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World of Warcraft

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MrPing1000 said:
It's spelt Oculus.

And I've actually found it reasonably fun now that it's nerfed. It was never a hard instance, just people cannot wrap their heads around different mechanics to their class.

You mean it's spelled Oculus :p

Guild was grinding rep last night in ICC. I participated for like 20 minutes before getting bored and leaving, which didn't sit well with everyone. Last thing I want to do at 1am is grind rep from trash mobs :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
PhoenixDark said:
You mean it's spelled Oculus :p

Guild was grinding rep last night in ICC. I participated for like 20 minutes before getting bored and leaving, which didn't sit well with everyone. Last thing I want to do at 1am is grind rep from trash mobs :lol
I finished 100 rep short of Friendly. Which is irrelevant since the AV rings don't have a Plate ring anyways.


Yeah, I can't be bothered to farm Ashen Rep. After 2 10-mans and 1 25-man I'm already 4k away from Honored, rep'll come when it comes. The rings aren't that huge an upgrade.


arts&crafts said:
Quick question. Is there anyway for me to press a button or something and it will go /2 and then link my jewelcrafting or a prewritten message.
I say this because every 2 seconds people say "looking for a jc" and im way to lazy to keep linking it

EDIT: Never attempted linking professions via macro, though. I presume it can be done but you may have to ask the gurus on the Macro forum.


Angry Grimace said:
Ah, the Good Squad server. :lol

Mal'Ganis is that launch server filled with freakishly good players, as I recall, no?

We just have Juggernaut, Elitist Jerks, Riot Act, Serious Casual, Scripted Encounters, Goon Squad and Vigil :p And abotu 10 or 12 insanity guilds. But the lag outside of instances is so baaaaaaaaaaaaaad

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I sort of wonder why tanking is so much more in "demand" in LFG than healing.


Angry Grimace said:
I sort of wonder why tanking is so much more in "demand" in LFG than healing.

There's much less of a gear barrier to heal. We don't have a cap we have to reach. Plus, for most healers, their DPS gear can fill most slots needed to heal, I only swap out 8 pieces on my druid, and I started healing with only swapping out an idol.

Still only have maybe a 10-second wait to get in as a healer, so no problem for me.


Angry Grimace said:
I sort of wonder why tanking is so much more in "demand" in LFG than healing.

It's easier to make a healing off-spec than it is a tanking off-spec due to the overlap in gear between Balance->Resto druids, Elem->Resto Shamans, Shadow->Either Priests. Tanking off-specs usually require having a second gear set with far more stringent requirements than healing or dps roles. The defense cap alone makes things problematic.

EDIT: What Tamanon said.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
There's much less of a gear barrier to heal. We don't have a cap we have to reach. Plus, for most healers, their DPS gear can fill most slots needed to heal, I only swap out 8 pieces on my druid, and I started healing with only swapping out an idol.

Still only have maybe a 10-second wait to get in as a healer, so no problem for me.
I don't get a wait at all when I tank, which I do when farming instances now. I started off with the shittest set imaginable (like mostly Tempered Saronite), literally having little clue how to (Paladin) tank beyond reading the guide on EJ on what the abilities do, and failing all the time to pick up adds; i.e. the kind of behavior that would have gotten a lot of shit thrown at me back in the day. (For the record, I was very good at Warrior tanking before I retired the character) Shamefully, I'll admit I only bothered trying this because in a cross-realm dungeon, no one can really give me a bad rep :lol

But anyways, no matter how often I fucked up, I haven't gotten a word said to me over the week, which I suspect was because no one wanted to wait 10 minutes for another tank, although I'll admit I've improved vastly once I figured out the best way to use my abilities. I really miss one iconic Warrior ability though, which would be Charge. I feel pretty helpless when I see some mob 20 yards away wailing away on my healer with RD on cooldown or what-not.


Angry Grimace said:
I don't get a wait at all when I tank, which I do when farming instances now. I started off with the shittest set imaginable (like mostly Tempered Saronite), literally having little clue how to (Paladin) tank beyond reading the guide on EJ on what the abilities do, and failing all the time to pick up adds; i.e. the kind of behavior that would have gotten a lot of shit thrown at me back in the day. (For the record, I was very good at Warrior tanking before I retired the character) Shamefully, I'll admit I only bothered trying this because in a cross-realm dungeon, no one can really give me a bad rep :lol

But anyways, no matter how often I fucked up, I haven't gotten a word said to me over the week, which I suspect was because no one wanted to wait 10 minutes for another tank, although I'll admit I've improved vastly once I figured out the best way to use my abilities. I really miss one iconic Warrior ability though, which would be Charge. I feel pretty helpless when I see some mob 20 yards away wailing away on my healer with RD on cooldown or what-not.

