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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
I'll be able to give you a better explanation next weekend but...

Once the giant skeletons are active, they are not linked to the other mobs. You can pull them separately.

Now that we know that those skeletons come to life, we'll try and figure out that pull minus the wipe.
Well, the problem here was that somehow, the bone skeletons came to life before we had even pulled any of the mobs in the room. Which meant that there wasn't anywhere to tank them without pulling the mages in teh front corners and we couldn't just tank them right there because the tanks needed to be able to position them in such a way that they didn't either the melee or each other cleaved to death. We eventually did it but it was a pain in the ass.

Kyoufu said:

How about just killing them for rep? I hope you're not really serious. :/
Speaking of non-helpful responses. I don't think you even understand what the problem was; There wasn't anywhere to fight them at without pulling more mobs (specifically the mages, which also pull those puny Damned ) and both of them were up. You can't simply, "just kill them." That doesn't even make sense. It's not a question of, "can we kill these bone guys" since as individual mobs they are trivial, it's the positioning at the beginning since they were already up. You also can't drag them out of that front room without them leashing.

What we ended up doing was running in and killing the first two trash packs and running out really fast so that we would have room to actually tank them without a stupid Mage guy frostbolting us to death. My point is more that I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to get the bone guys active until you've killed those first two bone sentinels.

The problem is not, "this is hard," it's "this is really annoying if you don't have a rogue to disarm the trap." It's just time consuming.
So, the in game quest tracker has given me good motivation to do all the quests that I've had in my log for like 5 months.
Feels good to finally get them cleared out.
Orbitcube said:
There's 2 reasons I can see why Blizz had it why they did:
1) Enchanting mats come from gear. Everyone is allowed to roll on gear, so everyone should be allowed to roll on the enchanting mats from the gear.
2) Enchanting is both a gathering and a crafting profession. This is probably the most correct argument for having it the way it is. For skinning, mining and herbalism, they are solely gathering professions. Gathering is the only way they make money. Enchanting, however, has multiple ways of making money. They can disenchant and then sell their mats or offer enchanting services to the public for tips. Giving everyone an equal chance to profit off the former seems like a reasonable idea. This makes the most sense to me.
Two things:

1. How does being able to roll on gear equate to being able to roll on de mats? To de stuff you need to be an enchanter. In my opinion, people have been spoiled by disenchanters splitting shards at the end of a heroic runs since whenever that routine started. Do you have any idea how hard it is it get de mats for the high end enchants?

2. Try gathering enchanting mats. It's the most unfruitful and completely worthless activity you can do as an enchanter. Any gathering profession has the luxury of flying around and randomly seeing nodes appear on their mini-map. Most gathering professions can go to a specific area and have a good number of mats for themselves in 30 or less minutes. An enchanter can go out and kill mobs for 30 minutes and may get 3-5 greens if they're lucky.

No one becomes an herbalist unless they pick up alchemy or inscription, and no one picks up jewelcrafting or blacksmithing unless they're a miner. The same applies for skinners also being leatherworkers. The exception to this rule would be having other toons with the gathering profession to cover your main's crafting profession.

So for enchanters, their best way to get enchanting mats is through heroics. And that's after splitting everything 4-ways. The new disenchanting option devalues enchanting even more simply by giving free use of a profession by someone else. The best argument against what I'm saying would be that enchanting doesn't require a 2nd profession, like you mentioned. Enchanting is a do it all profession. But I still think that if people can randomly get de mats just cuz an enchanter is in a group, there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to get gems cut if there is a Jewelcrafter in the group. I would be using their talent for free just as they are using mine.

Now if Blizzard wants to give enchanters a daily like jewelcrafters can do, that would probably alleviate the whole problem. Give enchanters a daily that provides tokens, which can be used to purchase enchanting mats. Problem solved. No enchanter can complain ever again. Of course, this is all my opinion.


Deputy Moonman said:
Two things:

1. How does being able to roll on gear equate to being able to roll on de mats? To de stuff you need to be an enchanter. In my opinion, people have been spoiled by disenchanters splitting shards at the end of a heroic runs since whenever that routine started. Do you have any idea how hard it is it get de mats for the high end enchants?

2. Try gathering enchanting mats. It's the most unfruitful and completely worthless activity you can do as an enchanter. Any gathering profession has the luxury of flying around and randomly seeing nodes appear on their mini-map. Most gathering professions can go to a specific area and have a good number of mats for themselves in 30 or less minutes. An enchanter can go out and kill mobs for 30 minutes and may get 3-5 greens if they're lucky.

