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World of Warcraft

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KernelPanic said:
We're 10man strict guild with about 15-18 raiders of varying attendance. Our RL is really trying to cater to everyone at this point but obviously you can't make everyone happy. I'm really tempted to leave at this point, my 5400GS toon shouldn't be on the sidelines just someone can take their 4900 ele shammy. A lot of people have been in the guild for far longer than me so I think seniority is a factor here.

They had problems with Saurfang one week where the best DPSers weren't on, we usually one shot the guy. This rotation system they got going is just going to slowly kill us.

The kicker is they'll want me on Thursday for the 2nd wing, I'm tempted to just PuG it this week and tell them I'm saved.

If they want to gear up the senior people in the guild and their alts I might just leave and go somewhere where I'm needed. It'd be nice to be allowed to do 25man ICC as well :lol

Real nice group of people though, real friendly and all so I'm torn, I feel selfish.

Your guild sounds like a retard rodeo. Unless you are genuinely interested in doing an exclusive 10-man guild, quit and join another one. Do ICC25, and if you're going to be benched for the 10m easy bosses, go and run it with another group.


Modesty becomes a woman
mclem said:
As far as current announcements, only Deadmines and Shadowfang keep.

Ragnaros may be back, but he seems to be taking on a clearly different role in Hyjal. He may possibly become a retooled boss at some point, but I wouldn't expect him to be fundamentally the same as the original.

We're effectively getting Blackwing Lair 2 in the form of Blackwing Descent (I think that's the title that's been going around), but it does sound like a completely new dungeon with a few similar ideas, rather than a remake of the original.

I'd love to see a helpful guide at some point of "things you really need to get done before the Cataclysm hits". There's quite a lot of stuff that *could* potentially be removed for it.

I'm personally biting the bullet and getting loremaster. Even though I despise Kalim/Eastern Kingdoms I'd like to say I saw all what it had to offer before they update it.


KernelPanic said:
Real nice group of people though, real friendly and all so I'm torn, I feel selfish.

No more selfish than them bringing alts into progression raids and getting loot over mains. Again, you're playing the game for your amusement, not theirs.

Nice can only take you so far if the raids aren't where you want them to be.
mclem said:
As far as current announcements, only Deadmines and Shadowfang keep.

Ragnaros may be back, but he seems to be taking on a clearly different role in Hyjal. He may possibly become a retooled boss at some point, but I wouldn't expect him to be fundamentally the same as the original.

We're effectively getting Blackwing Lair 2 in the form of Blackwing Descent (I think that's the title that's been going around), but it does sound like a completely new dungeon with a few similar ideas, rather than a remake of the original.

I'd love to see a helpful guide at some point of "things you really need to get done before the Cataclysm hits". There's quite a lot of stuff that *could* potentially be removed for it.

I spent nearly 3 years on Kalimdor and EK before BC came out...
I think I've seen enough to last a life time.
I still have old 15 man Scholo flash backs.



mclem said:
Threat's imprecise in the in-game UI; it's in the form of "red glow around portrait: you have aggro" "yellow glow around portrait: You're close to getting aggro" "No glow around portrait: you're fine". Omen's better if you actually need numbers.

I forgot to mention, thank you so much for this. It was extremely useful for me.

KernelPanic said:
The instances are mostly run by alts in heirlooms since they're way easier than I remember.

My experience so far has been mostly with DK's as the tank and DK/hunters as the DPS. I think I have grouped with a single Warlock and Mage. Not that I am complaining as all the casting blue's that drop have pretty much defaulted to me.

Last night in Mana Tombs, the MT was a Druid. Outside of removing debuffs/diseases I almost never had to heal outside of using renew and the guy just never lost aggro.

For my noob question of the day, do you get badges in BC? I see the icon when I complete the instance but can't find any record of it on my character.
Dunlop said:
I forgot to mention, thank you so much for this. It was extremely useful for me.

My experience so far has been mostly with DK's as the tank and DK/hunters as the DPS. I think I have grouped with a single Warlock and Mage. Not that I am complaining as all the casting blue's that drop have pretty much defaulted to me.

Last night in Mana Tombs, the MT was a Druid. Outside of removing debuffs/diseases I almost never had to heal outside of using renew and the guy just never lost aggro.

For my noob question of the day, do you get badges in BC? I see the icon when I complete the instance but can't find any record of it on my character.

