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World of Warcraft

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God yes.

ScrollingCombatText is an effing must, especially if you're a melee-oriented character. Shardtracker is pretty nifty too for Warlocks.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Does anyone know if there is an addon that states who is pinging the mini-map? We are having trouble with someone doing it and we want to find out who it is so we can kick them from the raid.

I'm not sure there is an addon. We had this problem too during an MC raid. It was known who it was.. some idiot warrior who had just joined a week or so ago and already won an Obsidian Edged Blade or wahtever that is. It's ridiculous and annoying :(

Also, I had been using CTmod with a variety of extra additions for a while and I decided to try a few other UI package-mods out.

A lot of people suggested the Insomniax Recomp. I dont' like it. To me, it's the new Cosmos. Clutted as hell and bloated. In fact, upon installation it told me while loading WoW that I was already using >32 MB of RAM for my UI. It's not that nice looking either.

Nurfed - What do you say. I love it, and I hate it. It's a gorgeous UI that includes a sparing number of features but most of them are good items. The problem is it seems to be a UI just made for a certain guild.. it doesn't get a lot of work and there website seems to have been down forever. Flexbar + Autobar seem to give me fits. It can really clear up some serious space for you if scaling down the size of things like your bags, etc is fine for you. It actually made me nautius which is extremely rare. Not sure why.

I tried Ultimate too and wasn't fond of it either.

So, now I have gone back to CTmod. I have so many good things to say about this mod. A. it includes most generic features needed to play the game (really). Yes, Blizz will tell us all the default interface is all you ever need, but it's simply not true. I cannot live with Selfcast anymore, etc. etc etc.
B. It's possibly the easiest mod to download and start using. Of course it stays within the boundaries of the default interface.
C. I normally grab a handful of extra addons. Titanbar, Atlas, Recap (turn off combatstats)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I agree that Insomniax is bloated. The nice thing about it, unlike cosmos, is that it isn't all integrated together. I can delete all of the addons I don't use and it won't effect the other ones. I think it is the new version of Auctioneer that makes the thing use so much memory. I agree that is insane.

We have now got through Shaz as a guild. Fucking sucked too, because the first time we killed it all we had up was 2 hunters and 2 druids that had already used their battle rezzes. For some reason master looter was on one of the dead characters. One of the druids who had the Hydraxian Waterlord quest held the body open until a battle rez was up and we could rez a priest (the paladin who had the soulstone somehow died at the beginning of the battle and was forced to use it before his rez timer was expired), but the damn instance bugged out and ported the priest to Iron Forge so we couldn't get our loot.
So I recently joined a new guild with couple of friends from old one, and tonight we went on first mc run with em. Managed Luci with no deaths, mag with 4, did Garr with only 2 locks and 4 warriors, and finally wiped the first time at a lava pack. Took 3 tries, but we got Geddon down as a guild first and called it a night. Geddon is such an insanely fun fight. That artifact thing dropped too. Very fun night, and it sure beats the mindless cp grinding I was doing till joining.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, CT Mod is great. For me, there's just no going back. I really like having those extra hotbar buttons so that I can properly organize my spells between buffs, attack, and healing. Good stuff.

By the way, does anyone know the name of the recipe for making that pie with the random effects that can let you dress like a ninja or a pirate?


Hit lvl 44 today and the game is starting to become stale once again. It seems like I'm on one of those servers where everyone is either level 60, alts of those level 60's that run with alts from their guild, or complete noobs. Add to the fact I'm Horde and the population isn't very big to begin with and you're left soloing all the time post lvl 40.

Game just isn't very fun unless you can group up from time to time. I've been trying to get a ZF group for the past 5 hours.


Malakhov said:
ZF is so boring, dont bother going there unless you need a drop from there.

I've done it before. It's boring, but it's good XP at my level and I have 6 quests there to complete.
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Ok, this is probably the first weapon that has made me shout out HOLY FUCK.

One of the new drops from Blackwing Lair supposedly:



MMM....rarely resisted proc damage...*tongue loll*
I finally am high enough to start visiting the cool places. Got to see Blackrock Mountain. When I got inside (the Molten Span), I think I lost the ability to ever badmouth Blizzard again. Props goes to the art/design team on that one. I don't think I've ever been blown away by a room in ANY game before.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
I'm so jealous Mana. I've done close to 40 runs of Stratholme and Dreadmist Leggings haven't dropped once. Its the last item I need to complete my Dreadmist set. I think Blizzard is just torturing me.
Anyone new to the game can join my Alt's guild Shadows Reach. Its almost entirely newbies, sorta the way I like it. Once they all get jaded ill quit the guild and start another newbie guild haha. Cry.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
TJ Bennett said:
I'm so jealous Mana. I've done close to 40 runs of Stratholme and Dreadmist Leggings haven't dropped once. Its the last item I need to complete my Dreadmist set. I think Blizzard is just torturing me.