That's actually the only reason I started healing. I always kept from doing so outside of the oddball group quest because I didn't want my guild to get a bad name from me screwing up while learning. But I tried healing cross-server, succeeded and now even spot heal in raids when needed.


Tamanon said:
That's actually the only reason I started healing. I always kept from doing so outside of the oddball group quest because I didn't want my guild to get a bad name from me screwing up while learning. But I tried healing cross-server, succeeded and now even spot heal in raids when needed.

I have a question about this. As an elemental shaman, my heals ain't bad, and sometimes during raids I get worried and toss a few heals at party members or tanks. Is this frowned upon? I know it hurts my dps, but will it throw of healers expectations as to what they need to do and just make problems worse?
Angry Grimace said:
I finished 100 rep short of Friendly. Which is irrelevant since the AV rings don't have a Plate ring anyways.

The tank ring is nice, and a good upgrade for me, but I'll hit friendly tonight as we actually do ICC; no point in spending all night grinding trash to get it, instead of getting it having fun while raiding.

Can't wait to do the Gunship again heh


Yaweee said:
I have a question about this. As an elemental shaman, my heals ain't bad, and sometimes during raids I get worried and toss a few heals at party members or tanks. Is this frowned upon? I know it hurts my dps, but will it throw of healers expectations as to what they need to do and just make problems worse?

Well, the spot heals for druiding are much easier. Like on Marrowgar while running around when I wouldn't be DPSing anyways, I'll sometimes toss a rejuv or two.

They never have a problem with you healing yourself if need be, but it all depends on your healers.

Either way, I also meant that I switch specs depending on the fight or if we're still learning it, because Resto druids are one of the ultimate buffer classes for progessing. Us and Disc Priests.
Yaweee said:
I have a question about this. As an elemental shaman, my heals ain't bad, and sometimes during raids I get worried and toss a few heals at party members or tanks. Is this frowned upon? I know it hurts my dps, but will it throw of healers expectations as to what they need to do and just make problems worse?

I spot heal whenever necessary on my enhancement shaman. Unless your guild is full of assholes it really shouldn't be frowned upon, you're just trying to help the raid. Yes it decreases your dps, but raid survivability if more important.
Angry Grimace said:
I don't get a wait at all when I tank, which I do when farming instances now. I started off with the shittest set imaginable (like mostly Tempered Saronite), literally having little clue how to (Paladin) tank beyond reading the guide on EJ on what the abilities do, and failing all the time to pick up adds; i.e. the kind of behavior that would have gotten a lot of shit thrown at me back in the day. (For the record, I was very good at Warrior tanking before I retired the character) Shamefully, I'll admit I only bothered trying this because in a cross-realm dungeon, no one can really give me a bad rep :lol

But anyways, no matter how often I fucked up, I haven't gotten a word said to me over the week, which I suspect was because no one wanted to wait 10 minutes for another tank, although I'll admit I've improved vastly once I figured out the best way to use my abilities. I really miss one iconic Warrior ability though, which would be Charge. I feel pretty helpless when I see some mob 20 yards away wailing away on my healer with RD on cooldown or what-not.

Yeah im learning the ropes still and no ones said anything, granted its only normal modes while levelling but still. Haven't wiped a group either thankfully :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
Hey, it's a ring-proc, those are so damn rare nowadays, I'll take anything.
The problem is, for plate classes, that ring-proc isn't very good even for them when you average out it's uptime.
Sigh, some people can be real bastards. I was leading a group to farm ICC10 trash for rep and had it on group loot when a Ring of Rotten Sinew dropped. I told everyone to pass assuming everyone would do the decent thing and let me pass it out properly via rolls.

Of course one certain pally just happened to press need and leave the group. So now some raid members are pissed at him in trade chat! Yay! Though to be honest it is sort of my fault for not turning master looter on. I'd thought about it at the start, but I didn't think it'd be necessary with this group. We were clearing the trash really fast so I thought everyone would be actually be decent about this. So now the disgruntled raid members are spamming trade chat and making themselves look like complete idiots.