You do, but they are probably under Inactive on your character sheet.
Yaweee said:
Your guild sounds like a retard rodeo. Unless you are genuinely interested in doing an exclusive 10-man guild, quit and join another one. Do ICC25, and if you're going to be benched for the 10m easy bosses, go and run it with another group.

:lol Yeah I think my days are numbered and I personally hate the 10man strict crap. I shouldn't be locked out of 25man content because of some stupid guild ranking site.

I don't really know the other guilds out there and I certainly don't want to go out of the frying pan into the fire.

Thanks for your comments everyone, I appreciate it.

Dunlop said:
For my noob question of the day, do you get badges in BC? I see the icon when I complete the instance but can't find any record of it on my character.

You get emblems/badges for heroics, same as WoTLK. Doing the 60-70 regular versions you only got exp, gold and a random blue item.


thx for the help.

I assume I am only running in normal as I just click on the LFG icon and within a minute am running.

Plus the fact that the dungeons are pretty easy is another indication :D


KernelPanic said:
:lol Yeah I think my days are numbered and I personally hate the 10man strict crap. I shouldn't be locked out of 25man content because of some stupid guild ranking site.

I don't really know the other guilds out there and I certainly don't want to go out of the frying pan into the fire.

When a 10m Strict guild is using subs to fill spots that is huge red-flag. a 10m strict guild should be a very tight-knit group that plays with each other week-in and week-out. IMO.


3 and a half hours of wipes on Rotface 10. Our offtank doesn't know how to kite (his idea of kiting is walking backwards) and I (hunter) had to kite the big ooze around while the offtank did crappy dps. Most of the time I did fine kiting the ooze, except when infected people decided to try to merge thier small ooze with the big one and were only running behind it.

Didn't help that we had two incompetent healers that let the tank die or themselves die constantly.

VAIL said:
I rolled a lock now lvl 40, man those lock quests have you go to one end of the world and back again. It was near impossible to get Robes of Arcana on my server until I managed to find a tailor that had the same issue and made em up for me.
I remember that quest, and was fortunate enough to have a person in my guild that could make them. Afterwards, I farmed the mobs in Darkshore at the tower of Althaxx for the pattern. Was probably lucky, but I got it to drop within a couple of hours or less. Anytime I see someone in trade looking for a person that can make them I volunteer.


1up said:
3 and a half hours of wipes on Rotface 10. Our offtank doesn't know how to kite (his idea of kiting is walking backwards) and I (hunter) had to kite the big ooze around while the offtank did crappy dps. Most of the time I did fine kiting the ooze, except when infected people decided to try to merge thier small ooze with the big one and were only running behind it.

Didn't help that we had two incompetent healers that let the tank die or themselves die constantly.


If DPS is doing the kiting, you're gonna fail that encounter every single time.


1up said:
3 and a half hours of wipes on Rotface 10. Our offtank doesn't know how to kite (his idea of kiting is walking backwards) and I (hunter) had to kite the big ooze around while the offtank did crappy dps. Most of the time I did fine kiting the ooze, except when infected people decided to try to merge thier small ooze with the big one and were only running behind it.

Didn't help that we had two incompetent healers that let the tank die or themselves die constantly.


IF the DPS is the OT and the OT is the DPS then you are pretty much fucked and it is probably not the healers fault.

Of course, I play a healer in every MMO so I might just be defensive on the topic :D


You need a genuine tank as OT to kite the Big Ooze in Rotface, and they need to turn and run. Kiting the fucker isn't about maintaining aggro against it (at least not primarily so), but outrunning it and keeping it away from the raid. The kiter will have to run through the slime flood, and only somebody with a sizable HP can run through it safely.


Yaweee said:
You need a genuine tank as OT to kite the Big Ooze in Rotface, and they need to turn and run. Kiting the fucker isn't about maintaining aggro against it (at least not primarily so), but outrunning it and keeping it away from the raid. The kiter will have to run through the slime flood, and only somebody with a sizable HP can run through it safely.

Yea, they had me wearing full PVP gear for stamina. I'm just not going to do it next time. Funny thing is the OT says he has a 80 hunter, I asked if he ever jumped, turned around, fired a shot and turned straight again, he said he haven't. I told him he hasn't really played a hunter then.
joelseph said:
When a 10m Strict guild is using subs to fill spots that is huge red-flag. a 10m strict guild should be a very tight-knit group that plays with each other week-in and week-out. IMO.

That's what I think as well.

I brought this up and our GL claims he wants to have 2 10man teams, but we don't have enough people nor are we recruiting. With 2-3 nights for ICC a week plus ToGC that leaves little time as right now some people would have to bring alts to the 2nd run.