No one becomes an herbalist unless they pick up alchemy or inscription, and no one picks up jewelcrafting or blacksmithing unless they're a miner. The same applies for skinners also being leatherworkers. The exception to this rule would be having other toons with the gathering profession to cover your main's crafting profession.

So for enchanters, their best way to get enchanting mats is through heroics. And that's after splitting everything 4-ways. The new disenchanting option devalues enchanting even more simply by giving free use of a profession by someone else. The best argument against what I'm saying would be that enchanting doesn't require a 2nd profession, like you mentioned. Enchanting is a do it all profession. But I still think that if people can randomly get de mats just cuz an enchanter is in a group, there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to get gems cut if there is a Jewelcrafter in the group. I would be using their talent for free just as they are using mine.

Now if Blizzard wants to give enchanters a daily like jewelcrafters can do, that would probably alleviate the whole problem. Give enchanters a daily that provides tokens, which can be used to purchase enchanting mats. Problem solved. No enchanter can complain ever again. Of course, this is all my opinion.
I have absolutely no problem with splitting prospecting among party members if there is a mining vein in an instance. In fact, it seems rather odd that you expect jewelcrafter's wouldn't agree to it. And I still fail to understand how this button changes anything at all for the enchanter... you aren't winning any fewer Need rolls than you would have previously so you don't have any fewer materials than you would have previously, unless you were using enchanting as an excuse to ninja loot.
Deputy Moonman said:
Two things:

1. How does being able to roll on gear equate to being able to roll on de mats? To de stuff you need to be an enchanter. In my opinion, people have been spoiled by disenchanters splitting shards at the end of a heroic runs since whenever that routine started. Do you have any idea how hard it is it get de mats for the high end enchants?

How long have you been playing? It's always been the way that things are done. It's very rarely about the mats and more about making BOE gear useful when nobody needs it. If it's a big problem for you just tell everyone that you don't want to DE for them so they should roll need on all BOE stuff, problem solved.

I just really don't understand what you're complaining about here. It's now easier than ever to use your enchanting skill to benefit other players with no loss of advantage to you, so what's the big deal? Are you suggesting that we just give everything that nobody can use to the enchanter? Because that's genuinely unfair.

No offense, but your reasoning seems quite selfish to me.
Evlar said:
I have absolutely no problem with splitting prospecting among party members if there is a mining vein in an instance. In fact, it seems rather odd that you expect jewelcrafter's wouldn't agree to it. And I still fail to understand how this button changes anything at all for the enchanter... you aren't winning any fewer Need rolls than you would have previously so you don't have any fewer materials than you would have previously, unless you were using enchanting as an excuse to ninja loot.

I've never seen jewel crafters prospect ore from an instance and then split the gems. I've never seen miners split the ore that they mine from an instance between the party either. I'm not trying to call you out. I've just never seen that done.

Disenchanting mats is an ability given to enchanters. Whether people like it or not, that's a service that should only be available to them.

Did I disenchant items at the end of instances and let everybody roll on them? Absolutely. I just think that it's something people have taken for granted during runs. And if no one seems to think that getting a free service from enchanters is a big deal, I'd like the option to get free services from other professions too. I guess it's the fact that enchanting mats are hard to get without heroics, and people are getting a free service.

Even if it is an inconsequential service, it's still a service. I'd lik to have the ability to not DE people's stuff if they piss me off during a run. And I'm not talking about ninja'ing crap or being a douche (I don't ninja loot anything btw. I always greed as long as it's cool with everyone else.)

Does what I'm saying really not make any sense? Because if it doesn't, I'll stop arguing it. But from my point of view it makes all the sense in the world.
There are maybe 5 mine points in all of lich kings instances and they are poor ones at that, Your welcome to the possible Gem that might appear if I mine 3 to get enough ore to prospect it :lol


Is anyone rerolling when Cataclysm comes out? (whenever it comes out)

I was thinking of creating a Worgen Warlock .. even though my mains one haha


Junior Member
McNei1y said:
Is anyone rerolling when Cataclysm comes out? (whenever it comes out)

I was thinking of creating a Worgen Warlock .. even though my mains one haha
Race Change: Human DK -> Worgen DK
New Warlock Alt: Delete Human Warlock -> Create Worgen Warlock
In due time, Race Change: Dreanei Hunter -> Human Hunter

Deputy Moonman said:
Disenchanting mats is an ability given to enchanters. Whether people like it or not, that's a service that should only be available to them.