Oh well, we live and we learn.
Orbitcube said:
Sigh, some people can be real bastards. I was leading a group to farm ICC10 trash for rep and had it on group loot when a Ring of Rotten Sinew dropped. I told everyone to pass assuming everyone would do the decent thing and let me pass it out properly via rolls.

Of course one certain pally just happened to press need and leave the group. So now some raid members are pissed at him in trade chat! Yay! Though to be honest it is sort of my fault for not turning master looter on. I'd thought about it at the start, but I didn't think it'd be necessary with this group. We were clearing the trash really fast so I thought everyone would be actually be decent about this. So now the disgruntled raid members are spamming trade chat and making themselves look like complete idiots.

Oh well, we live and we learn.

If I was ina PUG I'd probably roll need to protect myself from other ninja's as well.


Orbitcube said:
Sigh, some people can be real bastards. I was leading a group to farm ICC10 trash for rep and had it on group loot when a Ring of Rotten Sinew dropped. I told everyone to pass assuming everyone would do the decent thing and let me pass it out properly via rolls.

Of course one certain pally just happened to press need and leave the group. So now some raid members are pissed at him in trade chat! Yay! Though to be honest it is sort of my fault for not turning master looter on. I'd thought about it at the start, but I didn't think it'd be necessary with this group. We were clearing the trash really fast so I thought everyone would be actually be decent about this. So now the disgruntled raid members are spamming trade chat and making themselves look like complete idiots.

Oh well, we live and we learn.

Could've been worse, they could've been someone who accidentally hit Disenchant. Luckily our raidleader was watching and rolling Need just in case.:lol
Another question for you DKs out there. I haven't played since 3.1 and was always a tank. For Unholy DPS in 3.3 are the ghoul talents still a necessity? I hate Ghouls, they aren't my style but if its going to be a substantial dps increase ill have to bear it.
Yaweee said:
I have a question about this. As an elemental shaman, my heals ain't bad, and sometimes during raids I get worried and toss a few heals at party members or tanks. Is this frowned upon? I know it hurts my dps, but will it throw of healers expectations as to what they need to do and just make problems worse?

My main is a priest specced heals/heals and my alt is a druid specced heals/feral-dps; and I only really use the first spec on my druid. So this is the perspective of a dedicated (obsessed perhaps) heal-bitch: it's not a massive problem, but I'd rather you didn't.

If the healers are still alive (and are competent) there should be almost no reason for DPS to heal in a raid. For most healers the biggest issue that we face is mana, so we're generally hoping to get things done faster. Having DPS stop doing damage and start healing just slows everything down, and 90% of the time the heal they cast doesn't land because someone else got there first. And if it does land, it's generally because it sniped a heal that one of the dedicated healers was casting, which just means that you're wasting your mana; that is, "raid mana" that could have been used to do damage just went to healing, while healing mana didn't go to damage.

What you're doing is the sign of a good player in my book; you're trying to maximise your contribution to the raid. The trouble is that, unless you are watching the damage all the time, you can't tell what is a continuous spike and what's just a one-hit spike. How those get handled by the main healers is going to depend on what's happening at the time. You might see someone in "need" of healing and start trying to save them, but I'm already aware that they're low on health and am deliberately leaving them a few moments while I help someone in immediate need.

It's a preference thing I guess, as I see that other healers here disagree with me. That's just my 2 copper.


ToyMachine228 said:
Another question for you DKs out there. I haven't played since 3.1 and was always a tank. For Unholy DPS in 3.3 are the ghoul talents still a necessity? I hate Ghouls, they aren't my style but if its going to be a substantial dps increase ill have to bear it.

If you're unholy, your ghoul accounts for a sizable chunk of your dps, and there's no other talent that's worth nearly as much as a perma-ghoul.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ToyMachine228 said:
Another question for you DKs out there. I haven't played since 3.1 and was always a tank. For Unholy DPS in 3.3 are the ghoul talents still a necessity? I hate Ghouls, they aren't my style but if its going to be a substantial dps increase ill have to bear it.
An Unholy DPS spec without Master of Ghouls is a baseline non-competitive spec. You will be laughed at and your DPS will be worthy of ridicule if you don't take the ghoul.

It's a borderline non-interactive pet really, all you do is attack stuff and he does the same thing. I almost never actually direct him to do anything, he just does it on his own.
Tamanon said:
If you're unholy, your ghoul accounts for a sizable chunk of your dps, and there's no other talent that's worth nearly as much as a perma-ghoul.