Funny enought that was alsovthe last item I needed to complete my dreadmist set. I got it finally on about my 25th time in UD. I then had my complete dreadmist set for about a week before my guild started doing MC. Now I have my first two pieces of felheart (gloves and bracers). I really want the felheart skullcap and it dropped the first time we killed Garr, but I didn't have the points to roll on it (due to my other two items). Hopefully next week when we kill Garr it will drop again so I can get it. I need my horns!


TJ Bennett said:
I'm so jealous Mana. I've done close to 40 runs of Stratholme and Dreadmist Leggings haven't dropped once. Its the last item I need to complete my Dreadmist set. I think Blizzard is just torturing me.

I almost posted that you would be jealous Bennett.

Being a Shaman, I'm somewhat thankful that I don't have to whore for my set, being that the set is entirely garbage as a whole and only a couple of pieces are worth equipping anyway. Warlocks and other caster classes don't have the privelege of this itemization, unfortunately.

gg Blizzard.
Malakhov said:
Casters crying for itemization should be shot, of course melee classes are heavily itemized , they RELY on it.

Casters pretty much rely on it as well. Not sure about the cloth wearers since i havent touched my priest/mage in a longtime but for druid it is the deciding factor on how you play your character.

Joe said:
just got cosmos....would there be any benefit to running the game in opengl? my card is 9600xt.

I use to use cosmos. Get rid of it. Its way too buggy.

Get recompilation from Curse-gaming.com and then get Queue spell alert addon and if you have a druid get druid bar addon.

imo, best ui. Its basically a bunch of addons put together, kinda like UUI.

ManaByte said:
Eh, if anyone makes a low level Dwarf or Gnome alt don't die in Frostmane Hold. There's a bug right now where if you die in there you respawn in Alterac Valley with 25% durability loss. Pretty fun for a low level character to suddenly spawn in AV. :lol

Actually thats pretty cool. I rolled a gnome mage and it happenned and I just asked someone to escort me to southshore. Got an escort and got an Easy flight path that I would need later.

Gnomes FTW!

(fuck alliance...horde FTW)


krypt0nian said:
So 1.6 is going live tomorrow.

Beware the bugs they know about but for one reaso or another aren't fixing.

Your PVP armor is now based on your lifetime rank! .... The attack button now insta-kills you. OOPS!
ManaByte said:
Your PVP armor is now based on your lifetime rank! .... The attack button now insta-kills you. OOPS!

Exactly....but like you said, my last week and a half of nothing but PvP BGS at level 50 should get me something now that rewards stick. :D


krypt0nian said:
Exactly....but like you said, my last week and a half of nothing but PvP BGS at level 50 should get me something now that rewards stick. :D

Well I got 3x the honor I did the week before so I should hopefully go up in rank.

All I do with my 60 is login, check for any raids or PVP, and then logout to an alt.

Not even working on the Dreadsteed because the quest is the most tedious piece of shit ever put into a MMORPG.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
ManaByte said:
Not even working on the Dreadsteed because the quest is the most tedious piece of shit ever put into a MMORPG.

How is it any more tedious then anything else in this game? Buy most of the shit off the auction house or get guildies to get it for you, the instance runs are easy, and if you don't want to buy the last 250 gold worth of items, just get a warlock who has them to do the summoning for you. I do it for all the other warlocks in my guild. Saves them money, plus they are usually pretty grateful. Hell, one of them now gives me free enchants.
Apple Jax said:
BWL? Sorry.

Blackwing Lair Released!
Nefarian's sanctum, Blackwing Lair, can be found at the very height of Blackrock Spire. It is there in the dark recesses of the mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. Blackwing Lair is a max-level, 40-player raid dungeon, with many new encounters and tempting rewards awaiting the intrepid adventurer that dares enter its halls.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
We have MC tonight, so we won't be even entering BWL until tomorrow. I can't wait to get in there and get my ass kicked by a trash mob.


Apple Jax said:
Has the key for BWL been released?

Can't wait to see info on the loot available.

Yes, the key is in patch 1.6.

Kill Quartermaster in a Raidgroup in BRS.
Loot note.
Break raid into 15 man groups.
Kill Drakkisath.
Touch Orb.
Repair bot.


ok i better pick professions before it REALLY gets too late (im 41 and only have skinning).

do you guys have any suggestions? my character is a shaman. i really want something that will give me an advantage in pvp but then i was reading potion buffs cant be stacked and since shamans can heal its not that great. so im not sure what to do.

what is the best profession for pvp and what is the best for money making?


Joe said:
what is the best profession for pvp

engineering and alchemy.

I went Tailoring/Engineering but have yet to decide on Goblin or Gnomish. I am a 60 Warlock and dont really know the difference between the two. I heard Goblin is more about the bombs, and Gnome is more trinket based and has Death Ray. Death Ray is getting nerfed in 1.6 isnt it?

Hmm, I'm swaying toward goblin.


is there a lot of money in skinning and mining? i caught the end of g4's cheat on WOW and they seemed to think so.
Fellow locks, how are you liking the changes?

I really see no reason not to finally try out the Demonology spec. I am not letting go of Ruin though, no siree.

