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World of Warcraft

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I don't think a reputation system would work at all, unless you had real human beings auditing the logs of every dungeon and making a decision about whether negative rep was justified. Is it okay to roll Need for an Offspec when people Need an item for their main spec? Some would say yes, some would say no. Perhaps a more complex version of "Need Before Greed" is necessary, and you'd force people to decide their priorities before entering a Dungeon....but even that would be too complex.

The deeper problem is that there isn't an opportunity to be an asshole that often. How many times do you really get the chance to ninja something out from underneath the rug of a tank or healer? Maybe 1 out of 10. So ultimately you might get a negative feedback every now and again if you're an asshole, but because you're not an asshole that often you still wind up with 90%+ reputation. It wouldn't be because you're actually a considerate player, it'd just be because you don't get the chance to be a jerk most of the time.


The people I've found in LFG have been both more considerate and generally better than locals. There's occasionally an asshole, but I've run with much bigger from my own server.

EDIT: I still haven't gotten my boots from Tuesday night yet. Once those come in I'll at least have fully epic gear (aside from trinkets). I got 245 Legs in ToC25 last night while struggling for not-last in the dps meters :D

arts&crafts said:
I hate people that don't say anything, through the entire instance. We are real people :lol its like they think they are playing with a cpu

I was chatting it up in my first LFG group but nobody else said anything until I said "Not the talking types, eh?"
Yaweee said:
The people I've found in LFG have been both more considerate and generally better than locals. There's occasionally an asshole, but I've run with much bigger from my own server.

I hate people that don't say anything, through the entire instance. We are real people :lol its like they think they are playing with a cpu


Few guildees and I can't believe how easy the dungeon system is.... almost like we're cheating. It's really silly to queue up an instance from the comfort of my home in Undercity... but hey... I'll take it.

If you have a Tank and a Healer (or at least a Tank)... your instance will load almost immediately. Just amazing. I never thought I'd enjoy playing my Alt as much as I have recently.
arts&crafts said:
I hate people that don't say anything, through the entire instance. We are real people :lol its like they think they are playing with a cpu

I'm normally on vent with my friends when I'm playing so I don't even see party chat when I'm in a random dungeon.
Finding bad or mean players isn't that big of a deal since you can just boot them and get a replacement found for you. Previously someone leaving or getting booted was enough to kill most groups since someone would have to go back to a city to spam Trade.

I wanted to see how this would work for alts, so I got a Paladin up to level 15 and did a random search. Ragefire Chasm came up within a minute, but someone didn't hit the Ready Check. I was put right back into the queue and Deadmines came up within another minute. It's so awesome.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Finding bad or mean players isn't that big of a deal since you can just boot them and get a replacement found for you. Previously someone leaving or getting booted was enough to kill most groups since someone would have to go back to a city to spam Trade.

Only problem about that is you have to wait for the 15 minute debuff to wear off before you can boot them.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I don't think a reputation system would work at all, unless you had real human beings auditing the logs of every dungeon and making a decision about whether negative rep was justified. Is it okay to roll Need for an Offspec when people Need an item for their main spec? Some would say yes, some would say no. Perhaps a more complex version of "Need Before Greed" is necessary, and you'd force people to decide their priorities before entering a Dungeon....but even that would be too complex.

The deeper problem is that there isn't an opportunity to be an asshole that often. How many times do you really get the chance to ninja something out from underneath the rug of a tank or healer? Maybe 1 out of 10. So ultimately you might get a negative feedback every now and again if you're an asshole, but because you're not an asshole that often you still wind up with 90%+ reputation. It wouldn't be because you're actually a considerate player, it'd just be because you don't get the chance to be a jerk most of the time.
It's very rare that the game matches me with all Plate DPS (all my toons are plate :lol)

Even if they do, I usually can offspec roll just by asking first.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I haven't done Heroic Halls of Reflection, but outside of that I don't see much need for crowd control at all. As long as the group is LoS'ing the waves in HoR, the tank has no trouble picking up aggro on everything. I don't think they'd design half the dungeon around Priest Shackling, though it probably makes it easier.

Blaming the healer is nothing new, I just think that the the LFG tool encourages people to be assholes. When you were playing with people on your own server, there were consequences to pissing off the wrong healer or tank or whatever. Now people assume they'll never see you again so they just do whatever the fuck they want or say whatever the fuck they want (particularly if things are not going well). Tonight I had a fucking boomkin win a Need roll against me on a melee DPS cloak in HoR, whereas previously nobody would have ever rolled Need on an Offspec without at least asking. I see people getting insulted or mocked if they're not pulling the numbers that other players expect; I see group leaders "reserving" certain drops for themselves knowing full well that nobody can quit without eating a Deserter debuff.

