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World of Warcraft

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Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
We've had tons of problems with people who weren't performing where we'd expect them so about 6 months ago we went on a kicking streak and had to absorb two other smaller guilds to be able to raid. But it paid off. :)
I've been in a couple different guilds that have had to absorb smaller guilds to stay alive, and each time has it been a really good experience. There is always a core of decent players that keep the smaller guilds going, even the bottom of the barrel guilds on the server. And because those people come from more humble beginnings, you find people of good temperment who are willing to work real hard.


Kyoufu said:
My gold came from selling Crusader Orbs when they were pricey and doing WG on 3 alts every week for honor which in turn can be handed in for epic gems.

I also have an alchemist transmutation spec alt and a tailor for cloth cooldowns.

Not sure what I would do with your professions tbh lol. You could mine a lot but I've never mined before so I have no idea how good it is for money making.
Angry Grimace said:
I personally don't think it's all that great for money. Alchemy makes the cash for me. Mining is very competetive, and thus slow to do, and while you get Titansteel cooldowns, you have to actually get the mats to make it.
Everyone talks about playing the auction house, but all the people I know with a but load of money milked engineering, alchemy, enchanting, or inscription at the right times for huge income.

If I'm still playing, one or all will be very profitable at expansion. So, I could think about switching. But, with no money, it's a huge thing to grind.

What about those honor gems. Do they still make a good profit?


Is there a secret forum discussing wow tricks and gold making strategies? :lol I just read people were selling honor water back to the vendor for profit.

I'm researching on my iphone so I don't get trojans from untrusted websites. :lol

I remember getting into the caverns of time before it opened, under storm wind, in old iron forge. I wanna do cool shit again.


Gold Member
So here's bit of a beginner question.

I started playing WoW for the 3rd time, and finally this time it really appeals to me, now level 8 I think. I'm a bit confused with the Burning Crusade / Wrath of the Lich King upgrades. My account in wow-europe.com says that my account level is "World of Warcraft" and that there is an "Update Available" to upgrade to Burning Crusade. Still, when I start the game I get the Wrath of the Lich king logo.

Can anyone explain how this works? Do I still need to upgrade to both? If I don't upgrade yet, I probably won't miss much before I hit the level cap, right?


Chittagong said:
So here's bit of a beginner question.

I started playing WoW for the 3rd time, and finally this time it really appeals to me, now level 8 I think. I'm a bit confused with the Burning Crusade / Wrath of the Lich King upgrades. My account in wow-europe.com says that my account level is "World of Warcraft" and that there is an "Update Available" to upgrade to Burning Crusade. Still, when I start the game I get the Wrath of the Lich king logo.

Can anyone explain how this works? Do I still need to upgrade to both? If I don't upgrade yet, I probably won't miss much before I hit the level cap, right?
The expansions each introduced new continents for higher levels. When the first expansion (The Burning Crusade 60-70) came out, new races were introduced for one. Even the people who didn't buy the expansion needed to be able to see the new races running around. So a large patch came out for everyone. Same thing for Wrath of The Lich King(70-80). Players who haven't upgraded yet still need to be able to see new mounts, gear, items in the auction house, etc.

So, you can see a lot of new things in the game compared to a few years ago when there were no expansions. But, you can't enter the new higher level continents yet.

If you wanted to play a Blood Elf or Draenei you'd need to buy the TBC. If not, you wont need it until about 58 and WOTLK until about 68.


Gold Member
DeathNote said:
The expansions each introduced new continents for higher levels. When the first expansion (The Burning Crusade 60-70) came out, new races were introduced for one. Even the people who didn't buy the expansion needed to be able to see the new races running around. So a large patch came out for everyone. Same thing for Wrath of The Lich King(70-80). Players who haven't upgraded yet still need to be able to see new mounts, gear, items in the auction house, etc.

So, you can see a lot of new things in the game. But, you can't enter the new higher level continents yet.

If you wanted to play a Blood Elf or Draenei you'd need to buy the TBC. If not, you wont need it until about 58 and WOTLK until about 68.

thanks. pretty much like I figured - I was just confused by seeing the Lich King logo in the title screen. Sounds like I'm good for some hundreds of hours with what I've got. Maybe they'll get around with a Battle Chest containing Lich King by then.


