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World of Warcraft

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Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish they could put a "skip RP stuff" option (like TOC) for the talk between Uther and Jaina at the beginning of HoR. It's insanely long and after the 1st run, it's boring.

Do Horde have to deal with this and Sylvanas too? Is she talking to some ghost too or just talking to herself?
We cleared the first ICC wing tonight. Marrowgar wound up giving us the most trouble surprisingly; had 5 wipes lol. Mainly due to people not paying attention to the aggro wipe, or fighting in front of the boss even after being yelled at.

Lady Deathwhisper: 1 wipe. I expected this fight to be tough, but we breezed through. The adds weren't a problem at all, and eventually I stopped paying attention to their casts. P2 was a breeze

Icecrown Gunship Battle: 3 hilarious wipes. First time I was being a dumbass and forgot to jump off the ship; Saurfang beat the shit out of me. Second wipe I wound up rocketing off the horde ship to the very edge of our ship, then falling off lmao. Third wipe wasn't my fault! Very fun fight, and I'd kill to see a 40 man version

Deathbringer Saurfang: No wipes. Surprisingly easy. He only reached the Mark of the Fallen Champion cast twice so we got the achievement

Overall I like the layout, and some of the trash fights are fun. The Gunship fight is my favorite raid boss in ages and I'd imagine Deathwhisper will be a nice tanking challenge on heroic, whenever it comes out. Marrowgar is fun as well. Saurfang was pretty meh, probably because we stomped it so easily lol
Tamanon said:
Man, if you're a healer or a tank, it's even easier to get a quick group now. Plus it seems the LFD system is making hybrid classes actually want to use their tanking or healing spec, always good for more folks to learn.

Hmm maybe I should take this as a good opportunity to learn how to tank on my durid... at least I'm only making strangers suffer this way :lol


Tamanon said:
A ton of folks are running the new instances, and a lot of folks are LFGing specifically for them, so random folks fill those slots. ESPECIALLY if you're a tank or a healer.

That makes perfect sense, thanks, so this weekend and probably for the next solid week, LFG random will be the perfect chance to grab any of the 232's you want since people will be hardqueueing the hell out of the IC runs. Will allow you to run the same one multiple times a day, very nice.

And wow, I am sorry but Mut Rogues or whatever. What in the fecking hell.


Junior Member
Forgot to post this!

28 days... 28 days... 28 days... :(

Daelo said:
As noted in game, the release of the Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel occurs 28 days after patch 3.3.0 was released. After the Plagueworks is available, you will then wait less than 28 days for the next wing to become active. The extended length of the initial 28 day delay is simply due to the timing of the Holidays.

In other news, the initial number of attempts to defeat the major bosses at the end of each wing of Icecrown Citadel has been increased by 5. This means you’ll have 10 attempts for Professor Putricide, 15 attempts when The Crimson Halls are available, then 20 when the Frostwing Halls becomes attackable.


I'll be honest, I'm pretty disappointed with my guild right now. We blazed through Marrowgar (4-5 attempts) but we've been stuck on Deathwhisper both nights. Our ranged DPS has always been sort of lacking (in that we've got plenty, but they blow), and I think that's what is really holding us back.

As an Assassin-spec Rogue, I sure as hell know it isn't me!


Bisnic said:
I wish they could put a "skip RP stuff" option (like TOC) for the talk between Uther and Jaina at the beginning of HoR. It's insanely long and after the 1st run, it's boring.

Do Horde have to deal with this and Sylvanas too? Is she talking to some ghost too or just talking to herself?
I dunno about Alliance side, but I always get a "Skip the Chit Chat" option when doing HoR with Sylvanas. It wasn't there the first time I ran it, but after the first completion it always pops up.


but ever so delicious
Orbitcube said:
The thing in this picture that makes me the most excited (aside from rogues being OP) is that there's a fucking dwarf rogue in this picture. DORFROAGS REPRESENTING!

My main in WoW Vanilla was a dwarf rogue. Using that during the recent festival was insane, Turkey 24/7!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So as a Warrior I'm defense capped, but mostly in blues (60/40 ratio to epics maybe). Is it unreasonable for me to expect random groups to take me for heroic dungeons? I could tank them just fine before, but I've been away from the game for awhile. Some group threw a fit when I entered the instance because of my gear.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Dance In My Blood said:
So as a Warrior I'm defense capped, but mostly in blues (60/40 ratio to epics maybe). Is it unreasonable for me to expect random groups to take me for heroic dungeons? I could tank them just fine before, but I've been away from the game for awhile. Some group threw a fit when I entered the instance because of my gear.

