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World of Warcraft

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Lumine said:
Anyway, I'm wondering how long I should hold on to my 2pc t9,5 bonus on my ret pally. I already got rid of the 4pc bonus, but it wasn't really that good anyway. I got a decent helmet from icc10 which will give me about 20str more, but I doubt 20str is worth more than the 2pc bonus. Anyone know how much the bonus is worth and should I try to keep it until I got 4pc t10 or just drop it from more str earlier on?
Ret 2pT9 is extremely good and you should keep it until you get 4pT10, if you can. The bonus is worth about a 3% DPS boost, and scales very well with gear.


Hey guys got a noob's question.
I am leveling a priest but its taking me horrors to finish any missions. I am currently at level 13 and all my missions aré level 15-16
I am missing something? The priest seems to be really weak and painfully slow to level up. Any típs or zones i should know?


itxaka said:
Hey guys got a noob's question.
I am leveling a priest but its taking me horrors to finish any missions. I am currently at level 13 and all my missions aré level 15-16
I am missing something? The priest seems to be really weak and painfully slow to level up. Any típs or zones i should know?

3 levels higher will usually suck. You should focus on +1/-2 enemies, imo.

Also, what are you doing with talents? Go Shadow. It takes a while to get up to speed, but it eventually gets really good.


Does anyone have a spare scroll of resurrection? If I really get back into WoW after that (hopefully) Blizzard will give you a free month. My WoW account name is Stridone. Thanks. <3
itxaka said:
Hey guys got a noob's question.
I am leveling a priest but its taking me horrors to finish any missions. I am currently at level 13 and all my missions aré level 15-16
I am missing something? The priest seems to be really weak and painfully slow to level up. Any típs or zones i should know?

when I was leveling my priest, at those early levels I would normally just use Power Word: shield on myself, put a damage over time spell on the mob and use a wand on him.
hobart said:
Protect yourselves, guys. Get an authenticator and only log into your account from the WEBSITE. Not from ANY email.

Not to pick on you dude but the fact that this fairly basic principle of internet security is a sudden revelation for you is the reason that there is so much "hacking". You're clearly clever enough to work it out for yourself, but most people aren't, so they need to have these rules drummed into their heads over and over until it sticks imo.

Also we need to stop using that word because it's really not what is going on here. Although I guess that "account compromising" isn't quite as sexy :lol


Yaweee said:
3 levels higher will usually suck. You should focus on +1/-2 enemies, imo.

Also, what are you doing with talents? Go Shadow. It takes a while to get up to speed, but it eventually gets really good.
Yeah i have heard about shadow but i started with holy as i want to start as a healer for dungeons as soon as posible so i can understand the class and the mechanics behind healing. I am wrong? I hope not because i have no money to reset my talents

Problem is i cant get lower missions, i have to grind low level monsters or bgs in order to get some damn xp
itxaka said:
Yeah i have heard about shadow but i started with holy as i want to start as a healer for dungeons as soon as posible so i can understand the class and the mechanics behind healing. I am wrong? I hope not because i have no money to reset my talents

Problem is i cant get lower missions, i have to grind low level monsters or bgs in order to get some damn xp

I healed dungeons through level 70 as a shadow priest


Alright, got my scroll thanks to Wrekt. :D

I used to play PvE but I really missed world pvp. Any recommendations for a faction-balanced, fun EU pvp server with a decent amount of world pvp?
itxaka said:
Yeah i have heard about shadow but i started with holy as i want to start as a healer for dungeons as soon as posible so i can understand the class and the mechanics behind healing. I am wrong? I hope not because i have no money to reset my talents

Problem is i cant get lower missions, i have to grind low level monsters or bgs in order to get some damn xp
You'll be fine healing in shadow until you can afford to dual-spec. It's super easy and tutorial-like until about level 50 where the skill required starts to ramp up a bit and you'll eventually know when you have to respec or dual-spec.


itxaka said:
Yeah i have heard about shadow but i started with holy as i want to start as a healer for dungeons as soon as posible so i can understand the class and the mechanics behind healing. I am wrong? I hope not because i have no money to reset my talents

Problem is i cant get lower missions, i have to grind low level monsters or bgs in order to get some damn xp

The problem with the game as it is now is the progression to different zones. You need to hop around the world a lot in completely unintuitive ordering.