All right thanks. Still trying to nail down my DPS spec.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Ah, the Good Squad server. :lol

Mal'Ganis is that launch server filled with freakishly good players, as I recall, no?
If I was there I'd be a small fish in the ocean.

But on undermine I'm the big fish. :lol

In other news I got this thingy tonight.
Yes... Heroic.
Now my SS hits for more than it used to in raid when I'm not in a raid.


Modesty becomes a woman
Angry Grimace said:
An Unholy DPS spec without Master of Ghouls is a baseline non-competitive spec. You will be laughed at and your DPS will be worthy of ridicule if you don't take the ghoul.

It's a borderline non-interactive pet really, all you do is attack stuff and he does the same thing. I almost never actually direct him to do anything, he just does it on his own.
You know you're bad when...


heh 3 months later I got from 6th best enchancement shaman to down to 28th and denied from a middle of the night raiding guild who isn't' raiding late night yet because not enough 25 members because my gear is still only ulduar 10/25ish ready. :p

Borean Tundra server ftl.


Orbitcube said:
Sigh, some people can be real bastards. I was leading a group to farm ICC10 trash for rep and had it on group loot when a Ring of Rotten Sinew dropped. I told everyone to pass assuming everyone would do the decent thing and let me pass it out properly via rolls.

Of course one certain pally just happened to press need and leave the group. So now some raid members are pissed at him in trade chat! Yay! Though to be honest it is sort of my fault for not turning master looter on. I'd thought about it at the start, but I didn't think it'd be necessary with this group. We were clearing the trash really fast so I thought everyone would be actually be decent about this. So now the disgruntled raid members are spamming trade chat and making themselves look like complete idiots.

Oh well, we live and we learn.
If you're a new raid leader you may not be aware that you can change the item level threshold for rolls in the loot method options. Right click on your portrait and change the threshold to Rare (Primordial Saronite / Crusader Orbs / Runed orbs are blue items). Then your raiders can still loot/DE the trash greens but if something of import drops you can Master Loot it properly. (Not trying to sound condescending, I didn't know this existed for a week or two after I started leading raids and figured I'd toss it out there on the off chance you weren't familiar with it.)
jim-jam bongs said:
My main is a priest specced heals/heals and my alt is a druid specced heals/feral-dps; and I only really use the first spec on my druid. So this is the perspective of a dedicated (obsessed perhaps) heal-bitch: it's not a massive problem, but I'd rather you didn't.

If the healers are still alive (and are competent) there should be almost no reason for DPS to heal in a raid. For most healers the biggest issue that we face is mana, so we're generally hoping to get things done faster. Having DPS stop doing damage and start healing just slows everything down, and 90% of the time the heal they cast doesn't land because someone else got there first. And if it does land, it's generally because it sniped a heal that one of the dedicated healers was casting, which just means that you're wasting your mana; that is, "raid mana" that could have been used to do damage just went to healing, while healing mana didn't go to damage.

What you're doing is the sign of a good player in my book; you're trying to maximise your contribution to the raid. The trouble is that, unless you are watching the damage all the time, you can't tell what is a continuous spike and what's just a one-hit spike. How those get handled by the main healers is going to depend on what's happening at the time. You might see someone in "need" of healing and start trying to save them, but I'm already aware that they're low on health and am deliberately leaving them a few moments while I help someone in immediate need.

It's a preference thing I guess, as I see that other healers here disagree with me. That's just my 2 copper.
I'm also a dedicated healer and I agree with this sentiment. We definitely appreciate the thought behind it, but usually if we need help we'll call for it. Although, obviously, use your discretion - if you're in P3 of Brundir last (normal) Iron Council, and you're being run into a far off corner by the lightning octopus, it probably is a good idea to heal yourself. Just make sure that it's a rare thing only done when you feel it's absolutely necessary, and if we healers fail let us fail so we can learn to adapt for the next attempt.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Seethe dropped tonight and I won the roll, which eases the pain of never seeing a battered hilt, somewhat:


Very very nice little 1H caster sword. Better than pretty much anything besides ICC stuff.

I also bought my ilvl 245 cloth helm tonight.

