KernelPanic said:We're 10man strict guild with about 15-18 raiders of varying attendance. Our RL is really trying to cater to everyone at this point but obviously you can't make everyone happy. I'm really tempted to leave at this point, my 5400GS toon shouldn't be on the sidelines just someone can take their 4900 ele shammy. A lot of people have been in the guild for far longer than me so I think seniority is a factor here.
They had problems with Saurfang one week where the best DPSers weren't on, we usually one shot the guy. This rotation system they got going is just going to slowly kill us.
The kicker is they'll want me on Thursday for the 2nd wing, I'm tempted to just PuG it this week and tell them I'm saved.
If they want to gear up the senior people in the guild and their alts I might just leave and go somewhere where I'm needed. It'd be nice to be allowed to do 25man ICC as well :lol
Real nice group of people though, real friendly and all so I'm torn, I feel selfish.
Your guild sounds like a retard rodeo. Unless you are genuinely interested in doing an exclusive 10-man guild, quit and join another one. Do ICC25, and if you're going to be benched for the 10m easy bosses, go and run it with another group.