... really?

Did I disenchant items at the end of instances and let everybody roll on them? Absolutely. I just think that it's something people have taken for granted during runs. And if no one seems to think that getting a free service from enchanters is a big deal, I'd like the option to get free services from other professions too. I guess it's the fact that enchanting mats are hard to get without heroics, and people are getting a free service.

So you cleared the instance yourself? I'm a healer, should I get some special loot at the end of the run for keeping people alive for free? Actually; I pay for my buffing reagents, I demand satisfaction! Oh and I'm an engineer too, so you had better start giving me gold every time I drop a bot. And I'm a cook so those feasts I drop all over the place had better start earning me some scratch. Maybe we should give the top DPS a [cookie] too.

Then again, maybe helping other players is a core part of the game? Dunno.

Even if it is an inconsequential service, it's still a service. I'd lik to have the ability to not DE people's stuff if they piss me off during a run. And I'm not talking about ninja'ing crap or being a douche (I don't ninja loot anything btw. I always greed as long as it's cool with everyone else.)

Does what I'm saying really not make any sense? Because if it doesn't, I'll stop arguing it. But from my point of view it makes all the sense in the world.

Not to be dramatic but people like you make this game suck.

Also you're cutting off your nose to spite your face whether you realise it or not. This change means that items that would have been vendored are being DE'd, meaning more enchanting mats end up in circulation, which means more time on the AH and less time running heroics for you.
jim-jam bongs said:
How long have you been playing? It's always been the way that things are done. It's very rarely about the mats and more about making BOE gear useful when nobody needs it. If it's a big problem for you just tell everyone that you don't want to DE for them so they should roll need on all BOE stuff, problem solved.

I just really don't understand what you're complaining about here. It's now easier than ever to use your enchanting skill to benefit other players with no loss of advantage to you, so what's the big deal? Are you suggesting that we just give everything that nobody can use to the enchanter? Because that's genuinely unfair.

No offense, but your reasoning seems quite selfish to me.
I think you're assuming that I try and take everything that drops in an instance if no one needs it. I don't do that. Loot is for the whole party and free rolls are free rolls. The same goes for any boe gear that drops.

However, you are right that my reasoning is selfish. As harsh as it sounds, I'd like to have the option to deny people my disenchanting services. I could have picked up jewelcrafting and mining, and made a load of money selling ore and gems and crafted items, but I chose enchanting. Why should people get to use my abilities without my consent? And if enchanters didn't provide free disenchanting at the end of runs, people would have to agree to pay for it before the run started or else rely on the AH to get enchanting mats for their enchants. This would mean more gold for me and make me happy even if everyone else sees it as selfish.

There is a reason you have the option to choose your own profession. People have been spoiled by enchanters and I think with this new "click to receive de'd items" has really woken up enchanters to how much we give in comparison to any other profession. That's the bottom line and I guess it is selfish.

With constantly having to re-enchant your own gear, and doing favors for friends, I never had any enchanting mats while leveling, and it's still sometimes a problem at 80. Getting a little more compensation for a tough profession doesn't seem as bad to me as it does to others.


McNei1y said:
Is anyone rerolling when Cataclysm comes out? (whenever it comes out)

I was thinking of creating a Worgen Warlock .. even though my mains one haha

I';m saving certain classes that i want to try out for the expansion. It helps that i'm not alt crazy, seeing as i've only created 4 characters in the year i've been playing, with only 2 of them 80.

Oh yeah, if anyone of you come across a rogue named Sayewonn-Nazgrel, thats me baby.


McNei1y said:
Is anyone rerolling when Cataclysm comes out? (whenever it comes out)

I was thinking of creating a Worgen Warlock .. even though my mains one haha

I'm on the fence about rerolling or race changing my Belf Paladin into a Tauren. I've never cared for the Tauren animations (and a lot of the armor on them seems really poorly textured). I'm hoping they'll be upgrading character models, but I don't have high hopes for it before Cataclysm hits. I've tried rolling a Tauren Warrior, to get used to them, but... they seem kind of slow and awkward, so... I may just roll a Cowadin and if it sticks, it sticks.

Other than that, the only thing I'm seriously considering is a Goblin Hunter, assuming their pets don't scale down to their size. I want the pets to stay bigger than the character. I'm not much for non-melee classes, so that probably won't last, but it might be fun.