Also, I never did get my felhunter back when I was level 30. Did the first step of the quest, but dropped soon after thinking I would get it later down the line. Guess not. So I go back to the original NPC, he's not offering the quest (Warlock trainer in Undercity). Make the trip to Orgrimmar hoping to find it there, no luck. Head to Ratchet to talk to dude from the 2nd step in teh quest, no luck. Sent in a ticket, got a GM response via email which was a fucking joke, no help there. *sigh*

Am I destined to be without my felhunter now? That would suck.


I don't like Demonology at all. The buffs from the pets are hardly noticable for me at level 49. I dueled a lvl 32 mage and he was still landing spells on me consistently, despite having maxed Demonologist and Felhunter out.

I still prefer full affliction for soloing and SM/Ruin for groups. However, I'm all but ready to give up on the class and the game itself. Blizzard have no friggin clue how to balance the class. They introduced a new bug in this patch that doesn't let you dark pact your imp unless he's out of shift.

The class is fun as heck soloing, but in groups and PvP, we suck.


:lol :lol

The mage bug in the patch is hilarious. If you poly a target and then poly it again they regain full control over their character but remain in sheep form! :lol


The bug is cute for awhile, I tested it out on a Warrior friend, who, as a sheep, proceeded to use bloodrage and intercept me. But it's going to get old, it's a big bug on a core ability, they apparently broke the shit out of Warlocks as well. Well, that's what I was hearing earlier but now Blizzard is citing it was intended, so maybe a nerf, bleh... I'm so sick of the word nerf. Can't they just balance the game without having to ruin the populace of a class' day each time?

Anyhow, this patch is just riddled with bugs. And half of it they knew way back when this editions test server just opened... Good work, there. =/


Alex said:
The bug is cute for awhile, I tested it out on a Warrior friend, who, as a sheep, proceeded to use bloodrage and intercept me. But it's going to get old, it's a big bug on a core ability, they apparently broke the shit out of Warlocks as well. Well, that's what I was hearing earlier but now Blizzard is citing it was intended, so maybe a nerf, bleh... I'm so sick of the word nerf. Can't they just balance the game without having to ruin the populace of a class' day each time?

Anyhow, this patch is just riddled with bugs. And half of it they knew way back when this editions test server just opened... Good work, there. =/

You shouldn't have to "nerf" a PVE ability to balance it for PVP. Just code the abilities so that they have separate actions depending on if its a PVP or PVE situation. For example, a nuke that would do 3000 points of damage to a mob in PVE would only do 300 in PVP. That way if you have to balance something for PVP you can do it without negatively affecting the PVE game.


Yeah...I wish they'd just roll it back, but all they'll do is hop on the exploits and leave the huge, gaping class bugs for a few months; minimum. Would love to eat my words, though.


Alex said:
Yeah...I wish they'd just roll it back, but all they'll do is hop on the exploits and leave the huge, gaping class bugs for a few months; minimum. Would love to eat my words, though.


As long as hordes of people are still playing the game, they probably just see people whining about bugs as a vocal minority.


It'll be ok they will patch it. Overall 1.6 had a lot of neat "little" changes that people should appreciate whether they notice them or not.

In the end Warlocks have been buffed but still suffer from the same issue as Hunters. Pet classes are great in PvE solo but outside of that are a bit lost. It doesn't seem like Blizzard has any idea how to balance either of the Pet classes and understandably so. It's going to be difficult. If they just got rid of soulshards and balanced the abilities that use them that are crazy it would probably help a ton.


I've got the impression they REALLY REALLY dun wanna lose soul shards.

They dun have to either... all they gotta do is make them stack in stacks of 10 or even 5... still gotta farm them... but at least HALF the bitching will cease.

I wanna roll a 'lock at some point... but they gotta stop fucking with the class before I do that.

Anyone wanna take bets that Pally's are next in the next patch?


Apple Jax said:
Anyone wanna take bets that Pally's are next in the next patch?
They aren't. Druids and Hunters are next.

btw, got to try out BWL last night. The place is FULL of bugs and is lagged all to hell for only certain players, which I don't understand why.

Pretty underwhelming in terms of playability. Hopefully Blizz gets on the ball and hotfixes all this. They had enough time to hotfix Rag post 1.6 so this should be no problem.
Yeah bugs are everywhere.

I must say I'm loving the Master Demonologist talent. Having the Succubus out (10% damage increase for your pet and all spells) combined with fire/shadow debuffs on my target are driving my dps up nicely. Sucks that I won't get Ruin 'til level 60. :lol

Being specced 30 into Demonology, I never realized you could summon a pet, sacrifice it for the 30 minute buff AND enslave a demon while still retaining that buff. Now THAT'S sweet. Should make soloing in Felwood nice and easy.


MrAngryFace said:
Cancelled my WoW account. Took stock of my last few weekends and realized how lame it all was. Great games, good times, im out.

Yep, that's how I feel. I had a good time, no ill feelings towards Blizzard like I had with many other companies when leaving a MMO. It's just time to move on.
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