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World of Warcraft

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Wow, just had an amazing ICC 10 man pug. We had a healer disconnect on the first attempt on the first boss so it was a wipe, but then we got back on and 1 shot everything else in sequence.

Every boss dropped the 1 upgrade I needed from them, as the only hunter I got the belt, then the bow (hurrah at going from a 232 weapon to a 251) then the bracers, then when the ring dropped on Saurfang (who is just piss easy on 10) I didnt even roll and let the tank take it for his dps offspec, by that time I was just good. Such a great haul. And a great run, we got achievements on the 1st and last boss.

jim-jam bongs said:
First DPS joins, types "nooooooooooooo" into chat then drops the group.

Oh my god :lol :lol :lol


remember me
Got my first piece of tier 10 and my first upgrade badge tonight.

Grats on the loot. I had Muradin's Spyglass trinket drop in my run a week ago and out of the 3 people that rolled, I rolled highest. Then 30 seconds later another person decides he's gonna roll too and rolls higher and wins it. I can't stand people who don't roll right away. It means that they weren't aware of the item before hand (so they just stare at it), or they weren't paying attention to what dropped (so imo they should not be able to roll by that point).

So I'll have to stick with embrace of the spider a while longer. Never won the roll on the Eye trinket off of razorscale the 2-3 times I saw it drop, and I never won scale of fates the limited times I saw it drop because someone always had more dkp than me. And reign of the unliving has only dropped twice in normal 25 toc out of all the times we've cleared it. What a pisser.


Sometimes it's good to be the only DPS caster on a raid. Ran Icecrown 10 with me as the only caster dps and 2 shaman as the healers. This meant I ended up with 3 drops since they weren't itemized for them.

Hooray for healing set! Not sure why they didn't want it, but I'll take it gladly
Sweet staff for me to use, love all the haste on there and it works perfectly for my tree set also. Plus it looks cool.:D


remember me
Deputy Moonman said:
Grats on the loot. I had Muradin's Spyglass trinket drop in my run a week ago and out of the 3 people that rolled, I rolled highest. Then 30 seconds later another person decides he's gonna roll too and rolls higher and wins it. I can't stand people who don't roll right away. It means that they weren't aware of the item before hand (so they just stare at it), or they weren't paying attention to what dropped (so imo they should not be able to roll by that point).

So I'll have to stick with embrace of the spider a while longer. Never won the roll on the Eye trinket off of razorscale the 2-3 times I saw it drop, and I never won scale of fates the limited times I saw it drop because someone always had more dkp than me. And reign of the unliving has only dropped twice in normal 25 toc out of all the times we've cleared it. What a pisser.

I can understand people needing a bit of time to decide if they want to roll or not. I often alt tab over to shadowpriest.com to look at the gear rankings to see if something's an upgrade. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if something is an upgrade just by looking at it, and even addons that are supposed to do that for you aren't always accurate.

But that really sucks on the trinkets. Good luck next week. I've actually been really lucky with trinkets myself. I got a reign of the dead pretty early on and got both the new 5 man trinket and muradin's spyglass. It dropped 2 weeks in a row and lost it the first time, but was grouped with the same people the 2nd time and managed to snag it.
Tamanon said:
Hooray for healing set! Not sure why they didn't want it, but I'll take it gladly

It's not a great healing trinket really. If you read the calculations in the comments at wowhead the guy reckons the effective mp5 on a long fight is only going to be around 86, and you have to remember to use it every time it's up to get the full benefit. The current high-water mark is solace of the fallen/defeated from 25 TOC. There's a 5 man trinket that will give you more mp5 slightly but it's haste on use, not spell power so I'm not a big fan.

Now, that staff on the other hand is completely fucking hot and I am insanely jealous :lol


Man, I think I might be going insane. I'm thinking of starting a druid alt on the same account as my boomkin/tree. And making him cat/bear.