That's not to say I'm against LFG Tool, but it certainly has its downsides.
Repentance is better since it has no cast time and the spec/class that has it isn't healing :lol
I haven't played since ToC came out and I must say the difference between this and then is night and day. So much more enjoyable. The LFG system is awesome, and all the little complaints I had about my class are gone.

Also I just got kicked for afking in AV for the time it took to type this :lol
Can't wait to get my Druid to 15 :p

Never actually did any dungeons/raids, so this dungeon tool is going to come in handy. Hope people won't mind me sucking.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
hobart said:
If you have a Tank and a Healer (or at least a Tank)... your instance will load almost immediately. Just amazing. I never thought I'd enjoy playing my Alt as much as I have recently.

I'm DPS and my wait time is 5-6 minutes. Still a tremendous improvement.

I don't roll with a large guild, so most evenings before the new LFG tool I would go into LFG for my three favorite 5mans and then begin running all my dailies. Most of the time I would get through all the dailies without getting into a group, and sign off sad :( It's why I quit playing the game.

So a 6 minute wait compared to 20+ or compared to NEVER getting a group... the difference is night and day.

I'm almost GLAD there's a little queue time, Vs. it being instant. I've been using that queue time to do my jousting, etc. It allows me to drop a few dungeons in between my dailies.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The key to using LFG properly as a DPS is to turn your background sound on, and then browse GAF while you wait for the little "Group is Ready!" sound.


I'm a little curious to see how LFG will turn out once people are not concentrating on the same 3 dungeons constantly. If it takes 5 minutes to get a group for something that everyone is running, how long will it take for something like Halls of Stone? Has anybody tried Marudon or Dire Maul?

I'm also unsure of how LFG selects a dungeon for you. I request Normal and Heroic versions of FoS/PoS/HoR and 90% of the time I am getting Normal Hall of Reflections. I've gotten a Heroic only one time.


Angry Grimace said:
The key to using LFG properly as a DPS is to turn your background sound on, and then browse GAF while you wait for the little "Group is Ready!" sound.

Once I was told about background sound on, I rejoiced.


Angry Grimace said:
The key to using LFG properly as a DPS is to turn your background sound on, and then browse GAF while you wait for the little "Group is Ready!" sound.

HAHAHAH. I do the SAME exact thing.
border said:
I'm a little curious to see how LFG will turn out once people are not concentrating on the same 3 dungeons constantly. If it takes 5 minutes to get a group for something that everyone is running, how long will it take for something like Halls of Stone? Has anybody tried Marudon or Dire Maul.
That's why there's the option to do a completely random dungeon as well as the rewards for doing it that way. They fill the gaps in the specific dungeons others are wanting.


Looking over the loot lists, it's still hard as hell to come up with decent plate bracers for tanking specs. After all these loot pinatas I think I am still going to have to buy the damned Valor bracers for my death knight -- 60 fucking badges AAAAGHGHGHGHG :lol Either that or I'll have to get someone to craft the iLevel 245 tank bracers from ToC.....at least the price on Crusader Orbs is probably about to tank.

Even plate DPS bracers are kinda hard to come by -- I never saw the ones from Heroic ToC drop, and the only ones in the Icecrown instances are out of Heroic Pit of Saron (which I think will end up being the least popular of the new 5-mans).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
A pet peeve that I haven't really cared too much about, but Blizzard might want to fix; the LFG system works in a queue; i.e., you aren't instantly paired with other people if you were the 13295813th DPS to press the button to join a Forge of Souls group. What happens is, if you draw a group that says, "Hall of Reflection, Bosses Down: 2/3" and you refuse to get saved to a group that's failing on the Lich King, you get thrown to the back of the queue. This sucks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
border said:
I'm a little curious to see how LFG will turn out once people are not concentrating on the same 3 dungeons constantly. If it takes 5 minutes to get a group for something that everyone is running, how long will it take for something like Halls of Stone? Has anybody tried Marudon or Dire Maul?

I'm also unsure of how LFG selects a dungeon for you. I request Normal and Heroic versions of FoS/PoS/HoR and 90% of the time I am getting Normal Hall of Reflections. I've gotten a Heroic only one time.

I dunno how it works for instances below lvl 80, but for the Lich
King dungeons, it's no problem. It took me the same amount of time to get matched in a completely random dungeon as it did when I searched for a group for a specific dungeon (ToC).

