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World of Warcraft

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Note to self, when the game says people's gear is too low for said instance, don't sneak them in. Especially 2 or 3 people. :lol
I got a battered hilt off the AH for 2.3k this afternoon. Total steal compared to what I've payed for other epics. So I did the quests on my Hunter and got it tonight. What an awesome quest line. I got the feeling this was the quest to hint at Warriors for Blood Elves. The guy who owned the sword was a Blood Elf and he was obviously a warrior since he did Blade Storm.


Still Tagged Accordingly
border said:
I imagine there will be even less reason to talk now that dungeons are cross server....you're just getting to know people that you can't add as friends
that might change with battle.net2 getting integrated with WoW.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, I'm doing the recruit a friend with my girlfriend. Warrior (me) and Priest (her). Duoing Space Goats. Any tips from those who have done the recruit a friend? I know you were supposed to level fast, but holy crap! Any tips for good leveling specs for our classes when doing RAF? Tips in general?


Oni Link 666 said:
I got a battered hilt off the AH for 2.3k this afternoon. Total steal compared to what I've payed for other epics. So I did the quests on my Hunter and got it tonight. What an awesome quest line. I got the feeling this was the quest to hint at Warriors for Blood Elves. The guy who owned the sword was a Blood Elf and he was obviously a warrior since he did Blade Storm.

The hilt is now 10-20k on Mal'Ganis. I'm sad that I gave 2 of them away to guildies (and sold one for 5k). :(


Just did all of the available bosses in ICC10 last night. The first two were fairly easy once you understand the mechanics and the third is really really easy, but Saurfang was a bitch in appropriately geared A team people. It requires good coordination and a lot of DPS. Fun as hell though, I haven't had a rush like that when I killed it since vanilla.


Violet Hold is now on the list of instances that if I random I'd rather just quit and go do something else for fifteen minutes. It used to be the short instance; now, its just as long if not longer and gives fewer badges.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yaweee said:
Violet Hold is now on the list of instances that if I random I'd rather just quit and go do something else for fifteen minutes. It used to be the short instance; now, its just as long if not longer and gives fewer badges.

Really? Are you just getting hit with bad players? I haven't been there since the lfg tool came along. What's causing the problems?


Really? Are you just getting hit with bad players? I haven't been there since the lfg tool came along. What's causing the problems?

It's the opposite, really. The instance comes at too measured of a pace with awkward pauses between every pull and after every boss. In other instances you can just chain pull and go faster when you have a good party, increasing the speed at which you collect badges.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yaweee said:
Violet Hold is now on the list of instances that if I random I'd rather just quit and go do something else for fifteen minutes. It used to be the short instance; now, its just as long if not longer and gives fewer badges.
Hall of Reflection is rapidly approaching it with the amount of fail that goes around by tanks and heals especially. "What I have to pick up those guys?" "Let's do some crazy LoS Scheme that I don't know how to do properly" "Let's tank these Abominations in front of the Lich King"


Angry Grimace said:
Hall of Reflection is rapidly approaching it with the amount of fail that goes around by tanks and heals especially. "What I have to pick up those guys?" "Let's do some crazy LoS Scheme that I don't know how to do properly" "Let's tank these Abominations in front of the Lich King"

Yeah, HoR is rough, but at least decent loot drops from it.


Angry Grimace said:
Hall of Reflection is rapidly approaching it with the amount of fail that goes around by tanks and heals especially. "What I have to pick up those guys?" "Let's do some crazy LoS Scheme that I don't know how to do properly" "Let's tank these Abominations in front of the Lich King"
Agreed. I had the most UTTERLY fail group of people last night from Ysera realm. They were all three blaming me and a guy from another realm that we were doing stuff wrong, saying things like:

"<name> dps doesnt need to die rofl" that was the HEALER saying that. As if he only cared about his Ysera brethren.

Frequently they would pull things wrong on that part and fuck it up, I even watched the Ysera DK Death Grip my CC'd target into the aoe. WTF?

Then after that, they ran PAST the ice wall on the Lich King end. Blizzard needs to put up invisible walls before the ice walls just so noobs don't go screwing it up running away like jackasses.



We have added a new experimental feature to the D3D graphics engine to improve texture management (particularly on Windows XP). This is currently disabled by default and can be changed by adding the following line to your Config.WTF file:

SET gxApi "d3d9ex"

If you own an ATI video card and have experienced random Error 134 crashes, especially flying out of Dalaran, this mode will help you. It may also help some of the more elusive Out of Memory crashes that can occur on other hardware.

Also, the configuration variable ‘textureCacheSize’ is no longer used with the new backend. To set the cache size for the new backend, adjust the ‘gxTextureCacheSize’ variable. For example, to allow 128MB of GPU memory to be used for textures, add the following line to your Config.WTF file:

SET gxTextureCacheSize "128"

If ‘gxTextureCacheSize’ is set to 0, the client will try to pick a reasonable default value for your settings.

