Alfarif said:Serious question... how are those people who have never done it because we didn't hump the ever living shit out of it back in the day supposed to do it and learn, then? I was invited to Naxx 25, but it was old hat for the other 24 people playing, and even though I was on Vent, the raid leader acted as if it was the most annoying thing in the world to have to explain it to me. I guess since I'm a healer, they "put up with it," but it pisses me off that people think EVERYONE has exhausted this content. I see folks in this thread complaining that there is nothing to do, but a good number of the folks here are the same who put in 20-30 hours a week on the game easily. More power to them, but don't get uppity when someone hasn't miraculously experienced content they've never, you know, played.
As for my other question, has anyone played WoW on the recent upgraded Mac Minis, or an equivalent? I'm grabbing a couple on Friday, and wanted to know what their WoW performance was like.
Bisnic said:So... i just tried tanking Onyxia 10 and it didn't go great at all. The part where Onyxia lands at the end of phase 2 always wiped our pug raid because whelps were all over the place attacking people since our OT warrior had some trouble keeping aggro...when she landed there was still a big add alive every single time AND i had to run after her to make sure she did not one shot anyone while having that big add hitting on my back AND i might have some whelps on me... making me take too much damage.
Am i missing something? Should DPS get rid of most of the whelps and the big add before putting Onyxia back on the floor? Was the OT too bad at tanking the whelps? Should have i went after Onyxia while i had that big add on me? It's not a gear problem, i had 44k HP buffed!
No wonder i rarely tank raids, it's so much stress compared to DPS. Maybe i'll stick to tank 5 mans and dps raids. :lol
It's both Whirlwind and Emberstorm.Blackface said:The third time Whirldwind Battlegroup has been down in less then 24 hours. The first time it was down for hours upon hours.
This is how I've done it in every Ony PUG I've been a part of, I was surprised to hear you say people tried it any other way, honestly.Puncture said:Let your casters and ranged AE the whelps when they come out along with your melee. This will kill the whelps all in seconds, your melee should then have much more time to kill the big adds without the help of the ranged (once the ranged helps kill the whelps send them back to Ony.)
Tamanon said:I doubt Blizzard gives a damn about Aion. They had their chance, but disappointed way too many people who tried the game.
Ephemeral Snowflake
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Item Level 232
Equip: You gain 11 mana each time you heal a target with one of your spells.
Use: Grants 464 haste rating for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)
Blackface said:Pretty sure Aion is still pretty damn successful at this point. But it was never going to be something Blizzard needed to worry about.
funkmastergeneral said:Talent spec looks perfect outside of the ghost wolf. Don't ever use blue or green gems on your gear though, if you need to activate your meta use a nightmare's tear
Correction, 50.Retro said:Yeah, I don't see Aion being a "WoW Killer" any more than I saw Warhammer, LotRO, or any of the other unfairly elevated MMOs that bore that label and (for the most part) suffered for it. Aion has far too many problems currently to deal WoW a serious blow; it's too grindy, solo-unfriendly for large portions, and lacks the casual pick-up-and-go gameplay WoW offers.
That said, however, I do see a game like Aion (especially with some of the coolness going on in that trailer) taking some of my attention away from WoW, especially pre-Cataclysm, and during Cataclysm unless WoW really gets their shit together. By that, I mean leveling needs to feel awesome again, the new zones need to be more than just Christmas-tree Quest Clusters, and the classes I play (Warrior and Paladin) need to have enough changes to feel different.
I was planning to level a Cowadin, but unless they change the class' early skill setup, I may just wait to race change one of my Belfs over. I can't stand the thought of tediously auto-attacking my way to 40, improved world or not.
Soroc said:Where the heck do I trade in the Trophy of the crusade. I won one in a raid the other night and looked it up on wowhead and I needed to see Valiant Bassia or something like that but I don't see her anywhere in the argent tournament grounds. Am I missing something or is it b/c I haven't done any quest lines in this area and my rep isn't high? Is she phased?
Angry Grimace said:Correction, 50.
You don't get any attacks until 50. The only thing that's good at 40 is you start to get Judgments of the Wise so you stop running out of mana.
Ironically, once you get Divine Storm, it's a faceroll through Outlands. You can solo mobs that are allegedly 3 man party quests.Retro said:Yeah, I was thinking 41 point talent, which you don't get until 50. Wasn't on all gears this morning, and I actually took a catnap after making that post. Ya'll knew what I meant though.
Soroc said:Where the heck do I trade in the Trophy of the crusade. I won one in a raid the other night and looked it up on wowhead and I needed to see Valiant Bassia or something like that but I don't see her anywhere in the argent tournament grounds. Am I missing something or is it b/c I haven't done any quest lines in this area and my rep isn't high? Is she phased?
Ask for a Salv =OXabora said:Welp I made the main tank hate me tonight.
Riding 104% threat the entire fight on AN. :lol
I had salv.Angry Grimace said:Ask for a Salv =O
Most people forget it even exists anymore :lol
Get another one. You can't possibly run with less than 2 paladins.Xabora said:I had salv.
Anub'Arak in TOC.Angry Grimace said:Get another one. You can't possibly run with less than 2 paladins.
I'm also not sure which fight is "AN" either. For some reason, I read it as "Azjol-Nerub" which makes no sense.
I guess threat levels are one of those things you're kind of screwed on if you take the 0/53/18 spec since you get no threat management from Subtlety.
In a case of good fortune, since AN happens to have Anub'arak in it also, I also visualized it in my mind as Anub'arak. :lolXabora said:Anub'Arak in TOC.
AN was a typo.![]()
border said:If you are going to Naxx the first time then you have to read and learn like 13 separate boss strategies.....many of which don't make sense if you read just some text and see some crude diagrams. So if you do all that in the span of a day, what's the likelihood that you will be able to remember everything perfectly?
I don't see what's wrong with briefing a few newcomers, especially considering that most of the time you can summarize the bosses in a few sentences.
Well, players that are new to Naxx are going to be ranged or melee DPS -- most people have better sense than to make their first run as a tank or healer. Explaining fights for DPS should be relatively easy....only the Heigan fight really requires perfect attention and execution.SatelliteOfLove said:Not perfectly, solidly (it IS out-of-date Wrath raids). We were more going after the true Bads, not the rest of us, who aren't stupid but make stupid mistakes.
Arenas are 90% of the reason why I dont pvp atm.Angry Grimace said:The "Old" PvP Titles will be returning in Cataclysm, ("Knight," "Knight-Commander," "Warlord", etc.) They will have something to do with Rated BGs, which obviously Blizzard likes a lot more than Arenas.
markot said:Now the old ranks will mean nothing >_<
That's what your Scarab Lord title is formarkot said:It was like a badge of veterancy!
markot said:It was like a badge of veterancy!
markot said:PVE >_<
Sure, it sucked, but pvp still sucks, if not moreso.
FLEABttn said:What? PvE sucks, PvP sucks, you play WoW why?
The great community?FLEABttn said:What? PvE sucks, PvP sucks, you play WoW why?
markot said:I liked pvp, its just the 'system' of pvp sucks. It was at its best before honour points and all that crap. I come back every now and then, but they keep doing silly things like Wintergrasp and such >.<
Ive never liked raiding and crap though >.>
WoW has basically become a session based multiplayer game with cross-realm battlegrounds and arenas. The game world is just an extravagant lobby before matches.Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:The complaining has gotten so stupid that we're actually discussing how PVP was better way back when you had to wait 6 hours for AV to start because at least you recognized the people that called you a fucking noob for every little thing you did wrong.