Chittagong said:
thanks. pretty much like I figured - I was just confused by seeing the Lich King logo in the title screen. Sounds like I'm good for some hundreds of hours with what I've got. Maybe they'll get around with a Battle Chest containing Lich King by then.
Sometime this year a third expansion will be released. 80-85. Maybe you can buy all three together at a good price if it takes you long enough and you like it.

Are you doing recruit a friend? You could level up extremely fast with it. You get a lot more experience every time you turn in a quest.

But, if you have a friend willing, going through the content normal speed with someone was a great experience for the first time. Probably my favorite memory of wow.


I bought a logitech G5 mouse a few months ago. It has one of the protected cords. Essentially a braided rope covering.

Damn cord still got twisted and messed up. When I try to hover over submit reply it jumps around and fights me.


Gold Member
DeathNote said:
Sometime this year a third expansion will be released. 80-85. Maybe you can buy all three together at a good price if it takes you long enough and you like it.

Are you doing recruit a friend? You could level up extremely fast with it. You get a lot more experience every time you turn in a quest.

But, if you have a friend willing, going through the content normal speed with someone was a great experience for the first time. Probably my favorite memory of wow.

interesting, never heard of it, need to find out more. Not sure if I have many friends who would want to dive in though.

It's funny, it took Modern Warfare 2 to get me understand what's fun in this game - leveling, rewards. I'm just trying to figure out the basics, like how to whack certain enemies that are grouped up without getting them all of them running after me.
To the guy talking about making money: I just made 5 epic gems in 1 transmute, which will sell for about 185g each on my server, effectively a 900g profit in 1 day

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
To the guy talking about making money: I just made 5 epic gems in 1 transmute, which will sell for about 185g each on my server, effectively a 900g profit in 1 day
That's happened to be me exactly once, ever. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Aww damn, really? I just leveled up alchemy a couple days ago on an alt for convience of making my own flasks, and this was my 4th transmute :lol
protip: Majestic Zircon is usually more profit than Cardinal Ruby, primarily because the mats cost next to nothing.
Angry Grimace said:
Was he running out of mana?
I'm not sure overheal is necessarily relevant unless he's running out of mana...what would be more relevant is if he was assigned to keep marked players alive and he's not bothering to cast Beacon of Light or something. We have the exact same healing setup and we just have our Paladin spamming whatever spell it is he's spamming (presumably HL) and beacon the other mark since the damage is so constant and predictable and have our shaman keep the tanks up since Saurfang himself never really does particularly amazing damage to tanks. Maybe he's just healing targets completely at random :lol ?

As for your guild, if you don't like the guild leader, you probably don't like the guild. It's a pretty easy rule in guild selection that if the guy running it is an asshole who doesn't listen to anything you say, you probably won't enjoy the guild. I'm also not sure I understand the point of blacklisting players...why are they in the guild then?

He'd "forget" to use beacon every other try, and the tank he was healing kept dying. Eventually he was told to heal me, then I started dying. It was ridiculous.

I have mixed feelings for the guild now. I've been playing with them since last January (joined the guild a few months after that point), and definitely like many of the members. But recently there's been this arrogant aura surrounding everything. Especially coming from one dumbass in particular who'd probably suck dick to be an officer; he's on nearly all day talking shit about how he hates welfare geared players, who's a "noob", what's "pro", who should be kicked, etc. I realize he's a 17 year old dumbass but come on. So raids become a mixture of his dumb comments and the raid leader yelling at people.

The problem is that I'm on a rather medium sized server (Ravenholdt) with only a handful of good raid guilds. It's essentially broken down into 4 premier raiding guilds, some middle tier guilds, and everyone else; we're near the top of the middle tier. I can't really commit to the schedule of the best guilds, plus they're so big I probably wouldn't make an impact as a tank. I couldn't join most of the middle tier guilds because they raid in the morning/day time usually.