Otherwise... maybe maybe MAYBE a troll druid for shits and giggles.


Worgen make me wish there was a classic Monk class. I just can't see myself putting a weapon in his hands. Might make him a druid, but part of me wants him running around, ripping people apart.

Rogue with fist weapons it may be.


J-Rzez said:
I'd love to have a Worgen, unfortunately I can't get myself to play for the filthy alliance.
Likewise. When they dropped the restrictions on PVP servers, I made a Dwarf Warrior and gave it a solid 35 levels before the Alliance started to chew out the back of my eyeballs. The Horde can be just as obnoxious (and commonly are), but I just felt surrounded by brats.

That said, I will probably roll a Worgen up to level 15 or so. If only so they can't nuke my Level 1 holding the name "Darkfang". I really really enjoy the thought that someone is irritated that name is taken. I'd have taken "Yiffer" and "Furotica", but somebody already has them... :lol .

And to be fair, I'd like to see their starting zone, because I hear it is pretty cool.

bengraven said:
Worgen make me wish there was a classic Monk class. I just can't see myself putting a weapon in his hands. Might make him a druid, but part of me wants him running around, ripping people apart.

Rogue with fist weapons it may be.
I like the idea of a Monk class too, and I've found your best bet is probably Warrior. Armor won't look as monk-like, but... you get what you can take.

Seriously wish Blizzard would add "Costume" slots to their interface, so you can still wear your optimal gear while showing off what looks cool. I'd probably never take off my Judgment set (well, when I finish it, at least). Would also be nice to have a 'disable' option; always wanted to roll an Orc Warrior who tanks shirtless, looking like a true brute.


jim-jam bongs said:
... really?

So you cleared the instance yourself? I'm a healer, should I get some special loot at the end of the run for keeping people alive for free? Actually; I pay for my buffing reagents, I demand satisfaction! Oh and I'm an engineer too, so you had better start giving me gold every time I drop a bot. And I'm a cook so those feasts I drop all over the place had better start earning me some scratch. Maybe we should give the top DPS a [cookie] too.

Then again, maybe helping other players is a core part of the game? Dunno.

Not to be dramatic but people like you make this game suck.

Also you're cutting off your nose to spite your face whether you realise it or not. This change means that items that would have been vendored are being DE'd, meaning more enchanting mats end up in circulation, which means more time on the AH and less time running heroics for you.

Should the enchanter have a CHOICE in the matter?


and do they? No

Thats what this all boils down to. The rest of the argument are people who enjoy getting free mats and taking them to an enchanter to get a chant that costs 190 for a 5g tip instead (that would be me lol) calling the enchanters greedy (ironic) and the enchanters who want to retain their choice but suspiciously dont seem to mind that they get a gathering and normal tradeskill in one. And since those two pretty much meet at a stalemate you just have to boil it down to whether or not the enchanters should have the option of turning OFF auto DE.

And they clearly cannot as I have accumulated a crap ton of dusts essences and shards since Tuesday. Enough to cover the chants on all of my upgrades so far with still some stuff left over.

There was never any anti enchanter outrage prior to this change, never any fallout and 30 page threads about the enchanting profession, never. Ever. The reason its a hot topic now is because us non-enchanters are making out like a bandit on this change, and people will defend that shit until their dying breathe. People love free shit.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
Race Change: Human DK -> Worgen DK
New Warlock Alt: Delete Human Warlock -> Create Worgen Warlock
In due time, Race Change: Dreanei Hunter -> Human Hunter

I sincerely doubt they will allow you to just race change to Worgen.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Man, I thought I was getting groups fast in the lfg tool on my priest. Today I decided to get off my ass and nudge my frost dk to 80 by making use of the tool. I'd always go as a tank, and it seemed I was in a group almost as soon as I clicked on the "find group" button. :p By the by, if I want to run reg ToC 5 and ICC5 reg until I'm blue in the face to get my tank geared, do I need a 540 defense rating for that in those dungeons?
Puncture said:
Should the enchanter have a CHOICE in the matter?


and do they? No

I disagree, honestly. Enchanting has always been a lucrative profession for those that have it and know how to sell it, and the change is a concession to other players who have found it difficult to afford the high cost of enchanting.

It's certainly no more difficult to level enchanting than it is to level engineering, even though it has an astronomically higher chance of cost-recovery. It's also the only "crafting" profession that doesn't need a supporting gathering profession in order to get by, as you pointed out.