KernelPanic said:
That's what I think as well.

I brought this up and our GL claims he wants to have 2 10man teams, but we don't have enough people nor are we recruiting. With 2-3 nights for ICC a week plus ToGC that leaves little time as right now some people would have to bring alts to the 2nd run.

That's a sign to leave. The only purpose to have 2 10-mans is if you're going to be a 25 man guild. If you're not recruiting on top of wanting to stay a 10-man strict guild, that second 10 man is just going to be an alt raid, which always seem to be incredibly painful.

Find yourself a better option and leave.


Has problems recognising girls
mclem said:
I'd love to see a helpful guide at some point of "things you really need to get done before the Cataclysm hits". There's quite a lot of stuff that *could* potentially be removed for it.
I plan on going around Azeroth before the pre-Cataclysm patch and taking a few screenshots. Having leveled up my Druid it's going to be hell weird seeing Darkshore change let alone Ashenvale since they are much more fresh in my mind.


KernelPanic said:
:lol Yeah I think my days are numbered and I personally hate the 10man strict crap. I shouldn't be locked out of 25man content because of some stupid guild ranking site.

I don't really know the other guilds out there and I certainly don't want to go out of the frying pan into the fire.

Thanks for your comments everyone, I appreciate it.

You get emblems/badges for heroics, same as WoTLK. Doing the 60-70 regular versions you only got exp, gold and a random blue item.

If you decide to uproot and find another guild, just dont mention that the loot rules were at the center of your decision. Guild recruiters hate hearing that, no matter how absurd the loot issues are, its a huge turn off hearing that a player left their previous guild because of loot.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
If you decide to uproot and find another guild, just dont mention that the loot rules were at the center of your decision. Guild recruiters hate hearing that, no matter how absurd the loot issues are, its a huge turn off hearing that a player left their previous guild because of loot.
Well that's an easy one to explain away, just say they insisted on bringing in alts instead of keeping one main group and that you're looking for a more regular, cohesive experience. It's technically true.


Any guild/raid seeking advice?

I'll probably be around 4800gs and I don't know any of the fights. I can read/watch strategy but an inexperienced play is never wanted. I always see "gear and achievement checking" ads for pugs.


DeathNote said:
Any guild/raid seeking advice?

I'll probably be around 4800gs and I don't know any of the fights. I can read/watch strategy but an inexperienced play is never wanted. I always see "gear and achievement checking" ads for pugs.

I would suggest looking for one now. Your gear is likely great atm, very much up to par. But as these new wings open, if you dont have access to weekly clears, raiding guilds will upgrade and upgrade and finish tier sets and upgrade them and so on and so forth. The more time they spend in the new content that you dont, the further behind the curve your gear will become, which will likely end up with them having to 'gear you up' a bit to catch up with their progression.

Its why I chose to go ahead and apply to a guild about a week and a half ago. At that point, with a 251 trinket, 264 bow from deathwhisper, my 2 pc t10 and 2pct9 combo was almost on par with a good bit of their raiders (just a bit behind them). Transitioning me in was extremely easy and I havent had to be drug through ToGC25 on offnights by people who would really rather not be clearing that place again for the 1millionth time.

Besides, right now theres been enough time for guilds to try the new bosses and see exactly what they need to recruit. A prime time to get in and become a progression raider IMO.

Thats not really advice though....I guess all I can say is expect them to take picking you up, as seriously as you take filling out the application to join them. A little effort and a spell checker does wonders. Performance of course is key but I'm sure you wont have a problem there, getting them to give you a shot is the hurdle. G'luck.
speedpop said:
I plan on going around Azeroth before the pre-Cataclysm patch and taking a few screenshots. Having leveled up my Druid it's going to be hell weird seeing Darkshore change let alone Ashenvale since they are much more fresh in my mind.
I was planning on doing a video series of every zone before the 4.0 patch, doing a tour of them and showing off landmarks. Problem is I can't capture footage at a decent, stable framerate. I could do it, but you'd be looking at ~30 FPS and unstable at 1080p and not much better at 720p and I'd rather not do it like that. But if the demand is there I could do it.


Puncture said:
I would suggest looking for one now. Your gear is likely great atm, very much up to par. But as these new wings open, if you dont have access to weekly clears, raiding guilds will upgrade and upgrade and finish tier sets and upgrade them and so on and so forth. The more time they spend in the new content that you dont, the further behind the curve your gear will become, which will likely end up with them having to 'gear you up' a bit to catch up with their progression.