I strongly recommend not leveling any new characters until 4.0 comes out.


itxaka said:
Yeah i have heard about shadow but i started with holy as i want to start as a healer for dungeons as soon as posible so i can understand the class and the mechanics behind healing. I am wrong? I hope not because i have no money to reset my talents

Problem is i cant get lower missions, i have to grind low level monsters or bgs in order to get some damn xp

It sounds like you have bled the area you are in dry of quests and need to find a new hub of quests your level. Its a shame but the classic lands (before you get to the burning crusade) are fractured horribly. You can quest one area until all the new quests are to high level, and then youll need to know where to catch a boat/zepplin/tram/flight to, so you can quest somewhere else to fill in the gap.

More than likely theres an area on the other side of the world with a BILLION quests of your level. We can likely help you find it if you tell us what level you are.

And like someone else said, its best to level Shadow, youll still be able to heal dungeons as shadow, the low levels are built for you to not be required holy to keep a group alive. And lastly, you must obtain a good wand at these lower levels, it is imperative. Wands are very overpowered and do great damage at lower levels like yours. They will be mana free dps that will keep you questing and killing non stop.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I've got a lvl 67 priest and i've been only healing instances since lvl 15 as Disc. It's really easy most of the time (then again, i have all the available BOA for a caster), and is a nice change from solo questing from 1 to 80 for the 15th time.


MFER putricide enraged on us in P3 on our final attempt today.

Jesus this guys a PITA. He got a GOOD amount of us ranged off guard with the slow attack slime debuff. We were dpsing a slime and the boss was positioned behind us, for some reason NONE of our DBMS went off and he caught a tons of us with that debuff, tons of dps loss, then we miss enrage, infuriating.
I went home last week to visit family and didn't get to do any raiding. Haven't been able to even try putricide yet. I guess our guild had a good couple of goes last week, and I'm looking forward to it tomorrow. Missing enrage timers is definitely frustrating. But it sounds like you've got it figured out and on this week's reset, putricide will be dead.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yaweee said:
3 levels higher will usually suck. You should focus on +1/-2 enemies, imo.

Also, what are you doing with talents? Go Shadow. It takes a while to get up to speed, but it eventually gets really good.
At level 13 you only have like 4 talent points so it won't help too much. Priest as a class is just destined to struggle with quests in the 10-20 range since you only really can access a single useful attack (that being lolsmite). You can actually quest pretty decently from 20+ since you'll get both Holy Fire and be able to max out Divine Fury so that you can spam those Smites and Holy Fires a lot faster, not to mention the alternative that Shadow becomes a lot more attractive because you gain Mind Flay at that point (and keep in mind that Mind Flay's base range has been increased to 30 yds in the last patch).


Trying to quit this game is so hard, been off for about a month but my roomate's been raiding ICC 25 and resisting the urge to re sub is amazingly difficult. Don't know how long till I succumb :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
Trying to quit this game is so hard, been off for about a month but my roomate's been raiding ICC 25 and resisting the urge to re sub is amazingly difficult. Don't know how long till I succumb :lol
It gets easier every day you don't play, so long as you actually have something else to do.
Angry Grimace said:
It gets easier every day you don't play, so long as you actually have something else to do.

Was thinking about getting back as well, but it's just my mind playing tricks that it's going to be worthwhile. Leveled couple of toons since 2005, saw a lot of end-game content, sooner or later it turns into a second job, or you are forever envious of all the no-life kids that have nothing else to do than run ICC25.

My only regret is I didn't get WF & Tiger for my DK. Got Sulfuras though, the amount of spam in Dalaran was unbelieveable lol.


jim-jam bongs said:
Not to pick on you dude but the fact that this fairly basic principle of internet security is a sudden revelation for you is the reason that there is so much "hacking". You're clearly clever enough to work it out for yourself, but most people aren't, so they need to have these rules drummed into their heads over and over until it sticks imo.

Also we need to stop using that word because it's really not what is going on here. Although I guess that "account compromising" isn't quite as sexy :lol

I'm not sure where you are getting that it's a sudden revelation for me :) Seems like there are a few people on these board that have (ok) had their accounts compromised. So... restating a few of the general rules in the hopes that a couple more of us don't get duped... I don't see a problem in that.