As for the rest of your post; is all of this complaining simply so that enchanters can continue to charge exorbitant mark-up on everything? Because the inverse of "people wanting shit for free" is "people wanting to have a monopoly on raw-materials so that they can extort other people". Which is essentially what enchanters have been doing since day dot, and I'm almost certain is a part of the reason for this change.

And at what point do they decide to not disenchant for people? Moonman appears to want to be able to say "you annoyed me this run so NO SHARD FOR U". So in that scenario, if he's been picking up loot from bosses to DE for the whole run, he would have a bunch of stuff that the rest of the group expected a piece of. Do you think that it's fair in that case for him to to turn around and tell the rogue that irritated him that he doesn't get anything?

The best solution to all of this is, clearly, to make disenchanting a separate gathering profession. Or even better, make it a trade-skill so that every player can learn it.
Looks like there's a new way to make shitloads of money thanks to 3.3!

Star's Tears now only costs 8 honor, instead of 8 honor and 1 gold. This means that for 8 honor, you can resell the stack of Star's Tears and get 25 silver.

Assuming you have 75000 honor and are at the cap: 75000 (max honor) / 8 = 9375 stacks of Star's Tears. 9375 * 25 = 234375 silver. 234375 / 100 (silver -> gold) = 2343.75 gold.

That's a nice profit from 75000 honor. It's probably not going to be worth farming honor for, but for those of us who have stockpiled honor to the cap it's a great bonus. There's some macros you can use to buy/sell them in bulk, here they are:
Macro 1 said:
/script local f = 0 for i = 0, 4 do f = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i) + f end for i = 1, f do BuyMerchantItem(13) end
Macro 2 said:
/script for b = 0, 4 do for s = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if name and string.find(name,"Star's Tears") then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end
They cause a bit of lag as it buys all the Star's Tears that your bag can hold and then sells all of them, but for me I'm getting about 10G per round of macros.
Has Blizz explicilty said what the minimum gear requirements to be allowed to queue for h ToC is? I'm up to an average item level of 194 on my pally and can't get in still :/


evlcookie said:
Guy in the guild i'm still in, even though i don't really play anymore, soloed Heroic Forgemaster Garfrost on his DK.

I need to gear my DK :lol
Wow, how did he do that? I'm sure whatever skills, trinkets, or items he used are gonna get hit with a big ol' nerfbat pretty soon. Either that or they'll buff the boss to where you can't remove his debuff if you have aggro or something.

Also, I never speak ill of dudes that roll female characters.....but there is something a bit off about rolling a female character and naming her "DKchick". Sounds like some lonely dude wants a little Deepraum Tram lovin'.


funkmastergeneral said:
Has Blizz explicilty said what the minimum gear requirements to be allowed to queue for h ToC is? I'm up to an average item level of 194 on my pally and can't get in still :/

I'm currently sitting at an average around 200 (1x 174 and 2x187 and a few above) and I can queue for all heroics apart from Halls of Reflection which I haven't unlocked yet.
Orbitcube said:
Looks like there's a new way to make shitloads of money thanks to 3.3!

Star's Tears now only costs 8 honor, instead of 8 honor and 1 gold. This means that for 8 honor, you can resell the stack of Star's Tears and get 25 silver.

Assuming you have 75000 honor and are at the cap: 75000 (max honor) / 8 = 9375 stacks of Star's Tears. 9375 * 25 = 234375 silver. 234375 / 100 (silver -> gold) = 2343.75 gold.

That's a nice profit from 75000 honor. It's probably not going to be worth farming honor for, but for those of us who have stockpiled honor to the cap it's a great bonus. There's some macros you can use to buy/sell them in bulk, here they are:

They cause a bit of lag as it buys all the Star's Tears that your bag can hold and then sells all of them, but for me I'm getting about 10G per round of macros.

:eek: tempting that could pay for my DKs Greatness card :lol
Did they change it so you can buy stuff with honor now like arena used to be or is that to come as im sure I read it somewhere..
Johnlenham said:
:eek: tempting that could pay for my DKs Greatness card :lol
Did they change it so you can buy stuff with honor now like arena used to be or is that to come as im sure I read it somewhere..
Aside from some pretty low-level arena gear and a couple of pvp gems, you can't really buy much with honor.


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
Looks like there's a new way to make shitloads of money thanks to 3.3!