If the game says you can get into the instance, then you can get in. If you tanked fine, do your thing. I never judge someone based on gear until they start blowing... but by that time, it's more that they plain out suck and less about their gear.

The only time gear becomes an issue is when we're, play style wise, a perfectly fine group, but we can't get the mobs/boss down fast enough because of lack of DPS, and I'm blowing through CDs (holy priest) like no one's business trying to keep everyone up. At that point, it's just because we don't have enough DPS. No one's fault, we just aren't geared enough. Still, I don't throw a fit. That's just the way it is sometimes.


If you're defense capped, you're ready to tank heroics. The only ones you should probably wait on are the newer ones, just because stuff hits so much harder there.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Vampire Baseball said:
I thought this was funny:


Go ahead and armory my character if you want. I know she sucks. :lol
uh... in the event that nothing has happened in the BG characters are just listed alphabetically right?

also, the lack of tranny surprise reference in your screenshot is disappointing.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Last night was fun. Morrowgrain went down first shot. Due to lag 10 people died but we still had a few top dpsers alive to bring down the last 20%.

The Lady however was the biggest lag offender. We literally couldn't do shit. 5 wipes and 3 10-15 min afks later we finally had a relative lag free try and we killed it with all 25 people alive.

Then came the bottleneck. We, and this is true, spent 45 minutes playing with jetpacks. Just playing. We had the most fun ever. 45 minutes of chain jumping and jumping up on the upper deck of the ship and falling off to our deaths. Finally we snapped back into focus and we had a wipe and realised what to do and downed it the second shot.

Didn't have time for Saurfang due to the time it took to get there but the bosses were fun and easy so. Netted myself a new pair of shoulders and a belt.


Dance In My Blood said:
So as a Warrior I'm defense capped, but mostly in blues (60/40 ratio to epics maybe). Is it unreasonable for me to expect random groups to take me for heroic dungeons? I could tank them just fine before, but I've been away from the game for awhile. Some group threw a fit when I entered the instance because of my gear.

The general consensus here is that Skill & Knowledge > Gear. If you're def capped and know what you're doing, do it. Just be aware that there are shitheads in the game who will /scoff at you and try to vote-kick you. They may succeed. It's not like it's hard to find a different group now.

Whoever wrote the damn Gearscore mod needs to be crucified, honestly. Because most WoW players weren't enormous dicks already.:lol


Retro said:
The general consensus here is that Skill & Knowledge > Gear. If you're def capped and know what you're doing, do it. Just be aware that there are shitheads in the game who will /scoff at you and try to vote-kick you. They may succeed. It's not like it's hard to find a different group now.

Whoever wrote the damn Gearscore mod needs to be crucified, honestly. Because most WoW players weren't enormous dicks already.:lol

Co-sign. I used the random group finder twice yesterday, and the some asshat in the first group immediately went on some spiel about how rogues suck and can't play the game and, I shit you not, said he would watch recount to make sure i wasn't a scrub. After the first few mobs, the rest of the group asked him for the data, and he didn't say shit, so I posted it, and embarrassed his ass when I was doing 4.6k dps and he was doing 1.8.


So I'm levelling a rogue it's armory, I'm not quite sure about the weapons rogue use and what's the most efficient. Also what's the best spec to level as, I've been reading that combat is the most consistent dps wise but Mutilate spec seems to be pretty fun too.

Any Rogues wanna help me out, I'm a complete noob at melee dps classes :lol


Level as combat, I found it easier. Though I'm pretty sure you can just as easily level as Mutilate. You can just gib elites pretty easily as combat with adrenaline rush and killing spree eventually.

Mutilate is pretty OP right now. However on any fight we have to move around our DPS drops quite a bit.


Ok I'll go combat then it's been working well so far so I guess no need to stop, I figure its better to just have 1 weapon specialization in order to not waste talent points. So would it be better to just go Dagger / Dagger or would a slower main hand be better to get higher damage from sinister strike?


You are correct, the slowest mainhand you can get to benefit Sinister Strike the most is the ideal. Though constantly switching specs to the type of weapon you are using can get costly and just very annoying.

But yeah, combat = slow mainhand, fast offhand to benefit from the talent towards the bottom of the tree that grants energy on successful offhand attacks (combat potency).

Your avatar is giving me a seizure.