And I'm not certain that it's fairly obvious to everyone that not clicking a link on an email that is sent from a blizzard address is necessarily common sense. I think for many people... receiving and email saying that their account info has been changed (when it hasn't) can be a bit of a shock... especially if they ever received said emails before in the same official manner from exactly the same email address that sent it to them if they had changed their info in the past.

The bottom line is... whether your account is being hacked thru DLed key loggers obtained from rogue addons... to keylogging via internet popup windows... to accounts compromised thru seemingly harmless Blizzard emails... it's happening. The frequency of it all happening tells me that even some of the most basic rules aren't common sense.

Bottom line is: even if you are remotely worried about your account getting hacked/compromised -- get yourself an authenticator.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You'll be fine healing in shadow until you can afford to dual-spec. It's super easy and tutorial-like until about level 50 where the skill required starts to ramp up a bit and you'll eventually know when you have to respec or dual-spec.

There is a good disc build guide that is stickied in the Priest forums which I am using until I learn the ropes and it is great so far.

Disc/Holy builds are capable of a lot more DPS than back when I played (You needed to be Holy to raid and I could kill anything....but it would take a while).

As mentioned, at lvl 15 you can queue for dungeons. I'm not sure how it is at the lower levels as I started again with a lvl 60 toon (but I remember the pain of leveling a lower lever priest) I have never waited longer than a minute for a dungeon, which is almost scary.

As an example, I tested yesterday and at lvl 66 I gained 25% of a level in a single dungeon run to which I did not have any quests.
Took my old 61 prot warrior out for some fun last night. The new tool is awesome. I can get a group for BC instances within a minute or so. Gained a level doing a few runs through Ramps, BF and Slave Pens. Pretty awesome although the blue items you get for the random aren't all that good it seems. The iLevel seems way lower than what I get thru quests.

Raiding has been frustrating lately, lost 2 items past week to other people's alts. I mean they're geared enough for ICC and they're good players but its really annoying losing Muradin's Spyglass to some guy's mage that he plays a few times a month tops. Maybe we needed ranged DPS that night but it really sucks to miss out on one of the best 10man caster DPS trinkets to a toon that's barely played.


KernelPanic said:
Raiding has been frustrating lately, lost 2 items past week to other people's alts. I mean they're geared enough for ICC and they're good players but its really annoying losing Muradin's Spyglass to some guy's mage that he plays a few times a month tops. Maybe we needed ranged DPS that night but it really sucks to miss out on one of the best 10man caster DPS trinkets to a toon that's barely played.

And that's why people use loot councils or DKP systems instead of free rolls.


KernelPanic said:
Raiding has been frustrating lately, lost 2 items past week to other people's alts. I mean they're geared enough for ICC and they're good players but its really annoying losing Muradin's Spyglass to some guy's mage that he plays a few times a month tops. Maybe we needed ranged DPS that night but it really sucks to miss out on one of the best 10man caster DPS trinkets to a toon that's barely played.

If he is a guild alt and your guild is tight you should just talk to him in tells and let him know you want it for your main.
Yaweee said:
And that's why people use loot councils or DKP systems instead of free rolls.

I was in a guild that used free rolls for a while.
DKP is vastly superior.

Loot councils... not so much.
It's all favoritism then.
They basically gear up a few people, and if they don't show up to a raid, it's like everyone's screwed over.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
When people bring alts, there should be an understanding that they're only getting what mains don't want.

True that. I would never even want to take a piece of gear on my alt over a main, as doing otherwise is just gimping our main raid.


Alts should not get progression loot period over mains. Unless you're planning on tackling the next boss with that character, then you can wait until it's on farm.


I haven't posted in this tread in a while, I love how it lights up on Tuesdays :lol

My gnome rouge, which originally started out as an inside joke toon is now lvl 77 and I am loving the class, I was specced combat for the sake of leveling, should I change it up? I'm going to faction swap my NE druid once I get my rouge to 80, anything I should be aware of before making the switch?

I rolled a lock now lvl 40, man those lock quests have you go to one end of the world and back again. It was near impossible to get Robes of Arcana on my server until I managed to find a tailor that had the same issue and made em up for me. I'm also trying my hand at mage and I like that as well.