PhoenixDark said:
I casually brought it up, then after our third stupid wipe I check the healing numbers and notice he's at 70% overheal. So I finally say enough's enough, this dude shouldn't be here. Guild leader doesn't respond.
Having unenchanted/ungemmed gear is the sign that he could be a poor player, not the high overheal. All HL paladins playing properly (with few exceptions) have high overheal. I just checked this week's parse from my paladin's ICC 10 and I ran 66% on Saurfang.
Had my first horrible experience with the Random dungeon finder, after having done close to 40 groups.

Random heroic UP run with extremely well geared priest, hunter, and rogue all in the same guild. I'm DPSing on my paladin and notice the rogue has been afk the entire time and just on auto follow on his hunter buddy. Call him out on then and immediately group kicked because there is 3 people from the same guild, thus they can kick whoever they want.

I know, I know...Cool story bro. It's just annoying as hell to have this happen. My queue times are well over 20 minutes on my paladin for a dungeon, and it's just a massive waste of time due to some people basically griefing me.


Well, it also depends on how fast he's upgrading his gear and if he's going slow or fast.

One one had you could level fast and wind up with quest greens at 80 to replace. On the other you could level slow, get instance blues, gem them, learn your character better, have fun with a friend at a nice pace.


Gold Member
some more beginner questions, I hope that's alright.

First some context. I'm starting to near L10 with my Dwarf Warrior. I play with a double handed battle axe. I have a couple of special attacks - Heroic Strike and Rend.

As I understand, free Resurrections are over at L10. My problem is that I still keep dying every ten-fifteen minutes - when I encounter multiple enemies / stronger enemies usually. I'm not sure if I'm even supposed to die in WoW regularly.

1. How do I deal with situations where I get a multiple of enemies chasing me? They whack me in no time usually. I seem to mostly survive fights with one enemy at a time.

2. What's a sensible way of dealing with an area I need to explore / gather stuff in with a lot of enemies, without causing a red alert? E.g. the Frostmane hold

3. Is there any effective way of in-combat healing? I've got First Aid with Linen Bandage, but it seems too weak to get me through battles. The meat stuff, on the other hand, requires sitting down.

4. Has position or movement got any effect on damage taken/dealt in battle? Or do I press my attacks and stand still?

Also, is there a way to pause the game, or do I need to quit every time I get a distraction?


sykoex said:
Do you guys think I'm ready to tank ICC rep runs on my pally?

Ideally I'd get the rep from just running the raid, but I'm in a pretty casual guild with friends so I mostly pug stuff. I'd just really like that ring.

Why only rep runs? You're good enough for the first four bosses, at least. Your stuff is akin to what my guild used the last two weeks. The ring is nice and all, but you can get better stuff (same ilevel, better slots) and Frost Emblems.


Chittagong said:
some more beginner questions, I hope that's alright.

First some context. I'm starting to near L10 with my Dwarf Warrior. I play with a double handed battle axe. I have a couple of special attacks - Heroic Strike and Rend.

As I understand, free Resurrections are over at L10. My problem is that I still keep dying every ten-fifteen minutes - when I encounter multiple enemies / stronger enemies usually. I'm not sure if I'm even supposed to die in WoW regularly.

1. How do I deal with situations where I get a multiple of enemies chasing me? They whack me in no time usually. I seem to mostly survive fights with one enemy at a time.

2. What's a sensible way of dealing with an area I need to explore / gather stuff in with a lot of enemies, without causing a red alert? E.g. the Frostmane hold

3. Is there any effective way of in-combat healing? I've got First Aid with Linen Bandage, but it seems too weak to get me through battles. The meat stuff, on the other hand, requires sitting down.

4. Has position or movement got any effect on damage taken/dealt in battle? Or do I press my attacks and stand still?

Also, is there a way to pause the game, or do I need to quit every time I get a distraction?

1. The best thing to do if you're overwhelmed is to run. They'll usually give up and run back to their starting area after a short while.

2. That's one of those areas that's a bane to all leveling dwarves, but the best thing you can do is look at the whole area, and pull one or two at a time using your ranged weapon or taunt instead of charging in there.

3. Unfortunately Warriors don't get healing until level 75 or around the 40s if you're specced Fury, but it gets better as your armor does. Otherwise, you can bandage or you can use healing potions(preferred way)

4. The only difference position does is that if you're being hit by something in front of you, you can dodge or parry their attacks. If they're behind you, you can't, so you get hit more.