I can't check your armory from work but what level are you?
lordmrw said:
Co-sign. I used the random group finder twice yesterday, and the some asshat in the first group immediately went on some spiel about how rogues suck and can't play the game and, I shit you not, said he would watch recount to make sure i wasn't a scrub. After the first few mobs, the rest of the group asked him for the data, and he didn't say shit, so I posted it, and embarrassed his ass when I was doing 4.6k dps and he was doing 1.8.

I'm very impressed that a rogue beat another class in trash dps!


funkmastergeneral said:
I'm very impressed that a rogue beat another class in trash dps!

In a 5 man, after the fan of knives nerf ... our trash dps is quite shitty, especially if there is any other true AoE class destroying the packs before we can truly get anything going.


Belfast said:
I'll be honest, I'm pretty disappointed with my guild right now. We blazed through Marrowgar (4-5 attempts) but we've been stuck on Deathwhisper both nights. Our ranged DPS has always been sort of lacking (in that we've got plenty, but they blow), and I think that's what is really holding us back.

As an Assassin-spec Rogue, I sure as hell know it isn't me!

Are you on Runetotem? Because you sound like you're in my guild. :p

Also, using Misdirection with volley, glues adds onto tanks. I love it.


Grandma's Chippy
Macattk15 said:
In a 5 man, after the fan of knives nerf ... our trash dps is quite shitty, especially if there is any other true AoE class destroying the packs before we can truly get anything going.
AOE on mages took a wierd buff/nerf at the same time.

My AOE damage is through the roof. On trash pulls I am doing 7-8k DPS easy and many times over 10k. 2-3 times what it was a couple of days ago.

The nerf part is that this causes a TON of threat and unless you have a great tank, you will pull aggro every time.

So instead of just AOE spam your way through dungeons now, you actually have to pay attention ;P

Maybe lizz finally got tired of AOEzMode.


God damn, HoR with a pug last night was an immense pain. We had a decently geared Warrior tank, a Blood DK, a rogue, an asshole-specced elemental shaman, and myself (Disc priest). We were attempting the "hide in the corner for LoS" strategy popular on WoWWiki and so forth... and we kept wiping repeatedly on the seventh or eighth waves. Damage was flying everywhere in gigantic quantities.

I had an idea what was going on last night, and looking over the enemy ability set I'm certain. First, there was limited crowd control on the ranged enemies. The warrior (I felt sorry for him) just could not keep everything occupied at once, inevitably leaving the dwarf hunter to stand to the side and use his ranged attacks. I attempted to keep shackle up on him but something (I presume a totem) kept breaking it, the corner-hiding strat made it very difficult for me to pick them up on time, and of course I'm attempting to shackle while playing Turbo Whack-A-Mole with health bars and debuffs.

And that hunter is a big fucking problem if he isn't controlled, because he applies a curse to his target which increases magic damage by 50%, and I can't dispel curses. On top of THAT the rogue mobs apply poisons I can't remove AND they kidney shot the tank like no one's business.

We finally passed it when the Shaman went resto to help with healing... though I don't think his extra healing made the difference so much as he could remove the hunter's curse, and I was free enough to keep casting Shackle everytime someone broke it.

We then wiped on the Lich King portion three times. The first we got WTFpwned by Arthas at the last wall because the DPS didn't burn down that adds fast enough. The second two times two different people disconnected in the middle of the fight and subsequently died. The shaman was spamming his Asshole talents and ragequit- he blamed me for the last three wipes. Apparently I failed to heal through the Lich King's 1,000,000 HP AoE or other player's disconnects.

Another thing... The Abominations in the Lich King encounter spray an AoE/debuff... Vomit something. This was hitting most of the group. Can this be avoided by having the tank turn the abominations away from the group or is it an AoE centered on the abomination?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Mr Pockets said:
AOE on mages took a wierd buff/nerf at the same time.

My AOE damage is through the roof. On trash pulls I am doing 7-8k DPS easy and many times over 10k. 2-3 times what it was a couple of days ago.

The nerf part is that this causes a TON of threat and unless you have a great tank, you will pull aggro every time.

So instead of just AOE spam your way through dungeons now, you actually have to pay attention ;P

Maybe lizz finally got tired of AOEzMode.