On my server we are all waiting to see how Blizz is going to compensate us, as our realm has been a crashing mess for about a month and a half now. I suggested making us a custom pet...a Murloc on crutches or something similar, but some free time would also be cool (Thrall btw)
Thing is I don't even know what his main is, he's got like 3 toons he brings randomly to raids, we have a few people like that.

Since it's a free roll I really have no grounds to complain, not to mention I've gotten lucky and won a bunch of stuff myself before so I guess it evens out. I'd probably feel better if one of the "regulars" won it. Oh well.
"Loot council" seems like it's really open to abuse and favoritism.

Caster trinket is my sore spot, still using Eye of the Broodmother :( Not getting my hopes on getting Reign of the Dead either.

Tamanon said:
Alts should not get progression loot period over mains. Unless you're planning on tackling the next boss with that character, then you can wait until it's on farm.

We've got the first wing on farm pretty much.

What my guild seems to be doing ( and I don't like this) is letting more casuals/alts go to the first wing on Tuesday and take the better geared raiders later in the week for the harder wings.

I'm kinda pissed that I'm missing out on emblems and some items I still need.
KernelPanic said:
Thing is I don't even know what his main is, he's got like 3 toons he brings randomly to raids, we have a few people like that.

Since it's a free roll I really have no grounds to complain, not to mention I've gotten lucky and won a bunch of stuff myself before so I guess it evens out. I'd probably feel better if one of the "regulars" won it. Oh well.
"Loot council" seems like it's really open to abuse and favoritism.

Caster trinket is my sore spot, still using Eye of the Broodmother :( Not getting my hopes on getting Reign of the Dead either.

I always liked Loot Council myself. My guild right now is doing DKP and that has it's share of problems as well, but as long as the council is fair it's a great system. The people who deserve the items get them, and you don't have to deal with lucky rolls or DKP hoarding. The only thing I do like about my new guild's DKP system is it gives incentives to people to show up for raids even when they don't need stuff from it.

Council > DKP >>>>>>> Free Rolls
KernelPanic said:
Thing is I don't even know what his main is, he's got like 3 toons he brings randomly to raids, we have a few people like that.

Since it's a free roll I really have no grounds to complain, not to mention I've gotten lucky and won a bunch of stuff myself before so I guess it evens out. I'd probably feel better if one of the "regulars" won it. Oh well.
"Loot council" seems like it's really open to abuse and favoritism.

Caster trinket is my sore spot, still using Eye of the Broodmother :( Not getting my hopes on getting Reign of the Dead either.

Yeah, we instituted a forced main/alt contingency in our guild.
You HAVE too choose a main, and you get two alts.
Your main gets first pick into raids.
You're free to switch mains, though, but you don't get to transfer DKP.


KernelPanic said:
Gained a level doing a few runs through Ramps, BF and Slave Pens. Pretty awesome although the blue items you get for the random aren't all that good it seems.

What sad (for me) is that blue gear that is obtainable within a 30 minute dungeon run is comparable to my old tier 2 gear that I raided for countless hours in BWL, there was so much great raiding content before BC came out and we were all stuck at lvl 60, I am surprised that outside of Onyxia that it was not recycled.

I'm stubborning refusing to get rid of my Benediction staff even though I have a worthy replacement once I get an enchantment put on it :D

I'm not really putting too much energy into gearing up in BC as I am less than a week away from WOTLK and I am assuming it will be the same kind of gear progression.
Dunlop said:
What sad (for me) is that blue gear that is obtainable within a 30 minute dungeon run is comparable to my old tier 2 gear that I raided for countless hours in BWL, there was so much great raiding content before BC came out and we were all stuck at lvl 60, I am surprised that outside of Onyxia that it was not recycled.

I'm stubborning refusing to get rid of my Benediction staff even though I have a worthy replacement once I get an enchantment put on it :D

I'm not really putting too much energy into gearing up in BC as I am less than a week away from WOTLK and I am assuming it will be the same kind of gear progression.

Most of it will be in Cataclysm.
A lot of the old dungeons are getting a remake and upgraded for the higher levels.


Blech, I've been wanting to resub as well just to see ICC's completion.

The whole Arthas storyline is what got me into the game in the first place.

