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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace:

Haste IS good for rets more than the other plate wearers. The more haste we have, the faster we apply Seal of Vengeance and the faster we attack, which increases our DPS. Which is why items such as http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47449 are sought after by Rets and not DKs or Warriors.
Well from much googling it seems ive been hacked, what a crock of shit. So now I cant play as the pricks have put an authenticator on my account so I need to call billing, except there not open till tomorrow.

Kind of ironic to how the thing thats supposed to make your account secure is whats used to lock you out of the account. They obviously dont ask you to say answer your secret question to allow it to be added which is a nice oversight by them. ugh so annoyed.


Modesty becomes a woman
Johnlenham said:
Well from much googling it seems ive been hacked, what a crock of shit. So now I cant play as the pricks have put an authenticator on my account so I need to call billing, except there not open till tomorrow.

Kind of ironic to how the thing thats supposed to make your account secure is whats used to lock you out of the account. They obviously dont ask you to say answer your secret question to allow it to be added which is a nice oversight by them. ugh so annoyed.

Should have added one before this happened.
Should have added one before this happened.

Apart from it would cost me £25 to get a physical one so didnt, and to get the mobile version they dont make one for android phones because, well fuck if I know why so I had to go through all sorts of hoops to trick their site into thinking I was on mobile internet, download the .jad/jar file, convert it into a file android would recognise, download an app to read said file, put it onto my phone then run it all.

Not exactly simple and hassle free, not to mention ive been playing mmos for like 10 years and have never had account issues.Hell from yesterday to today ive not downloaded anything or even been on any sites remotely related to WoW so fuck knows how they even got in!


Modesty becomes a woman
Johnlenham said:

Apart from it would cost me £25 to get a physical one so didnt, and to get the mobile version they dont make one for android phones because, well fuck if I know why so I had to go through all sorts of hoops to trick their site into thinking I was on mobile internet, download the .jad/jar file, convert it into a file android would recognise, download an app to read said file, put it onto my phone then run it all.

Not exactly simple and hassle free, not to mention ive been playing mmos for like 10 years and have never had account issues.Hell from yesterday to today ive not downloaded anything or even been on any sites remotely related to WoW [B]so fuck knows how they even got in![/B][/QUOTE]

I think that's the point.
I think that's the point.
Er What? if youve got nothing even remotely constructive to say why even bother responding? Jesus some people are just douche bags.

well either way they've pulled some magic as all my virus/malware scanners are picking up nothing and both my chars according to the armoury are still fully clothed. Mostly just a massive inconvenience as they replace any gold/gear thats destroyed but was looking forward to levelling the ole DK today :/


Really Really Exciting Member!
ACE 1991 said:
So, how's the new dungeon finder tool?

It's awesome. If you're a tank(healer too i assume), you can find a group in a few seconds! DPS takes a few mins though, sometimes nearly 10 mins, but that's still better than before. But that is with random dungeon. With specific ones, a DPS might take much longer to find a group.

What's also great about it is that i started doing the low lvl instances again! I never bothered doing them before because they're always on the other side of the world and barely anyone wanted to do this, but now since we get teleported right into the dungeon, more people do them now. Takes about 5 to 10 mins with my lvl 22 rogue to find a group with the random dungeon option, not to mention they also give you a free blue item if you complete the random dungeon.


Modesty becomes a woman
Johnlenham said:
Er What? if youve got nothing even remotely constructive to say why even bother responding? Jesus some people are just douche bags.

well either way they've pulled some magic as all my virus/malware scanners are picking up nothing and both my chars according to the armoury are still fully clothed. Mostly just a massive inconvenience as they replace any gold/gear thats destroyed but was looking forward to levelling the ole DK today :/

Uh, if it was obvious that they were phishing you no one would fall for it. That's the point, fuck knows when they're doing it. That's why you dont rely on being able to spot it, that's why you don't wait until after you get hacked to get an authenticator. And last time I checked they are only €6.00/£4.80/$6.50.

