:lol You beat me to the punch.Angry Grimace said:Sargeras was defeated by one chick.
:lol You beat me to the punch.Angry Grimace said:Sargeras was defeated by one chick.
The ultimate badass heroes of the WoW universe will likely be there to weaken or strike the killing blow when it comes time for Arthas and the rest to die, so no it's not entirely saying that.KernelPanic said:It's not really about killing classic characters as much as killing people that are too supposed to be too powerful to fight. WoW seems to imply you can kill anything or anyone if your gearscore is high enough.
I do. I just never liked click healing.Tamanon said:So we got another dedicated tank for our 10-man sideproject, so I'm swapping my offspec to resto again. I normally use Grid and GridClickSets and have had good experiences healing. Does anyone heal using mouseover macros instead? Is there an advantage you find in doing so?
There will be a Warcraft 4. They'll just make up more shit to kill in it. Why would they stop making the incredibly profitable Warcraft RTS games?Acosta said:Mannoroth died (killed by a single orc no less, yes, a cursed one, but with Mannoroth's own blood and without the support of an army).
Grom died.
Cenarius "dies" (at least he was slaughtered by an army of demonic tainted orcs, not by a single one.
Gul'dan, destroyer of dreams, the most powerful warlock in the history of Azeroth, dies.
Medivh dies, three times
Terenas dies, so does Uther.
Warcraft I-III sees important and history changing characters dying constantly. WoW is not a parenthesis from the RTS, it´s a much more important game and it's story arc is a follow up. Taking on count there will never be a "Warcraft 4", WoW is the scenario for any future lore development of this universe.
There are still plenty of powerful beings that could be a menace for Azeroth without jumping to Sargeras. Deathwing for next expansion, then Queen Azhara and whoever is behind the esmerald dream nightmare. And there are no problems introducing new characters and arcs, especially now that WoW is so established. There are not going to be a lack of enemies to face at all in the next years.
Because they could focus all their energy on the even more colossally profitable Warcraft MMO.Angry Grimace said:Why would they stop making the incredibly profitable Warcraft RTS games?
Meh, development isn't exclusive to a single title. They are making Starcraft II and Diablo III.Orbitcube said:Because they could focus all their energy on the even more colossally profitable Warcraft MMO.
Oh, sure. Once SC2 and/or D3 are done, then work on Warcraft 4 would probably start. But at the moment there's no chance of a WC4 coming out. And work probably wouldn't start from either team until mid 2010 at least. With SC2's 3-part structure and D3 being Diablo, we're not going to be seeing anything else from those teams in a long while.Angry Grimace said:Meh, development isn't exclusive to a single title. They are making Starcraft II and Diablo III.
I'm not saying WCIV is coming out any time soon; it fits with Blizzard's glacial pace of development. But there's no reason they would simply not make one at all.
Angry Grimace said:Meh, development isn't exclusive to a single title. They are making Starcraft II and Diablo III.
I'm not saying WCIV is coming out any time soon; it fits with Blizzard's glacial pace of development. But there's no reason they would simply not make one at all.
J. Allen Brack: Well, I think right now, even the thought of StarCraft II hitting the shelves excites a lot of people. Probably a lot of the same individuals involved in that would have to be involved in something like a Warcraft IV. So I wouldn't rule anything out, but I think we're a long ways off from any... even thinking about it at this point.
Lore = details. Really.Yaweee said:One of the recent interviews talked about Warcraft IV, or the present lack thereof.
In addition to all of the obvious WC4 people working on Starcraft 2 already, I'm guessing there's also a lore issue of when WC4 would even take place. You can't set it in the future without giving away what happens in WoW, and I don't think it would take place concurrently with the WoW events, either.
I wish there were a way to view quest dialog and descriptions later in-game. I know some other MMOs allow you to do that.
If I did tank, oh yeah. But I can't tank worth crap, and people told me not to ever tank again. :lolfunkmastergeneral said:man you sure are in love with yourself. Not only do you feel the need to post your dps meters here on GAF constantly, but you need to brag to your friends in whispers after the fight :lol
What on Earth would you do if you tanked, brag about your threat generation?
Yeah I know.Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Yeah that sort of bragging is insufferable. If shit's getting done, who cares that you're doing 0.1% more DPS in the raid?
Sounds like it.PhoenixDark said:The 8th seems like a good guess for 3.3. I'll be busy studying/writing papers, but I'm guessing the first few days will be total server fubar anyway
Zarhym said:No, not tomorrow.
border said:The ultimate badass heroes of the WoW universe will likely be there to weaken or strike the killing blow when it comes time for Arthas and the rest to die, so no it's not entirely saying that.
People need to take the game less seriously -- it's an amusement park ride that bends the rules a bit to let players interact with major story figures. Keeping all the villains locked away in a tower to never be touched is what basically every other MMO is forced to do. Play Lord of the Rings Online if that suits you better.....I'm sure you'll never kill Sauron or the Ring Wraiths or whatever.
If I did tank, oh yeah. But I can't tank worth crap, and people told me not to ever tank again.