But I know the game will sap a lot of time away from my current schedule. :(
Dunlop said:
What sad (for me) is that blue gear that is obtainable within a 30 minute dungeon run is comparable to my old tier 2 gear that I raided for countless hours in BWL, there was so much great raiding content before BC came out and we were all stuck at lvl 60, I am surprised that outside of Onyxia that it was not recycled.

I'm stubborning refusing to get rid of my Benediction staff even though I have a worthy replacement once I get an enchantment put on it :D

I'm not really putting too much energy into gearing up in BC as I am less than a week away from WOTLK and I am assuming it will be the same kind of gear progression.

Great raiding content?

Molten Core was shitty and horrible
Zul'Gurub was decent, but it was pretty easy and was just an entry level raid
Blackwing Lair was ok. Had very rudimentary boss mechanics except for Razorgore. That fight was madness. Nef was always fun with his class calls.
AQ20 was a blast, tanking the last boss from that was always fun.
AQ40 was a very well done instance outside of the warlock tanking a twin and the Nature resistance fight.
Naxx40 was brilliant at the time, despite the fact I only got to scratch the surface of it at level 60 (got up to thaddius I think?). I was very disapointed to find how easy it was when I leveled up my character in Wrath.

Also I assume the reason they aren't interested in reusing BWL as a raid is because we'll be seeing new Blackrock Mountain instances in Cata
Dunlop said:
I'm not really putting too much energy into gearing up in BC as I am less than a week away from WOTLK and I am assuming it will be the same kind of gear progression.

I'm loving doing the BC instances again. I have done the WoTLK ones so much now it almost feels like a new xpac doing instances where you don't quite know(remember) where to go and fighting boss you don't quite remember what to do.


KernelPanic said:
Raiding has been frustrating lately, lost 2 items past week to other people's alts. I mean they're geared enough for ICC and they're good players but its really annoying losing Muradin's Spyglass to some guy's mage that he plays a few times a month tops. Maybe we needed ranged DPS that night but it really sucks to miss out on one of the best 10man caster DPS trinkets to a toon that's barely played.
Look on the bright side, at least you got a shot at the trinket. My moonkin has been full clearing the first wing since it released and has yet to even see the spyglass drop once. Never saw the Razorscale trinket (eye of the broodmother, right?) drop either. Worst luck ever with my moonkin and 10 man raid trinkets.


funkmastergeneral said:
Also I assume the reason they aren't interested in reusing BWL as a raid is because we'll be seeing new Blackrock Mountain instances in Cata

Yeah, Nef returns as the boss as one of the new Blackrock instances (descent, I think)


Really Really Exciting Member!
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
They do free shipping now, and the mobile phone software has always been free. They're not making any money.

It cost me 17$US to get an authenticator from Blizzard store to Canada.

It's not as cheap as you might think. At least, not for everyone.


funkmastergeneral said:
Great raiding content?

Molten Core was shitty and horrible
Zul'Gurub was decent, but it was pretty easy and was just an entry level raid
Blackwing Lair was ok. Had very rudimentary boss mechanics except for Razorgore. That fight was madness. Nef was always fun with his class calls.
AQ20 was a blast, tanking the last boss from that was always fun.
AQ40 was a very well done instance outside of the warlock tanking a twin and the Nature resistance fight.
Naxx40 was brilliant at the time, despite the fact I only got to scratch the surface of it at level 60 (got up to thaddius I think?). I was very disapointed to find how easy it was when I leveled up my character in Wrath.

Also I assume the reason they aren't interested in reusing BWL as a raid is because we'll be seeing new Blackrock Mountain instances in Cata

personal opinions on the raids are one thing (I wasn't a huge fan of AQ for example, though I agree with you on MC :D ), it was more to make the point that they had so much content that was nullified with the realease of BC.

Cool to hear that some of it is coming back.

KernelPanic said:
I'm loving doing the BC instances again. I have done the WoTLK ones so much now it almost feels like a new xpac doing instances where you don't quite know(remember) where to go and fighting boss you don't quite remember what to do.
I'm having a lot of fun in the instances, course they are all new for me. None seem particularily difficuly though.