Warriors are a huge pain to level as your first character, I'll tell you right now.:lol


sykoex said:
Do you guys think I'm ready to tank ICC rep runs on my pally?

Ideally I'd get the rep from just running the raid, but I'm in a pretty casual guild with friends so I mostly pug stuff. I'd just really like that ring.

Easily able to tank it.

I mean, this is our tank for ICC10 and we have no problems on the first four bosses.


Mmmmmm blue shield, ilevel 175 bracers.:lol


Gold Member
Tamanon said:
1. The best thing to do if you're overwhelmed is to run. They'll usually give up and run back to their starting area after a short while.

2. That's one of those areas that's a bane to all leveling dwarves, but the best thing you can do is look at the whole area, and pull one or two at a time using your ranged weapon or taunt instead of charging in there.

3. Unfortunately Warriors don't get healing until level 75 or around the 40s if you're specced Fury, but it gets better as your armor does. Otherwise, you can bandage or you can use healing potions(preferred way)

4. The only difference position does is that if you're being hit by something in front of you, you can dodge or parry their attacks. If they're behind you, you can't, so you get hit more.

great, thanks! so the good news is that I seem to have been playing in a sensible manner - bad news is that, on the flipside, there are no major oversights that would have made things easier.

So I guess I will

- buy a ranged weapon
- figure out a way to get potions
- study that Fury thing further

Warriors are a huge pain to level as your first character, I'll tell you right now.:lol

and I figured a badass looking warrior with good combat skills would have been the easy allarounder to begin with :lol


The easiest way to get potions is to be an herbalist/alchemist while leveling up. While not the best professions for a warrior, they are really good professions for a leveling one. Especially a new player.


Do you have a friend to level with? Someone to heal or help kill is always nice for a warrior leveling.

I've always gotten my potions from loot/chests.


Gold Member
DeathNote said:
Do you have a friend to level with? Someone to heal or help kill is always nice for a warrior leveling.

I've always gotten my potions from loot/chests.

no friends playing WoW anymore I'm afraid... some did in 2005 I think. Amazing to think that the game has been around for so long. It must have ran horribly back then, since the geometry is pretty basic but I can't still max it out on a 2009 MacBook Pro


Chittagong said:
no friends playing WoW anymore I'm afraid... some did in 2005 I think. Amazing to think that the game has been around for so long. It must have ran horribly back then, since the geometry is pretty basic but I can't still max it out on a 2009 MacBook Pro
The expansions increased the recommended specs a bit. Most games will be laggy on affordable notebooks.


remember me
So my resto druid friend is going to do some tanking on the side so I decided to try some healing. Priest has always been my main, but I've only healed about 2 dungeons ever, and always in shadow spec.

I just got a disc spec, and WOW. It was really fun. Got decursive and healbot installed and actually enjoyed healing some random heroics. Gonna start doing all my daily randoms as a healer now to get better at it and faster queues.

Not going to drop shadow as my main spec, but gonna try to get better at healing so I feel comfortable healing some raids.

As for the warrior leveling troubles, have you thought about playing a draenei? They get a self heal from the very beginning that might be helpful. Gift of the Naaru


Subconscious Brolonging
PhoenixDark said:
I casually brought it up, then after our third stupid wipe I check the healing numbers and notice he's at 70% overheal.

Overheal isn't a reliable gauge for a healers skill, especially for holy pally's. Beacon of Light and Glyph of Holy Light alone will crank a pally's pretty high up there. It only becomes an issue when they start running out of mana.


Chittagong said:
no friends playing WoW anymore I'm afraid... some did in 2005 I think. Amazing to think that the game has been around for so long. It must have ran horribly back then, since the geometry is pretty basic but I can't still max it out on a 2009 MacBook Pro
The recent patch introduced a new OpenGL backend that causes the game to run horribly on most Macs. You can re-enable the old one by adding set gxapi "opengl" to the final line of your config file in your WTF folder, but it still runs worse than pre-patch.