Star's Tears now only costs 8 honor, instead of 8 honor and 1 gold. This means that for 8 honor, you can resell the stack of Star's Tears and get 25 silver.

Assuming you have 75000 honor and are at the cap: 75000 (max honor) / 8 = 9375 stacks of Star's Tears. 9375 * 25 = 234375 silver. 234375 / 100 (silver -> gold) = 2343.75 gold.

That's a nice profit from 75000 honor. It's probably not going to be worth farming honor for, but for those of us who have stockpiled honor to the cap it's a great bonus. There's some macros you can use to buy/sell them in bulk, here they are:

They cause a bit of lag as it buys all the Star's Tears that your bag can hold and then sells all of them, but for me I'm getting about 10G per round of macros.
Uhhh, just heard from a source... don't buy the Waters and then resell them. D:


Modesty becomes a woman
Xabora said:
Uhhh, just heard from a source... don't buy the Waters and then resell them. D:

No offense, but your source has been your butt lately. I'm not saying that that's not obviously an exploit that will get you banned, but srsly.
Inspirius said:
I'm currently sitting at an average around 200 (1x 174 and 2x187 and a few above) and I can queue for all heroics apart from Halls of Reflection which I haven't unlocked yet.

Damn, I must be close then. What's sad is I bought some cloth ilevel 200 BoE blues, which are useless for a ret paladin, just so I could queue these heroics :lol
Deputy Moonman said:
I ran this the other night on my alt warrior, and I had all kinds of problems with it. Granted, it's my alt and I'm not the best at tanking, but the adds immediately go after anyone but the tank (not sure how that mechanic works), and the sets of four come usually staggered.

I'd usually try and heroic throw the first, melee the 2nd, get in a shockwave and thunderclap in on the 3rd and 4th. The problem is that the timing between adds was usually just quick enough that the global cooldown between abilities would allow one to get through, and just slow enough that shockwave and thunderclap would only hit one add. By the 3rd and 4th add, the timing was really off and I would always end up letting one get through. Plus, heroic throw isn't always up and aoe taunt has such a long cooldown, it should only be used as last resort.

Thankfully, a DK put on some tanking gear and laid down his death and decay to pick up extras. That made a huge difference. Not that all groups will have the luxury of two tanks, but, it really helped me.

I'd welcome any tips for picking up adds.

It is a pain, LoS wall on the west or east sides helps to stack them but theres still the issue of clothies getting smacked. The melees are relatively easy to pick up, riflemen and mages are the real pain. The damage mages output is very high, and when u get 2 of them then the fun begins.

If you have any class with undead CC even if they're healing they should try and fire it off. Really useful on riflemen and mages.

Personally I've had quite a few fails and quite a few successes. It's a lot of work as a warrior. Worth saving challenging shout for the last group before boss. And once u have agro on melees, run/charge whatever to a caster mob, interupt it and move back towards the rest. Keep taunting the riflemen and heroic throw if the casters are dead or in melee range.


With regards to the gear requirements, here's my experience:

- I hit 80 Monday night, had no epics on Tuesday, just a bunch of gear I got spending the last 3 levels in Icecrown. At the moment, all of the heroics were locked, as well as normal ToC and Icecrown instances.

-Getting a single 245 Epic (Thrall's gloves) in Archavon 25 was enough to unlock all of the normal mode instances, as well as all of the heroics except ToC and Icecrown.

- Unlocking Heroic Forge and Heroic ToC required my gear to be over half 200+ epics.

Still, that normal ToC and Icecrown drop all epics, it really isn't that hard to meet the requirements. You still get Triumphs running them, too, and there is no lockout.

I recall an enchantment pushing me over the threshold, so the calculation is likely based on total stats rather than item level and epicness.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Decided to give tanking a go on my Paladin. Did Regular Trial of the Champ a couple times trying to get the Black Heart (no dice), but since that wasn't even remotely challenging, decided to go with a random heroic. Of course, I get Heroic Trial of the Champion, and it's reasonably easy, up until the Black Knight, when the new group I get seems to think I should somehow pick up ALL of that Army, which when I DPS I'm pretty sure randomly aggros/leaps targets. Also, if they wanted me to pick them up, I'm pretty sure they shouldn't have been totally spread out across the room o_O

It's possible it's because my DK is much more geared than the guys I'm getting assigned to, but I usually recall finding the damage that the Black Knight's Army does to be mostly annoying rather than enough to cause the healer to panic and stop healing me (he just immediately stopped healing the party and started spamming penance on himself if even one leaped to him). On my Disc priest, I usually just press PW:S like once on myself and go back to healing the tank.
I renewed on Thursday wearing all normal Ulduar gear. 2 200 trinkets, a 212 cloak, and the rest 226. Was locked out of ToGC25 and ICC10/25. Got two 245 weapons from ToC25 and everything unlocked.