Blizzard threat was never buffed. The only reason you're pulling aggro more often is because of our ridiculously powerful gear that makes the spell too strong when the tank aggro doesn't really improve that much with gear, only stamina and avoidance with a little bit of strength. It will only get worst with upgrades.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Got my gearscore up from 2770 to 3860 on my pally in two days so far :lol

Nobody wants anything from these instances. The real key to gearing your guy up is to chain FoS-PoS-HoR on normal over and over, although I had a bitch of a time getting a healer yesterday because some tank from some guild apparently had a bunch of PvP gear and the healers just refused to do it. They are getting really picky now that they can just pop in and out on demand vs. everyone else.

I was dreading healing the new 5s on heroic, but holy hell if the new 5 mans just overly accentuate the relative strengths of Paladin tanks v. other tanks, since they are all multimob beat downs that a) require block and b) require a ton of AoE threat and stuns. I wonder who that sounds like.

Being an unholy DK is no fun in these dungeons with cross realm. You frequently get a guy who refuses to mark who he's attacking and clusters them all together and switches targets every 10 seconds to tab-devastate, and then yells when you AoE. But it's not like many of these tanks are holding aggro anyways, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I dunno about Alliance side, but I always get a "Skip the Chit Chat" option when doing HoR with Sylvanas. It wasn't there the first time I ran it, but after the first completion it always pops up.
I think everyone has to have completed the Wrath of the Lich King quest for that option to appear.

Dance In My Blood said:
So as a Warrior I'm defense capped, but mostly in blues (60/40 ratio to epics maybe). Is it unreasonable for me to expect random groups to take me for heroic dungeons? I could tank them just fine before, but I've been away from the game for awhile. Some group threw a fit when I entered the instance because of my gear.

Just run the new dungeons in chains. The gear is all 219 and can be basically farmed, and it's not any more difficult than Heroic Violet Hold, really.


We pretty much have one DK tank holding everything in 25 man Icecrown.

I don't know if that means he's really good or that it means DK's can AoE tank really easily.


1up said:
Are you on Runetotem? Because you sound like you're in my guild. :p

Also, using Misdirection with volley, glues adds onto tanks. I love it.

Nah, Anvilmar. Actually our top Horde guild just transferred servers and the second best was still stuck on Deathwhisper last we checked, as well.

It is a VERY, VERY shitty Horde server.
Belfast said:
Nah, Anvilmar. Actually our top Horde guild just transferred servers and the second best was still stuck on Deathwhisper last we checked, as well.

It is a VERY, VERY shitty Horde server.

That guild didn't happen to be Foot Clan? A guild by that name just transfered to Gorefiend from Anvilmar, and seem to think they are the best, despite only killing two bosses in ToGC 25
lol started up 3 days ago again on my rogue and I already have 4 pieces of 232 gear!

<3 heroics now! (on the other end of the spectrum I feel bad for people that raided heavily and have t9-9.5 now)

also is it just me or is the last boss in heroic halls of reflection incredibly hard. The last wave has like 8 aboms!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
arts&crafts said:
lol started up 3 days ago again on my rogue and I already have 4 pieces of 232 gear!

<3 heroics now! (on the other end of the spectrum I feel bad for people that raided heavily and have t9-9.5 now)

also is it just me or is the last boss in heroic halls of reflection incredibly hard. The last wave has like 8 aboms!
If you don't have a super high DPS group, you have to actually interrupt the caster mobs and burn then down before they murder your healers. You really need to be focus firing mobs in a specific order as far as I can tell.

Still waiting to get into ICC. Our MT is having a big problem with freakin' Wife Aggro during raid times *facepalm*


The groups I've run HoR with keep running right up to the ice walls and killing all of the adds there, which seems to me less than optimal. Some of the mobs move very slowly (aboms and mages) so AoE can't even start on them for the first fifteen to thirty seconds and they frequently build aggro on a ranged DPS or healer as they lumber toward the wall. Also, standing right up against the wall limits player movement... everyone is right next to whatever crap the mobs are throwing around. Wouldn't it be more effective to run part of the way forward to meet the onrushing charge and slowly back up as the Lich King closes in?


funkmastergeneral said:
That guild didn't happen to be Foot Clan? A guild by that name just transfered to Gorefiend from Anvilmar, and seem to think they are the best, despite only killing two bosses in ToGC 25

Yes! It's Foot Clan, and they do think they're hot shit. How's the server receiving them? By your report, not too well.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The dungeon finder is the best thing to happen to WoW in... a long, long time. I'm talking best feature addition. Maybe the best patch-added feature EVER. I can finally run 5-mans whenever I want <3<3<3

I've completed 19 achievements in the last two days, as I go down the list and complete all the heroics I could never find groups for. My toon:


Soon (maybe tonight?) I'll have the emblems to replace my i200 helm with an i245:


Orrrr I might get impatient and replace my shitty ring with this:


A couple questions:

1) With 3.3 can Triumph Emblems alone still only be redeemed for the low-lvl i232 gear? Or did they change it so you could get the i245 without ToC tokens?

