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World of Warcraft

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I logged on to a different server and checked out the new descriptions when creating a class. They're much better now.

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
You are wrong. It was mentioned "New Dances" in videos prior to wrath's launch, it was mentioned of a studio in the works, and finally, it was mentioned months later of being accused of lying by a blue it's something they would like to do down the line then all of a sudden.

Many people complained about it, like it or not. Get off their junk.
They are lame too.


Oh man, not only is my gear too bad to do any Heroics using the new system, but I can't even do normal ToC or Icecrown. There is no explanation as to how my gear level is determined.

The new quest helper is the new map. Just, instead of the regular plain map when you press M (or whatever) it has all of the quest stuff bordering it and overlaid by default.


Finally was able to log in fully.

Quest tracker looks pretty weird. It's definitely going to take getting used to. I like how quest helper displayed your quests on the side of the screen, I'm going to have to look in the option to see if I can do the same with this.


I'm disappointed in the new range of the nameplates. I was hoping for something much longer than just 40 yards.

At least they don't jump around all the time now.


So Archavon's Log is only the record since the last patch? Yesterday it was something like

Defended Wins 893
Offense Wins 943

Defended wins 89
Offense wins 900

Not really sure how those numbers make sense, but leveling from 70-80 with this character I almost always had the exp buff.

Now it is 0-1, 2-0, counting even while the servers were down.


Color me dissapointed. The patch won't install successfully because a backup file couldn't be created. What in the Azeroth is going on here.


GriffD17 said:
Color me dissapointed. The patch won't install successfully because a backup file couldn't be created. What in the Azeroth is going on here.

Have you tried running stuff as an administrator?


Angry Grimace said:
They are lame too.

Chill, bro. You're out of line. I wanted my dance studios too, not no dinky ass cross server LFG. Matter of fact, who the hell asked for these three dungeons to gear up my alts? And what's this shit about a raid? I don't care about that, I'm not in a raiding guild. I just want my shit that has no relevancy to the meat of this game. Hell, they even bothered to update the classes with some worthwhile changes.

Blizzard, you're falling off.


Has problems recognising girls
The quest helper is much better than I expected. Also nice to see my health and mana barely dip during the starter levels.
Its nice already have 10 emblems of frost. I love this cross realm stuff. My guild who can barely get online was keepin me back but then i cross realmed and did a significant amount of dungeons so far. I saw a tank trinket with +325 stam or something around that number. I almost nutted in my pants. That is in the 25 man though.

Oh also anyone know where the T10 vendor is at? I want to see the costs. I was told by my guild your supposed to be 50k unbuffed to tank for IC....i'm 10 away so i gotta get some T10 lol


Started Archavon 25, got Thrall's Gloves of Triumph, then the off-tank was afk against the storm guy and we wiped. Everybody quit immediately thereafter =(

EDIT: Lol, that one piece of gear was enough to push me high enough to be able to do most of the heroics (except the four newest).

DOUBLE EDIT: Did Utgarde, got the Annhylde's Ring (to replace a shitty green), but it wasn't enough to open up Heroic ToC or Icecrown


Cleared the FoS. Had a wipe and a dumbass DK didnt know where the entrance was. My patience was tested. That kind of stuff is going to be common and its going to suck.

Oh god trying to get the second one going and the "Instance server is full" or "Could not be launched" shit is in full effect. Its over man, its over.

Chris R

How well are cross server pugs of Naxx/Ulduar/ect going? Main reason I stopped playing a few months back was the lack of pugs when I was playing most of the time (they were earlier in the day). This whole patch sounds like it might be enough to bring me back for a month or two until the lull until Cataclysm drops.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The cross realms instances are broken on my battlegroup. I was in the Halls of reflection, ready to flee the Lich King with Jaina, then BANG. Instance frozen for everyone, got disconnected after 5 mins and impossible to log back unless it's an alt.

Talk about ruining my 1st time for this epic moment.
rhfb said:
How well are cross server pugs of Naxx/Ulduar/ect going? Main reason I stopped playing a few months back was the lack of pugs when I was playing most of the time (they were earlier in the day). This whole patch sounds like it might be enough to bring me back for a month or two until the lull until Cataclysm drops.

no cross server raids

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
Chill, bro. You're out of line. I wanted my dance studios too, not no dinky ass cross server LFG. Matter of fact, who the hell asked for these three dungeons to gear up my alts? And what's this shit about a raid? I don't care about that, I'm not in a raiding guild. I just want my shit that has no relevancy to the meat of this game. Hell, they even bothered to update the classes with some worthwhile changes.