Its why I chose to go ahead and apply to a guild about a week and a half ago. At that point, with a 251 trinket, 264 bow from deathwhisper, my 2 pc t10 and 2pct9 combo was almost on par with a good bit of their raiders (just a bit behind them). Transitioning me in was extremely easy and I havent had to be drug through ToGC25 on offnights by people who would really rather not be clearing that place again for the 1millionth time.

Besides, right now theres been enough time for guilds to try the new bosses and see exactly what they need to recruit. A prime time to get in and become a progression raider IMO.

Thats not really advice though....I guess all I can say is expect them to take picking you up, as seriously as you take filling out the application to join them. A little effort and a spell checker does wonders. Performance of course is key but I'm sure you wont have a problem there, getting them to give you a shot is the hurdle. G'luck.
Thanks for the info.

Is http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/akama automatic or do guild members have to input data?

My friend is an officer in the 2nd further progressing horde guild and doesn't need extra dps at all. He told me to check out two guilds, which happen to be on the list. One's website says it doesn't need death knights tho.
DeathNote said:
Thanks for the info.

Is http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/akama automatic or do guild members have to input data?

My friend is an officer in the 2nd further progressing horde guild and doesn't need extra dps at all. He told me to check out two guilds, which happen to be on the list. One's website says it doesn't need death knights tho.

Well that's your main problem right there, death knight DPS is a dime a dozen.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeeha, got mah Saronite Gargoyle Cloak (before that douche that thought he owned it :lol)
Raided ICC-25 tonight and we skipped Putricide (still have yet to try him myself) after downing Festergut and Rotface, and went right on to Blood Prince Council. Wiped on them for over an hour and finally downed them minutes past when we usually end (11:00 server). This will leave 15 attempts up for Putricide and the Blood Queen tomorrow night.

I don't know if this really counts as a spoiler, since this information is pretty much all over the internet now, but I covered it just in case.
Council really comes down to awareness of who is getting the empowered council flame (so they can run away), moving out of shock vortex, and having a range tank that can repeatedly pick up dark nuclieus (need 3 up at all times to be safe) without losing threat during keleseth's empowerment periods. I tried tanking it first on my warlock and failed miserably. This may have also been because people were unintentionally doing aoe damage like cleaves around the range tank and stealing dark nuclieus. This pretty much kills the range tank and keleseth starts one shot'ing melee. After my failures, we had our shadow priest tank it and he did fine (once people stopped stealing dark nuclieus)

The only other thing to worry about are the falling kinetic bombs, which have to be dps'd to keep them in the air and prevent them from exploding. We kept hunters on them and had occasional dps from others if the kinetic bombs got too close to the ground.

Taldaram needs to be tanked against a wall facing away from raid to avoid unecessary damage to the raid.
I think it really just took time for everyone to be on the same page. After wiping repeatedly, everyone started to grasp when vortex would go off and where.


I'm doing ICC now and again (having great luck just pugging it with good guilds on my server) on my hunter main, but I've been really focusing on leveling my druid. It's a class I've never liked, and it took me years to get through the first 30 levels.

Up to 57 on it, and goddamn do I love this class. So versatile, and tanking and healing (dual-specced) is just more fun than the other classes I've tried in those roles, for whatever reason. It's a nice challenge difference from being a (lol) hunter, but druids really are beasts (pun intended).


Angry Grimace said:
Yeeha, got mah Saronite Gargoyle Cloak (before that douche that thought he owned it :lol)

Grats! I still have yet to see it. But the good way I look at things, I'm the only plate DPS in the main raid group thus I get every drop that benefits me, so when it does decide to drop I'll get it. I keep telling myself that, especially after getting frustrated that I still have yet to see it (no luck again tonight), and I sorely need an upgrade there.

I don't want to have to burn emblems on that vendor cloak :(


funkmastergeneral said:
Well that's your main problem right there, death knight DPS is a dime a dozen.
i don't think so. i just looked at the guilds on wow armory. on a guesstimated average, they all have the same amount of dps players per class. i'm factoring in class than can do healing and tanks. and some are recruiting death knights.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Grats! I still have yet to see it. But the good way I look at things, I'm the only plate DPS in the main raid group thus I get every drop that benefits me, so when it does decide to drop I'll get it. I keep telling myself that, especially after getting frustrated that I still have yet to see it (no luck again tonight), and I sorely need an upgrade there.