I had to do both to stop the game from stuttering but I am still at half the framerate I was doing before the patch. bleh

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Finally had a chance to take the lfg tool for a spin, and I love it as a healer. I almost instantly enter a group when I fire the thing up, and if the group I'm in is full of morons I can leave and find a new one pdq. Almost all of the groups I was in were competent, but there was one in CoS that couldn't even keep Arthas alive (I'd never actually seen that before), so it was, "Later all!" left, and got a new group right away. :p


Angry Grimace said:
Hall of Reflection is rapidly approaching it with the amount of fail that goes around by tanks and heals especially. "What I have to pick up those guys?" "Let's do some crazy LoS Scheme that I don't know how to do properly" "Let's tank these Abominations in front of the Lich King"

With the smaller hitboxes (wonder when that hotfix goes live?) and general attitude of people in Cross Server LFG, my HoR runs have felt tremendously sloppy. Out of curiosity, how is everyone else doing the first event? I've been having everyone stand behind the door arch by the bosses and tanking there. It feels sloppy, but at least it keeps morons from getting aggro and not knowing where to run.

I've heard pulling into the hall works, but I don't trust PUG-scrubs to LoS shit, especially those mages who like to stand across the room and nuke away.

So, what's everyone else doing?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I've used the LFG group a TON. Running several 5mans a day ever since it became available. I've had a grand total of ONE failPUG, and that was Halls of Reflection, which is actually (sorta) legitimately tough.

Everything else my groups have steamrolled. In most of them we don't even bother with boss strats... we just burn burn burn and just heal through any group damage. Almost all the bosses are down in 30-60 seconds.

Maybe those of you encountering group failures are just having bad luck? It seems weird though. We're so far into Lich King's lifecycle that everyone should be significantly outgearing Heroics by this time. I barely barely play WoW and even I outgear Heroics.

Ran the 3 new dungeons on my hunter, got a new ring and then did a random gundrack.
All went well considering I had forgot how to play and had no idea what I was doing 70% of the time :lol

Anyone got links to specs I should use on my DK? I was blood dps(solo)/frost tanking at 74 then I stopped playing him when toc patch came about.


Blood 2H is still the way to go for leveling, and I'm pretty damn sure the 51/0/20 spec hasn't changed a bit.

For leveling though just put points into unholy until you get the On a Pale Horse, and then fill out the rest of the Blood tree. Makes life easier.


I just found myself adding a month to my old account with an 80 warlock from the first patch on WotLK... Damn me!!!

Anyways, whats a great warlock spec nowadays!?


Is everybody but me so wealthy that they'd rather just disenchant BoE blues than hassle themselves selling it for 50~100g on the auction? I've seen so many get DE'ed over the last few days and I'm shocked every time.
Yaweee said:
Is everybody but me so wealthy that they'd rather just disenchant BoE blues than hassle themselves selling it for 50~100g on the auction? I've seen so many get DE'ed over the last few days and I'm shocked every time.

Dream Shards are more valuable than the items themselves.
Someone in a LFG pug brought up a legitimate complaint/thought about the loot system while we were in VH (waiting after bosses does that to people). He wondered that since you roll on disenchanting mats semi-automatically, why don't you do the same for the other professions e.g. leather from skinning, ores from mining? He mentioned that it didn't feel fair for the enchanters since if they just kept all their mats normally they'd be called an asshole, ninja etc. but the other professions are always allowed to keep their mats.

There's 2 reasons I can see why Blizz had it why they did:
1) Enchanting mats come from gear. Everyone is allowed to roll on gear, so everyone should be allowed to roll on the enchanting mats from the gear.
2) Enchanting is both a gathering and a crafting profession. This is probably the most correct argument for having it the way it is. For skinning, mining and herbalism, they are solely gathering professions. Gathering is the only way they make money. Enchanting, however, has multiple ways of making money. They can disenchant and then sell their mats or offer enchanting services to the public for tips. Giving everyone an equal chance to profit off the former seems like a reasonable idea. This makes the most sense to me.

This also got me thinking about another system that Blizzard should implement - the Crafting tool. Similar to the LFG tool, the Crafting tool makes finding someone to make stuff for you so much easier. You just put in the item you want crafted into a menu, it checks to make sure you have the correct mats and then finds someone to craft it for you over your battlegroup. For the crafters themselves, this tool is automatically enabled all the time, but you can turn it off from the portrait menu (where instance difficulties are, and whatnot) or your profession window. Whenever you're not busy, that is, not in combat or in an instance/battleground/arena a window may pop up asking if you want to craft this thing for them. It'll show what you're crafting, who you're crafting it for and what the tip is. You'll be able to craft while moving using this system (or maybe the crafts are just instantly cast), so it doesn't slow you down.