Not really. A ret pally should pass a ring like that to rogues/hunters/whatever if they need them. It's a terrible ring for a ret pally really and should only be picked up if you have worse and noone in the group needs them. It's the decent thing to do. It would be annoying if rogues would roll on a STR ring as well. Which happened to me once. :(
Lumine said:
Not really. A ret pally should pass a ring like that to rogues/hunters/whatever if they need them. It's a terrible ring for a ret pally really and should only be picked up if you have worse and noone in the group needs them. It's the decent thing to do. It would be annoying if rogues would roll on a STR ring as well. Which happened to me once. :(

No it's not like that. Agility items are ok for strength based classes, but strength items are fucking terrible for agility classes. I main an enhancement shaman, so while it would be the nice thing to do to pass that to an agility class, I can understand why the paladin would want it.


Eh I'm quite sure AGI rings scale as useless on a ret pally as STR does on a rogue. Not to forget that ARP isn't really a stat ret pallies want to go for either. It's not the worst ring a ret pally could get, but I would still consider it selfish to roll for it if you're one and you're seeing a rogue roll for it.
funkmastergeneral said:
:lol :lol LoL stop whining dude, that ring is fine for ret paladins.
Hey I can moan all I please when finally something thats an upgrade drops after running the 3 instances each day for 4 days.

If I was with a shammy or rogue I would have just been annoyed I lost the roll as they need agil but to lose to a class that gets to roll on everything ,it winds me up.
Johnlenham said:
Hey I can moan all I please when finally something thats an upgrade drops after running the 3 instances each day for 4 days.

If I was with a shammy or rogue I would have just been annoyed I lost the roll as they need agil but to lose to a class that gets to roll on everything ,it winds me up.

Spend a little time in ICC raid to get your Ashen Verdict rep to friendly and you'll get a ilevel 251 ring, and their is a emblem of triumph ring that is ilevel 245 that is very well itemized.
funkmastergeneral said:
Spend a little time in ICC raid to get your Ashen Verdict rep to friendly and you'll get a ilevel 251 ring, and their is a emblem of triumph ring that is ilevel 245 that is very well itemized.
Yeah thats true. Was mostly just venting :lol

Need to actually do some raids, ive not even done hardmode 10man toc or finished 25 man :/ Not used to my gear being so far behind the average player.


Lumine said:
Eh I'm quite sure AGI rings scale as useless on a ret pally as STR does on a rogue.
I played a rogue from release until last christmas (with a few breaks). Now i play a ret pally. You're flat-out wrong. Agi items are very credible alternatives for ret (and the other plate dps), largely because of Blizzard's braindead itemisation (agi gear has 4dps stats, while str gear only has 3; as a result the agi gear gets substantially more stat points per point of item budget), and for ret in particular, because we get a pretty awesome agi:crit ratio (52 agi per 1% crit, compared to 62.5 for warriors and DKs, and 83.3 for rogues/druids/hunters/shamans).

I'd never roll on leather against an actual leather-wearing class (although i am wearing leather boots right now as they're better than any plate options available...), but for rings/necks/cloaks, the str itemisation generally ranges between retarded (the agi cloak from frost emblems is actually better for me than the str one, even if i swap out my glyph of SoV so i can use the exp on the str cloak...) and flat-out non-existent (Ashen Verdict rep rings...), with an occasional standout item here and there (the triumph emblem str ring is pretty damn good, provided you can use the hit). Those examples are all emblem/rep items, so not entirely relevant when talking about rolling on stuff, but they still provide a good example of what str itemisation is like.


Has problems recognising girls
Tamanon said:
Man, I think I might be going insane. I'm thinking of starting a druid alt on the same account as my boomkin/tree. And making him cat/bear.
I have that, but with a Shaman. One is Resto/Ele, the other is purely Enhancement.

Then again it would be vastly more understandable for use with a Druid.


arhra said:
I played a rogue from release until last christmas (with a few breaks). Now i play a ret pally. You're flat-out wrong. Agi items are very credible alternatives for ret (and the other plate dps), largely because of Blizzard's braindead itemisation (agi gear has 4dps stats, while str gear only has 3; as a result the agi gear gets substantially more stat points per point of item budget), and for ret in particular, because we get a pretty awesome agi:crit ratio (52 agi per 1% crit, compared to 62.5 for warriors and DKs, and 83.3 for rogues/druids/hunters/shamans).