I don't want to have to burn emblems on that vendor cloak :(
The attempts on the Lower Spire were so half-hearted and half-assed too.

Marrowgar went well, becuase he's a joke.
Deathwhisper: Bad timing on taking down the mana shield meant adds gibbed one of our tanks. We one tanked her from full to 0 by taunting her a lot. :lol
Gunship: My cat got in front of the screen, so that I took a rocket to the face. I got a B-rez, only to rez on top of a rocket strike and die again. :lol
Saurfang: switched back to unholy, wondered after the fight why I came in 2nd on DPS. Probably because I switched from Frost to Unholy and had no presence on at all. :lol

We didn't wipe at all on these, but it just goes to show how much of a joke the Lower Spire is.

For the record, I was rocking a Hammerhead Sharkskin Cloak before this, so yeah, pretty big upgrade.


People called Romanes they go the house?
J-Rzez said:
Grats! I still have yet to see it. But the good way I look at things, I'm the only plate DPS in the main raid group thus I get every drop that benefits me, so when it does decide to drop I'll get it. I keep telling myself that, especially after getting frustrated that I still have yet to see it (no luck again tonight), and I sorely need an upgrade there.

I don't want to have to burn emblems on that vendor cloak :(

Heh, this reminds me of our 2 hunters and 2 dk dps who are absolutely hoarding dkp for Deathbringer's Will.

Still haven't seen that drop yet :lol

Man, Blood princes kicked our ass, our healers weren't aware of how much damage the non-empowered tank would be taking.
DeathNote said:
i don't think so. i just looked at the guilds on wow armory. on a guesstimated average, they all have the same amount of dps players per class. i'm factoring in class than can do healing and tanks. and some are recruiting death knights.


DKs are still the most common class at level 80. That doesn't mean you'll never find a guild, but I think that's what funk was getting at.
Got my Priest to lvl 20 and did some first time healing in Ragefire and Shadowfang Keep. Sometimes it goes ok, the other time the tank rushes, pulls too much, I go oom and we wipe, or the mage blizzards everything and dies, or the shaman puts up a fire totem pulling aggro we don't want. It sure is eventful, haha xD


So I respecced with this build
and I went from the bottom of the dps pool to the top.... good stuff.

2 levels to go and I'll have my 2nd 80...not bad for a toon that originally started as an inside joke of sorts. Here she is in the Armory if any rogues have any input, I'd love to hear it.


GasProblem said:
Got my Priest to lvl 20 and did some first time healing in Ragefire and Shadowfang Keep. Sometimes it goes ok, the other time the tank rushes, pulls too much, I go oom and we wipe, or the mage blizzards everything and dies, or the shaman puts up a fire totem pulling aggro we don't want. It sure is eventful, haha xD

You are going to get this more often than not with PUG's, don't worry you will learn to adapt :D

If you are not already, make sure to use liberal use of renew. It is instant cast and will give you a buffer for your bigger heal.

example as tank pulls mobs put a renew on. If he pulls to much and is getting hammered:

renew again
Power word shield
Greater heal
if your icon is red then cast fade as well

For this sequence, the renew is building up the tanks HP, the shield helps with the spike damage and then you get the big heal off which should put you back in the clear....

This is assuming that the tank has kept aggro, he is the most important to keep alive. If the mage wipes you can probably still manage, but if you spend all your casting time/mana keeping the DPS alive and the tanks drops than you will probably wipe.

Made the brutal mistake of dropping my 300 engineering to take tailoring, I got it to 75 and wool cloth is going for 35G a stack.

I hit 67 and now I got my freaking Allods invite, it was actually that game that got me thinking about WOW...and now I am loving WOW but at a crossroads as to whether I can actually get in a ok guild in WOTLK or if I should just put it back on hold and play allods...decisions, decisions.


Our MT took over the role of tanking Keleseth last night in both our 10 man and 25 man after the Shadow Priest was getting owned.

Had no problems and killed them on the 2nd pull of the night on them in 25 man.

Lag was horrible on the instance servers last night so we didn't touch Putricide or Lanatheil to save attempts. Killed Blood Queen on 10, crazy fight.

VAIL said:
So I respecced with this build
and I went from the bottom of the dps pool to the top.... good stuff.

2 levels to go and I'll have my 2nd 80...not bad for a toon that originally started as an inside joke of sorts. Here she is in the Armory if any rogues have any input, I'd love to hear it.