The tip system should be based upon a minimum tip based on your level, from something like 5 copper at level 1 to 10-20g at level 80. It may also change depending on the level of the thing crafted, so the better enchants/gear will earn the crafter more. Procs (for alchemy) will be split between the two, with the person who provided the mats getting the most if it's an odd number (so the first will go to the craftee, second crafter, third craftee, etc.).

I don't know how feasible this is, but I'd really like to see it implemented in some form. It takes longer than it should to find a person to craft stuff, and this would solve that in some regard. There'd also be less scamming going around, as it'd all be handled by the servers.

tl;dr - someone bitches about something no one cares about, there should be a new crafting system like the new LFG thing.


Oh great. I finally log into my account and I realize its been hacked. My main is still there but all my gold and characters are gone... fuck me.

I'm still a demo lock though. Do people enjoy Demo Locks!?


AceBandage said:
Dream Shards are more valuable than the items themselves.

Not on my server. Even the crappiest BoE blues are 20+, Dream Shards are 15~20. Anything with +Defense can go for 100g or more. Are things that different on other servers?


remember me
Yaweee said:
Not on my server. Even the crappiest BoE blues are 20+, Dream Shards are 15~20. Anything with +Defense can go for 100g or more. Are things that different on other servers?

They may be listed for that much, but BOE blues don't sell. Epics are so ridiculously easy to get that most people skip from quest greens to epics by running heroics.


I saw this WoW rap on youtube. I know the guy rapping, he lived down the street from me when I was younger and was good friends of my brother. I thought I'd post the video link here to help him get some more exposure. I don't play WoW so I have no idea if those that do will enjoy it or not. They at least made a pretty good production out of it.



The more I think about it, the more I have no idea what the hell Blizzard was really doing with Halls of Reflection. If they wanted to promote CC and Focus Fire, they should have let players pull the mobs. Make them hit so hard that a tank can't withstand 5 shots from 5 mobs....give them a stacking Mortal Strike or something......give them a completely random aggro table.

As it is now the mobs just run at you whether you are ready or not, and you can't mark them or even see what's coming because you're stuck hiding behind a corner so that the caster/hunter mobs don't nuke the shit out of everyone from 30 yards away.

I tanked a Normal Halls of Reflection last night and while most of the pulls seemed relatively easy as DPS.....I had no idea that the poor tank is getting kidney shot'ed every 5 seconds. I held everything together, but lost aggro frequently enough that I know we would have had wipes in Heroic mode. The healer was pretty much OOM by the time the bosses went down, since there's no chance to drink in between enemy waves.

This reminds me of the first bosses in Trial of the Champion, which originally went apeshit on the entire group as soon as all 3 were knocked off their horse.......but once Blizzard realized that people couldn't really get 3 hard-hitting mobs under control that quickly they just changed the instance so that they could be pulled on their own. I think something similar will happen with Halls of Reflection.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
The more I think about it, the more I have no idea what the hell Blizzard was really doing with Halls of Reflection. If they wanted to promote CC and Focus Fire, they should have let players pull the mobs. Make them hit so hard that a tank can't withstand 5 shots from 5 mobs....give them a stacking Mortal Strike or something......give them a completely random aggro table.

As it is now the mobs just run at you whether you are ready or not, and you can't mark them or even see what's coming because you're stuck hiding behind a corner so that the caster/hunter mobs don't nuke the shit out of everyone from 30 yards away.

I tanked a Normal Halls of Reflection last night and while most of the pulls seemed relatively easy as DPS.....I had no idea that the poor tank is getting kidney shot'ed every 5 seconds. I held everything together, but lost aggro frequently enough that I know we would have had wipes in Heroic mode. The healer was pretty much OOM by the time the bosses went down, since there's no chance to drink in between enemy waves.

This reminds me of the first bosses in Trial of the Champion, which originally went apeshit on the entire group as soon as all 3 were knocked off their horse.......but once Blizzard realized that people couldn't really get 3 hard-hitting mobs under control that quickly they just changed the instance so that they could be pulled on their own. I think something similar will happen with Halls of Reflection.
Retribution Paladins make the whole thing trivial, because they can CC two mobs at once.


Yeah but at the same time I think Blizzard wanted to move away from the whole "You must bring this class and this spec" to succeed thing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Yeah but at the same time I think Blizzard wanted to move away from the whole "You must bring this class and this spec" to succeed thing.
As far as I can tell, they pretty much forced you to bring a Rogue to Icecrown, given that the first trash pulls involve secret traps that only rogues can see which otherwise trigger completely impossible compositions of mobs.