Jesus some people just need common sense.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
Angry Grimace:

Haste IS good for rets more than the other plate wearers. The more haste we have, the faster we apply Seal of Vengeance and the faster we attack, which increases our DPS. Which is why items such as http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47449 are sought after by Rets and not DKs or Warriors.
I have an 80 warrior, 80 Death Knight and 80 Ret Paladin so it's not like I don't "get" what's going on here. I don't think the relative stat weight is any higher for Retribution than Unholy or Fury given that ghouls receive 100% of their haste rating from their masters and haste rating benefits both Necrosis and Blood-Caked Blade and dual wield classes (Fury) use melee haste a lot more than single weapon classes.

In any case, I clarified the point a couple of posts back (it got buried on the page); I understand his (flawed) general idea behind "more white - more procs," it's just that it would take an astronomical amount of haste to cause you to get enough procs to cover the fact that your procs are doing less damage because your attack power is lower (because he's gemmed for haste over strength). This doesn't even *consider* the fact that the DoT would be doing less damage also.

It's the fact he wants to gem and ninja loot certain items to achieve a totally faulty gearing strategy that's not based on sound logic that pissed everyone off.

Even if we took it to be true that haste is better for Retribution than Unholy (Not forgetting of course, that even if it was, it's not true by much) the point is, no sane person would suggest that they should be guaranteed an item (and another person should be forced to go emblem buy another item) simply because he it has some stat that person wants (despite the fact that other people might want it too) I mean, this is the item in question.



Uh, if it was obvious that they were phishing you no one would fall for it. That's the point, fuck knows when they're doing it. That's why you dont rely on being able to spot it, that's why you don't wait until after you get hacked to get an authenticator. And last time I checked they are only €6.00/£4.80/$6.50.

Jesus some people just need common sense.

The price just got lowered. It used to be much more expensive than that (especially once you included foreign shipping). Blizzard lowered the prices because the account hacking has gone to such extents that it's cheaper for them to basically give them for free than to devote manpower to resolve all those issues.

Last year the authenticator would have cost me a good 20-30$ CND to have it shipped to me. This year? They sent me two (by mistake) for 7$ CND (last week actually) shipped (bu fedex next day delivery no less).


Orbitcube said:
Tell me what server you're on. On Thaurissan (Alliance side), you're barely even going to find an ICC10 group besides rep farms. It's a real shame the racial balance on this realm is fucked, cause otherwise Thaurissan is one of the best realms in the US. You've got all these elite guilds, but barely any pug groups.

Im on Greymane Alliance. And I just recently servers xferred over here. It just seems like theres alot of medium sized guilds that focus on hardmode 10man content. They have enough members to clear their 10 man heroic raids, and of course some standbys, so they take their 15 or so raiders and PUG the rest for their 25 man clears. These runs are on top of the full 100% PUG runs that have no guild affiliations linked to them.

They are very successful and there were clears last week from what Im told, I just didnt bother because I didnt think people would have alot of success week 1. Ive got like 8 guilds on my ventrillo list that regularly pug people for raids. The rest of the time I join the PuG runs. I have to make more use of my friends list, and comments more than I had to when I was guilded and raiding on a schedule, but now I can raid whatever freaking day Im available and see all the lore without being on a leash. I fucking love it, has brought the fun back to the game for me. Loot rules are pretty standardized across the server btw, if your on a partial guild run the new Saronite goes to the sponsoring guilds bank, everything else is free rolls, 1 item per boss (you can get multiple items per run, that keeps people from winning an items then leaving without staying to down the other bosses).

DeathNote said:
So IC normal mode can be farmed without waiting?

10 man? Yeah, we go in, clear all the mob packs, mostly with massive AoE and a single rogue or two to scout out the trap locations (traps in the instance trigger the spawn of these massive bone mobs that are worth alot of rep). We kill the trash avoiding the traps the rogue stealths around pointing out. Once trash is done the rogue triggers the traps one at a time so the raid can kill the bone guys. Once everything is dead and the way to the first boss is clear everyone steps outside of the instance (and on my server once your out you type '1' in chat to show your out) the raid leader resets all instances from his UI and we zone back in.

