a unique game. You pick a primary and a secondary class. So you can make a rogue but make your secondary a priest so you can heal yourself and toss buffs when needed. Fucking bizzare as hell the class combos you can make (OHSHI the healer just died, hey you, Mage, heal the tank man until the healer runs back in!). Once at the level cap and once you learn how to mute items (gear upgrading) properly youll love how deep it is, but you wont be able to advance your character into 'decent' levels without spending cash on the game. And the money you will spend to be decent will far exceed 15$ a month. And if you want to be exceptional it will go much far beyond that.

The lore is forgettable outside of a few quests. You wont have any trouble with the UI or anything because its all a huge ripoff of WoW. I think its the best free MMO out there man, I love the music, the music is much higher quality than anything else regarding the games production values. But in the end, like all free to play MMO's you very quickly hit a wall where you need to spend MUCH more than the standard 15$ a month a MMO normally costs to play. Which defeats the purpose of it being free.
really? it's the best? there's a huge list of free mmorpg and trying each out would be a bitch.


DeathNote said:
really? it's the best? there's a huge list of free mmorpg and trying each out would be a bitch.

Most of them are free for a reason. I understand the appeal of going around trying them out, but you're better off going for the free trials of the good ones (WoW, Eve, City of X, and Lord of the Rings) and paying $15 from there than any time spent with the shitty "Free Forever" games.


Yaweee said:
Most of them are free for a reason. I understand the appeal of going around trying them out, but you're better off going for the free trials of the good ones (WoW, Eve, City of X, and Lord of the Rings) and paying $15 from there than any time spent with the shitty "Free Forever" games.
already played and moved on from them. on a 7 months hiatus from wow.

the reason i'm asking here is because i know your standards are high.

i recently just wanted something casual to play with someone who wont have a lot of time to invest. and i wont have a reason to play ahead cause there will be a "brick wall" as you guys said. the last time i played wow with them they got to level 10.

so i guess i want something with an awesome low level experience.


DeathNote said:
really? it's the best? there's a huge list of free mmorpg and trying each out would be a bitch.

Yes in my personal opinion its the best free one with optional pay items out right now.

Its got a decent amount of zones quests content etc etc. However it is MASSIVE on the "Go kill 10 of these and collect their ears" quests. So if you dont like those stay FAR away. Many levels filled with them. However its different in that you have daily quests in the game. If I recall you can do 20 per day. The daily quests often involve collecting common drops off of the zones mobs. So when you move to a new zone your like "Jesus I have 100 Antler from these stupid deer" then you find the major town and turn in the quest 10 times and get a level and a half.....seriously, it is VERY casual. You can level very fast just logging in once per day to knock out the dailies.

And second, the items you buy from the cash shop are purchased with 'diamonds' and 'rubies' that you buy with real cash right? But they can be sold on the AH for regular old gold that you get from quests and mobs. Which is pretty much how I got my character geared up. You accumulate lots of gold while leveling, you take the gold, browse the AH for the cheapest diamonds and buy some, go to the cash shop and buy a mount to make your questing faster, and never have to spend a penny. Its a real hoot. It just doesnt have the massive dev team of WoW. So if you play it hardcore youll rip through it and be waiting on the next mini expansion (which also raises the level cap).

Mix that with the fact that you actually have to level and spec/train both "sides" of your character and I really like it for what it was. And Ive played nearly all the free mmo's worth playing. Even the golf MMO games. Ive tried them all and RoM just sticks the best IMO.
Entropia said:
It's truly depressing that there are people that that bad at WoW.

There's a large number of people in this game now who don't have a background in RPGs, death as a learning tool, or mild negative reinforcement for constant mistakes. Watch in your next PUG for some in wipes will go to Gearscore #s or Recount HPS counts instead of basic game logic leading to the answer.


Well, it's being tested again because there were server problems when it was supposed to be last week.

I'd say the more damning evidence is the tiny patch notes update. The only "official" change is to a single Druid spell!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
My Death Knight is very nearly ready to start tanking stuff -- just a few measly defense points away from being uncrittable in Heroics. Can anyone give any general advice on tanking, though? My warrior tanks everything pretty easy, but DK seems a little more complex since runes are so limiting and go on cooldown so frequently (whereas warriors have pretty much endless rage, easy AoE snap aggro, and a couple stuns incase things get out of control). I went with a 2H Frost tanking build since it's recommended for people at lower gear levels (though I don't really know what "lower gear levels" means).

