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World of Warcraft

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border said:
What exactly was the dance studio supposed to be anyway? :lol

Do you design your own dance based on a series of pre-canned animations? Or do you just select from a bunch of full-length dances that cannot be customized (like the Barber Shop)? If all the dances are custom-designed, I can see how they'd have trouble implementing it.

No idea. I would've been happy with either.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Must say I'm impressed so far with this content patch. The new raid, albeit easy, is well done so far. The fights are fun and interesting, especially the airship. Got three pieces of DPS loot tonight, so I can't really complain there either. :lol

The new instances are nice, the q-system is cool as well.

Not really feeling the tier models still though, maybe they'll grow on me.

As far as saying "well they gave these dungeons, that's why there's no dance stuff", fuck that noise. That company makes more than enough money off this game to invest into more staff, or whatever is needed to add more to the game still. So what if it's a trivial thing, it's no different than pets, tabs, or whatever. That's my trivial thing I like in the game. They promised it, it was a bullet point, I looked forward to it, it's not here yet. And, won't be until cataclysm most likely at this point. So yeah, I'm pissed at that. If you banana riders can't grasp that, oh well, but they get too much slack from people just because they're blizzard.
It's not going to be in Cataclysm either.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Just suffered through the first two instances with lots of DC's and 'additional instances not found' only to get to the end of the third one, and with Arthas chasing us - have the LFG tool kick us all out back to Dalaran :lol


I joined a guild, and they have a good bunch of core players that are quite excellent. But there are so many scrubs its not even funny wiping on Beasts 10 is no fun /sigh. Debating whether to G quit now or just try to leech as much ICC gear as I can until a decent guild starts recruiting my class.


You guys getting kicked out of Dungeons are lucky, we can't even get in.

All instances in the Cyclone battlegroup (I'm on Daggerspine) are down right now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yaweee said:
Awesome patch, but the new instances are a bit buggy. I won the roll for some boots and it said I got them, but I didn't. Then we perma-lagged running from Arthas. Other than that, awesome patch.

One day after hitting 80 and I already have 4 epics and 35k honor.
Can't say I'm loving the constant failures to launch instances.


Eh, it's patch day, with a brand new cross-server thing being implemented, I would've been more shocked if it worked.

On the plus side, I just pugged Oculus in a random dungeon group on my 79 hunter. Only had one death even though I was the only person to ever be there. They really did nerf it.:lol


Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found


That said, I've managed to do Forge of Souls and Pit of Sauron :)lol ) between constant aborts and world crashes. So far, very exciting, though laggy as hell and frustrating because of the failed instance launches.

Beats the hell out of farming ToC AGAIN though.


Tamanon said:
Eh, it's patch day, with a brand new cross-server thing being implemented, I would've been more shocked if it worked.
Even when new 5-mans get introduced, I've never seen it take down every single dungeon in the game.....but I guess that's the effect of having people from 4 or 5 servers all hammering the instance servers.


Retro said:
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Transfer Aborted: instance not found


That said, I've managed to do Forge of Souls and Pit of Sauron :)lol ) between constant aborts and world crashes. So far, very exciting, though laggy as hell and frustrating because of the failed instance launches.

Beats the hell out of farming ToC AGAIN though.

I'm also happy that there's actual challenging trash in the new dungeons too. When that guy in Halls of Reflection suddenly cloned the party we freaked out.:lol


Lost all credibility.
Wow this sucks, my character is stuck in Pit of Saron. I couldn't use the portal and when I tried to hearth, my character would just stay in the casting anim and nothing happened. So I closed wow and when I try to get back in it just hangs on the PoS loading screen for a few minutes, then kicks me back to character select. :(


sykoex said:
Wow this sucks, my character is stuck in Pit of Saron. I couldn't use the portal and when I tried to hearth, my character would just stay in the casting anim and nothing happened. So I closed wow and when I try to get back in it just hangs on the PoS loading screen for a few minutes, then kicks me back to character select. :(

Log in on an alt, then try to log on your frozen main... it usually kicks the character off.


My only complaint with the LFG system is how rigied the looting system is. I could have used a whole bunch of caster leather/cloth nobody wanted, but I can't do need on them. Boooooooo.

Oh well, five epics in my first day as an 80 is a start.
Shitty patch day for me. I joined a group for the new instance, but we got dc'd on the first boss. Couldn't get on for a few more hours, at which point I realized I got saved to the instance boo.

Then my computer started acting up right as my guild entered ICC. I left raid to deal with it. Wasted an hour and a half taking things apart before realizing the problem was pretty simple (loose fan was making a shit-ton of noise). Luckily the guild didn't do the raid without me, but at the same time it sucked that my computer problem caused them not to be able to raid (I'm MT).

Oh well. The LFG thingie is very nice; I'm about to test it on my lv76 shaman


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
JWong said:
It'll be 1 and a half weeks before I get to play... DAMN!