I'd never roll on leather against an actual leather-wearing class (although i am wearing leather boots right now as they're better than any plate options available...), but for rings/necks/cloaks, the str itemisation generally ranges between retarded (the agi cloak from frost emblems is actually better for me than the str one, even if i swap out my glyph of SoV so i can use the exp on the str cloak...) and flat-out non-existent (Ashen Verdict rep rings...), with an occasional standout item here and there (the triumph emblem str ring is pretty damn good, provided you can use the hit). Those examples are all emblem/rep items, so not entirely relevant when talking about rolling on stuff, but they still provide a good example of what str itemisation is like.

I've had retadins outbid me on leather dps items because as he said, they are itemized much better than plate counterparts and some are BiS. I don't mind because these retadins are in my guild and actually know how to play ... but I'd be pissed if a PUG did it.


Modesty becomes a woman
Lumine said:
Eh I'm quite sure AGI rings scale as useless on a ret pally as STR does on a rogue. Not to forget that ARP isn't really a stat ret pallies want to go for either. It's not the worst ring a ret pally could get, but I would still consider it selfish to roll for it if you're one and you're seeing a rogue roll for it.

You must not know a lot about rets then, a lot of my BiS for the past few tiers were leather pieces or agi rings.

It's called crit, and it's about the only thing we stack other than str. You don't lose out on much at all by putting on a piece of leather instead of plate. You miss out on about 1/4th of the crit per agi point and the 1 point AP per agi.

This is amazing for me, and I only miss out about 146 AP.

Cant think of a better way to put it :lol , well I redirect my hate at Blizz for being retarted with itemization.

It's called crit, and it's about the only thing we stack other than str.
I could argue and say you should get a back seat then as ALL I stack is agil, for hunter its get to hitcap then agil agil agil but atleast I know WHY he did it rather than just thinking he had a crap blue ring and wanted to replace it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lumine said:
Eh I'm quite sure AGI rings scale as useless on a ret pally as STR does on a rogue. Not to forget that ARP isn't really a stat ret pallies want to go for either. It's not the worst ring a ret pally could get, but I would still consider it selfish to roll for it if you're one and you're seeing a rogue roll for it.
Retribution gains more melee crit per agility point than the other plate classes do and they don't have Armor-to-AP talents, so Agility based stuff (including leather) tends to drift towards the best itemized gear for them more often than it should.

Part of the problem is that Melee Plate comes with secondary stats that aren't stackable for Ret. Paladins, i.e. haste is bad, and Armor Pen. is even worse. Hit and Expertise reach caps, and Expertise in particular has a much lower cap than other melee classes because of the Glyph (although if you actually have 26 expertise naturally, you wouldn't use it).


Angry Grimace said:
Part of the problem is that Melee Plate comes with secondary stats that aren't stackable for Ret. Paladins, i.e. haste is bad, and Armor Pen. is even worse. Hit and Expertise reach caps, and Expertise in particular has a much lower cap than other melee classes because of the Glyph (although if you actually have 26 expertise naturally, you wouldn't use it).

d00d, stfu you have no idea what u r talkin bout, haste iz awsum 4 ret :lol

In other news, I just replaced the last of my Naxx-level gear with Triumph Badge pieces of Tier 9. The last few nights or so my brothers and I have basically been rocking Random Heroics for a few hours. I couldn't do it with full PUGs, that much stupid would probably kill me... even when we pick-up an extra DPS or two and they start speaking, it makes my head hurt.