In pugs every 4 clears or so youll normally get someone afk for a bio or doing something silly and dieing and needing a rez, so you shouldnt run into the instance reset lockout timer often (I never have). Its very straightforward, no need to look up how the trash works online or anything before joining a run. Its all very straight forward, stay behind the tanks and just spam AE.


Puncture said:
10 man? Yeah, we go in, clear all the mob packs, mostly with massive AoE and a single rogue or two to scout out the trap locations (traps in the instance trigger the spawn of these massive bone mobs that are worth alot of rep). We kill the trash avoiding the traps the rogue stealths around pointing out. Once trash is done the rogue triggers the traps one at a time so the raid can kill the bone guys. Once everything is dead and the way to the first boss is clear everyone steps outside of the instance (and on my server once your out you type '1' in chat to show your out) the raid leader resets all instances from his UI and we zone back in.

In pugs every 4 clears or so youll normally get someone afk for a bio or doing something silly and dieing and needing a rez, so you shouldnt run into the instance reset lockout timer often (I never have). Its very straightforward, no need to look up how the trash works online or anything before joining a run. Its all very straight forward, stay behind the tanks and just spam AE.
Well my account is frozen. My 80 is in scrub gear. I'm bored, stayed up all night, and have been reading what's been going on.

That sounds fun. Lord Marrowgar looks awesome.

So, I see the difficulty changes. But on wowwiki it still say normal and heroic raids can't do hard reset. Then I saw someone in another thread say normal it could.


Logged in to 3.3 and I got to say that I am very glad I re-subscribed with my buddies.

I'm gearing out my scrubby rogue and it has been so easy. I got 5 great upgrades last night from the normal/heroic modes of the new 5 mans and htoc.

Not to mention 30+ frost emblems of triumph.

I love the new ui and lfg channel. I won't be playing much outside of playing with my buddies but I'm now looking forward to playing again.

I went from 1.5k dps to 2.3k in one night, I really can't complain.

They made the mutilate rogue spec much more manageable in terms of rotation and cool downs as well (speaking as a rogue who put him aside at wrath's launch and picked back up my resto druid).

Oh and I must add to the hype train of the new 5 man dungeons and say that they are a joy to play. That is all.


Angry Grimace said:
I have an 80 warrior, 80 Death Knight and 80 Ret Paladin so it's not like I don't "get" what's going on here. I don't think the relative stat weight is any higher for Retribution than Unholy or Fury given that ghouls receive 100% of their haste rating from their masters and haste rating benefits both Necrosis and Blood-Caked Blade and dual wield classes (Fury) use melee haste a lot more than single weapon classes.

In any case, I clarified the point a couple of posts back (it got buried on the page); I understand his (flawed) general idea behind "more white - more procs," it's just that it would take an astronomical amount of haste to cause you to get enough procs to cover the fact that your procs are doing less damage because your attack power is lower (because he's gemmed for haste over strength). This doesn't even *consider* the fact that the DoT would be doing less damage also.

It's the fact he wants to gem and ninja loot certain items to achieve a totally faulty gearing strategy that's not based on sound logic that pissed everyone off.

Even if we took it to be true that haste is better for Retribution than Unholy (Not forgetting of course, that even if it was, it's not true by much) the point is, no sane person would suggest that they should be guaranteed an item (and another person should be forced to go emblem buy another item) simply because he it has some stat that person wants (despite the fact that other people might want it too) I mean, this is the item in question.


Yeah, gemming haste is nonsensical and idiotic. I would never do what he is trying to do. That cloak isn't even BiS unless you can't raid 25mans.

Regarding the new 5mans. I may be the only one but I think they are pretty bad and outside of a possible Battered Hilt, I would never run them. FoS is quick and easy but the next two, especially HoR can take forever. If you have undergeared party members then it just gets worse.


Fularu said:
Blizzard lowered the prices because the account hacking has gone to such extents that it's cheaper for them to basically give them for free than to devote manpower to resolve all those issues.

Prediction: Cataclysm Collector's Edition will come with an Authenticator.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
Yeah, gemming haste is nonsensical and idiotic. I would never do what he is trying to do. That cloak isn't even BiS unless you can't raid 25mans.