Elitist jerks recommend a multi-mob rotation that goes something like:

Death and Decay -> Icy Touch/Plague Strike -> Pestilence -> Howling Blast or Bloodboil (whatever has runes up)

Between the first few steps though, it seems like all your runes would be down after Pestilence you'd be pretty screwed if everything doesn't immediately snap to you. I guess most AoE pulls won't last longer than the Death and Decay cooldown....but is it worth throwing down a 2nd DnD if it comes off CD? Or will everything be pretty much stuck to you at that point?

What Sigil should I pick up? Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight looks pretty good since it will help me stay above the defense cap as I transition into upper level gear that has lower Defense stats (but higher avoidance).
You would have 0 runes after the Pestilence if you used that rotation.

DK tanking is just DPSing in Frost spec, really, at least the threat part of it beyond the additional Rune Strikes. Howling Blast is better than D&D if you're that deep in Frost.

Don't get that Sigil. It blows. "Chance on use," means, "not guaranteed." It's much easier to stay over the cap than you think. There's nothing really "wrong" with gemming for Defense if you need it.

Unless you changed your guy recently, you are already over the Heroic Defense cap. It's only 535.


You have no idea how happy I am to finally be able to start grabbing trophies and complete my Tier 9 boomkin gear since I'm no longer chained to a poorly itemized 2-piece tier 8. SO HAPPY. I get to finally wear my damn Ony25 helm too.

Also, remember the heroic defense cap is 535. If you get Stoneskin Gargoyle, it's pretty easy to hit that cap from common gear alone. You'll probably want that sigil that gives you dodge rating whenever you rune strike, and bind rune strike to almost all of your strikes.:lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Of course, I get my Paladin 4 bubbles away from 68, and thus, heading into Northrend and the realms go down for the night.



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Subbed for another month, today. Hadn't played since the summer. Downed Ony10 and Ony25 and won a roll on Ony's Head, which I turned in for a very nice (I believe 2nd best in slot) DPS caster ring. Not bad for my first day back :D

I had intended to wait until 3.3 to sign back up, but I wanted to check out the new holiday, and I've never been in ToC 5, 10, or 25 man. Or the new BG. So there's probably a month's worth of content to explore.

After this I'll probably wait till 3.3, play one more month, then be back for Cataclysm.


Modesty becomes a woman
Belfast said:
Well, it's being tested again because there were server problems when it was supposed to be last week.

I'd say the more damning evidence is the tiny patch notes update. The only "official" change is to a single Druid spell!

Thing is though is just because the patch is 'done' as far as we can tell. They can just hold it back citing some backend reason, and release it when it's most likely to get subscriptions. Probably a little closer to Christmas.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Thing is though is just because the patch is 'done' as far as we can tell. They can just hold it back citing some backend reason, and release it when it's most likely to get subscriptions. Probably a little closer to Christmas.
There's a lot of merit to the idea that, releasing it before a huge spike in Players (four day weekend) is a horrible idea.


Angry Grimace said:
Don't get that Sigil. It blows. "Chance on use," means, "not guaranteed." It's much easier to stay over the cap than you think. There's nothing really "wrong" with gemming for Defense if you need it.

There is no chance on hit with Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight. I think at some point it was a proc, but now the tooltip just reads "Equip: Your Icy Touch will also increase your defense rating by 53." So as long as you keep up IT, you get a pretty significant bump.

I think Death and Decay is recommended as a starter just because it'll snap everything to you immediately, whereas just opening with IT -> PT -> Pestilence means your non-targets can get pulled off you by AOE/Heals while you get diseases up and spread. Would it just be easier to open with a Howling Blast, then start setting up diseases?

I don't normally DPS in Frost, so I don't know what the normal rotation there is.

Tamanon said:
Also, remember the heroic defense cap is 535. If you get Stoneskin Gargoyle, it's pretty easy to hit that cap from common gear alone.