I'm finishing up my Merrymaker Achievements, and the calendar says that Winter Veil ends at 9 AM Server Time. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever been around when a holiday ended? Is there some kind of server-wide announcement? Does everything just disappear?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Everything just appears, or at least that's what I saw during summer fest last year while running to the NPCs in Orgrimmar with several hundred badge thingies, yelling, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" So I could cash them in for that pet. They didn't wait. They just despawned. =(


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
I just got an email with a 3 hour suspension and password reset. I haven't logged on in about 3 days, did I get hacked? :( Email came at 12:51, so the suspension is over in about 30 minutes.

This suspension happened because a character on the account above repeatedly abused World of Warcraft's in-game chat system. This abuse includes advertising third party services/websites and repeatedly spamming in-game chat channels.


Modesty becomes a woman
NameGenerated said:
I just got an email with a 3 hour suspension and password reset. I haven't logged on in about 3 days, did I get hacked? :( Email came at 12:51, so the suspension is over in about 30 minutes.


Yes, change your password if you can, but it's probably too late.

They sign on late at night so they can't be kicked off.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Well it reset it and I should be getting an email soon about it.

So assuming all my stuff is gone, what can the GMs replace? And how the hell do people get my info?


Gold Member
thatbox said:
The recent patch introduced a new OpenGL backend that causes the game to run horribly on most Macs. You can re-enable the old one by adding set gxapi "opengl" to the final line of your config file in your WTF folder, but it still runs worse than pre-patch.

amazing, thanks. Now I can run nearly all maxed except shadows while maintaining a constant 50+ FPS. Game looks so different now!


Trying to understand endgame:

So, I'm in pre raid ilevel 200 gear. Haven't done naxx 10 yet.

It looks like the quickest way to get gear is by farming Emblems of Triumph. That would put me at tier 9 ilevel232 or 245 depending upon how much I want to farm? I'd probably get some tier 7 place holders and completely skip Uludar's tier 8 by the time i reach the goal?

Beyond that... assuming i choose ilevel 245... The item set progression is the following?

ilevel251 tier 10 [Emblem of Frost]
ilevel258 heroic tier 9 [Trial of the Crusader]
ilevel264 tier 10 [Ice Crown 10 + ilevel 251 Emblem of Frost gear]
ilevel277 heroic tier 10 {Ice Crown Heroic + ilevel 264 gear]

Ignoring best in slot non item set gear of course.


Does naxx still have a lockout timer?
Sent you a PM about your post earlier on this page DeathNote.

EDIT: Badges of Triumph will only get you 232 T9, you need a token from the Trial of the Crusader raid to get 245.
Also yeah, your progression is right besides ICC10 being 251 and ICC25 non-heroic being 264.


Just from running dungeons you should be able to run Icecrown-10(232 gear required). The new heroics give 232 items as does ToC-10.

Oh, and Icecrown-10 is only Item Level 251. Icecrown-25 is 264.


Triumph's and the new heroics will get you all the gear you need. No reason to just skip Ulduar, might as well skip Naxx too as it's totally worthless, and just concentrate on 25 ToC and ICC content.

NameGenerated said:
I just got an email with a 3 hour suspension and password reset. I haven't logged on in about 3 days, did I get hacked? :( Email came at 12:51, so the suspension is over in about 30 minutes.



It's amazing how many people get their accounts hacked anymore. I have to wonder how this is? Are you all just going to odd "WoW" sites or what? Clicking on stuff in WoW forums? It can't just randomly happen.

I didn't want to get one of those authenticators, but I'm almost afraid that I have to anymore.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
J-Rzez said:

It's amazing how many people get their accounts hacked anymore. I have to wonder how this is? Are you all just going to odd "WoW" sites or what? Clicking on stuff in WoW forums? It can't just randomly happen.

I didn't want to get one of those authenticators, but I'm almost afraid that I have to anymore.
I never visit the WoW forums or go to any shady "WoW" sites. I have no clue how it happened but I reset my password and logged in. My main is deleted :( Needless to say I just ordered an authenticator.

Funny enough, I logged on an had a Core Hound Pup in the mail for me, which you only get when you use an authenticator.
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