Seems fine. That spec is pretty much the cookie cutter raiding mutilate spec. Only thing I have different is Fleetfooted over Quick Recovery because I'm expertise capped and my specials don't miss.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Dunlop said:
You are going to get this more often than not with PUG's, don't worry you will learn to adapt :D

If you are not already, make sure to use liberal use of renew. It is instant cast and will give you a buffer for your bigger heal.

example as tank pulls mobs put a renew on. If he pulls to much and is getting hammered:

renew again
Power word shield
Greater heal
if your icon is red then cast fade as well

For this sequence, the renew is building up the tanks HP, the shield helps with the spike damage and then you get the big heal off which should put you back in the clear....

This is assuming that the tank has kept aggro, he is the most important to keep alive. If the mage wipes you can probably still manage, but if you spend all your casting time/mana keeping the DPS alive and the tanks drops than you will probably wipe.

Made the brutal mistake of dropping my 300 engineering to take tailoring, I got it to 75 and wool cloth is going for 35G a stack.

I hit 67 and now I got my freaking Allods invite, it was actually that game that got me thinking about WOW...and now I am loving WOW but at a crossroads as to whether I can actually get in a ok guild in WOTLK or if I should just put it back on hold and play allods...decisions, decisions.

I use Disc as my healing tree for my low lvl priest, and i barely use Renew. Not only because it's more mana expensive than a Flash Heal with my talents, but PW: Shield and Flash shield is just enough to keep everyone alive and give better results than a HOT. Meditation in the Disc tree also helps a lot for low lvl healing, and with all the talents to reduce mana costs AND giving mana back to the priest everytime a shield is completely absorbed.. what's not to like? And at lvl 60, Penance is a sweet "Oh shit HEAL HEAL" button. :D


Bisnic said:
I use Disc as my healing tree for my low lvl priest, and i barely use Renew. Not only because it's more mana expensive than a Flash Heal with my talents, but PW: Shield and Flash shield is just enough to keep everyone alive and give better results than a HOT. Meditation in the Disc tree also helps a lot for low lvl healing, and with all the talents to reduce mana costs AND giving mana back to the priest everytime a shield is completely absorbed.. what's not to like? And at lvl 60, Penance is a sweet "Oh shit HEAL HEAL" button. :D

good points, I believe he was specced shadow (?). The HOTS were to also give a buffer if the shit hits the fan and you are knocked down or stunned to give you time to react.

In a normal group, I use a renew then flash heals and PW:Shield. The shield talents along with the proc that can give you a instacast/free Flash heal are fuck awesome and did not exist in the olden days...


Zod's Longbow finally dropped from Deathwhisper last night. I don't know how I ended up being the only hunter main in my guild but it certainly has its benefits. :D


VAIL said:
So I respecced with this build
and I went from the bottom of the dps pool to the top.... good stuff.

2 levels to go and I'll have my 2nd 80...not bad for a toon that originally started as an inside joke of sorts. Here she is in the Armory if any rogues have any input, I'd love to hear it.

You don't have the gear level to do a rupture less rotation, I would go for a rupture build instead of the one you have right now, your DPS will increase. Once you have enough Tier9 (gear and weapon) you'll be able to go back to that spec and do a rupture less rotation


Fularu said:
You don't have the gear level to do a rupture less rotation, I would go for a rupture build instead of the one you have right now, your DPS will increase. Once you have enough Tier9 (gear and weapon) you'll be able to go back to that spec and do a rupture less rotation

Got a build you could point me at? Also, I want to do a fair amount of PVP/Arena and would like a build for that as well.


Stridone said:
I used to play PvE but I really missed world pvp. Any recommendations for a faction-balanced, fun EU pvp server with a decent amount of world pvp?

Anyone? I have no idea what PVP server to pick.


VAIL said:
Got a build you could point me at? Also, I want to do a fair amount of PVP/Arena and would like a build for that as well.

arena junkies and elitist jerks forums are your friend, check them out


Really Really Exciting Member!
Stridone said:
Anyone? I have no idea what PVP server to pick.

Good luck getting a PVP server with good world PVP.

3.3 killed what little was left of world pvp (fighting at summoning stones), with the instant teleports inside dungeons. You might get lucky and get some PVP fights around Icecrown where people do the Argent Tournament's dailies.

Sure, there is still Alliance attacking Crossroad/Tarren Mill or Horde attacking Southshore/Redridge or whatever if you get lucky(unlucky on low lvl alts :p)
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