You can hit the cap with blues and greens, but that's because so much of the "starter" gear is weighed heavily towards defense. My problem is that you can't really use it to build a huge health pool, and that's ultimately what you are judged by. Not that someone with a smaller health pool can't get through Heroics, but there's always a pretty palapable sense of disappointment when a tank shows up rocking 25K HP. I'd rather shoot for something like Defense Cap + 30K HP buffed....once you get into the heavy stamina epic pieces you start to lose Defense rating because items are budgeted more towards parry/hit/expertise/dodge. I could replace my blue chest with Ulduar badge chest and still lose defense. Which is why for the time being I'd rather have that sigil to keep me easily beyond the cap, rather than worry about where I'm gonna make up the +Defense when I get new gear.
border said:
There is no chance on hit with Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight. I think at some point it was a proc, but now the tooltip just reads "Equip: Your Icy Touch will also increase your defense rating by 53." So as long as you keep up IT, you get a pretty significant bump.

I think Death and Decay is recommended as a starter just because it'll snap everything to you immediately, whereas just opening with IT -> PT -> Pestilence means your non-targets can get pulled off you by AOE/Heals while you get diseases up and spread. Would it just be easier to open with a Howling Blast, then start setting up diseases?

I don't normally DPS in Frost, so I don't know what the normal rotation there is.

You can hit the cap with blues and greens, but that's because so much of the "starter" gear is weighed heavily towards defense. My problem is that you can't really use it to build a huge health pool, and that's ultimately what you are judged by. Not that someone with a smaller health pool can't get through Heroics, but there's always a pretty palapable sense of disappointment when a tank shows up rocking 25K HP. I'd rather shoot for something like Defense Cap + 30K HP buffed....once you get into the heavy stamina epic pieces you start to lose Defense rating because items are budgeted more towards parry/hit/expertise/dodge. I could replace my blue chest with Ulduar badge chest and still lose defense. Which is why for the time being I'd rather have that sigil to keep me easily beyond the cap, rather than worry about where I'm gonna make up the +Defense when I get new gear.

when I hit 80 on my paladin I'm not even going to bother to try tanking thanks to the elitists out there. I'll just do naxx 25 and heroics as ret and hope I can get some offspec gear before even attempting tanking.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
There is no chance on hit with Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight. I think at some point it was a proc, but now the tooltip just reads "Equip: Your Icy Touch will also increase your defense rating by 53." So as long as you keep up IT, you get a pretty significant bump.

I think Death and Decay is recommended as a starter just because it'll snap everything to you immediately, whereas just opening with IT -> PT -> Pestilence means your non-targets can get pulled off you by AOE/Heals while you get diseases up and spread. Would it just be easier to open with a Howling Blast, then start setting up diseases?

I don't normally DPS in Frost, so I don't know what the normal rotation there is.

You can hit the cap with blues and greens, but that's because so much of the "starter" gear is weighed heavily towards defense. My problem is that you can't really use it to build a huge health pool, and that's ultimately what you are judged by. Not that someone with a smaller health pool can't get through Heroics, but there's always a pretty palapable sense of disappointment when a tank shows up rocking 25K HP. I'd rather shoot for something like Defense Cap + 30K HP buffed....once you get into the heavy stamina epic pieces you start to lose Defense rating because items are budgeted more towards parry/hit/expertise/dodge. I could replace my blue chest with Ulduar badge chest and still lose defense. Which is why for the time being I'd rather have that sigil to keep me easily beyond the cap, rather than worry about where I'm gonna make up the +Defense when I get new gear.
In either case, that Sigil is a lot worse than the other alternatives.

I'm not entirely sure of what you're talking about. There's a crapton of Defense on gear and it doesn't really get "lower" when you get to higher gear levels. You really shouldn't have a problem staying Defense softcapped. If you have all Defense oriented pieces, you're not going to be sitting there with less than enough to gem/chant your way to the remaining bits and pieces. For example, the badge T8 stuff you can buy with emblems, Darkruned Conqueror's helmet has 70 Def. vs. the 46 on the helm you've got, and the Darkruned Battleplate has 64 (vs. the 76 on the one you have now), but yours isn't enchanted (you could get 22 Def. if you wanted to), and that one has 2 sockets. The 219 Def. Shoulders out of ToC-5 have more than what you've got + a yellow socket, the Badge neck has more defense, as do the badge belt and gloves. Obviously, the badge legs aren't a good choice since they have Block Value on them, but still.