Yeah, I only get like an hour or two a day to play unless I want to become a complete slob and not do anything, so my real play time will be on the weekend. Ugh. I'll be forced to listen to a bunch of people in my guild bragging endlessly about how they've passed me up in loot progression. (We're ultra-competitive; even healers e-peen against DPS, and vice versa)

My only worry is that the list of folks I've cultivated to be my "go to" for tanking and DPS will fall by the wayside, since I can just queue up and cross server whatever. Big sigh, but I guess it's all for the best?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yaweee said:
My only complaint with the LFG system is how rigied the looting system is. I could have used a whole bunch of caster leather/cloth nobody wanted, but I can't do need on them. Boooooooo.

Oh well, five epics in my first day as an 80 is a start.
You could ask someone else to and then trade.


Got up to Falric in the new 5-mans before the instance server had a stroke and sealed us inside for a couple hours. Forge isn't anything special, but Pit of Saron is pretty sweet.


Bah the last heroic causes a dc once you finish it and try to get on the airship. You can't get the final loot or finish the quest. FAIL


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I resubbed for the first time since June/July a couple weeks ago intending to check out Pilgrim's Bounty, but I never got around to it.

So, tonight was my first significant WoW play time in ~6 months. Completed all 3 new 5mans on Heroic, as well as Heroic Ahn'kahet (which I ad never actually done on Heroic). All in all, it was a productive night. 8 Emblems of Frost plus 19 or so Emblems of Triumph (I obviously had 0 of both before now).

Plus I got three gear upgrades from the new 5man - ilvl 232 weapon, wand, and gloves.

The new instances are pretty good, but attunements and mandatory LENGTHY RP events for the loss. Pit of Saron is pretty fantastic though. Nice to look at, nice encounters, fun bosses, etc. By far the jewel of the three, IMO.

For the rest of the month I'll probably do a random Heroic each day, check out the TotGC raid and 5man (haven't played since 3.1 so I missed them). Then I'll probably be done till cataclysm.


Managed to get through Culling of Stratholm, Forge of Souls, and Pit of Sauron tonight with the new cross realm pug system. Got a lot of Transfer Aborted: instance not found and instance could not be launched but eventually u get in.

Overall brilliant system, game changing for a lot of people including me. Been playing since vanilla and never really got into dungeons... always been a pvp guy. Definitely will be doing more dungeons tmrw night, and experiencing content I likely would have never seen.


Nerd Rage Imminent:

Second wing of Icecrown Citadel will open in 28 Days
Icecrown Citadel opened with 4 bosses available: Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Gunship Battle, Deathbringer Saurfang.

. . . .

The next unlock will happen on January 5th, if each wing is unlocked after a month it means that we won't see Arthas before April but if I had to give my opinion I would say that it will probably be faster than that. The 4 weeks are probably here to let people test the rest of the content without focusing too much on raid instances.

That's right, gate-haters; it's gonna be not three weeks, but four between each gate opening. This puts Arthas safely out of reach until nearly May. If they do stick to an even 4 weeks between each gate, then your expected gate days are;

The Plagueworks: Feb 2nd (be sure to ask Festergut if he saw his shadow)
The Crimson Hall: March 2nd
Frostwing Halls: March 30th
The Frozen Throne: April 27th

I wonder if they'll bump those days up, however, when they're flooded with tears. I haven't been raiding since early WotLK, and even I would call bullshit on how stretched out this content is. Glad I'm not a raider anymore, I bet that just tastes like shit...
Did anyone that did ICC25 last night get the token for the level 264 tier gear? My guild downed Marrowgar before calling it a night (After 7 wipes on him, supposedly the "easy boss", we're fucked tonight with Deathwhisper) and didn't get a token, just 3 pieces of loot and 2 badges.


Angry Grimace said:
You could ask someone else to and then trade.

There aren't always clothies, and any attempts to get people to pass or just not DE have failed =( I'll probably create a macro to just say the same thing over and over so people stop forgetting.
So, I got hit with the problem that when I press "play", nothing happens :'(

Apparently the patch messes with the permission to the wow.exe file, it's weird.


border said:
You guys getting kicked out of Dungeons are lucky, we can't even get in.

All instances in the Cyclone battlegroup (I'm on Daggerspine) are down right now.

Yeah I'm on Stonemaul now ... all the instances went down right after we finished off the last dude in ICC 25 thankfully. I just logged off right after because I figured they wouldn't be back up.

Maybe I'll see you in a 5 man someday! UNLESS you're horde.


I did the first 5 man this morning before work. Right before we pulled the first boss, we got a "server will shut down in 15 minutes" message. We killed him and rushed to the final boss. We pulled him with 8 minutes left. None of us had read up on the fight and 2 of our melee stood in the same void zone from 100% till death. We wiped and got back in the zone with 5 minutes left. As we are coming up on the final room, the tank is jumping around like a spaz and falls off the edge and dies.

Ohh pugs.


logged on last night, wanting to do some dungeons, but all the instances were down :(

oh well, I'll try again tonight I guess.


Really enjoyed my random group getting DC'd right before the last boss of Pit of Saron, our group getting disbanded by it, saving me to the instance and preventing me from finishing everything until tonight. Gah.


Once random group works... I can really see it being a bread and butter to my WoWing experience. Normally... I shy away from trying to gather groups together in order to down encounters (I'm a guildee 100%)... but with this introduction... I can safely take an hour after raid time to complete the daily Random... and even take a deep breath when I'm trying to gear up my alt-DK.