Regarding the new 5mans. I may be the only one but I think they are pretty bad and outside of a possible Battered Hilt, I would never run them. FoS is quick and easy but the next two, especially HoR can take forever. If you have undergeared party members then it just gets worse.
I can't imagine what he'll do if Blade-Scored Carapace drops (Plate chest with haste on it), since I assure you he'll freak out and suggest I go buy the 95 emblem badge chest :lol


Retro said:
Prediction: Cataclysm Collector's Edition will come with an Authenticator.
I think you're on to something.

I'm thinking of trying the mobile authenticator with my iphone. Anyone else do this?


Angry Grimace said:
I can't imagine what he'll do if Blade-Scored Carapace drops (Plate chest with haste on it), since I assure you he'll freak out and suggest I go buy the 95 emblem badge chest :lol

I'd kick him from the guild, because he should be getting tier 10 pieces. lol


Proc said:
I think you're on to something.

I'm thinking of trying the mobile authenticator with my iphone. Anyone else do this?

Yep. And seeing as how I'm always with my iPhone... no real bother! Just an extra 10 seconds to log in. No big deal.

Don't do what I did tho: get a new iPhone! I totally forgot that this would completely change the serial link between my account and the authenticator. No big deal tho... 30min on the phone with Blizzard and I was able to remove the old authentication in order to put a new one on with my new iPhone.

But really I've had no complaints with my authentication. Having been hacked once... the extra security is welcomed.
Got my first taste of ICC last night when I healed Saurfang 10-man. Pretty fun. I got a big kick out of setting my shadowfiend on one his summons, because I'm pretty sure that they use the same model just larger and fully opaque.

It's nowhere near the jump in difficulty that Naxx to Ulduar, or Ulduar to TOC, was though. Are there harder encounters in that first wing?
Proc said:
I think you're on to something.

I'm thinking of trying the mobile authenticator with my iphone. Anyone else do this?
Yeah had I known I could have got it for 50p (as Blizzard are twats and wont port it over to Android market place) I would have used it long ago. If you have a ipod touch or phone its free on the app store or again 50p if you have a java enabled phone of the blizzard mobile site.

That why I was complaining earlier, if its how hackers are getting into accounts and blocking people surely they should offer it for free on every available platform going and make a big fuss about it with emails and launcher news etc?

I mean if someone like me,average user who doesn't actively go to all these diffrent WoW sites (wow/ej and mmo champ only) doesn't follow links to places, no gold buying or anything like that then it must be a pretty bad problem id have thought?
Tamanon said:
I've found ToC easier than Ulduar personally.

And Saurfang's one of the easier ones in the first wing.

Perhaps difficulty isn't the right word. I just found that, as a healer, TOC requires bigger numbers than Ulduar pretty consistently. Ulduar has a few cooldown fights which confuse things, but as a whole I find (for example) Hodir to be much less of a strain than Valkyrs, although the mechanics are similar from a healing perspective.

Good to hear it gets harder!


Johnlenham said:
Er What? if youve got nothing even remotely constructive to say why even bother responding? Jesus some people are just douche bags.

well either way they've pulled some magic as all my virus/malware scanners are picking up nothing and both my chars according to the armoury are still fully clothed. Mostly just a massive inconvenience as they replace any gold/gear thats destroyed but was looking forward to levelling the ole DK today :/

the truth is if you get keylogged it was your fault and you did something stupid
Akim said:
the truth is if you get keylogged it was your fault and you did something stupid
But that's what im saying! I havent!:lol

My browsing habits haven't changed in years, I go to the same site all bookmarked I have firewalls and all that bollocks (scanners have picked up nothing) I can honestly think of nothing.Ive downloaded no executables, no new addons (all updating done with curse) again nothing! No one has access to my pc or would even bother to go on it even if they could, my internet is secure and done via ethernet.

Cant think of anyother loop holes in but thats why I asked, I didn't post for snarky comments and essentially "Ha Ha your an idiot" posts.