2) Sup with the Frost Emblem caster trinkets sucking? One has Hit and I'm already 100+ over cap. The other has MP5 :/ IDK what I should be saving my Frost Emblems for...


GDJustin said:
The dungeon finder is the best thing to happen to WoW in... a long, long time. I'm talking best feature addition. Maybe the best patch-added feature EVER. I can finally run 5-mans whenever I want <3<3<3

I've completed 19 achievements in the last two days, as I go down the list and complete all the heroics I could never find groups for. My toon:


Soon (maybe tonight?) I'll have the emblems to replace my i200 helm with an i245:


Orrrr I might get impatient and replace my shitty ring with this:


A couple questions:

1) With 3.3 can Triumph Emblems alone still only be redeemed for the low-lvl i232 gear? Or did they change it so you could get the i245 without ToC tokens?

2) Sup with the Frost Emblem caster trinkets sucking? One has Hit and I'm already 100+ over cap. The other has MP5 :/ IDK what I should be saving my Frost Emblems for...

Still can only get the 232 gear tier 9 gear, but there are i245 pieces you can buy with just badges that have the same stats, just no tier bonus.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's a Ret pally in our guild that is 100% convinced that Haste is the best stat to gem and stack. I cannot possibly talk him out of it. :lol


It took about 7 or 8 epics to be able to do Heroic Trial of Champions and the Heroic Icecrown instances. From the sounds of it, I'm so glad I don't need anything from Heroic Halls. Between HToC and HPoS, I can get ~8~10 more pieces of gear. Then I have 50+ Triumphs and 40k honor to use, too. The weekly Raid here is Malygos and... eh. I'll be fucking thrilled when its Sartherion, Archavon, or Crusade.
GDJustin said:
The dungeon finder is the best thing to happen to WoW in... a long, long time. I'm talking best feature addition. Maybe the best patch-added feature EVER. I can finally run 5-mans whenever I want <3<3<3

I've completed 19 achievements in the last two days, as I go down the list and complete all the heroics I could never find groups for. My toon:


Soon (maybe tonight?) I'll have the emblems to replace my i200 helm with an i245:


Orrrr I might get impatient and replace my shitty ring with this:


A couple questions:

1) With 3.3 can Triumph Emblems alone still only be redeemed for the low-lvl i232 gear? Or did they change it so you could get the i245 without ToC tokens?

2) Sup with the Frost Emblem caster trinkets sucking? One has Hit and I'm already 100+ over cap. The other has MP5 :/ IDK what I should be saving my Frost Emblems for...
This omg omg omg omg, only 1 out of 15 has been green geared people


Save your frost emblems for tier gear, it's the only way to get it period. The trinkets blow for dps casters period, they also blew for the Triumph trinkets.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
The dungeon finder is the best thing to happen to WoW in... a long, long time. I'm talking best feature addition. Maybe the best patch-added feature EVER. I can finally run 5-mans whenever I want <3<3<3

I've completed 19 achievements in the last two days, as I go down the list and complete all the heroics I could never find groups for. My toon:


Soon (maybe tonight?) I'll have the emblems to replace my i200 helm with an i245:


Orrrr I might get impatient and replace my shitty ring with this:


A couple questions:

1) With 3.3 can Triumph Emblems alone still only be redeemed for the low-lvl i232 gear? Or did they change it so you could get the i245 without ToC tokens?

2) Sup with the Frost Emblem caster trinkets sucking? One has Hit and I'm already 100+ over cap. The other has MP5 :/ IDK what I should be saving my Frost Emblems for...

Buy some tier gear with your Frost and

Run the Heroic for http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/50259/nevermelting-ice-crystal/

Nevermelting Ice Crystal
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Item Level 232
Equip: Increases spell power by 111.
Increases your critical strike rating by 920 for 20 sec. Every time one of your non-periodic spells deals a critical strike, the bonus is reduced by 184 critical strike rating. (3 Min Cooldown)

Unless you have something better, but if you did I doubt you'd be looking for badge trinks :lol
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