I'm still rocking a crafted ilvl 200 Ebonweave robe which is a little shameful, but all the rest of my gear has come along immensely since I came back to the game this month:



Fularu said:
We just have Juggernaut, Elitist Jerks, Riot Act, Serious Casual, Scripted Encounters, Goon Squad and Vigil :p And abotu 10 or 12 insanity guilds. But the lag outside of instances is so baaaaaaaaaaaaaad

I used to play on that server, good server
zugzug said:
heh 3 months later I got from 6th best enchancement shaman to down to 28th and denied from a middle of the night raiding guild who isn't' raiding late night yet because not enough 25 members because my gear is still only ulduar 10/25ish ready. :p

Borean Tundra server ftl.
I went from 3rd best to god know's where'dth in 7 months! Whoo! Doubt I'll climb back either because none of my friends want to leave the 10m guild they are in now. There's something deeply unsatisfying about not raiding 25m to me.


-When would be the best time to start alts? I have some 60's, 70's, and 80's but I kind of want to start fresh. Haven't played in months. I got a DK raid ready then quit. Will 3.3 help leveling at all? I'm sure Cataclysm would nerf leveling but that's a while away?

Edit: Just realized 3.3 is already out. Reading through it. "Level 1 characters no longer start with food or water in their inventory." What's the point of that?

-What's raiding going to be like after 3.3? Are fresh 80's going to do heroics, 5 man nath, and up the line to Citadel?

-Then when Cataclysm comes out what do fresh 85's that did no 80 endgame do? New heroics then new raids?


Worships the porcelain goddess
RAF update: Warrior and Priest duo. Level 22 after about 5-6 hours of playtime. There's more playtime logged, but that's leveling mining so I can make some money to actually buy skills. :lol

Yeah, not breakneck speed, but we're laidback and relax through the game.

I'm thinking I should try a random dungeon to learn how to tank though.


DeathNote said:
-When would be the best time to start alts? I have some 60's, 70's, and 80's but I kind of want to start fresh. Haven't played in months. I got a DK raid ready then quit. Will 3.3 help leveling at all? I'm sure Cataclysm would nerf leveling but that's a while away?

When you're asking when the best time is to reroll from 1 in regards to leveling speed, either Cataclysm or now with RAF. 3.3 will not help leveling past level 20.

Edit: Just realized 3.3 is already out. Reading through it. "Level 1 characters no longer start with food or water in their inventory." What's the point of that?

Blizz increased the regen to hp and mana, so there should be a lot less downtime from 1-20.

What's raiding going to be like after 3.3? Are fresh 80's going to do heroics, 5 man nath, and up the line to Citadel?

Nath = Naxx? Regardless, I doubt it would play out exactly like that. A fresh 80 can heroic themselves to being very close to Icecrown ready, but they'll probably want to do ToC10/25 as well. Triumph badges can buy a lot, and you can get a lof of the missing pieces from the new Icecrown 5 mans, but you'll still probably want another avenue to get gear. ToC10 is pretty much a loot pinata so that would be a good course of action.

However, this also assumes 1) that they hit 80 like this week, 2) that the new 80 isn't a bad, 3) that the new 80's doesn't roll with bads. If you hit 80 in April and get geared up in heroics, other people by that point could probably carry you through Icecrown in suboptimal gear. However, if you're bad or you raid with people who are bad, you're screwed because all the gear in the world isn't saving people from Naxx. For example: They introduced weekly raid quests where you kill an early boss in a raid. On Drenden, it was Patchwerk this week. Our MT pugged it on one of his alts, and they just barely killed it after an hour because of how terrible people were. Like sub 2k DPS and terrible tanks and healers all around.

-Then when Cataclysm comes out what do fresh 85's that did no 80 endgame do? New heroics then new raids?

New normals -> New Heroics - > New Raids


DeathNote said:
-When would be the best time to start alts? I have some 60's, 70's, and 80's but I kind of want to start fresh. Haven't played in months. I got a DK raid ready then quit. Will 3.3 help leveling at all? I'm sure Cataclysm would nerf leveling but that's a while away?

Edit: Just realized 3.3 is already out. Reading through it. "Level 1 characters no longer start with food or water in their inventory." What's the point of that?

-What's raiding going to be like after 3.3? Are fresh 80's going to do heroics, 5 man nath, and up the line to Citadel?

-Then when Cataclysm comes out what do fresh 85's that did no 80 endgame do? New heroics then new raids?

Everyone who turns 85, unless they have excellent gear, will most likely do 85 heroics -> raids.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You should actually read the full notes.
Aside from the regen changes, I don't see it saying water/food drops from mobs are reduced in early levels. It adds up when reselling. So, I didn't see the point when a mob will drop some right around the corner anyway.