Johnlenham said:
Apart from it would cost me £25 to get a physical one so didnt, and to get the mobile version they dont make one for android phones because, well fuck if I know why so I had to go through all sorts of hoops to trick their site into thinking I was on mobile internet, download the .jad/jar file, convert it into a file android would recognise, download an app to read said file, put it onto my phone then run it all.

Not exactly simple and hassle free, not to mention ive been playing mmos for like 10 years and have never had account issues.Hell from yesterday to today ive not downloaded anything or even been on any sites remotely related to WoW so fuck knows how they even got in!

I have an authenicator for android I can send you, PM your email if you want it, or anyone else for that matter. it's a EU one, but my account is US and it still works no problems. Thing is a bit janky at times, but over all it works fine. I sent it to 2 others and they have no problems using it.
jersoc said:
I have an authenicator for android I can send you, PM your email if you want it, or anyone else for that matter. it's a EU one, but my account is US and it still works no problems. Thing is a bit janky at times, but over all it works fine. I sent it to 2 others and they have no problems using it.
Thanks for the offer sir!

Yeah id would have taken it but I got mine today, I guess you used the method I said about. shame its a moot point as I need them to remove the hacked version before I can add mine on.
Again blows my mind that normal people can make it work but blizzard wont release it as is on the android market.

Hopefully it will get sorted tomorrow so I can stop posting about it, been bored all day thanks to that bastard hacker and all hes getting is about 4k in gold and some worthless JC gems :lol
So I've been looking into dual-wield specs for Death Knights today. The tanking one sounds interesting, hows the dual-wield dps spec? Is it still one of the better dps specs for DKs in 3.3?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:
I'd kick him from the guild, because he should be getting tier 10 pieces. lol
I would have kicked him from the guild for being a drama whore, but it's not my call.


I just pulled 8.3k on my Hunter doing Koralon. I have never done that on a fight that didnt involve damage boosting gimmicks (Council, Hodir) so even though people were doing that in Uld, its a big freaking deal to me. Its really nice seeing my upgrades actually show some concrete gains. My previous best on him was 5.5k. I hated the brick wall my warlock seemed to hit dps wise because of bad scaling, this is so much better especially since once I get enough passive ArP Ill be able to switch to Marksman for even more dps.

Angry Grimace said:
I would have kicked him from the guild for being a drama whore, but it's not my call.

Yup, loot rules exist for a reason, to stop the drama, anyone bitching about loot rules in the guild charter should get an automatic warning. That shit just shouldnt be allowed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
I just pulled 8.3k on my Hunter doing Koralon. I have never done that on a fight that didnt involve damage boosting gimmicks (Council, Hodir) so even though people were doing that in Uld, its a big freaking deal to me. Its really nice seeing my upgrades actually show some concrete gains. My previous best on him was 5.5k. I hated the brick wall my warlock seemed to hit dps wise because of bad scaling, this is so much better especially since once I get enough passive ArP Ill be able to switch to Marksman for even more dps.

Yup, loot rules exist for a reason, to stop the drama, anyone bitching about loot rules in the guild charter should get an automatic warning. That shit just shouldnt be allowed.
I'm not entirely sure why were aren't. Everyone hates him. Oh except one guy who formed the guild who knows him personally, but that guy only even has his account active every once in a while.


Lost all credibility.
Wow it's really tough to find tanking shields over iLevel 200 if you don't raid. The only one available is a 219 from reg HoR, but it's almost impossible to find a group for even as a tank. Everyone just wants to go straight to the heroic version.


sykoex said:
Wow it's really tough to find tanking shields over iLevel 200 if you don't raid. The only one available is a 219 from reg HoR, but it's almost impossible to find a group for even as a tank. Everyone just wants to go straight to the heroic version.

Guess that explains me seeing so many tanks during the ICC heroics using that shield from Heroic CoS.


Lost all credibility.
So I was queued up for reg HoR as both tank and DPS, finally got into a group, but as DPS. Turns out the first boss also drops a really good tank upgrade thats also hard to come by without raiding, both me and tank needs on it but I won. I traded it to him cause it's only fair. We get to the second boss that drops the shield, second boss doesn't drop it, so the tank just leaves group lol. Kinda wish i would have kept the first drop now.