It's definitely... weird.

Oh and I couldn't stop laughing at how much of a joke ToC25 was. I'm glad I wasn't around to do that for six months straight or w/e.
Angry Grimace said:
Decided to give tanking a go on my Paladin. Did Regular Trial of the Champ a couple times trying to get the Black Heart (no dice), but since that wasn't even remotely challenging, decided to go with a random heroic. Of course, I get Heroic Trial of the Champion, and it's reasonably easy, up until the Black Knight, when the new group I get seems to think I should somehow pick up ALL of that Army, which when I DPS I'm pretty sure randomly aggros/leaps targets. Also, if they wanted me to pick them up, I'm pretty sure they shouldn't have been totally spread out across the room o_O

It's possible it's because my DK is much more geared than the guys I'm getting assigned to, but I usually recall finding the damage that the Black Knight's Army does to be mostly annoying rather than enough to cause the healer to panic and stop healing me (he just immediately stopped healing the party and started spamming penance on himself if even one leaped to him). On my Disc priest, I usually just press PW:S like once on myself and go back to healing the tank.
Yeah that's just a bad healer. I've healed that thing a million times and I never had problems with ghouls hitting others or myself. Like you said, it's just annoying enough to need a quick shield and that's it. He could have also used Fade.
Yaweee said:
With regards to the gear requirements, here's my experience:

- I hit 80 Monday night, had no epics on Tuesday, just a bunch of gear I got spending the last 3 levels in Icecrown. At the moment, all of the heroics were locked, as well as normal ToC and Icecrown instances.

-Getting a single 245 Epic (Thrall's gloves) in Archavon 25 was enough to unlock all of the normal mode instances, as well as all of the heroics except ToC and Icecrown.

- Unlocking Heroic Forge and Heroic ToC required my gear to be over half 200+ epics.

Still, that normal ToC and Icecrown drop all epics, it really isn't that hard to meet the requirements. You still get Triumphs running them, too, and there is no lockout.

I recall an enchantment pushing me over the threshold, so the calculation is likely based on total stats rather than item level and epicness.

Word. I just feel like running HToc and the ICC heroics ASAP. I've done the whole progression gearing thing with two toons before, and don't feel like farming heroics for horrible gear.


funkmastergeneral said:
Word. I just feel like running HToc and the ICC heroics ASAP. I've done the whole progression gearing thing with two toons before, and don't feel like farming heroics for horrible gear.

The ICC normals are still worth running. Not only do they give all 219 epics, but the slots the gear is for aren't necessarily the same between the normal and heroic versions, so doing both difficulties will give you a mixed set of 219/232 gear. The normal mode is far more beneficial than doing most of the old heroics.

EDIT: Really, man, it's awesome. I've been 80 less than a week and am in all epics except for trinkets with an average level of ~220. 219 gear, Triumphs, and no lockout make for awesome farming.
Yaweee said:
The ICC normals are still worth running. Not only do they give all 219 epics, but the slots the gear is for aren't necessarily the same between the normal and heroic versions, so doing both difficulties will give you a mixed set of 219/232 gear. The normal mode is far more beneficial than doing most of the old heroics.

EDIT: Really, man, it's awesome. I've been 80 less than a week and am in all epics except for trinkets with an average level of ~220. 219 gear, Triumphs, and no lockout make for awesome farming.

Yea, that's what I'm shooting for at the moment. I already have a healer and a melee dps so I'm hoping to get my paladin geared as a tank, but since I have little tank gear I have to queue as a dps :lol I've already picked up two pieces of tier 9 tank gear, and am dpsing in them :lol
haha no joke farming for ore is the most fun I have had in this game for a while. Firstly, each time you find a titanium node you get overjoyed. Secondly, I spent an hour farming WG today and got 400saronite and 20titanium ore. From that titanium I prospected 2Epic gems which = 250 each. So in an hour I made about 800gold (including the 400saronite prospected). Finally, I love killing alliance when I am farming. Today I killed a dk as he was mining a titanium :lol he must have been pissed.
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