You really shouldn't have too much of an issue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
when I hit 80 on my paladin I'm not even going to bother to try tanking thanks to the elitists out there. I'll just do naxx 25 and heroics as ret and hope I can get some offspec gear before even attempting tanking.
Really, your best option is to just get tank stuff as offspec with badge gear. If you just farm the everliving shit out of the new random Heroic option, you'll pick up a ton of badge tank shit in no time.

I'm vaguely interested in trying out tanking, although, I've never actually done it on my Paladin :lol, although I have dual spec to actually do it if I wanted to.


Angry Grimace said:
I'm not entirely sure of what you're talking about.
I just mean that the "starter" gear (crafted stuff, quest/dungeon blues, Auction House BoE items) is really loaded on Defense, but as you move up you start to trade it for other stats so there's a weird hole in the transition. Once you get beyond it into stuff over level 200 there's no more gaps.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I just mean that the "starter" gear (crafted stuff, quest/dungeon blues, Auction House BoE items) is really loaded on Defense, but as you move up you start to trade it for other stats so there's a weird hole in the transition. Once you get beyond it into stuff over level 200 there's no more gaps.
Well, the ones that are really LOADED on Defense rating are the Daunting Legplates/Hands, and you are Softcapped now and don't have them.

You should have no problem maintaining Defense req. based on what you are wearing in your armory now, because you have most of the ToC-reg stuff and the most obvious upgrades for you are badge gear, all of which has more than enough Defense to keep you over the 535 Heroic threshold. The Tempered Titansteel stuff doens't really have all that much Defense rating, it mostly is loaded to the hilt with Stamina.

Go with the regular 226 sigil o_O

For the most part, by the time you pull into all that badge gear, people won't care what you are wearing. The only real dire upgrade you need is shoulders, and some nice ones drop from ToC-5 Heroic.


Blizzard needs to start releasing high resolution pieces of the artwork they use for announcements, they're just so good. I'm still waiting for the Call of the Crusader, Thrall saving kids and the artwork on the background on the WoW Anniversary page.


Angry Grimace said:
For the most part, by the time you pull into all that badge gear, people won't care what you are wearing. The only real dire upgrade you need is shoulders, and some nice ones drop from ToC-5 Heroic.
I've tanked Heroic ToC countless times with my warrior and never once seen them drop. I eventually just gave up and bought the Valor tier shoulders for him. So long as I still need other stuff from there though, I'll play my luck.

I need bracers as well, but sadly it seems like nobody ever puts the Valor stuff up on the Auction House anymore. They really oughtta lower the price on all that stuff, given that the bracers are more expensive than literally everything that is a tier ahead of it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I've tanked Heroic ToC countless times with my warrior and never once seen them drop. I eventually just gave up and bought the Valor tier shoulders for him.

I need bracers as well, but sadly it seems like nobody ever puts the Valor stuff up on the Auction House anymore. They really oughtta lower the price on all that stuff, given that the bracers are more expensive than literally everything that is a tier ahead of it.
Eventually, you will run out of stuff to buy. That's how I got mine.

I replaced them, literally one day later after blowing 60 Conquests on them.


Between tanking and DPS sets it's pretty hard to run out of stuff to buy. My warrior is pretty much maxed out on tanking stuff that you can get without going into a raid or using Emblems of Triumph.

But even then I could still be spending badges on DPS gear.....it just doesn't seem very fun to DPS as a warrior though.


what's dungeon & dragons online like? the intro was pretty good.

reading through the thread makes me wanna unfreeze my account but i'm broke. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Between tanking and DPS sets it's pretty hard to run out of stuff to buy. My warrior is pretty much maxed out on tanking stuff that you can get without going into a raid or using Emblems of Triumph.

But even then I could still be spending badges on DPS gear.....it just doesn't seem very fun to DPS as a warrior though.
I've run out on all of my guys and resorted to making a tiny profit on Runed Orbs. *edit: not on my warrior. Warrior blows.