Actually had a huntard tell me to change to my ret spec (which is actually a prot/ret hybrid for PVP), not tank the last boss of PoS, and we could 'taunt him back and forth through the ice together'. Needless to say, we didn't. WTF though?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
d00d, stfu you have no idea what u r talkin bout, haste iz awsum 4 ret :lol

In other news, I just replaced the last of my Naxx-level gear with Triumph Badge pieces of Tier 9. The last few nights or so my brothers and I have basically been rocking Random Heroics for a few hours. I couldn't do it with full PUGs, that much stupid would probably kill me... even when we pick-up an extra DPS or two and they start speaking, it makes my head hurt.

Actually had a huntard tell me to change to my ret spec (which is actually a prot/ret hybrid for PVP), not tank the last boss of PoS, and we could 'taunt him back and forth through the ice together'. Needless to say, we didn't. WTF though?
For the record, he keeps trying to talk to me like he didn't bring up that conversation at all :lol, but he's still stacking haste and he went to buy the haste rating Frost emblem item before he bought Tier. He's going to be really sad when his DPS barely increases at all, since the FoTFF-like stack is worth like 270 AP (which is good) but the haste is still worth 97 DPS per 100 rating.

He's going to be even more sad when everyone else is rocking 2 pc. Tier 10 and he's not, especially since the T10 bonus 2 pc. bonus is very good for Retribution.
Oh Christmas drama. Without going into the details, a mate and I kind of rage-quit my first ICC run last night because the raid leader and his pals were on vent making racist and anti-gay remarks. The rest of my friends dropped the raid shortly after, b-team was called in, and they spent the night wiping on Marrowgar :lol

Although the guys were unrepentant about the remarks I think the subsequent debacle that was their raid night pushed them into an apology, and apparently there will be a code-of-conduct about respect for other people (I shit you not). I don't know.

On the one hand there are arseholes everywhere, and I know that some guilds would get a lot worse than what happened last night. On the other hand I generally try to avoid those people.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
It's actually looking like 2pc T10 will push haste above crit for ret paladins.
We probably won't know until someone actually picks up 2 pc. T10 but the counter argument is that the amount of haste required to see an appreciable difference is really quite high.

It will have to wait until people actually pick it up though. Of course,

Tier 10 2pc - Your melee attacks have a 40% chance of resetting your DS cooldown: The most interesting bonus we've ever had, but because of the random nature of the proc it makes it very difficult to get a solid % increase number. It appears that this can only proc from auto-attacks. This bonus also changes our FCFS system again, please see the rotation section. Without the bonus, DS usually accounts for 7% of our total dps; based on current theorycraft, 2T10 provides a ~2% dps increase due to more DS usage (it is closer to 3% on paper but due to reaction times as well as increased GCD usage it is less). It is very likely this will be used in pvp, due to the burst damage DS can provide.

It doesn't seem like trying to increase it much beyond that would be particularly beneficial, but like I said, we'll have to see.


Angry Grimace said:
We probably won't know until someone actually picks up 2 pc. T10 but the counter argument is that the amount of haste required to see an appreciable difference is really quite high.

It will have to wait until people actually pick it up though.
The argument that increased auto attacks proc more DS resets is being pushed. We'll see.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
The argument that increased auto attacks proc more DS resets is being pushed. We'll see.
I was trying to find the quote, but my recollection was that DS resets was going to give a ~2% increase in damage. It doesn't seem (from a glance) like increasing that to, say 3% (something that seems like it would require 50% haste, which is impossible) will push haste much more than it already is.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
bengraven said:
Might have to level my warrior so I can dual wield that and another 2h axe.
If your Warrior isn't already the top plate DPS in a relatively awesome guild, you aren't getting that Axe. :lol
I think my server has one of the worst pugs.

I've managed in 3 months to do 1 straight run of ToC10 first 3 bosses of ulduar 10 and 25. 1st boss of ICC10. Naxx10, one wing of Naxx25 and Onyxia 10/25.

The amount of fail pugs I've had is astonishing.

Time to get a raiding guild tbh.


funkmastergeneral said:
I sincerely hope you don't get it, because if you do we'll see you bragging about it constantly.