Sigh why did they put all these awesome, much needed tank upgrades in the regular version. :(


I can't bring myself to use an Authenticator just because it adds time to the login process. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but if you get DC'ed or crash during a big encounter I don't think you want to be scrambling to look for your iPhone or gadget.


Alright, went back to the original Deathwhisper strategy and got her down in 25-man after a few wipes. Then 2-shot super simple epix battle and finished the day with some wiping on Saurfang as folks learned the fight. His blood power rampup is huge compared to the 10-man, which makes perfect sense.

Got a nice caster ring from the gunship at least, unfortunately another caster got Nibelung instead, lol.
That reminds me. I pugged ICC10 last night, interestingly we 1-shot all the bosses EXCEPT the gunship battle, which took about 4 tries. Got a new chestpiece, which was exactly what I didn't want, since I already had a 245 piece anyway. Oh well. I'm 8 badges closer to getting that super fucking hot trinket.


All the gunship battle is about getting your smart people to be the offense, that's it. Anybody else can be carried as there's no massive damage or roles. The problem in PuGs is you don't know who your smart people are.

2 more badges to tier 10 piece!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
So I was queued up for reg HoR as both tank and DPS, finally got into a group, but as DPS. Turns out the first boss also drops a really good tank upgrade thats also hard to come by without raiding, both me and tank needs on it but I won. I traded it to him cause it's only fair. We get to the second boss that drops the shield, second boss doesn't drop it, so the tank just leaves group lol. Kinda wish i would have kept the first drop now.

Sigh why did they put all these awesome, much needed tank upgrades in the regular version. :(
I picked up that Splintered door as offspec with some druid :lol


Hi there, I just started WoW 2 days ago for the first time :D I play at Illidian (?) and I'm currently a lvl 12 undead mage. Having fun so far but still a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options, skills, races, professions and whatnot.


Calidor said:
Hi there, I just started WoW 2 days ago for the first time :D I play at Illidian (?) and I'm currently a lvl 12 undead mage. Having fun so far but still a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options, skills, races, professions and whatnot.

You chose well. Mages rule. #1 thing you'll learn leveling up, if you're getting hit, you're going to die. Learn to LOVE Frost Nova.:lol


While I'm a raider, I'm perpetually poor and never picked up epic flying. I just sold a Battered Hilt for 20k and got it, but now I feel like a terrible person. It dropped in a fail 5man HoR run where the tank and healer died on the 3rd wave everytime, so maybe I shouldn't feel that badly.

Oh, finally did Deathbringer Saurfang last night, really enjoyable fight as a hunter.


border said:
I can't bring myself to use an Authenticator just because it adds time to the login process. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but if you get DC'ed or crash during a big encounter I don't think you want to be scrambling to look for your iPhone or gadget.

I keep my authenticator on my keyboard. It rests just above the F1-F4 keys. I originally thought it was going to be annoying as well, but it's only like 5 seconds to do and makes you virtually unhackable (there is a way to hack someone who has an authenticator but it requires a particularly interactive phisher).


Flib said:
While I'm a raider, I'm perpetually poor and never picked up epic flying. I just sold a Battered Hilt for 20k and got it, but now I feel like a terrible person. It dropped in a fail 5man HoR run where the tank and healer died on the 3rd wave everytime, so maybe I shouldn't feel that badly.

Oh, finally did Deathbringer Saurfang last night, really enjoyable fight as a hunter.

Eh, my job on 25 man Saurfang last night was dropping traps at his little platform every few seconds to slow the blood beasts and Distracting shotting the beasts off of the healers (who prefer to remain in full turret mode chain casting but not moving/kiting when they are healing people with the mark on them) and kiting 2 and 3 of those things at a time with small breaks of dps here and there on Saurfang. The gunship was a faceroll, but I found that much more enjoyable as a hunter with the jetpacking back and forth lol.

Oh well.


The one thing I wish Blizz would add to Icecrown would be new enchanting recipes. My druid is an enchanter/scribe so I can't find anything to stand out unless I go farm Karazhan bosses as a bear.
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