I seem to be powerleving through BC just to hit WOTLK and get to the end content and be able to apply to a guild. There is really no point atm when my only toon is lvl 66


We call our system "don't shit in the sink". Free rolls, however, mains over alts, main spec over alt spec, alt spec over DE. The winner of loot doesn't get to win anything again in that run until everyone else who would be rolling against them gets something. If we notice a trend of someone not winning, we'll force loot to them. If we notice a trend of someone avoiding loot, we'll call them out on it. There's also an understanding that if you raid 30% of the time, you might have your rolls ignored.

Been using it for 2 years with fairly good success. It has the rules and structure of a formal loot system but without the potential for people claiming favoritism under a loot counsel, or the tracking and "gaming" that goes on in a DKP system.

Also, KernelPanic, if your guild is more or less 10 man strict and you're giving loot upgrades from the first wing to alts over mains, you're gonna run into issues in the second wing I think. Putricide ended up being less the retard check I thought it was going to be and more a DPS/heal check. Our healers don't have enough gear to two heal it (resto shammy has a GS of 4550), and our DPS don't have enough gear to three heal it (hunter with a GS of 4700 and a DK with a GS of 5050, everyone else 5200+). Everyone's probably gonna need 5200+ to successfully do it. We spent 9 of our attempts on him last night with a couple of close attempts but not enough to kill him and not even enough to blow up green slimes before they explode.
Dunlop said:
I'm having a lot of fun in the instances, course they are all new for me. None seem particularily difficuly though.

I seem to be powerleving through BC just to hit WOTLK and get to the end content and be able to apply to a guild. There is really no point atm when my only toon is lvl 66

The instances are mostly run by alts in heirlooms since they're way easier than I remember.

I vaguely remember the instances and I'm playing a prot warrior and I've never tanked instances on him up until a few days ago, I still have little clue on how to do it.

Usually I just spam thunder clap, cleave and shockwave and stuff just dies :lol I've had a couple of bad pulls and adds from patrols and the like and we still have no problem AoEing stuff down.

Kinda worries me since I'm trying to learn warrior tanking (already got an 80 prot pally and feral druid) and I don't feel I'm doing that much tanking lol.
FLEABttn said:
Also, KernelPanic, if your guild is more or less 10 man strict and you're giving loot upgrades from the first wing to alts over mains, you're gonna run into issues in the second wing I think. Putricide ended up being less the retard check I thought it was going to be and more a DPS/heal check. Our healers don't have enough gear to two heal it (resto shammy has a GS of 4550), and our DPS don't have enough gear to three heal it (hunter with a GS of 4700 and a DK with a GS of 5050, everyone else 5200+). Everyone's probably gonna need 5200+ to successfully do it. We spent 9 of our attempts on him last night with a couple of close attempts but not enough to kill him and not even enough to blow up green slimes before they explode.

We're 10man strict guild with about 15-18 raiders of varying attendance. Our RL is really trying to cater to everyone at this point but obviously you can't make everyone happy. I'm really tempted to leave at this point, my 5400GS toon shouldn't be on the sidelines just someone can take their 4900 ele shammy. A lot of people have been in the guild for far longer than me so I think seniority is a factor here.

They had problems with Saurfang one week where the best DPSers weren't on, we usually one shot the guy. This rotation system they got going is just going to slowly kill us.

The kicker is they'll want me on Thursday for the 2nd wing, I'm tempted to just PuG it this week and tell them I'm saved.

If they want to gear up the senior people in the guild and their alts I might just leave and go somewhere where I'm needed. It'd be nice to be allowed to do 25man ICC as well :lol

Real nice group of people though, real friendly and all so I'm torn, I feel selfish.


AceBandage said:
Most of it will be in Cataclysm.
A lot of the old dungeons are getting a remake and upgraded for the higher levels.

As far as current announcements, only Deadmines and Shadowfang keep.

Ragnaros may be back, but he seems to be taking on a clearly different role in Hyjal. He may possibly become a retooled boss at some point, but I wouldn't expect him to be fundamentally the same as the original.

We're effectively getting Blackwing Lair 2 in the form of Blackwing Descent (I think that's the title that's been going around), but it does sound like a completely new dungeon with a few similar ideas, rather than a remake of the original.

I'd love to see a helpful guide at some point of "things you really need to get done before the Cataclysm hits". There's quite a lot of stuff that *could* potentially be removed for it.
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