I hope he does, so you can see him post about it once, and you cry about in in 4 other posts.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
I sincerely hope you don't get it, because if you do we'll see you bragging about it constantly.
I was just making a point that the guild still has no idea who is getting it.
I just want Shadow's Edge at one point. :p
(Although I do know of a warrior in the guild thats going balls out for it.)

Oh and also, I tend to talk non-stop with our mage seeing if we can beat each other.
Its a fun meta-game.

Puncture said:
I hope he does, so you can see him post about it once, and cry about in in 4 other posts.
How so?


Finally hit 70 today. I have about 11 and a half days of /played. Love how the xp jumped from 700k to 1.5mil. Getting to 80 seems like it's going to be a pain.


Xabora said:

I worded it wrong and edited it. He and some others seems to have just latched on to you, and follow you around bitching everytime you post something. Plenty of us post in this thread about our gear, upgrades, and stuff we do playing the game. Theres not much else to DO in this thread.

Their crying is just starting to annoy me.


Modesty becomes a woman
Acid08 said:
Finally hit 70 today. I have about 11 and a half days of /played. Love how the xp jumped from 700k to 1.5mil. Getting to 80 seems like it's going to be a pain.

Eh, not really. Instead of 1 zone being 2/3 levels you get about 1 zone being 1 level or so.
I was looking for some very old photo on my photobucket account and came across this old WoW picture. It's from a Molten Core raid, and I was running to Azshara to get that Aquil Essence thing. So many things change in WoW, but pally buffs still suck ass


I think I originally took this picture for the penis in the background .


funkmastergeneral said:
I sincerely hope you don't get it, because if you do we'll see you bragging about it constantly.
Word. If everyone in this thread posted a screenshot of every upgrade he got, I wouldn't even come to the Online forum anymore. So thanks to everyone who doesn't!

Edit: And they still suck, just not as bad! Oh, paladin buffs, you are too much.
Count your lucky stars! I remember back in vanilla WoW when we didn't even have pally buffs. All we had were stupid shammy totems. At least your buffs were always on you.


Junior Member
Azwethinkweiz said:
Count your lucky stars! I remember back in vanilla WoW when we didn't even have pally buffs. All we had were stupid shammy totems. At least your buffs were always on you.
Fear Ward with our very very Rare Dwarf Priests. D:
I don't find Xab's posts to be excessive so I don't really get the complaints. To be honest I don't go looking through loot lists much these days, and I only play my priest anyway, so it can be fun to be exposed to some stuff I wouldn't see otherwise.
Xabora said:
Fear Ward with our very very Rare Dwarf Priests. D:
I remember those days. I had just joined a good raiding guild that had gotten BWL on farm recently, and were beginning their progression in AQ40. Was pretty awesome because I was able to gear up really fast from stuff people already had or didn't want anymore.

Check out my upgrades!!
totally kidding :lol


funkmastergeneral said:
I think I originally took this picture for the penis in the background .

Lol. That was the first thing I saw... hmmph. Anyways, can't unsee it once you do, kinda like going through Disney movies and seeing things that are "off".

Man, I've been farming frost badges on my main and my alts to try and save up for saronites for Shadowmourne. Should've kept doing my dailies just to buy the damn things.

EDIT: Also, Deathbringer Saurfang or however you spell it maybe one of the most boring fights ever as melee DPS. I just sit there and grind away at my rotations without a care of anything else. I windowed my screen most of the time to read while doing said fight. It's a melee dps players wet dream for epeen meter battles.


Junior Member
J-Rzez said:
EDIT: Also, Deathbringer Saurfang or however you spell it maybe one of the most boring fights ever as melee DPS. I just sit there and grind away at my rotations without a care of anything else. I windowed my screen most of the time to read while doing said fight. It's a melee dps players wet dream for epeen meter battles.
Just patchwerk 2.0 with some nice changes, acting as the true gate keeper into ICC for all the fun stuff.

Ranged honestly does all the work in the fight due to add CC and whatnot.
The best thing is when the tank moves him by accident and all the melee DPS are caught off guard. :lol
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