Blizzard, you're falling off.
He's been bitching about it since 3.0.8, and he bitches about it in Gaming in other threads.


Well we killed everything in ICC 25 that we could. Then the servers shit.

Normal seems decently easy. Can't really see the instance being pugged too easily .... specially not Deathwhisper.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vilmer_ said:
I'm stuck at the end of Halls of Reflection, on the boat right at the chest!!
It's completely broken. The same way it was on the PTR when they got 1395081950 reports about it.


Finish PoS and the forge trying to get into Halls of Reflection and it seems the instance servers are taking a crap. When Mal'Ganis first got back up there must've been about a hundred people attempting to summon :lol, that place was packed tight.


Grandma's Chippy
So with all the new dungeon tools...can we look for groups for old BC or Original instances?

I'd like to find others looking to do BC Heroic achievements.


Finally was able to get an instance to work with Pit of Saron and Forge of Souls, knocked both of those out on heroic. Hall of Reflection is pretty dang hard if you don't read up on it. Wiped a few times on the waves, downed the first little sub-boss, then wiped again on wave 7, thank god it starts you back on wave 6 instead of the beginning. That place will be hell to pug on heroic!

And then the instance froze up on us on the final wall of running from Arthas, kicked us out of the group and then back to Dalaran. Well, we'll try that part later.

Tested the random LFG thing though, got accepted as a healer on the next to last boss in Nexus, easy-ass frost emblems heh.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mr Pockets said:
So with all the new dungeon tools...can we look for groups for old BC or Original instances?

I'd like to find others looking to do BC Heroic achievements.
You can, but you can't queue for a dungeon outside your level range with the tool.


Pretty fun night, Lead a random heroic run for the frost emblems. I ended up being ToC, and all but one other person (the tank) knew the fights. Amazing how many people have never done it.

Also if you have a lance on you on your server, and you get called to a random x-server ToC pug it will make the lance you had disappear during your zone it, but NOT let you loot another one inside. Meaning you cannot mount, and you cannot participate in the first section of the instance. I had to run around on foot shooting them and fleeing (because they auto aggro anyone not mounted and Beeline for them) until my group 4 manned it.

Ridiculous bugs man. Got the First two new 5 mans down in heroic, the third was just too swamped, never got to zone in, and heard the end of the run is bugged at the boat anyway so I just said screw it and did my dailies.

Ammo mats were made about 5 times cheaper this patch (no exaggeration) Checked the AH and the engies flooded the market with Ammo that is priced at 4x what it was yesterday, and this is with the mat cost COLLAPSE. I fucking hate this shit.


Must say I'm impressed so far with this content patch. The new raid, albeit easy, is well done so far. The fights are fun and interesting, especially the airship. Got three pieces of DPS loot tonight, so I can't really complain there either. :lol

The new instances are nice, the q-system is cool as well.

Not really feeling the tier models still though, maybe they'll grow on me.

As far as saying "well they gave these dungeons, that's why there's no dance stuff", fuck that noise. That company makes more than enough money off this game to invest into more staff, or whatever is needed to add more to the game still. So what if it's a trivial thing, it's no different than pets, tabs, or whatever. That's my trivial thing I like in the game. They promised it, it was a bullet point, I looked forward to it, it's not here yet. And, won't be until cataclysm most likely at this point. So yeah, I'm pissed at that. If you banana riders can't grasp that, oh well, but they get too much slack from people just because they're blizzard.


What exactly was the dance studio supposed to be anyway? :lol

Do you design your own dance based on a series of pre-canned animations? Or do you just select from a bunch of full-length dances that cannot be customized (like the Barber Shop)? If all the dances are custom-designed, I can see how they'd have trouble implementing it.


Awesome patch, but the new instances are a bit buggy. I won the roll for some boots and it said I got them, but I didn't. Then we perma-lagged running from Arthas. Other than that, awesome patch.

One day after hitting 80 and I already have 4 epics and 35k honor.
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