At least, this is what it appeared to be to my Rogue-less 10 man group that kept triggering the spirit traps. I'll all ears if there's some strategy other than recruiting a rogue.


CC is still not needed in this game like it has in the past. The only time it matters is when you have a group of people 2+ sets of gear behind and use it as a crutch. We cleared all those new heroics and ICC and used CC only to give a tank a chance to pick up a stray mob when it peeled off.
I've done ICC 3 times and we just had the bone giants tanked while we killed the other mobs if we were in the middle of a pull. You're not forced to bring a rogue at all. I was even told not to disarm the traps on my rogue so we could kill the giants for rep.


Angry Grimace said:
As far as I can tell, they pretty much forced you to bring a Rogue to Icecrown, given that the first trash pulls involve secret traps that only rogues can see which otherwise trigger completely impossible compositions of mobs.

At least, this is what it appeared to be to my Rogue-less 10 man group that kept triggering the spirit traps. I'll all ears if there's some strategy other than recruiting a rogue.

I'll be able to give you a better explanation next weekend but...

Once the giant skeletons are active, they are not linked to the other mobs. You can pull them separately.

Now that we know that those skeletons come to life, we'll try and figure out that pull minus the wipe.


Yeah, on our 10-man we had a rogue that didn't disarm the trap, we pulled the Giants first, no problem there.

And hey, they're 75 rep a pop, so it's worth it.


Has problems recognising girls
Tamanon said:
Yeah, on our 10-man we had a rogue that didn't disarm the trap, we pulled the Giants first, no problem there.

And hey, they're 75 rep a pop, so it's worth it.
bu..bu..but I've been told that the fastest route through a dungeon = the better option!!

markot said:
Whats a good shaman resto spec >.<?
Depends on what you want to do with it and the flavour of the month.

Some people still swear by Chain Heal, others have sided with the oft-ignored Healing Way movement. Still I've seen others roll with crit-based LHW. I suppose it really depends on how your runs go, what your guild offers, etc.


Wow what a crappy day ive had.

Trying to do my random heroic and i keep getting PoS and group has failed on the first boss everytime :/
So did abit of group finding on my DK, funny how if your DPS you wait 10-20 mins but as a tank its instant :D

Still trying to remember rotations as frost tank but whatever I was mashing got the job done in the one is with Hardonix.


Yah! Fixed my Framerate issues, if your FPS has dropped since the patch, check all your add ons. I disabled all and then one by one check till I found the one screwing up everything, got rid of it now back to normal.
:eek: Was going along doing quests in dragon blight and thinking id not done them on my hunter, I turn one in the get that awesome Wrathgate cut scence! didnt even know about that!


Angry Grimace said:
As far as I can tell, they pretty much forced you to bring a Rogue to Icecrown, given that the first trash pulls involve secret traps that only rogues can see which otherwise trigger completely impossible compositions of mobs.

At least, this is what it appeared to be to my Rogue-less 10 man group that kept triggering the spirit traps. I'll all ears if there's some strategy other than recruiting a rogue.


How about just killing them for rep? I hope you're not really serious. :/


I still haven't had any real failures with the LFG tool. We did, however, find a dissapointing bug where you're given the Oculus, then everybody leaves after the first boss.


GriffD17 said:
I'm having trouble figuring out good ways to get better DPS gear. Just keep running heroics and hope for the best?

Run Normal Trial and Normal Icecrown dungeons. They drop all epics, whereas heroics only drop one level 200 at their ends. Wowwiki's loot lists for the dungeons should give you a good idea of which dungeons to focus on.
Angry Grimace said:
Hall of Reflection is rapidly approaching it with the amount of fail that goes around by tanks and heals especially. "What I have to pick up those guys?" "Let's do some crazy LoS Scheme that I don't know how to do properly" "Let's tank these Abominations in front of the Lich King"

I ran this the other night on my alt warrior, and I had all kinds of problems with it. Granted, it's my alt and I'm not the best at tanking, but the adds immediately go after anyone but the tank (not sure how that mechanic works), and the sets of four come usually staggered.

I'd usually try and heroic throw the first, melee the 2nd, get in a shockwave and thunderclap in on the 3rd and 4th. The problem is that the timing between adds was usually just quick enough that the global cooldown between abilities would allow one to get through, and just slow enough that shockwave and thunderclap would only hit one add. By the 3rd and 4th add, the timing was really off and I would always end up letting one get through. Plus, heroic throw isn't always up and aoe taunt has such a long cooldown, it should only be used as last resort.

Thankfully, a DK put on some tanking gear and laid down his death and decay to pick up extras. That made a huge difference. Not that all groups will have the luxury of two tanks, but, it really helped me.

I'd welcome any tips for picking up adds.
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