But yeah, they brag to me too about their stuff. (Its a server thing I think)
>_> But I have been hoping someone would at least post some too.![]()
Angry Grimace said:There will be a Warcraft 4. They'll just make up more shit to kill in it. Why would they stop making the incredibly profitable Warcraft RTS games?
Kyoufu said:Guess I'm saving my chunk of gold for Primordial Saronites so I can get past the first stage of the Shadowmourne quest!
Was planning on spending the gold on GDKP runs for my lock, but oh well ;/
Tamanon said:I was so pissed as I pugged VOA10 last night on my moonkin. Had a bear tank at first, and should've known it would be bad when he kept accidentally hitting his Start button and alt-tabbing. Next bad sign was that my moonkin and his godly 5k dps pulled aggro off Koralon. I have honestly never pulled aggro before on a single target fight.:lol
Tamanon said:Primordial Saronites are probably going to be going for 8-10k apiece on the AH.:lol
The only drop in 10 mans on heroic if it's anything at all like the other tiers.Kyoufu said:yupHopefully the guild will help me with them too.
If they drop in 10mans too then it shouldn't be too bad to get all 25.
That doesn't make even a slight lick of sense, business wise or logically.Acosta said:No. Warcraft RTS profits are nothing compared to WoW and Blizzard won't risk to alienate their users with a RTS when most of the actual WoW players don't care for that genre. Starcraft it´s the only RTS Blizzard need (much more successful than any Warcraft). It won't happen.
Kyoufu said:yupHopefully the guild will help me with them too.
If they drop in 10mans too then it shouldn't be too bad to get all 25.
I've got about 50k saved up so I'm hoping for 2k each :/Kyoufu said:yupHopefully the guild will help me with them too.
If they drop in 10mans too then it shouldn't be too bad to get all 25.
By Week 4, yes. Just don't buy any until you're ready to go for the next part of the quest.Epix said:I've got about 50k saved up so I'm hoping for 2k each :/
It really depends on the drop rate.Tamanon said:I dunno if they'll be down to 2k by then. Since so many are required and very few bosses will be available, guilds might not really release them to the AH in enough numbers to drop the price that much.
Maybe if they weren't also used for recipes too.:lol
Although I think they'll be down to 2k by the time you can finally complete the quest at least.
I don't really get how Gathering Herbs doesn't break Flight Form but mining does.speedpop said:Stayed in Azeroth for the last 58-60 levels and hit the Plaguelands after smacking around in Silithus and Winterspring. WPL isn't too bad but once I enter EPL for some reason I get an aneurysm and want to quit.
Forgot about the insane jump between simple quest gear when you hit Outland though. I must've been carrying my 2H Mace around for the past 25-30 levels without ever changing it and suddenly I get a new one that rapes everything. I've gone from 2K health to 4K within the span of 60->61. Ridiculous.
Also Flight Form is such a hack. I can't believe how easy it is to be a Herbalist now.
Tamanon said:Our guild's DK who is getting it first(does consistently highest DPS) is getting help from the guild bank first with any that drop and he's got 3 80s he's going to use to farm Frost badges to buy them himself too. He does absolutely silly dps as Unholy, I can't wait to see how much he shames the pure DPS classes after getting Shadowmourne.
Angry Grimace said:I don't really get how Gathering Herbs doesn't break Flight Form but mining does.
sykoex said:So why have so many people been theorizing 3.3's release being this week or next when that blue post said it was over a month out?
evlcookie said:They aren't doing anything on the PTR which either means it's winding down and they can release it or their patching a bunch of stuff into the PTR for more testing. Chances are it's the first one. And since icecrown is a gated system they don't need to worry about all the bosses working correctly just yet.
Belfast said:Because setting its release for over a month out is retarded. I usually back Blizzard's decisions, but I don't feel there's any justifiable reason for the content to go live. The bosses are there, the loot is there, the graphics are there, the Dungeon Finder is well-tested and ready, the quest-tracking system is in place. The don't seem to be scheduling any more raid tests, either.
Either there's something internal they're waiting for or they're trying to plan around the holidays, which is, well... kind of their own fault. Just release the damn content because a lot of players are sick and tired of ToC (what is that, 5 months of a "diversion" now?).
Lots of things. We aren't necessarily privy to the internal politics and/or technical concerns on their end. My guess is that a Battlegroup-wide implementation of Cross-Server LFG (as opposed to the PTR's 2 realms) is a technical pain in the ass.Belfast said:Though I know it wasn't coming today, I still think they should've released 3.3 this week if they wanted to be "ready" next week (you know, the usual patch day shit and all that jazz). I really have no idea what else is holding them back beyond "timing."
On a personal level, I would've really preferred that it dropped today because I'll be at my parents' place for the holidays next Friday for three weeks and that means I have to use my laptop.
My laptop blows, and I'd rather that not be my first live server experience in the dungeon.
It may be difficult but I would expect it to be manageable. It is, after all, an expanded feature-set of the Battlegroup-wide battleground queues.Angry Grimace said:Lots of things. We aren't necessarily privy to the internal politics and/or technical concerns on their end. My guess is that a Battlegroup-wide implementation of Cross-Server LFG (as opposed to the PTR's 2 realms) is a technical pain in the ass.