My hunch is that the people that are queueing themselves from a random 5man are being used to fill the groups of people that want a specific 5man.


Let's say I wanna run something obscure/unpopular, like Occulus. I put myself into the queue for Occulus and nothing else. The first thing I'm assuming the system does is search for other people queueing for that specific dungeon, and matches us together. Since there probably isn't a full group, it then pulls the rest of the 5 from the pool of people saying "match me to a random 5man."

That's why I'm assuming it doesn't take more time to do a random dungeon than it does a specific one.

The daily frost emblems ensures there will always be a steady stream of people filling the gaps... slick idea.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I haven't done Heroic Halls of Reflection, but outside of that I don't see much need for crowd control at all. As long as the group is LoS'ing the waves in HoR, the tank has no trouble picking up aggro on everything. I don't think they'd design half the dungeon around Priest Shackling, though it probably makes it easier.

Blaming the healer is nothing new, I just think that the the LFG tool encourages people to be assholes. When you were playing with people on your own server, there were consequences to pissing off the wrong healer or tank or whatever. Now people assume they'll never see you again so they just do whatever the fuck they want or say whatever the fuck they want (particularly if things are not going well). Tonight I had a fucking boomkin win a Need roll against me on a melee DPS cloak in HoR, whereas previously nobody would have ever rolled Need on an Offspec without at least asking. I see people getting insulted or mocked if they're not pulling the numbers that other players expect; I see group leaders "reserving" certain drops for themselves knowing full well that nobody can quit without eating a Deserter debuff.

That's not to say I'm against LFG Tool, but it certainly has its downsides.
You can't "reserve" a drop since the loot system is locked to Need Before Greed and you can't need roll on an item you can't equip. Your only recourse is to not the person and realm and drop a ninja note on their forum.
Angry Grimace said:
You can't "reserve" a drop since the loot system is locked to Need Before Greed and you can't need roll on an item you can't equip. Your only recourse is to not the person and realm and drop a ninja note on their forum.
You can ignore cross-realm now too, and the LFG tool won't group you with people you have ignored.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I love picking up offset tank gear :lol

I've got pieces for almost every slot already :lol :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Nothing as funny as when you get a group of psychotic chain pullers that pull 3 or 4 groups at once.

It's easy but it's also incredibly irritating, even though I'd sure like the badges myself.


I see people getting insulted or mocked if they're not pulling the numbers that other players expect;

Since yesterday I have become that guy. I dont insult or mock, but I WILL point out bad dps in Halls of Reflection.

If your not on silence or CC duty, there is no reason for your to be at 700 dps during the Adds, and no reason for you to be below 1k on the first two bosses either.

If you carry dps like that through the first bosses Arthas will freaking rape your ass on the final wave before the airship. You really do need competant dps for that PARTICULAR heroic. On the others just one good dps can carry the rest in greens more than likely.
So I was just in a couple of 5 minute AVs. Just rushing to Vaan and killing him... A tad bit ridiculous I think.

Edit: Also I have no idea what you guys are talking about with all the CC shit. I've done all the new ones and nothing was particularly strenuous. Someone wanted to CC the bit after the poison guy in the 2nd, but it kept breaking anyhow and didn't matter.


Does every Normal Level 80 dungeon now drop Triumph Emblems? I have to say that almost completely makes Heroics irrelevant. Yes the drops can be good....but why even do them when you can farm the shit out of some piddly Normal dungeon and buy gear that's better than the Heroics even drop?

I'm just running down the loot list from Icecrown 5-mans, and there's almost nothing on there that isn't bested by badge gear. In a worst case scenario you'd end up wearing something at iLevel 226 instead of iLevel 232.

The only thing a non-raider might need out of Heroic Icecrown 5-mans now is a weapon or wand or shield perhaps.


arts&crafts said:
I hate people that don't say anything, through the entire instance. We are real people :lol its like they think they are playing with a cpu

They're terrified of interaction of any kind, hence they usually don't have a guild, hence they need LFG.

That said, I'm a fairly solo gamer, despite this being an MMO.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Does every Normal Level 80 dungeon now drop Triumph Emblems? I have to say that almost completely makes Heroics irrelevant. Yes the drops can be good....but why even do them when you can farm the shit out of some piddly Normal dungeon and buy gear that's better than the Heroics even drop?

I'm just running down the loot list from Icecrown 5-mans, and there's almost nothing on there that isn't bested by badge gear. In a worst case scenario you'd end up wearing something at iLevel 226 instead of iLevel 232.