A string of nice PUGs only to jump into a ToC H group who failed 10 times on the black knight :lol

Should of seen the warning signs when they invited me to heal after already being stuck on him. I wonder how many healers they went through before me?

2 guys doing 1k dps should really tell them its hopeless.


Sebulon3k said:
Amazingly I've tried to do the old raids like Naxx / Ulduar / Malygos and the amount of fail is just immense. People that can't do safety dance on Heigan, Failing on + - Thaddius, Fire Shield Malygos focus. Wtf shit's basic. It's like I've walked into an alternate dimension of some sorts where everyone is bad.

Maybe they are new to the encounter?


I would love to go do Naxx but its for that reason im kinda wary of doing it. Dont want a raid of people thinking im a noob cause ive not done it before.

Still...im not stupid to stand in stuff that hurts so i guess that puts me ahead of most players :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Atrophis said:
A string of nice PUGs only to jump into a ToC H group who failed 10 times on the black knight :lol

Should of seen the warning signs when they invited me to heal after already being stuck on him. I wonder how many healers they went through before me?

2 guys doing 1k dps should really tell them its hopeless.
You can heal the first and second parts pretty easily if people get rid of the army, but Ghost Phase Black Knight is kind of a "hurry up and kill him because I can't really heal you forever" type of fight.


Sebulon3k said:
Amazingly I've tried to do the old raids like Naxx / Ulduar / Malygos and the amount of fail is just immense. People that can't do safety dance on Heigan, Failing on + - Thaddius, Fire Shield Malygos focus. Wtf shit's basic. It's like I've walked into an alternate dimension of some sorts where everyone is bad.

I've done most raids but I've never had the chance to do Malygos and unfortunately I don't know if I ever will. I'm a little jaded b/c of the above viewpoint and b/c everyone just assumes that you've done all the content thousands of times. Plus it doesn't help that no one runs it either :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Soroc said:
I've done most raids but I've never had the chance to do Malygos and unfortunately I don't know if I ever will. I'm a little jaded b/c of the above viewpoint and b/c everyone just assumes that you've done all the content thousands of times. Plus it doesn't help that no one runs it either :(
Malygos is beyond easy now that drakes scale because almost literally nothing will actually kill your drake.


Angry Grimace said:
Malygos is beyond easy now that drakes scale because almost literally nothing will actually kill your drake.

Well thats good to know. I play a Priest healer so if i'm pugging a raid I pretty much tell them upfront that I either haven't done the instance before or not enough to say I'm experienced. Most raid leaders are cool with it and I usually will come out of the raid with a few more friend invites lol but I think the fact that no one runs malygos on my server left me a little jaded when a potential raid actually happens lol


Thing is though is just because the patch is 'done' as far as we can tell. They can just hold it back citing some backend reason, and release it when it's most likely to get subscriptions. Probably a little closer to Christmas.

Or perhaps they are actually working on things they said they would add in 3.3 like pet scaling. I mean, you cant just say the patch is done because the dungeons are, theres more to the patch than just that. Those of us playing pet classes are waiting patiently for these extra weeks to provide our scaling and a week or so for testing and tweaking it before the patch goes live.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Sebulon3k said:
Amazingly I've tried to do the old raids like Naxx / Ulduar / Malygos and the amount of fail is just immense. People that can't do safety dance on Heigan, Failing on + - Thaddius, Fire Shield Malygos focus. Wtf shit's basic. It's like I've walked into an alternate dimension of some sorts where everyone is bad.

Serious question... how are those people who have never done it because we didn't hump the ever living shit out of it back in the day supposed to do it and learn, then? I was invited to Naxx 25, but it was old hat for the other 24 people playing, and even though I was on Vent, the raid leader acted as if it was the most annoying thing in the world to have to explain it to me. I guess since I'm a healer, they "put up with it," but it pisses me off that people think EVERYONE has exhausted this content. I see folks in this thread complaining that there is nothing to do, but a good number of the folks here are the same who put in 20-30 hours a week on the game easily. More power to them, but don't get uppity when someone hasn't miraculously experienced content they've never, you know, played.

As for my other question, has anyone played WoW on the recent upgraded Mac Minis, or an equivalent? I'm grabbing a couple on Friday, and wanted to know what their WoW performance was like.
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