It's laggy right now, of course, but once it settles (think back when Cross-Realm BGs were introduced), it'll be pretty slick.

Anyone else loving the new DE choice on loot drops? I'm an enchanter so it's no big deal to me... but it's a nice service for those that don't normally have the benefit of having one in group. Plus... as I've frequently been the only Enchanting in an instance... I don't have to worry about DEing before porting out of the instance now! Haha. It's the little things that matter.

And for those of you who were waiting for addons to be updated... check frequently today... especially this afternoon. I've already updated most of my addons....... still waiting on recount (there could be an alpha). Patience, everyone. This is gonna be an excellent patch.


Yeah, it's frustrating because the system is great, just not working as well as it should right now. It's going to be great for cataclysm.


Really hope Xpearl is updated by tonight. Was really hard to raid without it last night. I started using Pitbull instead for the time being and I just couldn't stand it.

Oh and another tidbit, don't know if anyone tried doing ToC last night. We did after we cleared out ICC ... could only do the first boss. It's like they re-gated ToC lol.


Grandma's Chippy
Don't forget the other awesome thing about the LFG tool...

You can leave the instance at anytime to go repair, sell, fetch something from the bank etc

Then just portal right back in.


Tamanon said:
Absolute bitch with a pug, I tried healing it on heroic and it's just too tough right now with tanks and dps on different pages.

Even a couple of our best healers were running out of mana on the subsequent waves of trash in HoR. It's pretty nuts how much damage is getting thrown around there.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Halls of Reflection wouldn't be that bad if at least there wasn't so many ranged mobs to kill in the Frostmourne room. It's hard for the tank to get all of them on him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
Nerd Rage Imminent:


That's right, gate-haters; it's gonna be not three weeks, but four between each gate opening. This puts Arthas safely out of reach until nearly May. If they do stick to an even 4 weeks between each gate, then your expected gate days are;

The Plagueworks: Feb 2nd (be sure to ask Festergut if he saw his shadow)
The Crimson Hall: March 2nd
Frostwing Halls: March 30th
The Frozen Throne: April 27th

I wonder if they'll bump those days up, however, when they're flooded with tears. I haven't been raiding since early WotLK, and even I would call bullshit on how stretched out this content is. Glad I'm not a raider anymore, I bet that just tastes like shit...
I'm sure it's been mentioned but your math is beyond wrong (i.e. 28 days from now is not February 2), and the Frozen Throne isn't a "wing," the Arthas encounter is in the Frostwing Halls.

The first section that opens will include the Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper, Icecrown Gunship Battle, and Deathbringer Saurfang encounters. Progress beyond that point will be prevented for several weeks. Then the Plagueworks will open with Rotface, Festergut, and Professor Putricide becoming available. After another period of time, the Crimson Hall will open and you can then fight the Blood Princes and Blood-Queen Lana'thel. The final Frostwing Halls unlock then occurs after that, making Valithria Dreamwalker, Sindragosa, and the Lich King available. We believe a staggered release of the content will allow players to experience Icecrown Citadel at a sustainable, measured, and ultimately more enjoyable pace.

Revising that, it would be;

The Plagueworks Open: January 5, 2009.
The Crimson Halls Open: February 2, 2009.
The Frostwing Halls Open: March 2, 2009.

I'm not sure how you added 2 months to that.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bisnic said:
Halls of Reflection wouldn't be that bad if at least there wasn't so many ranged mobs to kill in the Frostmourne room. It's hard for the tank to get all of them on him.
You need to have your tank immediately pick up and then BURN the mages because they will counterspell you. The hunter mobs are pretty trivial. I took my main through there, who is a Death Knight, so the first five waves, which don't have any of the mages, were easy enough to Death Grip the ranged mob into range of the tank. The Mages sometimes spawn along with the Hunters, so you have to prioritize Death Gripping the Mages towards the tank so they don't counterspell your healer. The second option, of course, is to just Repent/Shackle the Mage since they are all undeads.

I personally didn't think any of them were "hard" with a comp of Resto Shaman - Unholy DK - Ret Pally - Surv Hunt - Prot Pally and keep in mind that my dps for the three dungeons was floating around 5200 and the other two guildies were somewhere in the mid 2000s (they are pvp guys that wanted on PvE gear). So it might have been trivial with the right comp and gear level, and totally brutal with the wrong comp. Our resto shaman complained that all three of them were really really hard to heal due to constant party damage, although we did not resort to CC or anything like that, we just AoE'd everything as usual.

The Escape portion is easy enough for the first three walls, but suddenly becomes hard when you reach the final wall because there's just so many of the caster undead vrykul + mini-patchwerks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Maybe I was in some kind of SuperPUG but we had no problem with any of the 3 new instances. For Halls of Relection the tank didn't even bother rounding up the ranged enemies... healer just healed through the damage.

We also didn't know any of the boss strats. Tank was the only one that had been in the 5mans before and didn't bother explaining them. Just pulled. As DPS I just assumed I was not supposed to stand in bad-looking shit :lol
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