The only thing a non-raider might need out of Heroic Icecrown 5-mans now is a weapon or wand or shield perhaps.
They don't.

It's only the new 5 mans that seem to actually award any emblems AFAIK


Angry Grimace said:
They don't.

It's only the new 5 mans that seem to actually award any emblems AFAIK
Then that still kinda makes all the other Heroics and all the other Normal dungeons irrelevant, doesn't it? Why do anything else but blast through Icecrown?

I figured they would have at least wanted to even the playing field and let all the other 80 dungeons drop Emblems.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Then that still kinda makes all the other Heroics and all the other Normal dungeons irrelevant, doesn't it? Why do anything else but blast through Icecrown?

I figured they would have at least wanted to even the playing field and let all the other 80 dungeons drop Emblems.
No, because they take a lot longer than most of the heroics, which also provide bonus emblems. In other words, it's much more inefficient to farm regular ICC dungeons than farm heroics.
The looking for group tool is good, but also for the devil. I get grouped with cool people from other realms but there is always 1 person just acting like a douche.


Angry Grimace said:
No, because they take a lot longer than most of the heroics, which also provide bonus emblems. In other words, it's much more inefficient to farm regular ICC dungeons than farm heroics.

Most Heroics seem pretty slow going.....especially compared to Forge of Souls, which probably doesn't have more than 10 pulls in total (several of which are single pulls). Burning through FoS and the first 2 bosses of HoR again and again would seem like a pretty easy way to rack up badges in Normal mode.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
arts&crafts said:
I hate people that don't say anything, through the entire instance. We are real people :lol its like they think they are playing with a cpu

Haha, I noticed this when I came back after a 10 month break from the game. Before Wrath, it seemed like folks talked more and when I came back, no one said a WORD in any instance I ran. I'm a social butterfly in-game, and half the reason I play a healer is because I like to talk and be friendly. It was like complete stone wall... got so bad that you could run instances with someone a couple times and just generally say "Hey! How goes it?" and they would be like "Who are you?" I guess if you're not on vent e-peening, then you don't exist.

Very, very sad.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Angry Grimace said:
Repentance is better since it has no cast time and the spec/class that has it isn't healing :lol

<3 Focus casts. My Shackle takes like half a second or something. I don't know, because I'm usually able to get the cast off and toss out a boat load of heals before anything bad goes down.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
elitehebrew said:
The looking for group tool is good, but also for the devil. I get grouped with cool people from other realms but there is always 1 person just acting like a douche.

I hate that you can't kick anyone until the debuff wears off. So we either sit around and wait for this asshole AFKer's debuff to wear off so we can kick him, or we reward him with his free badges (does he get them when we're that far into the instance?).


Marrowgar-25 down at least after 3 tries, then a lot of banging our head against the wall on Deathwhisper. We suck on add fights.:lol
Alfarif said:
Haha, I noticed this when I came back after a 10 month break from the game. Before Wrath, it seemed like folks talked more and when I came back, no one said a WORD in any instance I ran. I'm a social butterfly in-game, and half the reason I play a healer is because I like to talk and be friendly. It was like complete stone wall... got so bad that you could run instances with someone a couple times and just generally say "Hey! How goes it?" and they would be like "Who are you?" I guess if you're not on vent e-peening, then you don't exist.

Very, very sad.
The problem is that when you do this and become familiar with someone, you become too familiar and find out they're a needy 14-year-old asshole. I've played with people that I thought were competent and friendly until the whispers started and I wished they would die.
Okay, is it just me or does it take forever to find a group with the random dungeon selection? I'm on Bloodlust, which is one of the more populated/diverse battlegroups.


Orbitcube said:
Okay, is it just me or does it take forever to find a group with the random dungeon selection? I'm on Bloodlust, which is one of the more populated/diverse battlegroups.

Depends on your time of day and role. When I'm on a DPS character it takes maybe 3-4 minutes usually, longest was 12 minutes. When I'm on a healer, it takes 20 seconds.:lol


I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to talk about in group.....dunno what all you chatty mofos are going on about, but sorry if my silence puts you off. Usually there isn't much to say.

"What's up?"
"Not much"
"I'm here for that damned trinket that never drops"
"Cool - good luck"

I imagine there will be even less reason to talk now that dungeons are cross server....you're just getting to know people that you can't add as friends, that you'll probably never see again and wouldn't remember if you did.


lfg tool is amazing, being able to do the same heroic more than once per day is nice. I did Gundrak 3 times, UK 3 times and VH twice today, on top of a few others.
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