FLEABttn said:
Nath = Naxx?

Yes. Typo.

Flib said:
Everyone who turns 85, unless they have excellent gear, will most likely do 85 heroics -> raids.

Thanks for all the info FLEABttn and Flib. With all these changes I was wondering how end game was getting effects. I was also wondering if the +5 level raise was to make people focus on some 80 endgame rathet than forgetting about it.


Kintaro said:
RAF update: Warrior and Priest duo. Level 22 after about 5-6 hours of playtime. There's more playtime logged, but that's leveling mining so I can make some money to actually buy skills. :lol

Yeah, not breakneck speed, but we're laidback and relax through the game.

I'm thinking I should try a random dungeon to learn how to tank though.
What's the typical quested non-boosted to 60 average? 2 days played? Seems like you're in the right range and I think relaxed casual playing is more fun.


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
Edit: Just realized 3.3 is already out. Reading through it. "Level 1 characters no longer start with food or water in their inventory." What's the point of that?

Because they increased health and mana regeneration by a lot in the first lvls, you don't need this food and water taking valuable spaces on your single 12 slots bag.


DeathNote said:
Aside from the regen changes, I don't see it saying water/food drops from mobs are reduced in early levels. It adds up when reselling. So, I didn't see the point when a mob will drop some right around the corner anyway.

Yes. Typo.

Thanks for all the info FLEABttn and Flib. With all these changes I was wondering how end game was getting effects. I was also wondering if the +5 level raise was to make people focus on some 80 endgame rathet than forgetting about it.

Nah, the level 85 change instead of 90 was to give Blizzard more breathing room before they're knocking on level freakin' 100. They've stated that you're going to be getting as many new abilities in those 5 levels as you did in the previous 10.

The reason food and water is no longer in inventory when starting is that it's only worth 1 copper per piece and every new character ends up just selling it, especially with the new drastic changes to regen <20.


Son of Godzilla said:
I went from 3rd best to god know's where'dth in 7 months! Whoo! Doubt I'll climb back either because none of my friends want to leave the 10m guild they are in now. There's something deeply unsatisfying about not raiding 25m to me.

Where do you see your rankings?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You know you're bad when...
No, I'm not bad even if you think Hunter pets and DK Pets work the same and are wrong.

The ghouls aren't really an active pet class; The only thing you really need to do is move them out of big explosions, and even then, they have 90% AoE avoidance. The only real ability they have is Gnaw, which doesn't work on Raid bosses. Controlling the pet actively is only really a necessity in PvP when you want Gnaw as an interrupt.

Feel free to ask any of the other Unholy DKs how often they actually micromanage what the ghoul is doing. Put him on defensive, and turn Leap on and off depending on what you are doing and that is all.


When's the next reroll boom going to be? Do you get the feeling most people will pay to change race to goblins/worgen (if they can) and only play through the new starting zones atleast? I miss the days when everyone wanted to reroll on a new server.

Tamanon said:
Nah, the level 85 change instead of 90 was to give Blizzard more breathing room before they're knocking on level freakin' 100. They've stated that you're going to be getting as many new abilities in those 5 levels as you did in the previous 10.

The reason food and water is no longer in inventory when starting is that it's only worth 1 copper per piece and every new character ends up just selling it, especially with the new drastic changes to regen <20.

The breathing room makes sense.

God, I love Señor Chang.


funkmastergeneral said:
probably on same lame site like www.wow-heroes.com. It's just part of the annoying gearscore fad.

that Gearscore shit really pissing me off too. I came back after not playing for several months, and all my gear was top of the line back then, but now I got a shitty 4.4k GS and all the pugs require a 5.1k + Used to be you just tell them your stats and stuff, but now its all about the gearscore...


DeathNote said:
When's the next reroll boom going to be? Do you get the feeling most people will pay to change race to goblins (if they can) and only play through the new starting zones? I miss the days when everyone wanted to reroll on a new server.

When 4.0 comes out and the world drastically changes will be the next reroll boom. Then, once the expansion officially comes out and brings the new races and combinations will bring another (likely larger) boom. Who knows how long will be between the two events, though.

All of the raider drama and worrying about slots makes me glad to be on Pug'thol. I got some good shit out of ToC25 and Onyxia so far. Most people don't use any sort of gear score, either.
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